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Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation


Love is Love. No matter what sex.


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Slowly waking up as the sunlight hit her eyes, Jade sat up in her bed, stretching her arms out and letting out a soft yawn. Today was the day. Her parents had approved of her having some people over at their summer home for the summer and she had to be there in roughly two hours. Jumping out of bed, she walked into her bathroom and started the water for a shower as she stretched one more time. She got in and quickly showered, using her Wen on her bright hair to preserve the color. When she got out, she dried off quickly and wrapped a towel around herself before going to the sink and washing her face. After brushing her teeth, she set her toothbrush out to dry and grabbed her toothpaste, Wen, and body wash before going back into her room and packing them up in her bag. Walking over to her closet door, took her shorts off the hanger, as well as her YOUNG, WILD, AND FREE tank top before getting dressed. She quickly blow dried her hair and straightened it before slipping on her white high tops, a few bracelets, and doing her makeup.

When she finished getting ready, she made sure she had everything and took her bags downstairs to be met by her mother. "Thank you thank you thank you for this!" she said happily before kissing her cheek. "Behave and you're welcome sweetie," the older woman said before Jade ran out of the house with her bags. Loading up her Dodge Challenger, she got into the driver's seat and started it, thinking over everything she had and smiled as she pulled out of the driveway and began the half an hour drive. When she arrived, she pulled into the driveway before shutting the car off and getting out, grabbing her bags and heading inside. Once she claimed the fourth room for herself, she headed down to the kitchen, grabbing six spare keys to the house and setting them all on a small table beside the front door. Now all she had to do was wait.

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The loud alarm blared in his ears, differing greatly from the silence of the morning. Roland sat up from his bed, the sleep still evident in his movements as he sluggishly made his way from his bed to his bathroom. He shut the door behind him, switching on the warm water and stripping out of his clothes. It took him a good 10 minutes to bathe, before he was out of the shower with only a towel around his waist. He dried himself off slightly before reaching for the sink to brush his teeth a play a bit with his hair. Roe walked back into his room, grabbing his outfit from his closet and slipping it on, before sliding on his sneakers and walking back into the bathroom. It took him a while, but he got his hair just perfect enough for the day.

Roland made his way downstairs, his whole family down waiting for him. They weren't very used to having Roe away for so long, so everyone wanted to see him go. His father gave him a small pat on the head and his mom gave him a kiss on the cheek, and his smallest puppy came running up to him, to which he gave a few long stokes before letting him go. "See you guys in three months." He gave them his best smile he could muster before turning around and walking to his car.

It took Roland about two hours to make it to the house, but once he did, he was ecstatic. There was only slight worry, but that was normal, he was living with his friends for three months. He grabbed his bags and walked up to the door, taking the polite way out and knocking and waiting for someone to come.

((just want to apologize beforehand for my lack coding, it's really hard to do it on an ipad))


Ian groaned as the all too familiar music of his alarm began to fill his room. If it were any other day, he would through the alarm clock across the room, cuddle back into his blankets and the sleep the day away. But no, today was a special day for it was the day he would be traveling to Jade's summer house. He stood from his bed, the dark navy blue cover slipping from the mattress and onto the floor. Running his hand through his hair Ian walked across the hall and into the bathroom. Closing the door behind him he pulled back the dull green shower curtains and turned the water on, making it cold so it would wake him up.

Stripping himself of his sweatpants and t-shirt he climbed in, already feeling the chill of the cold water and almost immediately awakening. He soaped himself up with his newest body wash, Ian would never admit it but he loved the smell of girly body washes and shampoos. After taking a thirty minute shower, not uncommon for Ian, he stepped out, stamping his feet on the area rug next to the shower. His mother hated how he did that, claiming that it wasn't there to dry himself off on. Grabbing a beige towel from the rack and wrapping it loosely around his hips, Ian walked to the mirror. Taking the brush that lay on top of the nasty (well in his opinion) green countertops he brushed through his hair until it had a perfect peek.

Throwing the door open he walked back into his room and opened his closet, digging through it to find the perfect outfit. He gave up after ten minutes, taking a blue patterned t-shirt and grey skinny jeans. He tied some blue sneakers and began to pack pretty much his whole closet into a suitcase, Ian wouldn't be lying if he said he had a small wardrobe. After he carefully folded every article of clothing he placed his electronics on top. His phone charger and laptop and laptop charger. He knew he would be busy, so why bring every electronic he had? Ian walked back into the bathroom, taking his shampoo, conditioner and body wash. He hoped nobody saw the girly scents, (rose shampoo and almond and verbena body wash) zipping up the luggage he brought it downstairs and to his car.

