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Fandom University of Walt Disney at Magic Kingdom - Out Of Character

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Rida said:
Take your time, sweets. I kind of thrust some serious drama into the roleplay. *retreats to my hobbit hole*

You know my character so well <3
Oh no Rida! Why was it such a bad day?

I'm sorry to hear that!

And I try to get to know everyone's characters and how they'd react!

I feel Ethan would be "scared" by Leah's intensity, but be turned on by it at the same time.

ShurikenPhoenix said:
Adam wouldn't dislike someone just cause they had commitment issues unless it directly affected him. As for age difference, I think they're only a year apart.
Are they? I was going off Adam being a first year. Thought he was much younger. If it's only a year then it should work!
Sorry to hear that yesterday sucked Rida. I passed my class, barely, and did the final day before fall break Friday. I'm not sure how old you are, but I have lots of experience in many things and thus have gained wisdom. On the flip side you could listen to my life for a bit and how the VA is treating a distinguished war vet and feel slightly better about yourself. ; ) I'm always willing to listen even if it's just an hour or two of complaining. I'm good like that. Even if Gothel wants to eat Dodger in a stew. Mixed with the tears of her antagonists.
crucialstar said:
I got the coughs again! :( .... But never fear! It's almost break! Yay! You?
Oh no I'm sorry to hear that! Take care of yourself love! Don't want you getting sick during turkey day.

Doing good! A bit sad cus my friend lost her husky and I loved that little rascal, but we're going on a search party later!
ShurikenPhoenix said:
well I'll keep my fingers crossed that you find him :)
Ooh thanksgiving always sounds exciting. Shame we don't have it here.
You can come over I'll invite you to my thanksgiving taco dinner!
It's the American Tradition of eating too damn much with people you see once, maybe twice a year. Here in Kentucky that means we add booze to that. My family is not from Kentucky though, we're from the West Coast of the US so we don't drink with thanksgiving. We do however stay the heck inside when it comes time to leave, so some drunk doesn't t-bone us. I live a block away from my parents and my Grandparents are staying in a hotel a mile away. My baby sister and her fiance are staying with my parents and my little sister of course lives with me as my live in caretaker. We will be plenty safe.

As for how my day's going, it's the calm before the storm. I've cleaned every conceivable surface and dusted like a madman. Now I wait a couple more hours for the Grandparents to arrive. Baby Sis has finals today so she'll be here dinner tomorrow. My personal space (My room) is a wreak, with paint and models everywhere, but no one's going in there. I am excited though. I haven't seen this set of Grandparents since 2013. Plus I haven't had a Thanksgiving with them since the early 2000s. Looking forward to spending more time with them.
My parents are Mexican so they don't celebrate Thanksgiving. The only reason they started too was because of my brother and me. At first it was just the four of us, but in the past years they've invited our aunts and uncles. It's great to be with family, but then coming means I can't put olive in my potatoe salad because my cousin doesn't like them. I can't use the turkey insides to make the gravy because my aunt doesn't like it. I can't put pineapple in my pasta salad because one of my uncles doesn't like sweet food and I won't be able to eat the turkey leg because I have to give mine to my uncle. I love turkey legs so it makes me mad!

And they sleep over after to wake up and ditch up for Black Friday sales. Last time they didn't even tell us they were staying and they just crashed on my bed. I was like wtf?! I mean if they would have said something I'd gladly give up my room for them, but the fact that they didn't even ask pissed me off!

So In a way I'm glad we aren't doing thabksgiving at my place anymore, but I'm sad that there won't be a Traditional Thanksgiving dinner. I look forward all year to lock myself in the kitchen and cook to my hearts desire, but nope not this year. Ill have to get my semester stress out some other way.
Dad does the cooking in our house. I make the pies (Don't bake as stove+me=Leah level of fire) and the fruit salad. We don't add marshmallows though. That's a southern thing. Turkey, mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, fruit salad, olives, ham, corn, and Hawaiian sweet rolls. Plus many deserts. Some don't like pie, some only like certain pies, some like to open their gob and shovel it in. (Me) It's a standard holiday. It's the family stuff that's the reason we get together. We spend the whole week together talking and enjoying ourselves.
Diverse group...lots of different people from many different places. This is one of the reasons I like roleplaying over the web.

I'm Native American, though I was raised by my mother and never knew the reservation. Though I've lived in cosmopolitan places so being darker than some never affected me.
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I grew up in a large immigration area, so it was literally a melting pot of cultures which was fun because i could celebrate chinese new year with my friends, christmas etc

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