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Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation


"I'm fine now." Cris answered simply, not having much to elaborate on. Last time he had written any of his friends, he was still in Austin, working as a personal assistant for the CEO of Publishing House Books. Back when everything was still alright. "And I missed my crazy bunch as well. Have you been well?" he asked Danny, trying bluntness opposed to details. It's an unspoken agreement that you don't shit around with topics of their sort. Besides, he was known as the eternally happy friend. Cris never wanted to bring out the sadness in people if he didn't have to. Wating for a reply, he squeezed Danny's hand, hoping she'd understand that he was still the same guy from highschool.



Nadia Kaufman

Nadia looked around until a girl approached her, asking if she was lost. This wasn't the way Nadia expected for someone to approach her, but oh well. It wasn't exactly up to her. She briefly pursed her lips in a small fit of nervousness. She was, in fact, lost, for she didn't know left from right in the gargantuan mansion. Nadia also believed that this may have been a perfect scenario to attempt to establish a conversation with at least a sliver of substance to it. "Yes, I am," she said, emitting a soft French accent from her lips that flowed like water.



Danny listened to him talk, recognizing the rehearsed speech for when people asked how they were. It was instinct to cover up your tracks, act as though nothing had happened, in an attempt to move on from the anguish and pain already caused from leaving abruptly. There was no sense in pressing for more, he knew where she had been and her him, as long as he knew she was a resource that was all that mattered. "I'm alright" she smiled, squeezing his hand back and smiling at him for a moment. She hugged his hand to her chest, squeezing it tightly and smiling solemnly, knowing he had probably faced the same scary things she had. "Let's go have some fun Cris, make it a summer to remember" she added, standing up and pulling him with her. They needed to let it all go, and this was their chance to pretend it never happened.



Ian walked out of the kitchen door and towards the side of the house, he was sure that nobody would find him to rant about not having fun or whatever else. Placing his head against the wall he stared at the sky, spinning his phone around in his hand absentmindedly. He unlocked it to find no messages from his parents or any of the few friends that he had that weren't invited. He needed a distraction from all the excitement the house held. Of course he loved all the fun he and his friends had... But Ian's always been more mellow than the rest, a little bit of a rush was great, but he couldn't take too much. To Ian fun and enjoyment was like a drug, once he had a little he can't get enough and will go overboard.

Like the one time he got arrested for setting an abandoned house on fire.

Stella smiled small and rocked back and forth on her heels. "I'm Stella and I love your accent." She had never heard someone with a strong accent before and she was amazed. Doesn't sound like too much to be amazed about but, being the shy Stella she is, its very rare to hear it. "I'll have to show you around. But first, you should go find a room to your liking." Stella motioned for Nadia to follow her, leading her up the stairs.


Jade listened carefully to what Audrey had to say about her situation. "It's not crushing, it's...hypothetical," she mumbled nervously, not wanting to believe she was crushing on anyone. She thought about her feelings and sighed when Audrey paused. "That's the thing though. I don't know what my feelings are. I mean I've always kind of liked him, so this isn't a sudden thing, but I choose not to say anything. I guess I'm just closing off because I'm scared of getting hurt. I mean, I've never heard him say he likes anyone else, but then again, he's never said he likes me and I don't think he does. At least not in the same way. I'm too scared to tell him how I really feel because I don't want to get hurt and I don't want things to get awkward between us then this whole vacation would be ruined," she said with a sigh. She didn't know how else to word it, and she knew she could trust Audrey with every piece of information she told her.

Standing up, she grabbed the girl's hand and pulled her away from the house and out to the lake. She wasn't sure why she was about to do this, but she had to get it all off her chest in order for her to feel better. Once they got to the lake, she turned to face the girl and sighed softly, letting go of her hand and pulling her hair down. Jade ran a hand through the reddish-orange hair and looked Audrey dead in the eyes. "I guess my main question is... How...how do I tell Roland that I like him without things being weird for the next three months?" she asked in a bit of a hurry, her cheeks turning red enough to almost match her hair.


Roe gave the girl a small smile, thankful for her little advice before she mentioned the horse. "Yeah, definitely." He watched as the other girl turned and walked away, searching for Jade. In the meantime, Roland turned his attention back to the kitchen, blocking out any sounds and leaving himself to his thoughts. It was only he and Alice, but the boy didn't feel like talking anymore, choosing to just think. If he could only find out what's wrong with Jade and Cris, maybe he'll feel better. The thing is, Roe isn't used to being the cause of problems, rather the solutions, if he even is the cause of their problems. But they way they both retreated made him feel as if he'd done something wrong. No, this wasn't going to work, he simply could not just sit there.

