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Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

Roland laughed a bit harder as Ian went inside and came back out with dry clothes, making a smart move and moving his position. Oh well, he wouldn't be able to splash him but he could still have his own fun. Smirking, he pulled himself out of the pool and moved to stand by Jade, an idea forming in his head. It wasn't hard, her pool chair was just close enough for his plan to work. Roe flashed to laying girl a toothy smile and gave Cris a thumbs up before going back, running, and creating a huge cannonball. The force of the jump was so powerful, it just had to hit Jade. He resurfaced next to Cris, using his friend's shoulder to pull himself up. "You alright over there Jade?"

Roland didn't know why he felt like playing around so much today, but he guesses his inner child loves to come out at a pool. Oh well, maybe he'll calm down some when they got back inside. Speaking of inside, he was getting a little hungry. Maybe after some more swimming around, they should all get something to eat? Anyway, he averted his attention back to Jade, the grin never leaving his face as he waited.

Stella sighed softly and peeled the wet towels off her frame, pushing the chair back and jogging into the house, looking around before finding her destination, the kitchen. She grabbed a chair and pulled it over to the cabinet, standing on it to look through it. When she couldn't find anything, she gave a heavy sigh and walked back out.

Stella dipped back in the pool, staying in her little corner and watching an ant scurry a speck of something across the concrete. She giggled and put her finger out in front of the ant, watching it turn away the other way. The littlest things in life can always make Stella smile.


Danny felt her lungs suddenly out of breath from all the commotion, she paddled over to the edge of the pool, climbing out and grabbing one of the towels, wrapping it around her thin body. "I need a cigarette" she thought, walking into the house quickly and digging through her bag for her pack. She pulled out a Marlboro, putting it between her thin pink lips as she searched for a lighter. "Yes!" she mumbled, pulling out a simple BIC white lighter and sparking it a few times, the pool water making it difficult to get a light. Finally though she did, and scurried outside to avoid Jade from yelling about smoking in the house. If she couldn't have drugs she could at least have this.

She sat down on the edge of the pool, letting her towel fall around her waist and dipping her feet into the water. She noticed Stella, well how could she not with hair like that, and watched her curiously. "Did you make a friend?" she asked clearly and sternly. To those who didn't know her she often came off as brash, but really it was just her defense from letting anyone too close. Those that were close, were her world. "I'm Danny" she said simply, pulling out the cigarette and tilting her head back, letting the smoke float in billowing rings.

Stella jumped a bit at the sudden voice, stuck in her own world with the tiny little ant making its way towards the dirt. She turned to see Danny, the one who was egging Ian on to get in the pool. She watched as Danny blew rings up towards the sky, watching as the rings disappeared. Her attention was back on the girl who had asked her a question. Stella smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "They come and go." She replied. Goddamnit, Stella. Great. Now she probably thinks you're depressed or something. Stella pulled her hai tie out of her damp hair as she replied, "I'm Stella."


Jade glanced up only briefly at Roland, immediately looking away when he flashed his familiar grin at her as a blush began to cross her face. Damn... She went to lay back down when she heard a splash, almost immediately being soaked with water. Slowly standing up, she wiped the water off her face and pushed her hair back as she glared at Roland. Taking into account of how close Cris was to him, she figured out she didn't really care. "You're gonna pay," she said, pointing to Roe before launching herself off the edge of the pool and diving towards him, tackling him underneath the water in the process.

Resurfacing soon after, she turned away and swam back to the edge, pulling herself out of the pool without a word. She wasn't sure why she was upset. She knew it wasn't because of what he had just done, then it hit her. She was jealous. How she could be jealous, she wasn't sure, she just was. Making her way over to the shallow end of the pool, she got back into the water and sat down on one of the steps without a word, gently running her hands over the surface.


Cris was grateful for the fact that Roe came in and interrupted when he did. In all honesty, he had no idea what to reply to Jade with. Did it really look like he was into one of the other guys here? Sure, he thought both were attractive in their own right, but was it that obvious? Cris squeezed some water out of his lengthy hair, securing it with a hair-tie that almost never left his side.

