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Fantasy Undisclosed Desires

"Fiiiine." Ash responded, sighing dramatically. "But go easy on me when you win, kay?" She asked, tilting her head to the side and looking up at Anari sweetly. "Or don't, I guess. I don't control you." She laughed, picking up her cup and taking a sip from it. Ash had a habit of drinking alcohol slowly, in an attempt to somewhat slow its affect on her. Ash laid down on her stomach and rest her head on her arms. "You can go first."

Maybrie blushed even more, biting her lip as hard as she could. She really wasn't expecting that. Not that it was unwelcome-far from it, in fact- but still very shocking. "I..." She sighed and shook her head slightly in an attempt to calm herself down, before looking back at Daerys with a soft smile. "I...I think that i'd like that." Maybrie said, her tone barely audible. It did sound nice, not that she had any experience. May honestly wasn't sure why people seemed to dislike her so much- she came from a rich, well-off family, she was mostly successful in school, she was a pretty nice person, and she was at least conventionally attractive. And yet no one even gave her the time of day. It was strange, but she had learned to live with it.
Anari hummed as she smirked at her, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes as she looked down at the cards in her hand. Hesitantly, she laid out her cards for Ash to see and waited to see what the other girl had in response. "Poker isn't my best game either." She admitted gently, thinking it might help easy her worry for the game. She sipped from her cup, finishing it off before pouring herself another glass, eager to see who the first to remove a piece of clothing would be. It was risky, playing this game with Ash as she wasn't sure her feelings would be returned.


Daerys smiled at her, happy she seemed pleased by her words. "I think you can manage to skip the next class so we can explore each other." She hummed as she motioned her to follow, knowing of one hallway that was practically empty half the time during the day. She could have her way with the girl there without any interruptions. She hummed as they walked, reaching to take the girls hand in her own, having a feeling that she wouldn't mind holding hands. "You are sure you're comfortable with me having my way with you?" She didn't want to press if it made her uncomfortable.
"Goody goody. I might have a chance, then!" Ash said cheerfully, fanning herself with her cards jokingly. While she was admittedly not the best at the game to begin with, she really wouldn't mind losing. After all, the consequences for losing weren't really consequences- in fact, they were a lot better than regular poker, in Ash's opinion. She already owed money to a lot of people. And anyways, she was feeling strangely excited about the potential outcome of this game.... Blushing, Ash set down her cards as well.


Maybrie nodded, her cheeks light pink with nervous excitement. "Y-yeah. I'm okay with it." She murmured, giggling shyly. She'd never done this before, which was....nerve-wracking, but also a very exhilarating prospect. And Daerys was very, very attractive....it made May's head spin slightly. She swung her arms back and forth gently, trying to calm herself down. "I...really want to do this." She said, blushing afterwards and looking away shyly.
The white haired girl looked between the cards and laughed at herself. "Looks like you one the first round." She said as she wiped her eyes, shifting off the bed and removing her pants so she was in her tank top and laced panties. She hadn't been wearing a lot of clothes to begin with, but she was excited for the prospect of seeing Ash in all her glory. She reshuffled the cards and dealt them out before setting her cards down for her to see, already feeling dread at the idea of having to remove more clothes. She only had one her panties and tank top now - there would be no hiding her breasts from the girl if she lost the next round.


"As long as you're okay with it, I will definitely show you a good time." The dark haired girl grinned as they walked, a little eager at the idea of being able to taste the girl she was walking with. It had been quite some time since she last had any fun, and this girl was the first person in months that actually saw her. She would do her very best to make sure she felt pleasure she hadn't experienced before. "I can hardly wait to feel your legs shake beside my head." She winked at her as they walked, eyeing the stairwell that would be hiding them from view as she pulled the girl with her underneath it, pulling her into her arms. Her hands rested on her hips, squeezing them gently as she looked at her, leaning down to kiss her lips before she even thought of sinking to her knees between her legs.
"Oh, wow..." Ash murmured, half from surprise at winning and half from staring at Anari. She blushed when she realized she had been staring for too long, laughing shyly. She....well. She was certainly very flustered, that was all she was going to say. Ash set her cards down, keeping her eyes focused on the blanket she was sitting on. While she was definitely interested, staring felt rude and creepy, so she was just not going to look. Mostly.

May's eyes widened slightly, but she kissed Daerys back shyly. She had kissed someone before, but that had been in middle school, and she wasn't frightfully experienced or anything. Hoping she was doing it right, she shyly wrapped her arms around Daerys.

(Sorry this is short!!! <3)
(Do you want to do a time skip? Idk if you want things to get frisky and I've never done a girl/girl sex scene before)
(I can try my hand at the sex scenes if you'd really want, I'm fine either way.)

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