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Realistic or Modern Unexpectedly Soulmates

Lexie said:
Alex looked at the time before freezing momentarily. She was supposed to be having dinner with her parents tonight and she completely forgot. Quickly standing up, she finished her water and picked up the cd. "I am so so sorry to be running out like this, but I completely forgot I had to have dinner with my parents. I'll listen to the cd and add in the lyrics. Umm," she stopped and found a piece of paper and a pen. She wrote down her name and number and handed it to him quickly. "Here's my number if you ever wanna hang out sometime," she said with a nervous smile before turning and running out the door. After she drove to her apartment, she ran into her room, throwing the cd on her bed, and changed into a blue one-shoulder sparkly dress and some silver high heels. She curled her hair and pinned half of it up before doing her makeup and putting on her necklace and earrings. She ran back out and drove to her parents house, getting there two minutes early.
Darwin smiled and blushed as she was gave him her number. He brought at his phone and placed it in it. He slowly walked out of the bar smiling. He took a huge risk today and it seemed to pay off. He placed his headphones and put his new song on. he stood on a corner waving down a taxi. he jumped in giving his address. riding along listening to his music, looking out the window seeing people leaving the business from their dates. He had a flash back again and he shook it off and continued to listen to his music. reaching his destination he paid the man and smiled. Walking towards the buildings door he opened it and walked in. Looking at his mail box a few letters. grabbing them he headed to his floor and his apartment. opening his door he placed the letters on the side table. He headed to his room and his bed lighted up and he changed into pajama pants after a nice hot shower. he laid in bed looking at his phone. he smiled and choose to send her a text message saying "Hey this is Darwin, this is my number. have a nice night." he placed a happy face and soon fell asleep.
Aurora heard her phone go off and smiled reading it. She put it up before entering her parent's house nervously. She smiled hugging her mom and nodded simply to her father. She knew better than to not acknowledge him. They sat at the table and ate, talking about random things. Once they finished, Aurora had a huge argument with her father. It ended with her getting hit and ending up on the floor. She knew that was how it would turn out. It's how it always did. She stood up slowly and held her face, knowing for a fact that a bruise would be visible by morning. She looked at her father before walking out and heading straight to her apartment. She walked in and got a rather quick shower. She put on her favorite yellow pajama shorts and batman tank top before laying down, not bothering to ice her cheek and eye. She soon fell asleep, not having the energy to cry.
Lexie said:
Aurora heard her phone go off and smiled reading it. She put it up before entering her parent's house nervously. She smiled hugging her mom and nodded simply to her father. She knew better than to not acknowledge him. They sat at the table and ate, talking about random things. Once they finished, Aurora had a huge argument with her father. It ended with her getting hit and ending up on the floor. She knew that was how it would turn out. It's how it always did. She stood up slowly and held her face, knowing for a fact that a bruise would be visible by morning. She looked at her father before walking out and heading straight to her apartment. She walked in and got a rather quick shower. She put on her favorite yellow pajama shorts and batman tank top before laying down, not bothering to ice her cheek and eye. She soon fell asleep, not having the energy to cry.
As the sun rose up in the distance, Darwin awoke slowly stretching. He made his breakfast still in pajamas he sat on the ledge of his balcony and stared out listening to James Brown Gonna having a Funky time. he slowly ate and drank his coffee. wondering how Aurora was and what she was doing. Wait was he thinking about her again. He sigh and say "Nope i won't say ever." he was interested in knowing more about her, she seemed like a cool person maybe even trust worthy but then again what did he know he was being hopeful. He looked at his watch and noticed it was time to get dressed. He need to do some things out side his house which annoyed him. Today he choose to be in comfortable clothing. Grabbing some shady limited blue jeans, a white t shirt, and black dc shoes. spraying on some polo sport. spiking his hair. he grabbed his headphones and headed out the door. locking the door. he began to listen some James Brown again. as he walked through the street. he bopped his head and smiled. though he wondered when she would text him back. but now it was time for business entering the music company he works for. "Hello Margie is Roland in." Margie smiled and said "Yes Darwin he is in his office." Darwin nodded and headed to the office and saw Roland and said "So what do you want from me Roland." Roland lifted an eyebrow and said "What no hello, then again you've always been that way. Did you find a new singer for your beats." Darwin simply said "Nope." and then they continued to discuss business.