He swam over to the edge of the pool and pulled himself out to sit on it. This was a sudden conundrum. He'd been friends with both just as long, but never had it come up to be with one another. Plus, if they wanted to get a glimpse of him in action all that had to be done was a quick query on Google. And it was that thought that brought him out of the little romance bubble that had been halfheartedly inflated. For all intents and purposes, he was an adult film star--whether he consented to it or not. The thought made his stomach turn and suddenly the sun wasn't as warm as it had been just a moment before. "I think I'm gonna catch a shower and a movie, guys." he announced before abruptly leaving.

He got to his room, which was the tenth one in the house. Sprinting, he barely made it to the toilet before bits of potato gunk came flowing out of his mouth. He he emptied himself into the bowl until there was nothing but bile on his tongue. Cris took a step back, bracing himself against the counter. "...your fault. You were so stupid." he whispered to himself before flushing the evidence of his panic attack away. He stripped himself and entered the shower, letting the hot water wash over him completely. Taking away the dirty, used feeling that his body could remember with perfect recall. Leaning his head against the wall, he sighed. Neither guy--or anyone for that matter--would want to be near someone this torn apart. Not him.



Ian grinned as he watched Roe and Jade duke it out with the water, held back a laugh she he saw the amused faces between the two. Bringing his knees up to his chest, his toes curled. Strange habit, like how he tipped back his chair. Whenever Ian's happy his toes curl. Awkward to him, but everybody insisted that it was adorable.

But then it felt like heavy blanket was thrown over him, whether it was the fact that Jade suddenly seemed so shy and upset or it be that Cris just up and left, practically running away. Ian didn't feel right, not one bit. He felt words bubbling in the back of his throat. He wanted to ask what was wrong... But he felt that he would only make things worse if he spoke.

Hesitantly picking up his towel he turned and walked inside, sitting at the table located in the corner of the kitchen. He placed the bleached white towel on top of the dark wood and tried to think of what could have possibly happened all of a sudden. Perhaps Jade said something, maybe Roe... Possibly Cris. Ian decided to stop right there, he was never one to pry into the lives of others. He just settled on asking either three of them what happened at a later time. Possibly later into the night when things cooled down.


"Hm" Danny said in response to her name. Stella. "Like Stella Blues?" she laughed standing up and tossing her cigarette on the ground smashing it with her wet toe, not bothered by the small sting. "You're probably too young to know that reference" she laughed, putting her hands on her hips and walking away without giving her a chance to even respond. She seemed simple enough, quiet and sweet, but Danny's brash attitude may have been too much for her.

Once inside, Danny snatched her bag up from the ground, trotting up the stairs and finding her room. "Damn" she laughed after keying into the giant room, dropping her bag to the ground. So this was what it was like living the high life? She could get used to this. Danny dug through her bag, pulling on a pair of yoga shorts under a large oversized shirt she copped from one of her flings, which she couldn't remember, but those were useless details. After changing, she pulled her hair tie out, letting it fall over her shoulders and mussed it slightly, her black chipped nails scratching it carelessly.

Before another thought could cross her mind, Danny heard the all too familiar sound of someone throwing up the remains of whatever was in their stomach. On top of the depression, bouts of withdrawal often left her shaky and throwing up even when there wasn't food. A frown tugged at her lips, was she supposed to get involved? She scratched her forehead, remembering all she had gone through and how much she had wished someone would have shaken her loose from the trance those fools had her under. "Fine" she sighed, shutting her door and following the sound, leaving her at Cris' door. Hadn't he just gotten out of some mess too? Being away left her unaware what had happened to their friend but some details had gotten through the grapevine.

"Cris?" she called, knocking at the door carefully.



