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Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

Roland chuckled, hugging the other boy back just as greatly. When he pulled away, he gave him a nod and a smile. "Yeah, I'm sure she won't mind." To put emphasis on this, he took a chip out of Cris' bag and ate it. He knew about Cris' little 'trip', hell, they all knew, but he wasn't going to be that guy to bring it up. No, they just got here and were having fun, if he was going to talk to him about it, he was going to do that later where they had more privacy. Instead, he nodded is head eagerly, a huge grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, his name is Dasher because he's like, the same color as a reindeer." The reasoning behind his name choices were a little weird, but no one questioned him as it made him happy.

Roe wanted to go on and on about how adorable his pup was, but Jade made and appearance at the door and he figured she wanted that house tour done now. He didn't really need it, Roland was always good at doing things on his own, the perks of being an only child, but he had nothing better to do. "You want to go along?" He asked Cris, giving the other boy a chance since he couldn't decided for himself.

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Ian wasn't quite sure where to go anymore, he watched as Jade led the tour and as a huge group formed outside. He just remained where he was, it would be easier to be alone and quiet than with a crowd and quiet. Don't get him wrong, he loves his friends. There's just those times where he really doesn't want to force himself to be in a conversation. Honestly, he barely understand what his friends were talking about, it was all banter that skipped between food to who is dressed the best, usually Jade. She was the prettiest hands down. Ian kinda regretted staying behind after hearing the laughter coming from pretty much every direction of the house. He hesitantly stood and slipped through the door.

Walking outside he hoped nobody noticed him, if anybody said anything he would just respond with a "don't mind me, just here to look at the lake," excuse. Ian had a feeling that he would probably not stick to the plan. But he had to admit that even though it was easier to be alone, it wasn't fun being lonely. Plus the sound of conversation always get him excited. Though he would never admit it, while he doesn't like to contribute to the conversation he likes to listen to them, a lot.

He skipped between conversations, smiling as he heard Aubrey talk to pretty much everybody on the whole patio, he couldn't help but love the excitement that radiates from her. He then tuned into the words being exchanged by Cris and Roland, rolling his eyes from the sarcasm that practically flew from Cris' mouth. Then there was always the occasnsional conversation about Roland's new pets that everybody adored.
It was always interesting to eavesdrop, it was one of Ian's specialities really. Avoiding conversations and instead just sitting back and enjoying the sound of other people talking.
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"Yes, I think that would be best." Cris said, sliding in after Jade. He would wait until later to get in depth with reconnecting to everyone. The tour would also serve as a reason not to blame anyone else when he got lost. Nine times out of ten, it was going to happen. Cris popped his head back out, smiling at his friend. "Are you gonna keep me waiting?" he asked, knowing it was rude to just run off at the drop of a hat.


Roe nodded and followed after the boy, eating the last of his snack and throwing the bag away in the garbage. He closed the patio door behind himself and hurried up the stairs, trying his best to catch up to the rest of the group. "Don't get lost behind me!" He yelled out behind him in hopes Cris would hear.

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Jade noticed a few stragglers join and laughed a bit. "Well, it's about time," she said playfully as she turned and headed out the front door. "That's the pool, obviously," she said as she made her way down the stairs and walking a good ways before stopping and pointing to a tree with a built on ladder. "Climb up that ladder, grab ahold of those handles and push off. It'll take you directly down into the water of the lake," she said with a smile as she took a sharp left, walking to a stable. "Eight horses in here to choose from if you feel like riding," she explained, petting Midnight gently before jogging through a bit of bushes, leading out directly to the lake with a large 20ft x 10ft raft a good ways out.

"If you go up that tower, you can jump onto that, climb to the other side and let someone else make you go about sixty feet into the air. It's really fun," she said happily before crossing her arms. "If I'm not mistaken, that's all," she said happily as she began slipping back towards the house.

@Phantasia @RedIncubus @SomatoToup123 @crucialstar @TheWanderer @TuffBbg
Stella hugged Jade back, a wide grin on her pale face. It was great seeing her closest friend again, since she hadn't seen her in months and she was pretty much her only good friend. Stella began walking upstairs to an empty room, taking a good look around and dropping her bags by the bed. No need to put my stuff up yet. Have to meet some people. Maybe. She wanted to give herself a tour of the house but deciding against it. Stella made her way back downstairs to begin the tour of the house.

