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Realistic or Modern Unexpectedly Soulmates


Vitez submitted a new role play:

Unexpectedly Soulmates - Who knew that these 5 couples could find love?

Dating had never gone exactly as you wanted it to. The guy was a horrible person, an insufferable chauvinist. The girl was completely lame and couldn't even hold a conversation. She was as dumb as a flowerpot. Maybe he or she was an axe murderer. Whatever the circumstances- you had pretty much given up. You didn't believe in love anymore.
But then one day you woke up and things were different. It was a weird day to start. Friday the 13th and a full moon. Creepy. Then you go and land yourself...
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Dating had never gone exactly as you wanted it to. The guy was a horrible person, an insufferable chauvinist. The girl was completely lame and couldn't even hold a conversation. She was as dumb as a flowerpot. Maybe he or she was an axe murderer. Whatever the circumstances- you had pretty much given up. You didn't believe in love anymore.

But then one day you woke up and things were different. It was a weird day to start. Friday the 13th and a full moon. Creepy. Then you go and land yourself in a hilariously strange or awkward situation. And then suddenly, there it is. Your soulmate. What happens when you know he or she is the one right then in this interesting situation? And more importantly...what do you do now? It's up to you.
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Matthew Creed sat in the small cafe of the bookstore, The Cozy Nook, that resided under his apartment. He always preferred spending his time here studying, instead of sitting alone in his apartment. Here he could at least pretend that he was surrounded by friends. He yearned for human contact, for someone to reach out to him and talk. But of course he was always to afraid to reach out to others. So, instead of spending an afternoon chatting about nothing, he was pushing himself to memorize the muscles of the forearm.

Taking a short break, Matthew took a sip of his vanilla frap and looked over his stack of books at the other people in the cafe. Two couples, two, sat making googly eyes across their respective tables. Matthew stared at them, his heart felt heavy. He wanted a partner just as badly as he wanted friends, more so actually. But he could never push himself to try and butt in to someone else's life.

Finally, Matthew decided he couldn't handle anymore of the mental love making going on across the way. He picked up his frap in one hand, balanced his stack of five books in the other arm, and began to walk out of the shop to walk to the alleyway where the entrance to his apartment was located. When he made it outside he turned right and placed one foot in the wrong place. Matthew tripped over himself and his books and frap went flying. He managed to place his hands out in front of him to break the fall, unfortunately that ended with a few scrapes and tiny rocks embedded in his palms. But that didn't matter compared to the frap now staining his books strewn across the sidewalk and the many looks of the people passing by. Matthew blushed and began frantically picking up his things hoping to just get away as soon as possible.
Aurora Black slowed to a walk as she finished her morning jog. She felt her stomach growl and pulled her headphones out. After wrapping them around her iPod, she decided to quickly make her way to the nearest diner. She knew she wasn't dressed appropriately to go into a diner with workout shorts and a now-sweaty tank top, but she didn't care. Walking into the building, Aurora took a seat near a window and merely skimmed over the menu, pretty much already knowing what she wanted.

When the waitress finally decided to come up and take her order, Aurora went with a bacon and cheese omelet as well as a cup of coffee. She sat her menu down as the woman walked away and looked out the window. In complete honesty, Aurora enjoyed people watching, but it was when she saw nothing but couples that she couldn't stand it. Unfortunately, today was one of those days. One, two, three, four... Aurora continued mentally counting each and every couple that walked by as she waited on her food.

It seemed to take forever for her food to be finished, but finally, it was. But where was her coffee? They forgot it. She pointed out the woman's mistake and gave a polite smile when she left to go retrieve it. Aurora watched the woman make her way back to her table, only to trip and spill the scolding hot coffee all over Aurora's lap. Letting out several inappropriate cuss words as she unsuccessfully tried to avoid the drink, she threw some bills on the table to pay for only the food before getting up in embarrassment, and walking out without a word. She looked around, only to be met with either looks of 'I'm trying my best not to laugh' or inappropriate looks. That's exactly why she never had any luck with guys. They only want the one thing they can't have. Lost deep in thought, Aurora didn't realize what had happened until it was too late. She tripped and fell over a simple crack in the sidewalk, her face hitting the concrete harder than she would've liked.
Cameron had been sitting in the same small café the others were in. Her dark hair was let down, and she wore a pretty casual outfit consisting of light blue jean shorts and a lilac blouse, with a pair of dark converse. Unlike the others, though, she wasn't alone. No, she had a friend with her, the two if them sat in a booth in the corner together sharing a book. Her friend, Mackenzie, was a girl around Cami's age, with long blonde hair and green eyes. She had a soft face, and the two of them together were undoubtably a sight to see. Talking quietly amongst themselves, the two didn't pay much attention, or any attention, really, to what was happening around them.