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Audrey Charlotte Taylor



[Disclaimer: Outfits not made by me, credits to original owner]

Audrey smiled, hearing the different conversations going on as she turned around, hearing Roe talking about his puppy. Her eyes lit up but she didn't go over to Chris and Roe since they looked too engrossed in their conversation. Turning her attention towards Danny and Jade, she couldn't help but swayed her head side to side, feeling even more gleeful for seeing the two of them being reunited. Next, Audrey turned on her heels as Jade started to walk outside, showing them her outdoors. What got Audrey's attention the most were the horses.
She had a stable? With a few horses? They were such magnificent steeds. She couldn't help but wave to the horses before leaving. Next, Jade showed them the pool and soon enough her friends ended up jumping into the pool, splashing the outsides. Giggling, Audrey watched as Jade went to change as Danny went to go and talk to Ian. Tilting her head, she watched as Stella came upon the pool and soon followed Jade. Soon enough, Danny was in the pool as Ian gotten soaked due to Roe's and Cris' playfulness. But before Audrey ever stepped out into the pool area, she watched as Alice gracefully entered the pool. She couldn't help but not want to interrupt such a beautiful scene so instead, she took it upon herself to go and unpack, maybe good some food perhaps.

Turning on her heels, Audrey went inside before any water could be splashed around her as she made her way to the front door, getting her luggage. Trying to chug up her luggage upstairs was a hassle but she made it.
"I forgot the keys!" Groaning slightly, Audrey made her way downstairs again and found a set of keys: Room 1. Tilting her head she ran upstairs and got her luggage, bringing it to her room. As she opened it, her eyes nearly bulged out of her eye socket as she stared in amazement. It was a princess-like room! Gasping loudly, Audrey giggled, running around like a child, opening up every closet and every door. Finally, she jumped in the bed and laid down in bliss. "This feels amazing!" However, she knew she couldn't stay up there forever and decided to unpack later. Before leaving the room, she texted her parents that she made it safely and she has arrived. Placing her luggage to the side, Audrey stepped out of her room and was about to walk downstairs when she heard Danny's voice and Cris'? Slowly approaching Danny but hearing a painful noise inside the room, Audrey's stomach churned as her face laced with concern. She didn't say anything to Danny, seeing that she was already heeding Cris' indirect call, so she didn't want to overwhelm the man. Instead, she flashed Danny a "it'll be okay" before worry laced her features. "I'll be downstairs, making food. See if needs anything?" Gently rubbing a hand on Danny's arm, Audrey smiled softly, and then took off downstairs.

What happened while she was gone? Could Cris be sick? He seemed fine earlier. However, as she got downstairs, she was greeted by Ian. Though quiet, some tension seemed to have arised when she was gone? "Ian?" She called out, hating to interrupt his thought process if she had. Gently walking over, she looked towards Ian, wondering what was causing him such trouble. But couldn't find the heart to ask, instead, after biting her lip, she decided to drop it. Not wanting to be nosy in other people's business. But at the same time. . she couldn't help but worry. "Are you hungry? I can make food for everyone. What do you feel like eating?"
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Ian jumped a bit, turning around to see Aubrey standing behind him. Ian shrugged, "Whatever you wanna make." He hummed, voice a little too chipper. He could see the immense worry on Aubrey'sface and the last thing he wanted was all of his friends to be depressed. This was supposed a happy vacation after all. Ian stood up, motioning to the whole of the kitchen. "The world is your oyster, go explore it I guess." He teased, not wanting to say much more. He had no idea how what heist said had anything to do with the conversation... But it was better to randomly blurt things out than stay quiet. Especially around Aubrey, who can read him like a book.


He had just emerged from the steamed shower when the sound of rapped wood filled his room. With a hurried pace, Cris slipped on his underwear/muscle tank ensemble and was toweling his long locks while skipping to the door. He hadn't mean't to make that huge of an exit, but someone was bound to hear both his dry and wet heaving. Opening the door, his trademark grin was properly applied to mask his troubles. Unfortunately, it was the one person who could probably see right through him at the moment. "Hey Dee." he answered, his voice an octave lower than normal. He waved her into his room, offering the bed as a seat without saying a word.


Alice Waters

Alice spent some time floating on the surface of the pool, letting the rays of the sun warm her, completely at peace. She lay like that with her eyes closed for some time, before finally getting out of the water. She dried off slowly, letting her hair dry in the sun, the locks curling even more than usual. She slipped her shirt back on and padded inside.