Stella was in awe of the huge house. There was so much to it and so much to do. You could never get bored. She smiled, looking at the horses and watching Jade pet them. The tour was finally finished and Stella's stomach growled, demanding food. She didn't want to be a bother or intrude, but the stomach wanted what I wanted.

"Jade do you have any snacks? Vegan snacks maybe?"

(If the reply is short, sorry lol. I'm typing on my phone and I can't tell how much I typed.)
Danny hugged Jade enthusiastically, breathing in the scent that had become unfamiliar after so long of not being together. She smiled, squeezing her hands and following her along as she gave the tour. Danny could see the excitement in her eyes as she explained where everything was and what they could use. Jade, despite her wealth, remained a sweetheart with love for her friends that was unquestionable. Danny listened to everyone talk, reunited after time apart and smiled, a feeling of warmth overcoming her. They hadn't changed, the same group they had always been, and for now Danny would do her best to show she had changed for the best.

"So who's ready to get this party started then?" Danny exclaimed, her raspy voice full of enthusiasm being back with her gang. She dropped her bags, kicking them to the side and running over to a large and shiny stereo set, turning the volume knob and smiling at the bouncy enticing melodies escaping the speakers. "Come on girl, we have to get this going" She yelled, grabbing Jade's hands and pulling her to dance. Even though the asylum had taught her to be quiet and calm, now that she was free her rambunctious self was out and ready to play.


"I agree." Cris said, taking his shirts and lifting them over his head. He smiled brightly at the group while stretching his arms out over them. "I wanna test the water. It looks nice. Would anyone want to join me?" he asked before stepping out of his cargo pants. A pair of ragged gym shorts were underneath, of course. Opening the set of glass doors nearest him, he threw his clothes on a chair and made his way over to the deep end of the pool. With quick strides, he dived in head first. The rush of cool water over his muscles was a familiar friend. Coming up, he waved to his friends, calling them over while floating on his back.

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Stella giggled a little at the three kids starting to get a bit turnt up. "Never mind, Jade. I'm gonna have some fun instead." Letting her wild self loose, she pulled her top and shorts off revealing her one pieced bathing suit, tying her hair back. If she was gonna get to know some of Jade's unknown friends, she had to start somewhere. Stella took a few steps back and jumped into the water, her body in a ball causing a splash.


Ian watched as everybody swam and did there own little thing, whatever it was. It seems he couldn't stop smiling today, just something about this day was refreshing and exciting. He considered going into the pool, before he relaxed that he didn't pack a bathing suit... Why, he didn't know. He groaned to himself, rolling his eyes. Of course he always had to be the odd one out. Like the one time him and this very group friends slept over at Jade's house and he forgot a blanket and pillow. Ian sighed at his short term memory, he never remembered anything important, literally went in one ear and out the other.

Ian remained at his spot on the now deserted patio, kicking his feet. He swore that the huge splash Stella made reached to him, which had to be a good ten feet. He let his mind wander off as he kept his eye trained on the huge party. Ian couldn't help but feel a little weird, how could he not have brought a bathing suit? He had hundreds of them. Placing his head on the banister next to him, he kicked his shoes off. He couldn't swim, he might as well sit by the pool, at least dunk his feet in.

Standing and walking along the damp grass he shivered at the cool feeling. Against the warmth of himself it felt like somebody was viciously rubbing ice cubes into his feet. Ian sat by the edge, closer to the shallow side, rolling his jeans up to a few inches above his knees he sat down on the burning concrete, he could literally feel it through the fabric off his jeans. Kicking his feet around in the water to get used to the cold, almost exhilarating water. The smile on his face soon returned, feeling s little awkward sitting on the sides.



