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Fandom Undertale: Surface

[Yess!! Just sign up Dankisor.]

''Pthhh hahaha..'' Asriel would giggle at the three. He then got some chocolate and ate it peacefully while watching the show. Eventually he got bored, so he went outside, back to the underground, to the castle, his OLD HOME.. to relive some MEMORIES.
chara bored followed him."rember the things we used to do" she asked with a smile on her face
"some better than most" she replied "do you think anyone is still down here?" she asked
[Late sorry.]

''No... They all rushed out to the surface, i heard they left children behind to get to the surface first. Some of the children died.. I have no faith in monsters anymore.'' Asriel explained, not proudly. He passed CHARA her favourite CHOCOLATE BAR. then he'd munch on his.
Asriel would start feeling WEAK... He collapsed onto the ground, This would happen at times because of his Soul, IT is weaker, as he had to break it into half instead of doing it the same way. He was asleep once again...
Chare just stood there... in shock "A...Asriel" she knelt down and picked him up and began to run back to Toriel's house

Frisk went up and asked Toriel if dinner was dont

Sans just sat there watching tv
Asriel soul would flash weak, it looked fragile... But there was some type of FORCEFIELD around it blocking it from dangers..
Chara made it back and kicked the door down "Frisk, Frisk Asriel collapsed" chara yelled

Frisk ran to the front door and helped Chara get Asriel to a bed and they set him down
He'd faintly open his eyes, he was blurry.. His head was throbbing in pain.. He looked over at frisk and CHARA, before closing his eyes again.
Frisk went to get him some tea and pie

at this point sans and Toriel entered the room

Chara stood at the bed siad with out moveing
He'd slowly open his eyes up again... He was in MAJOR pain... ''M-my head....'' He'd moan, then he looked over at Chara... ''Chara.. i'm fine... Dont get so upset o-okay?'' He said in pain.
Chara hugged him and cried softly "your alright"

Frisk came back with tea and pie and set it down on a night stand
Asriel looked around the room... ''S-so what exactly happend?'' He asked... Then he'd groan like he got struck with a knife in the chest, his SOUL flashed weak again.
Chara explained how they were in the underground talking and he just collapsed
''O-oh.. Okay.. i kind of remember that..'' Asriel replied, ''I-i'm exhausted.. i honestly don't know how??'' He'd yawn
''It isn't... I just gave the half of my soul in a rush, so i kind of damaged my soul. And dont think about giving me half of my soul back, because FIRST. I want CHARA to be ALIVE and free. SECOND. Even if you do give me my soul back, my soul would be damaged and it won't affect this like at all.''
[You want to roleplay as ALYPHS? I'm really bad at her. lol]

''N-no,no... I'm fine... Okay??'' Asriel resisted.

Frisk Chara And Toriel all told him he is going to Alyphs...sans however was gone
frisk said that they told sans to tell Alyphs to prepare for a visiter
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