Walking into the kitchen, Alice immediately took up the offer of food. “Oh my god, I would love some”. She said as she sat down on a stool, leaning her head on her hand. “So Audrey, how you been?” Alice said, trying to make conversation .

Audrey Charlotte Taylor



[Disclaimer: Outfits not made by me, credits to original owner]

Audrey heard Ian's chipper answer as he said he wouldn't mind anything she made. Pouting slightly, she placed a hand on her hips,
"Ian, that's not a good answer. What are you craving for? Surely you're craving for something?" She asked, tilting her head slightly before he stood up and motioned to the whole kitchen. Audrey blinked, hearing Ian talking about oysters, well, not technically, but figuratively speaking and she couldn't help but let out a laugh. It was true Audrey could see directly through Ian right now, especially the worry and his blank stares, of course, it was normal for Ian to be quiet, however, this time, it was different. But, seeing that Ian didn't speak on it, she wouldn't pry, unless they were by themselves or he wanted to open up to her even more. Shaking her head, "Always the poet of the group, aren't you?" She said, grinning widely, nodding, "If life gives you lemon, make lemonades, right?" Audrey giggled and went up to Ian, placing an arm on his shoulder, "But, as one wise blue fish told me, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming." She said as she started making the best whale noises she could, imitating Dory's whale noises.

However, after she finished, she noticed Alice walking in and her eyes lit up. "Does that mean my whale noises attracted someone inside?" She exclaimed as hopped over to Alice, nodding, "What are you craving for? Mister Undecided over there wouldn't tell me what to make." She pouted slightly before giving Alice her attention and hopeful eyes. But, hearing Alice ask how she was, she replied,
"I'm doing quite well, dearest! What about you? We haven't seen you much during the semester. You haven't been over-loading yourself, have you? Or rather, fell down the rabbit hole?" She teased, absolutely loving her name ever since she met her dearest friend Alice. Soon she had an idea. "Movie night and ice cream is a must tonight, okay? You've been working too hard, especially if you would rather work in the summer!" She winked, giving her a thumbs up. Audrey knew what a worker Alice was, but that was because she had her own rent to work on plus school tution. She admired her tenacity and independency, however, no matter how much Audrey kept telling Alice she'd help, if she ever needed it. She never wanted to belittle Alice's hard work or ability, so she gave her as much moral support as she can. However realization dawned on her as she enveloped Alice into a hug. She smiled sheeplishly as she leaned back, "Can't get by without giving me a hug, missy!" Laughing slightly as her lips pursued slightly, "Are we missing anyone else? I know some of us are still outside? Do you think they're hungry?" She asked as she walked towards the fridge, directing her question to both Ian and Alice.


Ian couldn't help but let out a laugh at Aubrey's ridiculousness, it was just so her... If that made any sense. He shrugged, nose twitching as he thought about what he could possibly want to eat. "Well, cravings... I always crave cake, but that's not exactly dinner." He pointed out, shrugging his shoulders a bit. "In all seriousness, maybe you should grill something? Summer is the time for barbecues." He added, motioning to the large grill that could probably fit three dozen hamburgers and hot dogs that was just outside on the patio.

Ian quieted down once Aubrey and Alice engaged in coversation, he knew it was a long time since they've seen each other and he wouldn't want to interfere with their "reunion." "I'm just going to put this towel away, alright?" He announced, standing and walking towards the grand staircase in the living room. Slowly walking up the stairs he stood at the end of the hallway, hearing hushed voices. Not quite sure who the two people talking where he decided to stay back. He wasn't sure whether or not it was private, either way he stood where he was.


Alice Waters
Alice laughed at Audrey’s questions, amused by her friend’s rapid fire speaking. “I’m fine, just been a bit busy these last couple months, but this break is just what I needed before college starts.” Alice said smiling, the decision between college in France or in the States weighing on the back of her mind. “Definitely, a movie night sounds wonderful, especially after seeing that theater room.” Alice said laughing, pushing the thoughts from her mind. “I’m not sure about who’s still outside, I was a bit out of it. But I don’t think much anyone else though... And if they all feel as I do, then they are certainly hungry.” Alice joked., hugging Aubrey back.