Jade grinned as Danny grabbed her hand and hladly began dancing with the girl, a small laugh escaping her lips. "Give me a sec, I'm gonna go change," she said over the music before jogging upstairs to her room. Finding her favorite blue bikini, she quickly changed clothes. Jade made sure to grab several towels and headed back towards Danny. "Come on!" She said happily, turning the music up all the way and leaving the doors open and she walked outside to the pool. Laying the towels on the stairs, she walked to the deep end of the pool, turning around and breathed deeply. She had been on the cheerleading team in school so this was pretty easy for her.

Nodding to herself, she smiled and gladly did a backflip into the pool, surfacing only moments later and pushing her hair out of her face. "Guys! Stop being loners!" She yelled with a laugh, diving underneath the water and heading down the twenty feet to the bottom, touching it before pushing herself back up to the surface.


When Jade turned to get changed, Danny smiled and watched everyone start to have fun. She spotted Ian sitting at the edge of the pool and frowned. He always managed to separate himself just the slightest from the rest of the group, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing since he remained his unique person. But Danny wasn't about to let him get away with that at this party.

She sidled up beside him, sitting down at the edge of the pool resting her head on his shoulder and wrapping her arms around his waste "Hey mister did you miss me?" she asked smiling up at him. He was always the more eloquent of the group, despite his quiet stature and so Danny named him mister, often turning to him for answers to her silly questions. "Aren't you gonna have some fun?" she added, pulling her ponytail tight and lifting her shirt over her head. Her bathing suit was upstairs and she didn't care for the idea of running up to change so instead she would just swim in her simple black bra and boy shorts, her friends knew she had a wild side so this would come as no surprise.

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Stella smiled and swam around a bit, laying on her back and looking up at the bright sun. She closed her eyes and let the water drift her a couple feet from the deep end, the music blaring and the sound of water graceful. Stella sat back up and swam towards the shallow end of the pool, pulling herself up and plopping down on the hot concrete. "Shit!" She yelled out, before sliding back into the water.

Stella wanted to talk to someone but didn't know how to approach them. And knowing herself, she probably doesn't look like the easiest person to talk to. She smiled and shook her head. Stop it, Stella. You're really over thinking how someone will talk to you? Stella rolled her eyes and took a dive towards the deep end.

Roland ran quickly up to his room, pulling off his shirt and flannel and switching his jeans for some swimming trunks. When he was done, he came running back down, running out the front door and diving head first into the pool. Anyone who was next to it would have surely felt the huge splash and anyone underneath would have probably felt the vibrations. He resurface quickly after, a massive grin on his face due to the amazing feel of the water. Looking around, he noticed some people were in the pool and the people that were inside were coming out to swim. He made way for them, not wanting to get hit with a massive cannonball.

Roe swam over to Cris, quickly dunking the boy under the water before swimming away, not wanting to get dunked himself. I mean, his hair was completely soaked already but that didn't mean he wanted to go under again. He swam to the shallow end of the pool, hoping to avoid any attacks.



Ian jumped as Danny slid next to him, being her usually way too close for comfort self. He grinned, nudging her away playfully. "I'm not into all these boob touching me." He teased, making elaborate hand motions towards Danny's chest before allowing her to come back to his side. "I am having fun, I just don't have a bathing suit and I would prefer if people didn't see my boxers." He pointed out, eyes gleaming as he twisted his feet around under the water. "Unlike you." He added playfully, noting how Danny had her underwear one versus a proper bathing suit.

"Anyway, what are you doing over here? Go swim or something." Ian encouraged, gently pushing Danny, not really wanting to pull her away from her excitement so he could sit with some forgetful fool. "Enjoy yourself, you would be seriously stupid to not go into such a lovely pool like this." He pointed out, waving his hand around to show the major size of the pool.

"I'll be right here if you need me, now go and be free!" He shouted, full on pushing Danny back into the water, stifling a laugh.



Cris smiled as all of his friends started to make their way to the pool. Some lazily, some with a splash, Ian not doing so at all due to his shy nature. "Now this is how you--" he started to say before a familiar form pressed against his back and pushed him under. He recovered quickly, coming up to look for the culprit. It was none other than Roland, who'd retreated to his own corner. It was wise of him to do so, even though Cris could have overtook him quite easily.