Once he started the car up he drove over to Jade's house, he lived close so it only took about forty minutes. He parked next to Roland's car, he wanted to know just how early he got up to drive this far out and arrive this early. Opening the door he slammed it shut behind him, twirling the keys around his index finger and walking up the steps to Jade's door, standing next to Ronald. "Long time no see." He muttered, addressing the two days after the last day of school that they did not spend together. He let a gentle laugh fall from his lips beforing going back to being silent. Ian didn't particularly have a lot to say, he never did really.


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Roland stepped inside, giving the other boy a short nod and a smile. It had only been about two days since he's actually saw him, but the other boy made it sound like years. Ian stopped talking after that, so Roe didn't see a point in trying to continue the conversation. He made his way upstairs, stopping every once in a while to admire the view of the house. It was a pretty spectacular place, and Roland felt very lucky that he had Jade as a friend. Finally, he found himself standing in the doorway of the eight bedroom, claiming it as his own as he carefully put his laid his stuff down and put his clothes away. It didn't take too long, and Roe found himself back downstairs before he knew it. Now that he was back by the front door, he noticed six pairs of keys sitting on a small table, and he could only guess that it was for them. Roland took a pair, before heading in the kitchen to check the place out.

He was happy to see Jade already there, waiting for them to show up. Or maybe she was just hungry, but the former seemed to make so much more sense in the situation. He smiled at the red-head, flashing his teeth and giving her a proper grin. "Hey," he spoke. It was the first actual word he said since he got here. "Thanks for inviting me." He continued, once again showing his gratitude although he'd done it many time before. He felt like the owed the other girl, she had just invited them to stay at her summer house for three months, a very generous thing for one to do.

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Jade was too busy digging through the cabinets for food to hear anyone knock on the door. She finally found a bag of chips and opened them, popping one in her mouth before smiling at the flavor. Only minutes later, she heard the sound of one of her friends and jumped, not expecting it. Turning around quickly, she smiled widely and ran a hand through her hair as she walked around the island and quickly gave Roland a hug. Pulling back she jumped up and down a bit as she set the bag of chips down.

"Don't mention it! I'm just surprised my parents trust us.... But still! You got a set of keys right? I tried to put them somewhere everyone could find them," she said with a smile before hopping up onto the counter and swinging her legs. She had to admit, she had always had a very small thing for Roland, but it was nothing she would openly admit. Besides, friends first. Glancing over, she smiled seeing Ian and hopped down, hugging him as well. "I'm so glad you're here," she told him, knowing he wasn't very big on words.
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Ian smiled back, "It's nice to finally be out of the house." He stated, giving Jade a tight squeeze before picking up the key that was labeled with a three. He slipped it into his front pocket to make sure he didn't lose it, it would royally suck if he did. Ian left his bags in the expansive living room before walking into the kitchen. He couldn't help but he awed at the size of the room, it was almost bigger than his bedroom and bathroom combined. While Ian's house was quite large, this vacation home was just spectacular. "This is quite lovely." He whispered, leaning against the edge of the granite counters. Ian was never one to be jealous, but to be honest, he envied the fact that Jade had such a wonderful vacationing home.

From the looks of things he could tell that this was going to be an exciting summer. Of course he didn't expect to meet many people, Ian barely new anybody that was gay, let along bi. Though he wasn't too discouraged, there comes a time for everything. He watched as Jade and Roland, smiling to himself at the sight of his friends all ready hitting it off. He stifled a laugh as the two started to ramble about nothing in particular. Ian didn't have to talk to have fun, he knew this himself. "I'm just gonna bring my bag up to the room." He announced before walking into the living room, picking up his bag he climbed up the large set of stairs. Stopping in front of the door that had a very carefully painted on three.

Opening the door he placed the bag down on the wood floor, admiring the large bed and lovely, warm feel the wood gave off. Ian could ramble about furniture and decoration for hours if you let him, his mother says she's just like that. After closing the door and locking it behind him he patted the front of his jeans to see if the keys were still there. Sighing relief once he felt the small indent of the key he began to walk down the stairs again.


Alice Waters

Alice was stuck in traffic, typical. Her old second hand (though probably more like third hand) Volvo inched down the highway. She had hurried all this morning in hopes of getting to the summer house on time, but now she was stuck at a snail’s pace on the interstate. This morning, she had woken at the crack of dawn to pack, having procrastinated to the last minute. All she needed for a summer had take a suitcase and a backpack to fit in, now piled in the backseat. Not to mention negotiating with her land lady about rent and having her apartment stay hers while she was gone. Alice had only been a legal adult for two months and it was already exhausting her. She drummed her fingers impatiently on the wheel, the silky sound of Hozier from the radio the only thing keeping her sane. In all honesty, she had been nervous about taking this trip to begin with. A whole summer away from work… her apartment… all the stress of her new, independent life. The temptation of a summer of relaxation won out over her nervousness. Besides, next year is when everything would change. College was of course the next step, but for Alice, it was more than that. She had received scholarships from two schools. One in France and one in the states. The one she chose would determine the rest of her life, whether it continued in America with her friends or whether she go back to the country she had always considered home… Alice’s hand strayed up to fiddle with her pendant nervously.