Audrey Charlotte Taylor



[Disclaimer: Outfits not made by me, credits to original owner]

Audrey nodded at Ian's suggesting, grinning widely,
"Well . . no one ever said cake can't be eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner right? Or rather. . we can beat the social norms!" She giggled, starting for the pantry until Ian decided on making some burgers and hot dogs. "Grilling?" She said, stopping in her tracks as she whirled around towards Alice and Ian. "Yes! What's a summer blow-out without grilling? I'll prep the food! As for using the grill . . " Audrey pondered, letting her finger tap on her lips gently before taking a deep breathe. "You may want to cover your ears, guys." She whispered before speaking as loud as she can, "GUYS! WHO KNOWS HOW TO WORK THE GRILL? JADE?" Audrey ended up screaming, though her voice didn't echo as much since it cracked a slight bit as her voice was raided. "Do you know where Jade is, Alice? I still want to ask her if we can use the grill and her things before anything." She said sheeplishly, but heard Ian saying that he'll put the towels away. "Aye aye, captain!" Audrey responded, as she made a salute before giggling and turning her attention towards Alice. "College, huh?" She said a little bit dazed and dreamily, "I'm still undecided where I want to go, but I applied everywhere, traveling sounds fun, doesn't it?" However, she felt a bit saddened, knowing her friends may be in different parts of the world next year. So, instead of dwelling on it, she decided she'd make this the best summer yet! Full of memories, laughter, smiles, and tears. Grinning, Audrey winked at Alice, "Will you help me prepare the meat for the patties and some of the hot dogs? I'm sure Jade has the items put somewhere. . " She hummed quietly, looking around in the kitchen.

The grin fell off his face as Roland pulled himself out of the water. It seemed as if no one wanted to be by him now, first Jade and then Cris. Was it something he'd done? Maybe he shouldn't have splashed her, or messed with Cris so much? Roe was sporting a frown as he dried himself off, and the same frown stayed on his face as he passed his friends in the kitchen to get to his room and shower. After his shower, Roland passed by Cris' room, deciding whether or not he should apologize to him. For what? He didn't know, but he'd do anything so he didn't feel so guilty. Roe decided against it, choosing to just give the other boy his space. He made it back downstairs just in time for the others to be talking about food.

Roland wasn't frowning anymore, but his displeasure was still present. "Meat patties? Hot dogs? Do I smell a feast coming along?" He made sure to stay out of the girls' way as they did what they could. Roe moved to sit at the counter top, snagging another bag of chips before settling. He tried to mask his mood with a cheery voice, hoping no one would catch on. "Because if so, count me in." He added, the snack holding him over until any real food would be made.



Jade kept her mouth shut as she listened to most of her friends having a good time. Without a word, she finally got up and dried off before walking inside, going straight up to her room. After changing back into her clothes, she threw her hair up into a quick ponytail and stared at herself in the mirror. She felt sick. None of her friends were talking to her and she didn't even know what she did wrong.

Sighing softly, she walked out onto her balcony and sat down, staring out at the lake as she grabbed her phone and headphones, plugging her ears and turning the music all the way up. At that moment, she figured it would be best to just be alone so she didn't bother or inconvenience anyone else.
Stella jumped out of the pool, seeing everyone has left, and made her way back inside, dashing up the stairs and into her room. She peeled off her bathing suit and grabbed her phone, turning on her playlist and jumping in the shower.

Stella stepped out onto the cold floor and grabbed her towel, wrapping it around her frame and sat on the bed. "That Danny girl seems nice. First person to acknowledge my presence." She laughed lightly and lied back on the bed.