Aurora slowly woke up as a sudden pain came to her cheek. She got up and went to the bathroom, looking in the mirror. Just as she had suspected, there was a nasty bruise on her left cheek. Sighing, she started trying to cover it but without success. She left it be and finished her makeup. She went back to her room and put in the disk Darwin had given her. She started humming some lyrics she had already written as she but on a pair of shorts and a bright green tank top. She put on black converse and straightened her hair. Once she finished, she walked out with the disk and looked around. She walked down to the recording studio before walking in. "Hey Marg. Is the studio open?" she asked with a smile despite the bruise. "Always is for you," she said before asking, "what happened?" "Oh I just fell," she said with a shrug before going into the studio. She immediately got to work and finished quicker than the expected. She walked back out and smiled. "Can I go on ahead and take this to Roland?" "He's in a meeting but you can go back and wait." she said. Aurora did as she said.
Darwin kinda began to block Roland off as he talked nonsense. Soon Roland noticed Darwin was doing his thing. and said "Fine Darwin, but you need to find a singer. Your new album is suppose to come out in three months and yet as beautiful as it is you are still lacking a bit of a kick to really knock it out the ball park." Darwin got up and said as he opened the door "I found a singer in a sense i'm waiting for her to work on something i gave her Roland. But i can't force her to do it. So relax." he lifted his headphones and blasted them to zone out. He didn't see Aurora there. but he sent her a text saying "Hello :) " and continued to walk. Margie gave him a not, Roland meanwhile said "hello Aurora how are things." he asked waving her to come into his office. Meanwhile Darwin was outside looking at the sky sighing a bit. He hated how people forced their will into his music. He knew he needed a singer but he wanted the right singer. and well nothing was gonna change that.
Aurora stood up quickly, an immediate look of confusion on her face as she looked between the two. She held up a finger to Roland, telling him to hold on before running outside. She noticed Darwin outside and grabbed the back of his shirt, pulling him back inside without a word. She pulled him back into the office with her and Roland before throwing the cd on the table. "I believe that belongs to you," she said before sitting in a chair.
Lexie said:
Aurora stood up quickly, an immediate look of confusion on her face as she looked between the two. She held up a finger to Roland, telling him to hold on before running outside. She noticed Darwin outside and grabbed the back of his shirt, pulling him back inside without a word. She pulled him back into the office with her and Roland before throwing the cd on the table. "I believe that belongs to you," she said before sitting in a chair.
Darwin got pulled and he kinda let it happened. Being back in Rolands office Aurora being there his cd on the table. He removed his headphones and said "Well there you have it check it and see if you like it." Roland smiled and said nothing putting the cd into the computer. Everyone listened But Darwin already knew that Aurora had the voice he wanted for his music. tilting his head he noticed the burise on her cheek and said nothing for the moment. Roland did too but after the song was done said "Well that was beautiful. Is she who you want Darwin." Darwin nodded and said "yes" Roland looked at Aurora and said "Well then Aurora how about we work a small contract till we see what happens." Darwin got up and said "Allow me a moment to go to the bathroom." as he walked away he sent Aurora a message "What happened to your cheek?" while he was in the bathroom Roland said "So how you meet him, it's very rare to see Darwin knowing someone new Aurora?"
Aurora looked down and read the message before deciding not to type back. Instead, she said, "I fell." It was a lie to Darwin, but she didn't want him to know about her abusive father. However, it was the truth to Roland considering she actually fell and he helped her. She looked down, unable to look him in the eyes. She turned her head towards the window, her cheek not visible anymore.
Lexie said:
Aurora looked down and read the message before deciding not to type back. Instead, she said, "I fell." It was a lie to Darwin, but she didn't want him to know about her abusive father. However, it was the truth to Roland considering she actually fell and he helped her. She looked down, unable to look him in the eyes. She turned her head towards the window, her cheek not visible anymore.
When Darwin got back he sighed feeling something was off. He sat down and said nothing, Roland smiled and said " So how do you wanna work on the contract." Darwin lifted a hand and said "I really don't care what i get, give her an 80/20 split. I really don't need it." He got up and said "Just make the contract and i will sign. Also thank you Aurora for allowing me this chance to work with you." At this very moment the shy Darwin was in business mode. Smiling again he looked at her and said "I do hope we make beautiful music together." He smiled so sincerly and happy. then his shyness caught up and he blushed and smiled again as he rubbed the back of his head. Roland looked at Aurora and said "Do you agree to the deal Aurora. Also kind of amazed you guys met after you fell." Darwin smiled and said "yea almost an act of fate. Though i wish fate left the coffee out." he chuckled and smiled "well then Aurora if you finshed your business here would you like to come have some lunch with me?"
"I don't agree to the deal," she said blankly. She was completely serious when it came to music. "50/50 split. Either that or I walk," she said, her voice completely serious. She was very serious when it came to splitting money. She was all about equality. "And to answer your question, once we're done, then yes I'd like that," she said with a smile as she looked at him. She blushed lightly and looked down, forgetting about her bruise.
