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Realistic or Modern Unusual Highschoolers

What's so unusual?

There are a few highschoolers from Albion High that are seemingly average students. Not quite so. They are different from the rest in, well, unusual ways. They have powers that you'd only hear in stories and movies, but not real life. They are a lot less powerful, but the powers are definitely inhuman. It makes you wonder where these people really came from. Other than the fact that all of these unusual kids go to the same normal highschool and that they have powers, there is one more thing that makes them unusual. They're all orphans. Now are you wondering where the hell they came from? Of course you are! But here's the catch: you're one of those unusual highschoolers.
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Angela woke up, hit with a sudden realization that she was supposed to be on her way to Albion High already. She held her breath to slow time and quickly got dressed in her normal daily swag. She grabbed her backpack and ran out the door, arriving at the school within practically seconds since she slowed time. Angela let out her breath and took a few deep breaths before entering the building, looking at the ground as she walked to her locker.
Katie's deep sleep had been interrupted by the sound of her alarm going off. Her eyes opened wide, "It had been such a lovely dream." Yawning, she looked right and turned off the alarm. "Another Day" She rushed to her closet and picked out some casual clothes. One second she's holding the clothes out in front of her, Two seconds later with a sound of light wind she changed into those clothes. With the same speed she grabbed her bag and was out the door, on her way to school. Katie made sure to run around to the side of Albion High, as to avoid the looks of her fellow students who would clearly notice something off. She stopped and bent over trying to catch her breath before she went inside. Going around back to join others coming in with their rides.
Ethan woke up like any other day. He rolled out of bed and turned off his alarm clock. He took a shower, got dresssed, and ate breakfast. He then grabbed his backpack, and walked to school.
Angela got her books out and hurried to her 1st hour class- World History. She slid into the desk in the back corner of the classroom. She slouched in the desk and doodled in her almost full notebook. She didn't pay the least bit of attention to anything or anyone except her doodling.
Echo slowly woke up, with the sound of calming rivers through his ears, drowning out the loud outside noise. After getting ready, he waved to his aunt Maggie, before quickly heading to school. Switching to listen on about the recent news via the radio on his phone through his earbuds, it was mostly the usual stuff, so he thought about the TV show his uncle had been watching recently.

This train of thought crashed, when Echo reached his destination, with a teacher who'd been annoying him since forever, ordered the music to be turned off. Pointing over to a pair of students nearby who were kissing was enough to distract the guy, who hadn't even bothered to pay attention really, as Echo slipped past him into the classroom without even touching his earbuds. "If your not gonna notice something in the first place, why the hell complain about it?" Echo murmured, before taking a seat in the back of the classroom for his first yet worst class, World History.
Ethan made his way to his first class, world history. He arrived right as the bell rung, and he quickly sat down In an empty seat. He let out a small yawn, last night he didn't get that much sleep. Ethan turner his head and looked out of a nearby window, and he immediately started to space out.
Katie didn't have anyone to talk to before the bell rang for first period, so she got to her class right away. She found a seat towards the front and put her bag down. Getting out her books she took notice of the clock and sighed. The bell was going to ring in a minute. She thought she was faster this time. Putting her binder on the desk and a smile on her face the bell rang. World History had started.
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Angela realized suddenly that the World History teacher, Mr. Shiller, was teaching today's lesson on the Dark Ages. A corner of her mouth lifted and she turned to the teacher, actually paying attention for once. She didn't like learning much in Wold History, but she did particularly like hearing about the Dark Ages. She brushed the left side of her hair behind her ear and continued listening in as Mr. Shiller went on about Knights, serfs, and feudalism.
Echo turned up the volume of the music going through his ears, as the history teacher started ranting about stuff during the medieval ages, uncaring if it bothered any of the students could hear it just as long as it droned out the noise he didn't want to hear. Glancing down at his phone under his desk, Echo cycled through the different songs until a old-rock style one showed up.