Downing the last of his chips, Roland got up, exiting the house through the back door. He walked around the perimeter for a bit, looking for any signs of life to talk to. After a while, he made his way back to the lake, deciding to check out there as he hadn't done it before. Grinning, he spotted two people out there talking. He didn't know if he wanted to intrude on their conversation of not, but as her got closer, he made out a blob of red hair and realized it was Jade and Audrey. He sped up a bit, finally working up the confidence to figure talk to them. He made his way over, a grin on his face. "Oh great, now that you're here we can talk."


Audrey Charlotte Taylor



[Disclaimer: Outfits not made by me, credits to original owner]

Audrey raised a slight brow when Jade denied it was hypothetically speaking than actually speaking she may have a crush on soemone? She wasn't an expertise or professional and no one should take her word for it, but. . if instincts told her right, the girl was crushing on someone. Who? She didn't know. But, it always made her jump for joy inside, to know someone was crushing, especially a good friend of hers. Audrey supressed her smile and intently listened to Jade speak. Jade made a good point. . it was a close friend of theirs? And she didn't want to be hurt either. Audrey frowned slightly, she didn't want either of her friends to get hurt, especially Jade. It was more complicated than Audrey had thought. She didn't say anything as she let Jade speak as they walked down away from the house towards the lake.

Audrey looked around, seeing if there was anyone but it was only herself and Jade.
"That's understandable, to be closed off and not want to be hurt. I wouldn't want my good friend to hurt either. . But sometimes, taking risk and chances is all we have. If I didn't take the risk and courage to talk to you, then we wouldn't have ever met, right?" However, as Audrey spoke, Jade revealed who it was: Roe. Her eyes lit up slightly and her mouth formed a bit "o". But before Audrey could say another word, a voice called to her attention. She looked over and it was no other than Roe. Audrey's mouth formed a thin line as she gave Jade a quick glance, whispering, "We'll talk some more about this later." At that, Audrey squeezed Jade's shoulder, and then rolled her eyes playfully at Roe, folding her arms. "I thought we were all meeting up in the kitchen? But it seems like you guys need to chat." Before leaving, Audrey hugged Jade, whispering once more, "It'll be okay, be yourself. I like who you are." At that, Audrey walked away and looked towards Roe, sticking her tongue at him playfully.

@JaneXJeff @SomatoToup123

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Not even five seconds after her confession, she heard an all-too-familiar voice, causing her to jump and all the color to drain out of her face. As she regained the color, Audrey announced she was leaving, and Jade immediately gave her a look, silently begging her not to. But if didn't work. Reluctantly hugging the girl back, she nodded ever so slightly, and with that, the blonde was gone. Damn. Taking a deep breath, she waited for Audrey to be completely out of sight before finally glancing over at Roe.

"Yeah we do," she said simply, knowing that she might as well get it out the way on the first night rather than letting her thoughts eat her alive. "About a lot actually," she added and sat down on the sand, taking her shoes off and placing her feet in the water before patting a spot next to her for him. "But because I need to think about how I can word what I need to say, you can go first," she said with a small laugh as she tried to smile, though it wasn't as wholehearted as she had wanted it to be.


Although Roe laughed at Audrey's departure, a small amount of nervousness crept up on him. He watched as the other girl walked away, whispering a few words in Jade's ear before she left. He wondered what she was telling her, and if Jade was just as nervous as he was. He noticed her take a seat on the sand and motioned him to sit down next to her, which he did. At least they both knew they had something to talk about, but that didn't settle his nerves a bit. Roe kicked off his shoes, placing them next to him as he let a short silence fall between the two. But everything had to come to an end at some point, so listening to her persuasion, Roland was the one to talk first.

"I just- I just want to know what happened." He started. For the first time since he sat down, Roland looked over at the red-headed girl. "One second we were chilling at the pool, and the next, everyone was running away from me, like I was some sort of disease." He looked down, a blush spreading across his face at his next words. "And usually I like being in the center of attention, so it," he paused, taking a deep breath, "it really hurt when you guys left. It was like I did something wrong, it made me feel unwanted." Roe usually doesn't tell much about his feelings, so it was natural for him to look down at the ground the whole time. He hated how sad he sounded while talking, it wasn't like him.



Jade listened to him very carefully, just the mere thought of him feeling unwanted making her heart hurt. Frowning softly, Jade stared out at the water as she thought carefully. "I don't know what was wrong with Cris, but I had my own reasons for getting out. I swear to god it wasn't because you did anything bad. And I don't want you to feel unwanted. In all actuality, I want you to feel wanted," she said simply as she glanced over at him. Taking a deep breath, she looked out at the lake and let it all come out before she could chicken out again.