The pair of best friends was often mistaken to be a couple. Though Cami was openly bisexual, Mackenzie had always been completely straight. It would have been a lie to say that Cameron didn't find her friend attractive, in fact she was extremely disappointed when she learned that Mackenzie had no interest in a relationship beyond what they had. Regardless, their relationship as friends was maintained and they've always been close in that respect.

Cami looks up from the book for a moment, peering around the café. It seems like people are being extra clumsy today, twice people have spilled their drink and fallen. She was inclined to help, but both incidents happened outside and she couldn't be bothered at the moment. A few moments passed, and the pair's conversation was interrupted by the buzzing of Mackenzie's cell phone. She promptly left after saying good bye to her friend, leaving Cami alone in the couple's booth. It didn't bother her, she was used to being left alone, but noticing the few couples in the room amplified the feeling. Just get used to it, it won't change soon. As much as she didn't want to listen to her own thoughts, she conceded to them eventually.
And then he realized he was in a park, sitting in the grass with his legs crossed as he stroked the blades of grass adjacent to him.

Aztec Mushrooms, huh? He smiled, indicating his pleasure derived from the quality of the shrooms he had purchased and consumed. How long had it been? He looked at his watch, seeing that it was after 12. About 6 hours. The fractal images and perceptual convolutions were just beginning to cease, and he felt that refreshed feeling once again. Like he was born again. Renewed. He started reflecting on the trip he earlier had, and noticed that while he was at his peak, he felt as though something was missing. Maybe Dmitri was just missing someone to talk to on that level. He'd had many serene and grand realizations and revelations about himself and life between the period he was young and carefree till that moment, but it never occurred to him that he might have been lonely through it all.

He'd tried to connect with people on that level, but it basically never happened. He didn't feel them, or vice versa. He grew up funny, and the psychedelics did not help much. But he still felt that there was hope.

"Today is a new day," Dmitri thought. "There's always hope"

Then there was that familiar burning sensation in his stomach. He needed to get something to eat, or at least some tea. Anything nutritious would help at that point.

He proceeded to get up and exit the park. He pressed the button on the traffic light, waiting for the lights to turn red. Vision and perception were still shifting around tangling in his mind. Entering the shop, he sat and waited for assistance. He ordered pancakes and tea and indulged.

"Is this a couples' cafe??" He asked himself.

Everyone had someone else. This made him feel a tad jealous, but mostly sad that he didn't have anyone. Everyone wants love. Everyone deserves love. He figured that man, in essence is God. And they always say that God is Love. It's only to be derived by that logic that we need each other. We all need love. Not even the most wisdom and knowledge could help him in the art of attracting a mate. He questioned himself

"What might I be doing wrong??"

He nodded and quietly finished his meal and sat back in his chair, laying his head back and crossing his feet. He closed his eyes, deep in thought.

His mind wandered and stretched between love, life, death and Dmitri. When will I find my purpose? When will I find my match?
Sage perches on the edge of the curb, still rain streaked from the small storm earlier this morning. As much as she hates to admit it, she was lonely. She has friends that care about her and a reasonably happy life, but no significant other. Her own loneliness interests her.

Sage is reasonably intelligent and enjoys solving puzzles, and she has often looked at the puzzle of herself. She remembers a bit of information she read once on Greek Mythology.

Humans originally had four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces. Humans had great strength at the time and threatened to conquer the gods. The gods were then faced with the prospect of destroying the humans with lightning as they had done with the Titans but then they would lose the tributes given to the gods by humans. Zeus developed a creative solution by splitting humans in half as punishment for humanity's pride and doubling the number of humans who would give tribute to the gods. These split humans were in utter misery to the point where they would not eat and would perish so Apollo had sewn them up and reconstituted their bodies with the navel being the only remnant harkening back to their original form. Each human would then forever long for his/her other half; the other half of his/her soul. It is said that when the two find each other, there is an unspoken understanding of one another, that they feel unified and would lie with each other in unity and would know no greater joy than that.
Aristophanes (Wikipedia)