Roland laughed and Darwin sighed and nodded "Sure if that is your wish." he smiled and looked towards Roland and said "Well there you have it." Roland nodded and said "I will text you guys when the contract is made." Darwin smiled and then said "So you ready to go eat." he seemed relax and more composed then normal.
Aurora blushed and stood up. She nodded a bit and smiled. "Yea," she said softly as she walked out of the office. She smiled at Margie and gave a small eave before going outside. She sat down on the bench and ran her hand through her brown hair as she waited.

((Sorry for the short posts. I'm having writer's block))
Lexie said:
Aurora blushed and stood up. She nodded a bit and smiled. "Yea," she said softly as she walked out of the office. She smiled at Margie and gave a small eave before going outside. She sat down on the bench and ran her hand through her brown hair as she waited.
((Sorry for the short posts. I'm having writer's block))
Roland smiled and said "Have fun on your date, i'll make sure the contract is done quickly." Darwin blushed and waved and said "What would you like to eat? I'm kinda in a mood for Japanese." he smiled and opened the door for her. once she finished with her hair he said "What would you like milady."
"Only problem with that is I'm not a fan of Japanese or Chinese food," Aurora mentioned softly. She bright her hand up to her cheek and looked down, accidentally letting a tear slip. She quickly wiped it away before starting to walk with him. She wrapped her arms tightly around her waist and looked down, not really wanting to look up.
Lexie said:
"Only problem with that is I'm not a fan of Japanese or Chinese food," Aurora mentioned softly. She bright her hand up to her cheek and looked down, accidentally letting a tear slip. She quickly wiped it away before starting to walk with him. She wrapped her arms tightly around her waist and looked down, not really wanting to look up.
Darwin looked at her for a moment catching her change of mood. He tilted his head and then thought for a second. "Hmm then how about this." he reached out grabbing her hand and blushing a bit and saying "trust in me." he said pointing to a near by bus which lead down town. allowing her to get on he said "I know a spot which i believe you will like. It has music and good food, also it is also the most......" he stopped there looking away and said "Hey i ummm." he thought and didn't know how to react he could feel something was up but he didn't know how to talk to her yet so he said "Would you like to listen to some music it's gonna be a bit before we get there." He smiled as he tried his best to make her smile. ((also don't worry about short post i'll do my best to make the post better))
Aurora managed to put on a half fake half real smile and nodded slightly. "Yes, that sounds great," she said softly. She looked to where he was pointing and tensed up slightly but quickly relaxed. She got on as he allowed her and took a random seat, sitting near the window, something she always did. It helped her calm down when she was upset, but she wasn't ready to admit the truth yet. She heard her phone go off and looked at it, seeing a text from her mother. She sighed as she saw it said that she had to go over tonight and talk about what happened. Frowning, she locked her phone without answering and put it back in her pocket, unaware that she was shaking.
Lexie said:
Aurora managed to put on a half fake half real smile and nodded slightly. "Yes, that sounds great," she said softly. She looked to where he was pointing and tensed up slightly but quickly relaxed. She got on as he allowed her and took a random seat, sitting near the window, something she always did. It helped her calm down when she was upset, but she wasn't ready to admit the truth yet. She heard her phone go off and looked at it, seeing a text from her mother. She sighed as she saw it said that she had to go over tonight and talk about what happened. Frowning, she locked her phone without answering and put it back in her pocket, unaware that she was shaking.
Darwin watched her and saw her shake. He knew not what bothered her but after about 15 minutes they reached the area, he again placed his hands on her and said "Here follow me Milady." trying to be a little romantic. by calling her Milady. once off the bus he let go of her hand and in front of Aurora was a street full of street profermers and there was a spot he pointed too where there was a man selling hambrgers hot dogs and other such food. but by him there was a view of the ocean and there was also a man playing on a guitar. "I come here to be inspired, everything about here is beautiful and relaxing. At night this places just explodes with excitement and joy. Sometimes even fireworks." he seemed to have be having fun but got serious and said "i've noticed you seem to be sad and look like you have allot on your mind. how about i try and help you. I can show you things that will get your stress of your mind." he smiled he wished to help her but thing was did she want his help. he got a soda from the vendor quickly and walked back saying "put this on your cheek for a little bit it will bring the swelling down." he smiled.