"I like you. Like really like you. I have for months now. I just never said anything or showed anything because I was scared of getting hurt. Terrified really. I still am. I don't want things to be awkward between us either. That's why I got out of the pool earlier. I didn't want to take the chance of doing something I regretted," she said as her head lowered so she was looking at the sand, her hand going up to her necklace. "Ever since my brother died I've been scared of pain so I closed up and then I opened up again and now I'm scared I'm gonna end up hurting all over again so I just kept my feelings to myself. I'm scared to admit it to myself, but I've let myself fall for you and I don't know what to do," she finally said and closed her mouth to keep from rambling. Now for the hardest part: waiting.


Roland tilted his head up at her, giving her a smile as he listened quietly. It felt better to know that he hadn't done anything wrong, that he hadn't completely screwed up to make her hate him. Now all he had to do was talk to Cris and see what was his reason. His smile morphed as she spoke, getting sadder and sadder with each word. Before he knew it, he was pulling Jade into a hug. "I'm sorry." He whispered. He knew she was hurting from her brother, and then she'd had another problem to worry about, even if he couldn't control it. Roe pulled back, the guilt spreading through his body as he carefully thought over his next words. Hurting Jade was the last thing he wanted to do, but if he didn't say something now she might get even more hurt in the future.

"I know your brother has made you, well, fragile." He winced at his choice of words, the conversation not going at all how he wanted it. "Not fragile, but, afraid to open up, I guess. And you can trust me when I say this, I'd never try to hurt you." Roland looked over at Jade, choosing not to stare at the ground but at her. He waited until his eyes met hers before he continued. "But I don't know if I think of you in that way. I mean, you're like, my closest friend, and I'm confused enough about myself already, but I think that's all I think of you as, my friend, my best friend. And I just hope we can stay that way." Now, Roland wasn't entirely used to the whole feeling of rejection, but he can tell by the looks on girls faces when he says 'no' that it must hurt. "Besides, why would you want to like someone like me, you know how I am with the ladies." He tried to bring in some humor, hoping the air wasn't too heavy between them.

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Jade remained quiet even as he pulled her into a hug. She probably would have returned it if she didn't feel so numb. When he pulled away, she stared back down at the ground, finding it hard to look at hom. However, when he paused, she really had no choice but to look up at him. When she did, she found it impossible to look away, even as he rejected her and her facial expression changed from sad to just plain hurt. She didn't even bother trying to smile as he attempted to lighten the mood. Hell, she couldn't even if she wanted to. "Why? Because, unlike a lot of people, I know that no one is perfect and frankly, I just don't care. What you don't get is that you're perfectly imperfect to me," she said, not bothering to hide the shakiness of her voice as she fought off tears and stood up, grabbing her shoes and heading back up towards the house, having to wipe a few tears away in the process. At that point she needed to be alone before she broke in front of everyone. Walking back into the house, she chose to go to Audrey and whispered seven simple words to her. "This is why I didn't say anything." And with that, she practically ran upstairs, pausing to wave a simple hello to Nadia, and ran to her room, closing and locking the door. Before she could take another step, the feeling of rejection hitting her like a train. Sliding down to the floor, she leaned back against he door and let the tears fall steadily. She hated feeling so vulnerable, especially so soon into this vacation, but it wasn't anything she could help.

Roland didn't miss the shakiness of her voice or the change of her facial expression. He probably would have let her comment go to his head if it weren't for the fact that she wasn't joking. Roe slowly slipped back on his shoes and made his way back over towards the house, his walk completely silent on the trip. There was no cheery humming or birds chirping or anything for that matter, just the sound of his heavy footsteps in the dirt. Guilt loomed over his chest as he entered the house again, noticing the irony in the situation as he was staying in the house of the girl who's heart he just broke. Roland spotted Audrey and made his way over to the girl, suspecting that maybe Jade talked to her already and now Audrey hated him too.

"Did you talk to her? I- Is she really mad?" He stuttered a bit, the reality of what he'd done finally sinking in. He had thought that he'd did the right thing of letting her down, but maybe it wasn't the right thing. Maybe he should have just faked it until he felt something for the other girl. As stupid as that sounded, it seemed to be a better option than hurting her the way he did. And Cris, oh god he still needed to talk to Cris and figure out why he didn't want to be near him either. Surely the other boy couldn't have a crush on him too, right?