Alice pulled into the drive of the summer house, gaping at the vastness of the property and house itself. Everything was so nice. She had known Jade’s family was well off, but certainly never expected this much. Her old, beat up car looked out of place when Alice parked it in the front driveway. Hopping out, she went around to the back seat and pulled her bags from the car, pushing the door closed with her foot as she walked away. With her customary flowery Doc Martens paired with worn shorts and band shirt, a long cardigan thrown over the whole ensemble, Alice herself looked out of place as she walked up the white steps of the mansion. It looked like one of those places where the men wore at least three polos at all times and always seemed to have some sort of liquor nearby while the woman all wore designer sunglasses and sipped wine as the gossiped about their children and most recent vacations.

Somehow she had made it there on time, despite all the traffic. She couldn’t assure that everything she had done was legal… but she had made it in one piece. Alice set her bags down, hurriedly scraping her long curly hair into a loose bun before letting herself in, dragging her bags after her. “Hello?” she called out, her voice echoing throughout the house. “Jade, it’s Alice!” she said as she set her bags down by the stairwell, before heading in the direction she heard voices.
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☆Stella Rose☆

Stella woke up to the sound of her favorite song,
Bastards Left Behind by Miss May I. She sat up and yawned, stretching her arms and sighing softly before getting out of bed and grabbing clothes to take a shower. Today, Stella was starting her summer off at her friend Jade's summer home and Stella's excitement level was through the roof. Her mum, Isabelle, was pretty excited too. Probably because Stella doesn't get out very much and just stays at home helping her mum out with things around the house. It didn't seem to bother her though. Spending time with her daughter was the highlight of her days.

Stella jumped out of the shower, humming to a song playing off her playlist and nodding her head to the beat. She began to blow dry her hair and apply her light makeup, singing a bit while applying her lip gloss. She looked through her closet of dark and bright clothing, picking our her outfit and putting it together before putting it on. Stella slipped on her shoes and grabbed her bag, along with her phone and keys before walking downstairs and out the door to greet her mum. She quickly ran up behind her and hugged her from behind, grinning. "Heading out now, yeah?" Stella nodded and kissed her cheek. "Alright then. Be careful, honey. Remember to call me when you get there." Stella smiled and kissed her mum's cheek, heading off towards her car.

The drive there wasn't longer than 35 minutes and Stella was finally there. She parked her car in front of the grand home and quickly got out, excited to see Jade. Stella grabbed her bags and began her way up to the front doors, her keys jingling in her back pocket and her shoes tapping against the concrete. Seemed like a girl just let herself in, so Stella just pushed open the door and let herself in. She looked around, hearing faint voices and smiled before walking towards the voices.



Roe didn't mean to startle her, it was just a plus to the situation. He hugged the other girl back, chuckling as she jumped up and down in excitement. "Yeah, I got a pair. They were in a good spot for everyone to find." He only watched the girl, an amused grin on his face as she hopped on the counter and swung her legs around like a kid. In less than a second, she hopped down to give Ian a hug too, the energy radiating off Jade like she was the sun. Before he could say anything else, Roland heard a voice. Well, a couple of voices actually, that came after the sound of a door opening and closing.

He figured some of his other friends arrived, so, he made his way back to the front of the house, getting ready to greet a few more old friends. He was happy to see Stella and Alice both there, probably only arriving a few minutes apart."Welcome!" Roe exclaimed, giving them a bow and pointing towards the small table next to the door, as if he were a butler. "Please grab a pair, both of you." He continued, adding an accent to his words to string along the act. If anyone was childish, it's Roland for sure.



Jade happily watched as Ian headed upstairs to his room and was about to say something when she heard a couple of female voices. Running to the front door, she saw Alice and Stella and ran over, hugging them each tightly. "I've missed you guys!" she said happily, handing them each a set of keys. Taking a mental count of everyone there so far, she realized she was still missing a couple people. Oh well, she could do this again. "Ian get down here I want to show you guys around!" she yelled so he would hear her before looking back to the girls. "Go put your stuff up and hurry back. I only wanna do this twice," she said with a small laugh, playfully pushing them towards the stairs.