Instead, he sent a wave of water toward the two sitting on the edge of the pool--forgetting that Ian was fully clothed. The water struck and Cris immediately felt bad, sinking low so that only his eyes hovered over the water. He drifted back toward the corner where Roe was, anticipating a retaliation of some measure.

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Danny fell into the pool with a splash, for a moment enjoying the silence of the water before floating back to the top and brushing her hair out of her face. "Hey now" she laughed splashing Ian playfully, before floating over beside him and resting her chin on the wall. "Please oh please come in babe, I'll close my eyes" she laughed squeezing them shut. Danny called everyone babe, baby, honey, sweet heart, it was her way of showing love and admiration for her friends. She'd never been one to be in a relationship, but that was the way she liked it, just her and her friends.

"Come on, no one's even looking. Get your fine ass out of those clothes and come in" she demanded, making a stern face before laughing and grinning up at him. This summer was going to be one to remember, she could just feel it. And she intended on enjoying every single moment of it, even the small moments like sleeping in a room alone and eating food that didn't taste like cardboard. She was free.

Danny felt a wave of water splash over her and she let out a raspy scream, rubbing the water out of her eyes before turning to look at Cris. "Really man?" she laughed swimming over as fast as she could wrapping her arms around his neck and pushing him down into the water. "That's what you get!" she laughed splashing water at him.

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Roland let out a loud laugh, not even bothering to stifle it as the moment was too good to pass up. I mean sure, he did feel a bit bad that Ian got wet when he was fully clothed, but he was sitting next to he pool, and something was bound to happen. Plus, the fact that Cris swam away so quickly as if he'd done something wrong was priceless. Seeing his opportunity again, Roe gave Cris' head another dunk before swimming up to Ian. "You alright there bud?" He was giggling a bit, but not in a mean way.

"You seemed to have gotten a bit....wet." He continued, the joked rolling off his tongue like honey. Before he came, he could hear Danny try to coax him to get in, so maybe the drenching of his clothes was what he needed. "At least now you can get in with your clothes on." Okay, now he was done. He didn't mean it if he seemed mean, this was just his way of joking.



Ian gasped, feeling a rush of water coming over him. Trying to keep his composure he pushed the mess of red hair out of his face before looking around to see who did that. His eyes landed on Cris, who was slowly backing away into a corner, eyes just barely peeking out from under the clear water. He shot a glare towards him, not really in the mood to start a whole big hoopla. "Thanks, you're real great Cris." He called, sending a small wave of water his way, but not really putting much effort into it.

Ian shivered, feeling the cool water drip down his neck, making his clothes stick to his body. He turned to look at Danny, "Make everybody close there eyes, I'm not letting anybody see me in my underwear." He promised, gently pushing her away and into the middle of the pool with his foot. "Thanks to that one over there I have to waste all this effort in getting changed." He raised his voice a bit, shooting a pointed look to Cris before standing and rubbing his freezing, soaking arms.

He turned to look at Roland, "You're killing me!" He laughed sarcastically, wanting to get in on the small joke. "Don't you see me laughing?" He asked, trying to keep a serious face, though a small smile shone through. "Thanks, but no thanks, swimming in clothes is way too uncomfortable." He muttered, grabbing a towel and throwing it over his shoulders.

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Stella pulled herself up out of the pool and grabbed two towels, wrapping one around her upper body and pulling a lawn chair, sitting down and draping the second one over her legs. Shitty way to protect herself from the sun but she didn't bring any sunscreen, so.

She watched as the friends swam around in the pool, obviously enjoying the cool water under the hot sun. Stella hummed along to the music, a small smile creeping onto her face as she softly sang the lyrics. This couldn't get any better.


Jade smiled softly as she watched the events unfold. This was even better than she could imagine. Leaning back against the deep end of the pool, she watched as Stella got out and sat in a chair. Jade glanced up at the sky, soaking in the sun before dipping back into the water, a bit surprised at the coolness rushing across her face after being in the sun. She swam around for a few more moments before resurfacing and bringing her feet up, silently deciding to float rather than join in.