Audrey Charlotte Taylor



[Disclaimer: Outfits not made by me, credits to original owner]

As Audrey made her way back to the house, she skipped along the trail, taking in the nice sunset that was in front of her. If there was another thing she loved more than romance, it was the nice sunset just before the sun goes down, the sun rising to greet the morning dews, and stargazing. Something about watching those three scenaries made her heart race, however, she was at peace with herself and the world. It was her alone time: a time for her to think back on what she's accomplished, make some goals in life, and to have a down-time where she goes through all the cons and the pros of what happened that day. And today, Audrey found herself wondering how to help Jade. Would Jade confess her feelings to Roe? Or would she wait until later on? Would Roe share the same feelings? Or would he reject her? How could she help her two friends. . knowing. . they may not share the same feelings or would they. . ? She knew of Jade's feelings but what about Roland? Did he ever think about relationships? Actually, speaking of which. . the topic never came up between each of them. It just wasn't needed to speak about unless something major occured. What if her friends hurt each other? What would happen then? Audrey would feel horrible. . but what if something good happened. . ? Ruffling her hair, Audrey sighed as she finally arrived inside the house. Looking around, Audrey frowned, wondering where everyone was. However, she heard voices in the front of the house and made her way there. She was greeted by two girls: Stella and another girl she had yet to meet. Well, she had met Stella a few times before, but it was more of a quick wave and greetings than anything. As for the other girl, with exotic features that sort of made Audrey a bit envious, she hadn't met. She was about to greet the girl, but Stella already decided to take her under her wing, so Audrey opted to stay out of it and wait until later to made herself known. Walking back to the kitchen, Audrey waved towards Alice as she went to go and hug her from behind,
"Boo!" Audrey giggled, but then stepped back, "Sorry, Alice, I couldn't just leave you alone, it was too peaceful! I'll go and grab the others since it looks like no one heard me yet." She said softly, winking at Alice. "Don't work too hard! Relax too! I'll be back, so take a break!" At that, Audrey walked away and headed towards the living room.

However, before Audrey could even think of where to start looking for her friends, she heard a small voice, whispering in her ear, and from those seven words she told her, she knew what happened. "
This is why I didn't say anything." Right then and there, Audrey stood there frozen, her heart aching from the pain of hearing Jade's voice becoming so cold, vulnerable, and distant. No, this wasn't what was suppose to happen. Audrey didn't want this.Before Audrey could call out Jade's name, she disappeared as she heard a door close. She whipped her head where Jade had stood, staring at it blankly. But, she knew, right now. . Jade needed to be left alone and she was sure. . Jade wanted nothing to do with her right now. 'Cause if she was in Jade's predicament, she'd want the same thing. So, instead of going up the stairs, Audrey decided to wait it out and give Jade some space before going to her. Her right hand shook, as Audrey covered her left hand, to avoid anyone from suspecting why she was panicking. If this was how she was feeling now . . how was Jade feeling? Far more worse than she was feeling now, that's for sure. Biting her lip, Audrey heard another voice behind her, "Did you talk to her? I- Is she really mad?" She jumped slightly, not sure what kind of expression to make. But, instead opted for a small smile. Turning around, Audrey shook her head, giving him a small smile, "Roe. . .how could she be mad. . ? Especially. . especially in this situation. .?" Using her head, Audrey signaled her head towards outside, where they could get some privacy. As Audrey made it outside, she took a deep breathe and turned towards Roe, "Roe. . tell me what happened, exactly. She came in. . and said a few words to me. . But, never let me answer before she wandered off to her room. . Wanting to be alone. . I want to hear your side."

@JaneXJeff @TheWanderer @TuffBbg @Splo

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Roland shook his head. How could he explain it? Jade confessed how she felt about him, and he shot her down. If anything, he would sound like the bad guy and she'd just be the victim to his ways. Roe followed Audrey out, trying to get his story together, but everything was a jumbled mess in his head and he didn't know what to do. "My side? I broke her heart, that's my side." He was so disappointed in himself, even if he couldn't help the way things went. No matter what anyone said, he felt as if this were his fault. "She just, she was telling me about how she felt and how she was scared to open up so she didn't get hurt again." He started, placing his head in his hands. "And I told her that I thought of her as a friend, and that's what I want us to be, friends." He looked over at the girl, his eyes obviously sad. "Am I a jerk for that?" Roe asked, his voice sounding small. "Should I have just lied or something?"