Quietly walking back to the kitchen, she ate a few more chips before putting the bag up and walking around the whole first floor, opening windows so the nice summer breeze could fill the house. Opening up the last window, she pulled back the curtains and nodded a bit. There, all done," she said softly to herself as she ran a hand through her hair to push it out of her face, something she did often but couldn't help, even when her hair was up. She knew about how long it would take, considering there was just about the whole house to show them, as well as where everything was outside.
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Ian laughed to himself as he saw Roland putting on a whole butler act. It was typical of him, he was always a huge joker around their friends. "You'd make a wonderful butler." He muttered as he walked past Roland, patting his back and grinning, walking back into the kitchen he sat at the table. Ian began to tap his fingers against the dark wood of the tabletop. Nothing was particularly interesting him at the moment. He watched as Jade opened up each window, laughing softly. "You're a great hostess." He complimented, shooting her an awkward thumbs up before turning to the window to stare into space.

This was a lot like how their gatherings went really, everybody would sit and joke and Ian would just be there, day dreaming or doing something else. He would always but in with a few words, but never really contributated to the conversation. He was just glad that his friends never commented on it. It was always awkward talking about how somebody talked... In Ian's opinion at least. He spun in his chair, leaning against the back as he waved to the other girls that arrived. He grinned once more before turning back around and going back to absentmindedly staring out of the window.

The view was gorgeous, lovely greenery and a perfect view to see a sunset or sunrise. Ian had to admit that he loved the sunsets, he always thought that they were one of the most romantic sights. If he had to choose where he would have a date. It would be a place where the sky would be directly in view. Ian had no clue how his mind jumped from friends to romance, but he was fine with it. He was weird like that, oh so weird.



Danny felt her phone buzzing somewhere in the tangled sheets of her bed. A lazy hand reached through them trying to locate the buzzing annoying sound that was disturbing her sleep. She lifted the phone to her face rubbing her eyes and looking at the time "SHIT" she yelled, throwing it down and jumping out of bed. She was supposed to be at Jade's an hour ago. It had been a year since she'd seen any of her friends after her mishap with the druggies in town that landed her in rehab. And after 10 months of being cooped up in brick buildings admitting to being an addict and promising to never do it again, all she wanted was to see her friends, the ones that kept her sane through it all.

Danny pulled on a pair of ripped dark wash jeans and a loose fitting white t-shirt that probably wasn't hers, whatever it would have to work for now. She pulled a brush through her long dark hair, fixing yesterday's eyeliner and shadow with a few rubs while simultaneously pulling on her favorite leather jacket. All her life she had been known for being late but this was her first time back and she didn't want to leave her friends thinking she had forgotten about them or worse, ended up back with that crew that messed her up to begin with. "I hate myself" she laughed, tying on her black combat boots and tying her hair in a long ponytail. "Whatever" she sighed, grabbing the bag she had packed the night before and her car keys. "Make smart choices Daniella!" her mother called, a nervous face staring back at her rebel daughter. Danny ignored her remark climbing into her car and speeding off.

"Jesus Jade" she laughed pulling up to the house. She never failed to impress her, but being away made Danny forget all about the luxuries that awaited her. She climbed out of the car, slinging her backpack over her shoulder and swallowing deeply. What if her friends had gotten on fine without her? This was a thought that had yet to cross her mind but now standing in front of a place that carried their memories, Danny wasn't so sure. She took a few steps toward the house wondering if she should turn back.

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Alice Waters

Alice laughed and hugged Jade back. “It’s so nice to see you again!” she said smiling. Though they all attended the same school, Alice rarely saw any of her friends, always caught up in school work, work eating up the hours after class. Slinging her backpack back over her shoulder, she picked up her up her bag and headed up the stairs, slipping the pair of keys into her pocket.

Alice pushed open the door of her room, stopping in the door way as her mouth fell open. The place had its own fireplace for god’s sake. She walked in, putting her bags down by the chest of drawers, to put away later. Alice peered into the bathroom, it was complete with its own full size tub and shower. She couldn’t remember the last time she had taken a soak in an actual bath, she would definitely be finding time for that sometime this summer. Smiling, she left the room, closing the door behind her with a soft click.

Alice stepped into the kitchen, pushing the sleeves of her long cardigan up, the dark blue, kitted fabric swishing around her knees as she walked. “Hello Ian” she greeted the boy she saw staring out the window. She stepped forward, looking out the window as Jade bustled about. The lake stretched out in front of her, the setting sun casting beams of brilliant colored light across its surface.


Ian turned to look at Alice, smiling once more, "Hey." He muttered, not thinking of anything to say right off the spot. He allowed the silence to fall between them as he stared outside once more. The whole scene was just picture perfect, he cough think up of a whole load of scenarios in which he would actually kill somebody to use the space. "I hope I'm not the only person who finds this place to be amazing." He announced softly, noticing how Alice seemed to be entranced by the lake that shone from the sunlight that hit it.

"To be honest, I'm quite impressed. And jealous." Ian whispered, nudging Alice playfully as he leaned back against the matching wood chair. "I'm not one to be jealous, but how can Jade be able to own a house like this one? Especially as a vacation home. I wouldn't mind living in this year round." He whispered, letting the conversation longer as he stood up.
"Have any idea when the others arrive? I'm sick of being surrounded by girls. No offense." He teased, ruffling Alice's hair as he stood up.