Pressing play before silently placing his phone back in his pocket, he pretended to care about whatever the teacher was saying. Although Echo's expression gave away his boredom, as though his disguise was as revealing as glass.
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A lesson on the Dark Ages. As the class began, Katie quickly took a look around the class. More classmates than usual were paying attention to the teacher this time around. This was probably more of an interesting topic to them rather then learning about who invented the printing press or how our nation was founded. She just shrugged it off and turned her attention back to the teacher.
Angela glanced at the clock by the door and saw that class was pretty much over. She packed up and got ready to leave as soon as the bell would ring. She glared at the clock and realized she'd been holding her breath in anticipation. Damn... So that's why time wasn't moving... She thought to herself as she let the breath escape her mouth and she breathed normally. She silently chuckled at what she'd just done.
The class was coming to a close. It was interesting to learn more about this subject matter. The bell suddenly rang so I started to pack my binder up. No matter how good the lesson was, everyone rushes for the door. It was looking to be another average day at Albion High.
Ethan was bored of this class. He didn't care about the hundred years war, or about guilds. The only thing on his mind was basketball. Yes it was something that he was good at, but it was the only spirt that he actually enjoyed playing. Not tonly mention that he has nothing better to do.
Roxanne jiggled her leg up and down, anticipating the moment the bell would ring and she could get to her next class. The Dark Ages were very interesting and all with clashes for dominance, "but there's only so many times we can go hear ye, hear ye before it gets old." Her lips quirked up at the joke she told to herself, and then continued into a Monty Python-esque parade of humor, completely missing some of the lesson.
Luna slightly bored, if the history class are about World War 1 or World War 2 she maybe still a little bit excited, but since it's about The Dark Ages, when people still use swords and bows, she shows no interest to the subject

"Well the bells gonna rings anyway" sighed Luna as she saw the clock, ready to pack her equipments
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Angela jumped up and rushed out the door to her next class once the bell rang. She hurried to her locker and exchanged books. She also took a candy bar out of her backpack and ate it on the way to her next class, Language Skills. Angela frowned when she entered. Someone had already taken the very back corner of the classroom. She shrugged her shoulders and made her way to the other back corner of the classroom.
"Huh, Finally" said Luna as she race out from the class "and the next lesson is ..... Language skills ? wonder if the teacher will want me to use the Dark Side Language", said Luna as she mimic Darth Vader Voice by emerging bit of the armor in her neck.

Giggled a bit she then rushed to her next class and place her equipments in the middle seat, where she always been.
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Crow woke up, sunlight filtering through his window. His alarm was no longer going off, it had taken too long. He looked over at it, his head foggy. "I had to be up... I had to be up early for something..." He mutters drowsily. Then his eyes widen. "Oh shit, I'm late for school!" He gets up quickly and dresses, black jeans, white shirt, then hurries out to the kitchens where he eats whatever he can eat quickly, this time two granola bars, a glass of milk, some beef jerky, and a doughnut, then shrugs on his ever-present jacket (he doubted he'd need it, but it's good to be safe), pulls on his boots, feeds walks out, and locks the apartment door, then runs to school.
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Katie was finally out of the history classroom and into the crowded halls. Her next class was language skills, her least favorite class. It wasn't that it was hard or anything. She just didn't like the teacher and tried to avoid sitting in the front if she could. As she entered the classroom she looked towards the back. There was one seat empty back there so Katie rushed to take it. Setting her bag down and waiting for the bell.
Once the bell, that stupid, useless, hell-raising bell rung, he jumped up like a jolt of lightning went through his body. Echo raised the volume of the music through his earbuds even louder, to the point the lyrics were easily audible, before getting his backpack and leaving the classroom. Reaching his locker, Echo debated to skip his next class which was Algebra, since that was his best class besides Biology. After most of the students in the halls had gotten to their classes, he settled on skipping it and heading to the library.

Taking his earphones out and turning his phone off, since he wouldn't need the music to drown out the noise, Echo relaxed in an empty chair. Closing his eyes, eventually he felt the usual odd, yet drug-like sensation come over him. Echo had gotten used to the feeling, as it meant his powers were ready. Focusing while keeping his eyes closed, images began to appear in his mind every time his ears picked up a sound. Someone accidentally flung a pencil towards him, but despite it coming from behind him, Echo dodged it easily. He had to hold back from laughing at the student's confused face, and started to walk around the library to freely use his powers without all those deafening noises everywhere else.
Crow arrives at school, late, and decides to seek refuge in the library. He walks in and stealthily makes his way over, making sure not to be seen by any adults until he reaches the library, and walks in.
Ethan exited world history, and slithered his way through the crowded halls. He stopped for some water and then he was back to walking. Ethan was surprisingly early to language skills, so he eagerly took a seat that was near the back. Again, like any other class this wasn't his best subject.
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