When will I find my soulmate and have this 'unspoken understanding'? This is what I have wanted all along. She muses to herself as she looks down at her Converse.
Lexie said:
Aurora Black slowed to a walk as she finished her morning jog. She felt her stomach growl and pulled her headphones out. After wrapping them around her iPod, she decided to quickly make her way to the nearest diner. She knew she wasn't dressed appropriately to go into a diner with workout shorts and a now-sweaty tank top, but she didn't care. Walking into the building, Aurora took a seat near a window and merely skimmed over the menu, pretty much already knowing what she wanted.
When the waitress finally decided to come up and take her order, Aurora went with a bacon and cheese omelet as well as a cup of coffee. She sat her menu down as the woman walked away and looked out the window. In complete honesty, Aurora enjoyed people watching, but it was when she saw nothing but couples that she couldn't stand it. Unfortunately, today was one of those days. One, two, three, four... Aurora continued mentally counting each and every couple that walked by as she waited on her food.

It seemed to take forever for her food to be finished, but finally, it was. But where was her coffee? They forgot it. She pointed out the woman's mistake and gave a polite smile when she left to go retrieve it. Aurora watched the woman make her way back to her table, only to trip and spill the scolding hot coffee all over Aurora's lap. Letting out several inappropriate cuss words as she unsuccessfully tried to avoid the drink, she threw some bills on the table to pay for only the food before getting up in embarrassment, and walking out without a word. She looked around, only to be met with either looks of 'I'm trying my best not to laugh' or inappropriate looks. That's exactly why she never had any luck with guys. They only want the one thing they can't have. Lost deep in thought, Aurora didn't realize what had happened until it was too late. She tripped and fell over a simple crack in the sidewalk, her face hitting the concrete harder than she would've liked.
Darwin was a few feet away listening to a new song he created earlier in the morning. He turned his head to see a woman fall, he just looked at her and everyone around her. No one seemed to care tilting his head he walked over taking off his beats head phones. "umm hello, here let me help you." he smiled awkwardly as he wasn't to use to speaking to more people. His blonde hair spiked up wearing a Black t-shirt which read Chopped from the popular youtube show Mighty Car Mods, with a matching navy digital camo pants and black sneakers. his honey colored eyes looked at her and he looked at her and couldn't help but blush it had been a very long time since the last time he seen a girl. Also to attempt to speak and help her was making him very nervous.

I'm an idiot what if she doesn't want me to help her? o god what if she starts a conversation? O no what if she doesn't even want my help? He shook his head and said "Are you alright?" you could hear in his voice he was very nervous. but what could he do, she needed help or did she? he kept his hand extended waiting for her to take it.
Aurora felt herself being helped up and held her face tightly. Feeling a bruise already starting to form on her cheek, she made her way to her feet. Just my damn luck she thought as the coffee incident came back to her memories. Once she was back on her feet, she looked up at the man that helped her. "Umm no. It...uh...it's nothing I...umm...I can't take care of," she stuttered, a pale pink color coming to her visible cheek as she blushed. Her blue eyes looked up at him and she managed a polite smile. "Uhh thanks anyway," she added before quickly turning and starting to walk off.
Lexie said:
Aurora felt herself being helped up and held her face tightly. Feeling a bruise already starting to form on her cheek, she made her way to her feet. Just my damn luck she thought as the coffee incident came back to her memories. Once she was back on her feet, she looked up at the man that helped her. "Umm no. It...uh...it's nothing I...umm...I can't take care of," she stuttered, a pale pink color coming to her visible cheek as she blushed. Her blue eyes looked up at him and she managed a polite smile. "Uhh thanks anyway," she added before quickly turning and starting to walk off.
Seeing her reaction Darwin bowed his head putting on his Headphones. He couldn't get a word in, he put his hood on and blended into the very crowd of people waiting for a bus. I knew she didn't wanna be helped, I'm so stupid. He listened on to his music, Darwin did everything to blend into the world. Social interactions weren't in him anymore. After going to the park after the incident with the girl Darwin. Walked through there looking for inspiration to his next song. But his mind was racing thinking about the girl and how she acted. Finding a tree he leaned against looking out to the sky. Listening to the chill step song A place to hide by Moog. Moog was one of his biggest hero's, he is what drove Darwin to begin making chillstep. Though as he thought he began to think about how she looked a light blush came to his face when he remembered her eyes. Such wonderful eyes, one could get lost in span of .01 seconds in those beautiful blue eyes.