Audrey Charlotte Taylor



[Disclaimer: Outfits not made by me, credits to original owner]

"Jack! Don't let go!" She cried out, sniffling her nose, as dried tear marks stained her rosy cheeks. Audrey has gone through at least two tissue boxes since Titanic started. She was watching one of her all-time go-to movie since the crack of dawn. Her sleeping habits were messed up as ever since school had let out two days ago. Since it was the summer, she figured she would binge watch on all of her favorite movies which included: Titanic, chick flicks, and let's not forget: Disney! Patting her bed sheets, Audrey was looking for her remote control before she paused the movie right before Jack fell to the bottom of the sea, leaving Rose alone. With another sniffle, Audrey grabbed a tissue and started blowing her nose, trying to at least, get all the snots away from her face. As she finished, her attention went towards the clock at her bed stand reading: 8:00AM. A huge grin formed on her lips, "Today's the day, Toto!" She exclaimed, causing a small brown fluff ball to lift up his head, as he wagged his tail, excitedly. "Good morning, Toto!" Audrey giggled softly as Toto tilted his head wondering what's gotten his human friend all worked up. "Good thing I packed last night, right?" She sighed in bliss, happy that she wouldn't have to rush over to Jade's summer home. Audrey never liked being late, especially since Jade and her parents would open up their home to her and her friends. She couldn't have been more than grateful to them. With a knock on the door, Toto's ears perked up as he jumped over to turn his attention towards the door as he sat down, waiting for the person to reveal themselves. "Come in!" Audrey called out, fluffing her covers around her frame as she smiled.

With a creak, the door opened just a crack, revealing a young women with long, blonde hair, similar to Audrey's own. Her smile widened seeing her daughter, as her pearly white teeth was shown
. "Hi, sweetie," She said soothingly, "Are you ready and packed?" Looking at the women before her, Audrey jumped out of bed and ran straight towards her, hugging her tightly, "Ma! Yes, thank you so so so much for letting me go!" Audrey said happily as she spun around with her mom in tow. Soon enough, another person came inside, as a low chuckle could be heard, teasingly, he said, "Whoa! What's with all the noise so earlier in the morning?" Stopping in her tracks, Audrey helped herself to balance along with her Ma. "Dad!" She chorused with another loud voice laced with excitement as she bear hugged her dad. Her father laughed heartily as he picked her up and spun her head, "Wow," he grinned, "my baby girl's all grown up now, isn't she?" He pouted slightly as he put Audrey back down. Shaking her head, Audrey gave a kiss on her mother and father's cheeks, "Of course not! I'll always be your baby girl, no matter what!" She said reassuring her parents, "I'll make sure to call and text you guys when I get there. Again thank you, thank you!" She exclaimed cheerfully, going in for another hug. Her parents laughed gleefully nodding, "Alright, sweetie. Go and get going now, or you'll be late!" Audrey smiled softly and nodded eagerly. Her father spoke up and ruffled her hair, "I'll get your bags in the car, so go on ahead and get changed." Saying another goodbye, Audrey nodded as she waved off to her parents, happy they took some time off of work in the morning to see her off.

Audrey quickly went to the shower, shivering and squealing when she felt the cold water hit her skin.
"Cold, cold!" She pouted, not liking the cold hitting her body. As much as she loved winter, she would rather enjoy a warm bath than a cold one. Getting out of the shower, Audrey made sure to blow dry her hair so she wouldn't get a cold. Surprisingly, she has a low immune system so she does her best to try to keep her health up. Taking out some concealor, she placed some on her index finger and rubbed it on her face gently. When she finished, Audrey made sure to put on some Nitrogena sun block lotion so her skin wouldn't get burnt. Walking out of the bathroom, Audrey went through her closet as she found an outfit she had put together. She was in one of her Disney moods and today she decided to dress a little like Rapunzel, with her hair braided to the side, a floral purple shirt, with white shorts. When she was done making her bed and cleaning her room, Audrey checked to make sure she had everything she needed. Phone? Keys? Wallet? Luggage? All check! Bouncing on her toes, Audrey gave a kiss to Toto, "I'll see you soon, Toto. I wish I could bring you, maybe next time!" Taking her leave, Audrey saw a note on the counter. Smiling as she read it, she took the note with her, reminding herself to text her parents when she arrives. Taking out her phone, Audrey decided to text her friends she was on her way, hoping she wouldn't be too late.