She was careful to keep her body filled with air to assist herself as she closed her eyes, drowning out all the sounds around her. When she felt herself warming up, she would bring her hand up and allow a few drops of water fall onto her stomach in order to cool her off a bit.
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All of the splashing and dunking left Cris out of breath, but laughing. He was on his way to give Danny and Roe a little payback when he got a glimpse of Ian's pale torso. 'Huh.' was all he could muster internally. The boy looked like he got his fair share of workouts, even for being the bookish type. Sure, he was getting his worth in glares and dirty looks, but it was worth it. Soon, Ian was standing at the edge of the pool with Roland heckling beneath him. Both of them were bright and contrasting-- one brass and marble, the other copper and gold. Suddenly, Cris was agitated by the scenery. He turned his back on the two with a blush on his face. It was feelings like this that got him in the trouble he is in in the first place. Instead, he floated next to Jade, admiring her delicate features in the sun. If he were normal--were hetero, he'd have a crack at her in the most gentlemanly way possible--courtship and whatnot. "Hey, Jay..." he called, drifting around her in a circle.


Alice Waters

Alice walked from the stables, having stopped to admire the giant animals housed inside. She have never ridden, but something about the sweet smell of hay and the soft breaths of the horses was very calming. She would have to try her hand at horseback riding for sure, but right now it she was going to join in on familiar territory.

Quickly leaving the patio behind and walking indoors, Alice went to her room, closing the door behind her before opening her bag, pulling out the swim suit she had bought especially for this trip. She had only owned suits that were meant for her sport before, this was her first bikini. She changed quickly, throwing her t-shirt back over her suit, her necklace still around her neck, and walked back down to the patio.

Alice smiled as the others swam, pulling her shirt off to reveal a simple black bikini, nothing special. But even such a simple suit, it showed off her lean figure well. Her arms and legs were all lean muscle, built from years of diving. It was the one sport that she had chosen to make time for, the graceful movements through the air had always captured her. Alice broke into a run, diving into the pool in a graceful swam dive, leaving virtually no splash. Underneath the surface, she was nothing but fluid grace, moving as if she was born for it. She broke the surface, pushing her hair back as she treaded water.


Ian's body quivered just slightly from the chilly air surrounding him. "Curse Cris and Danny." He groaned to himself, walking back into the house, careful to walk slowly on the tile. The last thing he needed was to slip and crack his skull open. Though that would cause for some pretty good drama. He snickered as he soon made it to the carpeted stairway, practically running up the stairs. While it wasn't the safest action, it would get him to warm clothes sooner.

Taking the key from his pocket he unlocked his bedroom, walking into the room. He couldn't help but to be awed by how large the room was. Walking to the suitcase he flung it open. Settling on a t-shirt and cuffed sweatpants. What was the point of putting on a whole other pair of skinny jeans for only three, maybe four more hours.

After changing Ian walked back outside, glad that the air was now much warmer and comfortable. He decided that it would be best to stay away from the pool, the last thing he needed was another five minutes of being as warm as an ice cube. He sat by on one of the lounge chairs, placing a towel next to him just in case somebody decided that it would be a good idea to somehow throw water at him. Ian sighed in relief, noticing how everybody was back to doing there thing. Conversing, swimming, dancing, whatever. He could finally be at peace, nobody hanging onto his shoulder or water being splashed at him.



Jade jumped a bit when she heard Cris' voice. Moving her feet back underneath her, she straightened up as she turned to face him. "Hey," she said softly as she glanced over, seeing Alice dive into the water. Turning her attention back to Cris, she had remembered all of them having fun on their own. She wasn't sure why, but the thought agitated her. Was she jealous? Of course not, she had nothing to be jealous of even though she couldn't keep herself from accidentally glancing over at Roland. Stop it damn it... Forcing a smile on her face as she looked up at Cris and shrugged as she fixed her necklace. She had no problem admitting he was attractive, probably because he was homo. She didn't have a problem with it. In fact, it gave her a friend to ask in order to make sure she looked okay without feeling creeped out.

Noticing the blush on his face, she tilted her head and raised an eyebrow, making sure no one could hear her. "Why do I get the feeling you have a thing for one of them?" she asked, motioning to Roland and Ian, who had just gone inside. "I could be wrong, but if I had to guess, it would be Ian," she pointed out as she raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to reply.

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