Aurora followed and did as he said. She put it on her cheek and let a few more tears slip, unable to hold them back. She wiped them away as best as she could and looked down. "I think I have a right to be sad. How would you feel if your own father hit you hard enough to knock you down?" she asked quietly, wondering why she was opening up to him. She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed, letting a small sob escape her lips as more and more tears started flowing.
Lexie said:
Aurora followed and did as he said. She put it on her cheek and let a few more tears slip, unable to hold them back. She wiped them away as best as she could and looked down. "I think I have a right to be sad. How would you feel if your own father hit you hard enough to knock you down?" she asked quietly, wondering why she was opening up to him. She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed, letting a small sob escape her lips as more and more tears started flowing.
Darwin looked and listened and as she began to sob, he pulled her into a hug and held her saying "its okay let it out I'm not one to judge you. I can be here for you Nd allow you the shoulder for you to cry on." He would place a hand on her back rubbing ir while another rubbed her head. He began to hum a little while rocking a bit. He said nothing more as he just wished to be able to help her. Though he said "tell me something, would you like to get your feelings out in song." He asked whole continuing to consule her.
[QUOTE="Nythil the Kuil]Darwin looked and listened and as she began to sob, he pulled her into a hug and held her saying "its okay let it out I'm not one to judge you. I can be here for you Nd allow you the shoulder for you to cry on." He would place a hand on her back rubbing ir while another rubbed her head. He began to hum a little while rocking a bit. He said nothing more as he just wished to be able to help her. Though he said "tell me something, would you like to get your feelings out in song." He asked whole continuing to consule her.

Aurora shook her head a bit. She wasn't in the mood to sing right now. She just wanted to cry. She hugged him back tightly, strangely finding comfort in his embrace and tightened her grip. She slowly started to calm down and reluctantly pulled away. "Umm sorry," she said softly, unsure of what else to say to him. She didn't want it to seem like she was just being emotional and dramatic, but she was afraid that's what he thought of her. She looked down and wrapped her arms around her waist tightly. 
(Thanks and it's fine)
Lexie said:
Aurora shook her head a bit. She wasn't in the mood to sing right now. She just wanted to cry. She hugged him back tightly, strangely finding comfort in his embrace and tightened her grip. She slowly started to calm down and reluctantly pulled away. "Umm sorry," she said softly, unsure of what else to say to him. She didn't want it to seem like she was just being emotional and dramatic, but she was afraid that's what he thought of her. She looked down and wrapped her arms around her waist tightly. 
(Thanks and it's fine)
When she pulled away Darwin smiled and walked away and got them ice cream and said "Here." smiling and blushing saying "You don't need to be sorry, life can be cruel sometimes. But listen here is some ice cream and smile." he smiled as best he could and then said "Also if you need another hug." he opened his arms and said "they are wide open for you." he smiled and blush but was nervous why was he trying so hard to help her. But he felt like she needed someone in her life to help things get positive. "So we are here to have lunch and get to learn each other. So tell me about yourself Aurora?" he got a bit closer Nervous and holding the ice cream.
Aurora took the ice cream from him and started to eat as she thought. She sighed and looked down, knowing exactly where she should start. She had always been ashamed of where she was born, so much that she had learned how to sound American once she moved. "I was born in Russia," she said softly as her accent started coming out more and more. She wasn't really sure where to go from there. Besides her abusive father, that had been her biggest secret and now this stranger knew both. She sighed softly and shrugged as she took another bite. "What else do you want to know?" she asked as she looks at him.
Lexie said:
Aurora took the ice cream from him and started to eat as she thought. She sighed and looked down, knowing exactly where she should start. She had always been ashamed of where she was born, so much that she had learned how to sound American once she moved. "I was born in Russia," she said softly as her accent started coming out more and more. She wasn't really sure where to go from there. Besides her abusive father, that had been her biggest secret and now this stranger knew both. She sighed softly and shrugged as she took another bite. "What else do you want to know?" she asked as she looks at him.
He heard her accent and his eyes opened wide as he soon said "Thats amazing why wouldn't you talk like that all the time. it's so cool." he looke amazed as he looked at her and smiled he blushed cause he was amazed and said "So um would you sing a song in that beautiful Russain accent." he smiled as he really enjoyed her accent and then said "Also anything you wish to share. Also if you wish to ask me anything please feel free to ask?" he smiled for the first time in a long time.
Aurora found herself blushing and looking down. "Maybe some other time," she said quietly as she smiled back at him. "Umm I moved to the states when I was eight and I've lived here ever since. I've always loved music and The Phantom if the Opera is my favorite movie. I love rock music and I am one of the laziest people in he world," she listed and laughed T the last one. It was funny to her because it was true. She hated doing anything that involved getting up, besides her gigs.

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