Finally arriving, Audrey made it safely, however, she was beyond late, beyond. She mentally scolded herself since she didn't leave until 9AM, giving her an hour to get ready, and then she arrived at Jade's summer house at around 12AM. At the same time, she got lost. . many, many. . time. "Oh goodness." She said softly to herself, seeing Jade's extravagant summer house. Audrey didn't expect any less from Jade as she grinned widely, shaking her head. Pulling into the driveway, Audrey smiled, seeing most of her friend's cars already parked there. As she parked, she took out her luggage and walked up to the doorstep. Taking a deep breathe, Audrey sighed relieved, but only to bump into someone. She took a step back, balancing herself as she looked over at the person she bumped into. Shock coursed her body, as Audrey's stared, confused and slightly dazed, "D-Danny. ." She spoke softly, as she punched her cheeks and then walked up to Danny, pinching hers as well. Once Audrey felt that it wasn't a dream, she squealed excitedly as her eyes began to water a little, letting a smile form on her face before engulfing Danny into a tight hug. "Danny! You're here! I. . I can't believe it! You're finally here! This is so much better than speaking through letters and the phone!" She exclaimed cheerfully, hugging her friend even tighter before leaning back, wiping a tear before it went down her cheeks. "Oh gee. . We didn't even see the rest of them before the water works came!" She laughed lightly, taking Danny's hand softly and walking with her into the house. "It'll be okay." She whispered to Danny, not knowing how she was feeling but wanting to comfort her regardless. Audrey knew despite Danny's hardened and strong appeal, she had a big heart, one that Audrey loved the most, and she would hate to see her friend hurt again.

Looking over at Danny once more, Audrey winked at her, before letting their presence known,
"Guys! We're here!" She said in a song-songs voice, quite jolly. Audrey took this chance to look around the house, marveling at how beautiful and cozy the house was. "Jade! Alice! Ian! Roe! Stella! This is a SUMMER home?" Audrey ended up saying, quite excitedly, as she bounced on her toes, but stayed near Danny. "It feels like a castle!"

@JaneXJeff @TheWanderer @Phantasia @mermaidxbabexo @TuffBbg @SomatoToup123 @Sametheon
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Before Danny could even comprehend what was happening, she was swept up in a wave of love from her favorite bubbly lady Audrey. Whenever mail came Danny could be sure that there was something from Audrey, whether it be a Disney quote or a summary of the latest movie, and it was always full of stories of home which kept Danny sane in her little brick cell. Audrey, despite her fears of getting sick and ever present squealing, was always keeping her smiling.

Danny laughed at her friend, squeezing her hand and following her inside. Comforted by Audrey's words, she shifted her bag on her shoulders and bit her lip trying not to show her nerves. If Audrey hadn't changed hopefully the others hadn't either. Whatever the case, she needed to put the nerves behind her and just enjoy the moment for what it was, being in a gorgeous house with her nearest and dearest friends.

"Where is everyone??? Didn't you miss me?!" she called, looking around the gorgeous home for some sign of life. She wrapped an arm around Audrey, squeezing her once before nuzzling her head and letting go. It felt so good to have some human contact again, especially with her favorite people.

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Alice Waters

“It is all quite impressive, much better than the apartment I’m living in. Though with the price of rent, you would think that it was this nice.” Alice said, still looking out onto the lake. This was just the vacation house, she couldn’t image Jade’s actual house. This place was more than nice, Jade’s home must be like Versailles.

Alice smoothed down her hair as she stood, pursing her lips in slight annoyance. Her hair was a frazzled nest now. She pulled it from its loose bun and shook out her long locks, the chaotic curls falling down her back. “They should be here any minute now, they only went up to put their bags in their rooms.” Alice replied, methodically braiding her hair into one long rope before tossing it over her shoulder, standing from the chair. She tightened the laces of her Doc Martens, the flowery shoes vibrant as the rest of her.



By the time his alarm blared off, Cris had finished his 6th set of vertical lifts. He wasn't sleeping well at all and he hadn't since the incident. That was what the rehabilitation time would be for: to get in touch with himself in an environment that didn't make him feel as if he were a regular on American Horror Story. Cris untangled himself from the pull-up bar his legs were hooked on and wiped his forehead with a towel. The most he had time to do was take his meds and put on a clean shirt. Within 15 minutes after his first alarm a notification went off letting him know that his Uber driver had arrived. Taking his dufflebag with him he was in an elevator and through the lobby in no time at all.

The ride was pretty scenic. Cris smiled and bobbed his head along to a random playlist of his. He loved making playlists. His laptop was full of them, although he didn't have it with him at the moment. It was with all of t=his belongings that were sent to the house prior to his arrival, thanks to his parents. They really didn't have much to say on the issue, except to tell him to get better.