That beautiful and straight hair, also lips that almost looked as they wished to be kissed. wait a minute am I really thinking so much about a girl, who didn't even wanna talk but at the same time would i have talked to her. But jeez she indeed was beautiful. he slipped away into a blissful afternoon delight of hearing a new song and dancing with her. though in the end he shook it off. No way was he will to give his heart again even for a beautiful woman such as her.
Aurora smiled the entire way back to her apartment. She went into her room once she arrived and inspected her cheek. She let out a sigh of relief when there was no bruise there considering she had a gig tonight. Must just be the bone she thought as she went into her bathroom to shower. When she got out, she looked through her clothes she pulled out a purple and black punk type skirt and a matching corset like top and slid them on before towel drying her hair. After she finished putting bright purple streaks in it, she straightened it, letting it fall around her shoulders. She slid on her black and purple knee high converse before doing her makeup. Once she finished, she smiled in satisfaction and grabbed her guitar before walking out and heading down the street to a different diner, knowing there was a stage still up as well as tables for eating.
Lexie said:
Aurora smiled the entire way back to her apartment. She went into her room once she arrived and inspected her cheek. She let out a sigh of relief when there was no bruise there considering she had a gig tonight. Must just be the bone she thought as she went into her bathroom to shower. When she got out, she looked through her clothes she pulled out a purple and black punk type skirt and a matching corset like top and slid them on before towel drying her hair. After she finished putting bright purple streaks in it, she straightened it, letting it fall around her shoulders. She slid on her black and purple knee high converse before doing her makeup. Once she finished, she smiled in satisfaction and grabbed her guitar before walking out and heading down the street to a different diner, knowing there was a stage still up as well as tables for eating.
Darwin walked slowly it seemed he had dosed off. Walking through the night city. He found a bar and shook his head. Memories came back to him standing there when life was much better, Lowering his Hood and began to think of the a simlier night. Darwin lets go come on! Coming Ericka, sorry had to pay the cabbie. I hear this place has the greatest music ever. Also they have live music from time to time. You should bring your music here it be so awesome. No no my music isn't that great Ericka. Yes it is Darwin!!! Stop doubting yourself. he just stood there thinking about that night, Rising his hood again he shook his head. He slowly walked away stopping and looking back and seeing a younger version of himself saying to enter. He sighed and nodded. Walking back and paying his fee. a man walked up and said "Are you here to sing." his eyes opened wide and shook his head as to say no. the man sighed "Well can you do anything?" he said "umm Yes, I.....I make chillstep music....." the man said "Well i guess that will do. We are waiting for a girl to show up, So entertaint the guest will you." Things where happening to quick for him. He nodded shaking like a leaf. they brought him to the Dj booth and he began to clean it up as it was dirty.

He prepped everything plugged his ipod in and began to play a mix of different chillstep and louge step music. He was beyond Nervous as he didn't know if the people liked his music.
Aurora took a deep breath to shake out her nerves as she stood in front of the building. She nodded to herself, remembering each original and cover that she was supposed to do. She was gonna have to play overtime since someone backed out. She pushed the door open and walked in, looking at the tables seeing some were full and some completely empty. Glancing at a nearby clock, she realized she was five minutes early. She glanced around once more and smiled spotting the owner. "Hey Sam," she greeted him, waving with her free hand. "I was beginning to think you weren't gonna show," he said with a small chuckle. "Wouldn't miss it for the world," she replied before making her way to the stage. She climbed the few steps and sat her blue-with-black-outlined guitar down on the stand next to the piano. She hopped down the stage and walked over to the bar, grabbing an end stool before taking it back up and positioning it center-stage as she listened to the music carefully, nodding her head slightly to the beat. She flicked her bangs out of her face and got rid of any nervous bones in her body.
The man came up and said "Hey what's your name?" Darwin looked down and said "Darwin...." the man extended his hand and said "I'm Sam thank you for the help." Darwin nodded and shook his hand for a bit. "My girl came so once your ready to get down, you can." Sam smiled and walked away. Darwin packed everything up slowly and lifted his hood up again and slowly walked away from the booth. Well i'm glad they gave me a chance. But do we as humans always need to shake hands with someone? Should i get a drink before heading home. Yes i should. He walked up to the bar removing his hood and said "A bottle of water please?" he pulled out his wallet and brought out the money and stood there. Looking at himself in the mirror and just wondering to himself.
Aurora picked up her guitar and sat down on the stool. She started tuning it softly before plugging it up to the speakers. She sat it back down and got off the stool as she decided to start off with a cover. She looked at the time, then at Sam, and nodded slightly. She had told him before that she didn't want an introduction. She took a seat at the piano and pressed a simple key to make sure it was in tune. Sighing happily, she started playing My Immortal by Evanescence. After a few counts, she started singing and kept playing, a smile forming on her face.