Audrey Charlotte Taylor



[Disclaimer: Outfits not made by me, credits to original owner]

Audrey was beginning to take out some ketchup, Worscheschire sauce, spices, and the meat from the fridge, placing it on the table. She smiled towards Alice before she heard a voice come downstairs. Before she greeted him, she saw a look of . .
displeasure? Discomfort? This threw Audrey off for a whirlwind. Cris? Ian? And now Roland too? Who next? This isn't good at all, especially knowing something is off about not one or two, but three of her friends. But, she never said anything and greeted him all chipper, "Roland! Yes! That's what me and Alice are making right now." She grinned happy he came down due to his hungriness. That's it! Hunger! If words can't help then how about food? Nothing better to help disperse the tension than food. Can't talk on an empty stomach right? And what better way to reconcile then gather everyone to the kitchen? "Guys, I'll be right back. I'm going to find Jade. And if you can, find the rest of them. We are ALL going to make this dinner together and eating." She smiled mischieviously, seeing a food fight in the making. There is no way in hell she's going to let this summer go to a misunderstanding.

Patting Alice on her shoulder before going over to Roland, seeing that he was munching on chips as he sat on the island. She gave him a soft smile, whispering,
"As Miss Potts told Chip, cheer up Chip, it'll be alright in the end." She turned towards Roland, nodding slightly before ruffling his hair. "Let's go horse-back riding later too?" She asked, knowing he loved animals. And what better way to help lighten the mood than doing everyone's favorite thing as well? Audrey liked happy and cheerful Roland, so hopefully his mood brightened after the thought of food and animals. Audrey turned to Alice , smiling, "Of course you're coming with too! In fact, we should all go see what Mother Nature has given us. I think, Ian would like it too, so will the others." After she said that she winked at her to friends and bounced off, going into the backyard, seeing if she could find anyone. Making her way around, she looked up as she orange horizon. Audrey grinned widely in bliss, but she was on a mission. Going down the path of the backyard and around the house, she noticed some of the rooms had a balcony on them. Maybe someone would be up there? She took that chance and found a familiar red-haired girl, with ear phones in her ear. Jade? But seeing the look on her face, it seemed a little . . upset? Dejected? Even the hostess wasn't in her cheerful mood? But, she was this morning. .This will have to stop, Audrey will not let this go on for any longer, even if she is being nosy and a busy body. Jade had opened her house to them! The least she can do it cheer up her friends. Frowning, Audrey ran over, trying to get her attention. "Jade! Jade!" She called out but no answer. Looking around at her feet she saw a few rocks laying there. Grinning, Audrey picked one up, the lightest one, so it wouldn't hurt Jade or the balcony. "Rapunzel, rapunzel, let down your hair!" She shouted repeatedly, as she threw the rock at Jade, once or twice. Giving her a sheepish look if Jade were to respond, but Audrey kept saying, "Rapunzel! Rapunzel!" Until Jade could hear her.

@TheWanderer @SomatoToup123 @JaneXJeff
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Jade had no idea someone was trying to get her attention. That was until she felt a rock hit her shoulder. "Ow..." She mumbled as she pulled the headphones out. It didn't really hurt, but it did sting a bit. Looking around, she heard a familiar voice yelling Rapunzel up at her. Looking over the balcony, she saw Audrey trying to get her attention and sighed softly. Without a word, she turned and exited the balcony, wasting no time in running downstairs and out the door, stopping when she saw the blonde.

Making sure no one else heard her, she turned to her friend and took a deep breath. "I have a question for you," she told her as she sat down in one of the chairs. "You can't make fun of me because it's a stupid question, but is it stupid to possibly like someone that you know doesn't like you back?" She asked softly, realizing how dumb she actually sounded. It was something that had been on her mind for a while now, but she just never knew who she could ask.
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Audrey Charlotte Taylor



[Disclaimer: Outfits not made by me, credits to original owner]

She grinned widely, seeing that the planned worked! Audrey waved towards Jade and gave her an apologetic smile before she saw Jade leaving the balcony. She didn't say anything to her,
was she mad at her? Angry? Oh you big baffoon! You shouldn't have hit her with a rock. Audrey groaned slightly, ruffling her hair before picking up a rock and then turning around. Her mouth curved up into a smile as she stared out into the lake before her. It was beyond measure and beautiful. The whole place was gorgeous! Once more, Audrey felt at peace with herself, just by being in such a place filled with wonder and awe. But before she could really enjoy herself, she really wanted to get to the bottom of things with her friends. However, she heard running footsteps as she turned her head only to be greeted by Jade. Even with running, Jade had a magnificent glow about her, even her hair was shining under the natural orange horizon above them.