"Alright, alright, I'm going already jeez." Donovan raised his hands up as he headed to the door, his two sisters following closely behind, watching him like hawks. "You said that long ago..." Annie started, jabbing a finger at him, the other hand behind her back, the younger Jennie mirroring her sister's actions as she finished the sentence. "...and you're already late!" The hands rose even further as he kicked open the door, duffel bag sliding off his shoulder and down his arm into the crook of his elbow and it was a struggle to keep it from sweeping the floor as he stepped out. "I got it. I'm leaving see? Stepping out the door right now so don't shoot me!" The door slam shut behind him and Donovan heaved a sigh of relief as he adjusted his bag and walked down the steps, fishing for his car key, ears picking up the not so faint sound of cheers coming from the house. "I'll make sure I give them a most warm greeting when I get back." He growled as he loaded his luggage and checked his phone, flicking through a checklist of all the things he'd need to keep himself entertained over at Jade's place. Charger, computer, games, games and more games. He'd hang there for the next three months, maybe do his things outside once in a while so that he'd get a little tan and that'd be all he'd need to convince his dear mother and father he had been active outdoors like he would have been at the camp they wanted to send him to. A squeal of delight rang in his ears and Donovan looked up just in time to see 6 year old Daniel pounce on him. "DONNIE!" The little boy shouted as he clung onto him like a koala bear. "Hey superstar. What have you been up to?" Donovan asked as he ruffled his younger brother's hair with a grin. "Playing with Johnny from next door. I want to go with you!" Daniel's face turned upside down when he got a shaking head as a response. "No can do Danny, you got to stay here and help me spy on Annie and Jennie remember? After all we can't let them get away with their evil plans right?" Daniel nodded vigorously and saluted him. "I won't let you down sir." He said, imitating a soldier as Donovan patted him on the head. "I know you won't. Now go carry out your mission and remember the puppy dog eyes okay?"

Having set his brother down and ushered him back into the house, Donovan drove off, whistling as the car made it's way down the road. He was in no rush to get there at all since he was already late and took a leisurely drive with several stops along the way at cafes, petrol kiosks and shops just to kill time and fill his stomach at lunch. When his car finally pulled into the driveway, the sun had started to set and it seemed that everyone had already arrived and he was the last one, late as he always was. There was a lightness to his steps as he tossed the car key in his hand, duffel bag slung over one shoulder, whistling as he walked up to the house and kicked open the door. "WHAT UP PEOPLE?" He yelled, grinning as he closed the door behind him. "The party has arrived!"

Audrey Charlotte Taylor



[Disclaimer: Outfits not made by me, credits to original owner]

Turning around, Audrey watched as Roland made his way over. She was patient as can be, waiting for the male next to her to respond to her questions. She was always patient enough for the other person to explain their case. Audrey was never one to jump to conclusions right away, since well, that would have brought more misunderstandings. Soon Roe spoke and Audrey's attention was back at him. At him saying that he broke her heart, Audrey frowned, showing her discomfort at hearing that. So, it didn't go well, she thought to herself, as she sighed rubbing her forehead. Should she not have told Jade to go for it? Or should she have since it was eating Jade away before summer vacation even started. But Audrey never said a word as she let Roe continue to speak, however, at his last words, she felt anger bubbling in her at the thought of Roland ever lying to Jade about how he felt. But, she didn't lash out at him because Roe didn't lie to Jade.

Taking in a breathe, Audrey closed her eyes and then opened hers to look back to Roe,
"I would have rather you told the truth than lie, Roe. It would have made you a jerk if you lied about your feelings. However, you're treating her way too fragile. If you had done that to her, you would have hurted her ten times more than you have done now. . ." She said, whispering the last part. Audrey never liked hearing the words hurt between friends. It was obvious to her that Roe was confused and Jade was going through a heart ache. "You cared enough for her to tell the truth. But don't let that get in the way of your friendship. If Jade acts strange for the next few days, don't take it upon her and be patient." Audrey's eyes went over in the direction of where Jade's room would be. "It would have been wonderful if you felt the same way for her. . .But you can't force feelings on another person. Jade's a strong girl, despite the hardships she faced, especially with her brother. She has us, doesn't she?" Audrey said as she turned back to Roe, smiling softly. "It isn't the end all be all, but, you should never put yourself down. That'll cause Jade to reprimand you even more cause she sees all of your imperfections but will accept you, will you accept your own? If you can't see her than more than a friend, I can't do anything about. But it doesn't hurt to see if there soemthing behind a friendship. Maybe not now, but later, perhaps?" She said, letting her words linger in the air. Audrey stayed quiet after that, letting her answer sink in as she gave Roe some time to think on his own. She hoped what she said made sense, in a way, she thought of it like that. Whatever she told Roe, she had put it into her perspective and how Jade was. It helped her come up with some answers that may or may not help Roe.


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