(Just an idea of the outfit-http://www.liquiwork.com/punkdresses/jpg/11402015_4.jpg)

I'm so tired of being here

Suppressed by all my childish fears

And if you have to leave

I wish that you would just leave

'Cause your presence still lingers here

And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me

You used to captivate me by your resonating light

Now I'm bound by the life you left behind

Your face—it haunts my once pleasant dreams

Your voice—it chased away all the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone

But though you're still with me

I've been alone all along

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me

...me, me, me.
Lexie said:
Aurora picked up her guitar and sat down on the stool. She started tuning it softly before plugging it up to the speakers. She sat it back down and got off the stool as she decided to start off with a cover. She looked at the time, then at Sam, and nodded slightly. She had told him before that she didn't want an introduction. She took a seat at the piano and pressed a simple key to make sure it was in tune. Sighing happily, she started playing My Immortal by Evanescence. After a few counts, she started singing and kept playing, a smile forming on her face.
(Just an idea of the outfit-http://www.liquiwork.com/punkdresses/jpg/11402015_4.jpg)

I'm so tired of being here

Suppressed by all my childish fears

And if you have to leave

I wish that you would just leave

'Cause your presence still lingers here

And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me

You used to captivate me by your resonating light

Now I'm bound by the life you left behind

Your face—it haunts my once pleasant dreams

Your voice—it chased away all the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone

But though you're still with me

I've been alone all along

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me

...me, me, me.
That voice Darwn's face almost dropped to the floor it was that girl again and this time she was singing. He lowered his hood and looked up at the stage and watched her sing the song, He got a bit closer but was still a bit in the shadows. he felt nevous he hoped she didn't see him. it be an awkward situation. I should say hi, but what if she labels me a stalker? Yea let me leave her be she is having a great performance. He smiled and left a tip for her on the bar with a bit of writing saying "Your voice was beautiful, I wish i could have stayed longer to hear you sing more." He gave the bartender the 50 tip and slowly walked out looking back at the girl who fell down. he went straight home as he was to create more music but that song My Immortal by Evanescence. He looked around his studio and grabbed a violin and began to do a cover using that. Soon he was a man on fire creating a new song. smiling again as he once did, was it the song or was it the beautiful girl who gave Darwin this smile? this was the qeustion going on in his mind.
Once Aurora finished the song, she smiled hearing the audience applaud. She got up and laughed softly as she sat down on the stool, pulling the guitar into her lap. She started playing before starting to sing the original, making it sound more rock based than anything else. When she finished a few more originals, switching back and forth from the piano to the guitar, she realized she needed something to drink. Climbing off the stage, she walked over to Sam with a smile. "Get me a water.....please," she giggled, but her smile dropped when the bartender handed her some money and a note. She read it and glanced at the money before putting it in her shoe, the only place she could. After her water arrived, she drank it quickly before going back on stage and sat back down at the piano. She started playing Faithfully by Journey and smiled closing her eyes, getting lost in the music.
Lexie said:
Once Aurora finished the song, she smiled hearing the audience applaud. She got up and laughed softly as she sat down on the stool, pulling the guitar into her lap. She started playing before starting to sing the original, making it sound more rock based than anything else. When she finished a few more originals, switching back and forth from the piano to the guitar, she realized she needed something to drink. Climbing off the stage, she walked over to Sam with a smile. "Get me a water.....please," she giggled, but her smile dropped when the bartender handed her some money and a note. She read it and glanced at the money before putting it in her shoe, the only place she could. After her water arrived, she drank it quickly before going back on stage and sat back down at the piano. She started playing Faithfully by Journey and smiled closing her eyes, getting lost in the music.
The night carried on, and Darwin was like a mad man making new music since hearing the girl sing that song. Taking to himself " So i believe i should take it to her tonight." He smiled as he finished the music, making a total of 12 tracks in the blink of an eye. He got redressed and ran out the door and headed back to the club. He re-listened to the song immortal hoping she would like it. After getting on the bus, He snapped back to reality, Wait what am I doing? Isn't this a bit stalkerish? O god what am i doing? Reaching the club he looked at the door and stood there confused if he should go in again. He walked to the entrance and peeked in and went to the nearest table and ordered a water. and just listened. Sighing cause he didn't know if what he was doing was bad or not.
Aurora smiled as she finished the final song of the night. She stood up, taking a small bow before making her way off stage. She went back to her place at the bar and talked to Sam for a while as she sipped on her water. She noticed the same guy from earlier, but decided not to go up to him. She didn't wanna seem too weird, besides, if he wanted to talk to her, he would. She ordered another water once she finished hers and started sipping on it as they talked about life and stuff.
Lexie said:
Aurora smiled as she finished the final song of the night. She stood up, taking a small bow before making her way off stage. She went back to her place at the bar and talked to Sam for a while as she sipped on her water. She noticed the same guy from earlier, but decided not to go up to him. She didn't wanna seem too weird, besides, if he wanted to talk to her, he would. She ordered another water once she finished hers and started sipping on it as they talked about life and stuff.
He saw her look at him, he gluped almost chocking on his water. O god she looked at me. I um what do I do? Well i have nothing to lose. Or do I? He got up and walked to her slowly looking at the bar he said "Hel.......Hello. I umm......You have a beautiful voice." he was studdering she could tell he was nervous. "So umm i.......I wanted.....to...give you something." he brought out a cd, which read immortal and he smiled a bit "I was hoping.......You be.....able to place the lyrics. So i could place it on my.........Next album please." this is about the music. Yes it's about the music with a voice like hers. his album would have no problems reaching new heights and since she was the insperation to the song. He was more then happy to cut her a check for her work. "I'm sorry if i seem.....Weird.....If i made you feel awkward i do apologize." as he talked he seemed to get more back bone.
Aurora looked at him with a smile. She let a small laugh, noticing how nervous he was. She looked down at the cd, her smile me ever faltering, and took it before looking back up as he kept talking. Once he finished, she let out a laugh and shook her head. "I don't feel awkward at all actually. I'd love to. Hell I'll do it for no charge. I'm Aurora," she introduced herself as she sat the cd down next to her water. "I have a question thought. Why are you stuttering so badly now? You didn't seem that nervous earlier when I was covered in coffee and on my face on the sidewalk," she pointed out, looking in his eyes.
Lexie said:
Aurora looked at him with a smile. She let a small laugh, noticing how nervous he was. She looked down at the cd, her smile me ever faltering, and took it before looking back up as he kept talking. Once he finished, she let out a laugh and shook her head. "I don't feel awkward at all actually. I'd love to. Hell I'll do it for no charge. I'm Aurora," she introduced herself as she sat the cd down next to her water. "I have a question thought. Why are you stuttering so badly now? You didn't seem that nervous earlier when I was covered in coffee and on my face on the sidewalk," she pointed out, looking in his eyes.
He gave a light chuckle and he ordered a drink and said "It's a long story but the reason this morning i wasn't so nervous looking and acting odd. Was because i had music going on in my headphones. Music keeps me calm hence why i was okay. But as i talk more to a person i relax." he smiled still nervous and said "Also this morning i was very Nervous also my name is Darwin." he smiled and looking at her he blushed lightly, "would you like to hear the song? I tried to capture the essence of the magic of the way you sang the song. Also added my own touch." he seemed very passionate about music pulling out his I-phone, he then smiled looking at her. "So ummm." he got nervous for a second. not knowing what to do or even say.
Alex looked at the time before freezing momentarily. She was supposed to be having dinner with her parents tonight and she completely forgot. Quickly standing up, she finished her water and picked up the cd. "I am so so sorry to be running out like this, but I completely forgot I had to have dinner with my parents. I'll listen to the cd and add in the lyrics. Umm," she stopped and found a piece of paper and a pen. She wrote down her name and number and handed it to him quickly. "Here's my number if you ever wanna hang out sometime," she said with a nervous smile before turning and running out the door. After she drove to her apartment, she ran into her room, throwing the cd on her bed, and changed into a blue one-shoulder sparkly dress and some silver high heels. She curled her hair and pinned half of it up before doing her makeup and putting on her necklace and earrings. She ran back out and drove to her parents house, getting there two minutes early.


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