Forty-five minutes and a awkward wrong turn later, he arrived outside the grand spectacle of a housing establishment. Jogging up to the door he found that is was slightly ajar from the last person who entered. Cris pulled the handle and let himself in, hearing the voices of those who'd already arrived. No one would really notice him until he made himself known. He would go and greet all his friends in a bit, but Cris had one thing on his mind and one thing only: food. With a little looking, he found a bag of chips that had been opened already. He really shouldn't have, but the temptation coupled with the fact that he hadn't had a salty snack food in months got the better of him. He took the bag with him, knowing he'd devour the entire thing without thinking about it.

Walking accompanied with the sounds of crunching, he made his way to the back patio. There, he let the breeze float across his face and in his hair. This was what freedom felt like to him: lazy mornings eating potato-chips in a house he didn't own.

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Roland made his way back into the kitchen, following the string of people who had just arrived. The house seemed to be bustling with excitement as everyone checked out the amazing views the house had. Roe seemed to be the only one who was used to the lavishness of the house, due to it being pretty similar to his own. Oh well. He gave his shoulders a small shrug before opening the counter to take a bag of chips, then pulling out a chair and taking a seat. He chose not to follow Jade's earlier actions and sit on the counter. Munching on the chips, he watched his friends interact with one another. "You guys are something else." He muttered with an amused smile on his face. Everyone seemed to do their own thing, but he did happen to notice Cris come by here, grab an open bag of chips, and leave.

Roland stood up from the counter and followed the trail of the other boy, finding himself on the back patio. It was pretty nice out there, the wind was blowing and it gave a great view of the other side of the house. He quietly closed the door behind himself before creeping up next to the boy, spending a few moments in silence before he spoke. "I don't think it's very polite to get comfortable in someone else's home without saying hello first." He was only joking, but he kept a straight face, slowly munching on his chips as he waited.



Ian grinned at Alice, "What I would give to have my own apartment. Imagine living in a house with five people and only two bathroom, and three of those five people are girls." He muttered, laughing softly as he shook his head. He didn't usually talk about his family, only brining them up once in a blue moon. But when he did, it was always an amusing story. "A simple shower could take an hour. Going between showering to curling their hair to doing make up... For what, a trip to the super market. I'll never understand girls." He teased, hoping he didn't insult Alice. "Shit, I just rambled... Exactly why I don't like talking." Ian paused, biting his lip as he thought of what to say next.

"I swear, my train of thought and my speaking are the same exact things. They both get derailed so quickly, so many times." He groaned, rolling his eyes rather comically as he leaned against the chair, only the legs in the back remained on the floor. His mother always scolded him for doing that, but it was a habit he couldn't seem to break. He decided to just quiet down after that and let Alice speak. Ian really hoped he wasn't annoying or bothering Alice.



Jade heard a couple more voices enter and walked towards the front door, freezing at what she saw. "No way in hell..." she whispered softly to herself as she took in the sight of their old friend, Danny. Screaming happily, she ran over to her and Audrey, hugging them both tightly one at a time. "Oh my god you're here!" she said happily as she held Danny by the shoulders, unable to believe she was actually there. "Oh my god!" Hugging her again, Jade finally pulled back and smiled widely. Come on! I wanna show you guys around, she said, leading them into the kitchen. Glancing around, she frowned slightly and glanced out the window, seeing Roland and Cris. She opened the door and crossed her arms, adding a small pout to her facial features. "Now how in the hell do you expect me to let you stay in my house and not even get a hello when you get here?" she questioned, though she was only joking. "Get in here, both of you," she said with a smile and waited patiently before going into the kitchen. "I only want to this twice at the most. Come with me," she said happily, addressing everyone before turning and walking down a rather large hallway.

Stopping at a door, she opened it and stepped aside. "This is the music room for anyone musically gifted, or not so much. Equipped with soundproof walls so you won't disturb anyone as long as the door is closed," she said before walking a bit further and opening another door on the opposite side. "This is the game room. Everything from video games to pool to arcade games are in here," she grinned, waiting a few moments before jogging to the door in the center at the very center of the hall. "Arguably my favorite room in the house, the theater room," she said as she opened the door and stepped aside so they could see. "Enough chairs for all of us, massage chairs might I add, and there's a small room off to the side where we keep the snacks." Jade made her way through the small group and found her way into a rather simple looking room. "Dining room, and that's everything inside. We still have outside to go," she said happily, allowing the group to recuperate for a minute.