However, Jade hadnt ran but walked over to her gracefully and sat down on a chair. But what puzzled her the most was that she wanted to ask her a question and she couldn't make fun of her.
Her? Make fun of Jade? Her friend? Never. She frowned slightly, but nevertheless nodded. Soon, Jade asked her question: if it was stupid to like someone, knowing they like someone else. Audrey's eyes lit up, processing what she was asking her. Shaking her head, she sat down next to Jade thinking before answering. Taking a deep breathe, Audrey turned to look at Jade, "I would never make fun of someone's question, especially, if they're crushing on someone." She grinned slightly as she placed a reassuring hand on Jade's shoulder. She'd have to ask who later, but the time wasn't now. "But, to answer your question. No. . , I don't think it's stupid. If you feel a certain way for someone. . you shouldn't be ashamed of it, right? Especially . . especially if you wholeheartedly genuinely feel for that person. ." She said, eyeing, Jade , waiting for her reaction before beginning again, "That person will never know your feelings if you don't tell them . . Right? Especially, if you 'think' they like someone else, when you're only assuming. Have you heard from the person themselves if they like someone else that wasn't you?" She questioned Jade, giving her time to think and answer if she'd like. Audrey never fell madly inlove before, sure, maybe crushes, but never liked. Maybe it was because she found pleasure in movies and books she's read and seen. Plus, more than anything, she wants her friends to be happy first. But, that didn't mean she never envied couples on Valentine's Day or wanted to share a special evening or scenary with someone, "But; even if they do like another person, feelings are precious. . Right? Even if. . Sometimes we feel too much emotions . . the greatest gift, I think. . is being able to love someone." At that; she stopped talking, letting Jade process what she had said and if she wanted to ask anymore questions to her or get another opinion. Audrey could go on and on about the topic, but she didn't want to talk Jade's ear off.

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Nadia Kaufman

Nadia's parents had driven her to the mansion much later than everyone else. They hadn't known about Nadia's invitation until later that day when everyone else was already enjoying themselves in the many gorgeous areas inside the enormous grand mansion. Nadia despised being late for anything. She sighed, wondering if arriving so late would cause her parents to feel overwhelmed with negativity for taking their daughter to her destination lately during her summer vacation as much as it overwhelmed herself. The only person she recognized was Jade, who had originally invited her. She did not know anyone else that was in her view, which made her somewhat upset. Nevertheless, she straightened her posture and didn't flinch at all. She went outside to the front to search for more people, only to find the rest of the teenagers who had been invited to stay at Jade's mansion. A frown was painted on her burgundy lips. She'd have to socialize more than she had ever before.

Nadia had decided she would've enjoyed socializing with Jade more than the others whom she didn't know. She didn't know their interests, backgrounds, or anything else about them, so why would she try to socialize with anyone like that, especially if they were jokesters who joked off in ways she didn't understand because of her own unfortunate lack of humor? She continued to wander around, waiting for someone to approach her somehow.



Danny entered quietly, watching him carefully. It was clear that he had just had some bought of sickness or anxiety, she knew those watery eyes and washed out color better than anyone. Danny sat carefully on the bed, using her elbow for support and looking up at him. She cocked her head to the side, biting her lip and gently saying "What's going on babe? How have you been?" It made more sense to catch up before trying to tackle the demons he was probably facing. After all, they hadn't seen each other in forever and the short bits of updates about him she got through letters were just enough for her to piece it together that he had probably been going through some seriously dark periods. If anyone knew that pain it was her. "I missed you" she smiled sweetly rubbing his hand softly.

Stella heard the front doors open and she didn't think too much of it. Until she considered someone she could talk to. She jumped up and put on a purple dress with eyeballs with wings on and casually walked out to the railing, looking around before walking downstairs. Stella her footsteps wandering around somewhere near the kitchen and followed them, seeing a girl with dark hair, looking more confused as ever. "Are you lost?"


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