@Phantasia @SomatoToup123 @RedIncubus @TheWanderer @mermaidxbabexo @crucialstar @TuffBbg

Audrey Charlotte Taylor



[Disclaimer: Outfits not made by me, credits to original owner]

Audrey was glad to see Danny laughing and being at ease with her. She was worried her friend might become too distant toward her after being away for so long, but reuniting with her just felt so good! Giggling, Audrey looked around with Danny, seeing if they could spot their friends anywhere. Pouting slightly, Audrey shrugged her shoulders, "Guess everyone is running about somewhere in the mansion?" Taking of her shoes and placing her luggage to the side, Audrey was about to head walk away from the door until she heard an all-too familiar voice. Glancing up, Audrey's smiled turned into a wide grin as she watched her red-haired, the one and only, ever so lovely, friend Jade. Her expression was priceless as she was elated to see the reunion between Jade and Danny. To say the least, Audrey secretly had Disney princess and prince nicknames for each of her friends, however, she wouldn't reveal that until later. Audrey stepped to the side, wanting to give the two girls more room before she engulfed Jade into a warm hug. "Ah! Before that, I have a house warming gift for you!" Audrey exclaimed, following behind Jade as she nodded her head over at Danny in Jade's direction, giggling behind them. As they walked into the kitchen, Audrey made sure not to fall over air or trip on her face. But she knew, she would end up falling since the wood floors of Jade's house was so glossy and shiny. Audrey couldn't help but admire it. Ever since she came upon Jade's summer home, she was admiring every little thing. But as they neared the kitchen, Audrey felt giddy, wanting to see what was in store at living at Jade's summer home for a three months. "I'm so excited to see the house! I feel like a princess or rather a royal living in such an elegant yet modernized summer home." She said in such awe as her eyes seemed a bit dazed.

However, Audrey was brought out of her thoughts when she heard Jade's voice calling out to Roland and Chris. Shaking her head, she spied some chips as her stomach grumbled slightly. Nodding, Audrey followed along, humming softly as she bounced on her feet. She saw Ian and Alice talking amongst themselves and waved them over,
"Guys, let's go and see the house so we won't get lost!" She said but added, "or rather. . I would but still, the more the merrier!" She laughed lightly as then waved over at Roland and Chris, "Have anymore chips in that bag of yalls?" She asked politely until she stopped in front of Jade as she began the tour. To say the house was huge was an understatement , there was literally a room for games, music, and movies. How much fun is that? Audrey wasn't poor but she wasn't rich, and rather, he parents didn't want a huge mansion and go to the extreme. They would rather a docile and humble home. But, Audrey didn't mind, nor was she envious, in fact, she was quite the opposite. She was esctatic for her friend and grateful for showing them her home. As they finished the tour, Audrey took Jade's hand, squealing in excitement, "It's like the house never ends! It's truly a gorgeous summer home, Jade. Thank you so much for inviting me." She said genuinely, as she smiles brightly at me of her favorite people in the world. Letting go of Jade's hand, Audrey stepped over to the side, leaning against the column as she tapped her toes on the hardwood floor , but not before engulfing Stella and Alice into a hug. "Even though it's been only two days, it feels like centuries!" She said a little bit exasperated, exaggerating it a little. "How have you guys been?" She said, asking everyone in general, knowing a lot to nothing can happen in just two days!

@JaneXJeff @TheWanderer @Phantasia @mermaidxbabexo @TuffBbg @SomatoToup123 @Sametheon @RedIncubus
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Cris smirked at the sudden acknowledgement from Roland. "Hello to you too, my friend." He said warmly, striding over and enveloping the man in a bear hug. "I'm sure Jade won't mind my munching. Hospital food tastes like garbage and ashes." He was quite fond of Roland, counting him among the closest of his friends. Most of the time Cris didn't know whether the other was joking or not, but then again he always felt like he was the last to know anything.

"So," he continued, trying to initiate small talk, "How is your family? I heard you got another 'friend' while I was away." Secretly, Cris was hoping that no one would bring up his stint in an asylum. It wasn't in his character to go that berserk and his companions knew so. They'd all been friends since he was a junior...twice. Anyway, he was all to aware of Roland's habitual ownership of different animals. Whenever he slept over, most of the puppies and kitties would snuggle up with him wherever he dropped.


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Alice Waters

Alice listened to Ian with an unreadable face. She wouldn’t pull the “be grateful” card, but what he described sounded nice to her. Not paying to live somewhere with a large family… but she kept her spiteful thoughts to herself. Smiling, she replied. “Trust me, it isn’t exactly all giggles. There’s a lot of work involved. Taxes are a bitch and whoever tells you differently is full of it.” She turned as Audrey and Danny walked it, getting up and going over to greet them each with a hug. “It’s great to see you again Danny! It’s been ages I swear.” Alice said before replying to Audrey. “Oh, I’ve been great, really glad to finally be here. A summer with no work or rent sounds so wonderful.” She said laughing as she followed Jade out of the room.

Alice followed the tour with wide eyes. There was just so much. She couldn’t believe that all these rooms were for their use. At the doorway of the music room her fingers itched to go over to the piano and shut herself in there for hours. The tour only got better from there, each room more exciting than the next. "Wow Jade, your parents must really trust us.." Alice said quietly as she looked around the theater room.

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