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(Undertale) Flowerfell RP


New Member
(1x1 with Birdsie)

The title is so original!

The plot:

It has been a few months since Flowerfell Frisk sacrificed their soul to save the monsters trapped underground. Asgore had given up his plans for world domination in honor of Frisk but humans still couldn't accept the monsters, no matter how peaceful they tried to be. With war in sight, Underfell Sans couldn't see any hope anymore and drove the knife through his SOUL, his 1 HP depleting in an instant.

What UF Sans didn't realize was that his Frisk was watching over him, and when UF Sans' lost hope and began to turn to dust, Frisk attempted a dangerous RESET (much alike Aspen's RESET) in desperate effort to save their lover.

UF Sans comes to in a new world, where monsters were already kind and a flowerless Frisk lived with their guardian and their own Sans. His SOUL twisted with grief and pain and envy, UF Sans begins to plot to take this Frisk for himself, and he would dust or kill any human or monster that tried to stand in his way.

So pairings: UF!Sans x FF!Frisk, UF!Sans x Frisk, and OC x Sans because I threw Aspen in there.

So I'm playing Aspen and Frisk and you're playing both Sans and we'll decide other characters as we go along, sounds good?
(Sounds Good. I'll start off)

Underfell Sans stabbed himself... but what he didn't know in his grief... what he ignored was that Frisk was there watching over him.

After the Reset he appeared in Snowdin Forest again... thinking it's all going to start over, he cried out a little and started walking around, to notice... HIMSELF? He was greatly surprised, he saw himself waiting in the bushes, clearly for someone... he waited along with him, hoping to not get spotted.
"Ha ha..." Toriel chuckled humorlessly.

Frisk just stood there, panting heavily as they only had 1 HP left. Aspen watched from the shadows, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed and her eyes dark. She never really liked this part, and Frisk didn't either, but they had to fight Toriel or they would never leave.

Frisk tried to SPARE the regal goat-like monster again.

"Pathetic, is it not? I cannot save even a single child." Toriel murmured with a watery smile.

Another SPARE. Aspen blinked rapidly to clear the tears in her eyes. Every time, it still got to her. Frisk held onto their DETERMINATION while their heart ached with sympathy for their mother.

Toriel didn't speak, and only shifted her eyes to look away, her smile disappearing. Frisk SPARED again.

"No, I understand. You and Aspen would just be unhappy trapped down here. The RUINS are very small once you get used to them. It would not be right for you to grow up in a place like this. My expectations, my loneliness, my fear..." She said with a dishearten look on her face.

"For you two, my children, I will put them aside."

Frisk's bright red SOUL returned to their chest, as the battle ended. Aspen stopped leaning against the wall and straightened as Toriel turned around to face the door that led to their freedom.

"If you two truly wish to leave the RUINS... I will not stop you. However, when you leave... Please do not come back. I hope you understand."

Oh yes, the two understood perfectly, having many RESETS to understand.

Toriel then turned and knelt to hug Frisk, not releasing them for a few, long moments. Aspen didn't move, not wanting to shatter this sorrowful, but beautiful moment.

When Toriel finally let go of Frisk, a gentle smile was on her face and she said, "Goodbye, my child."

Then Toriel walked over to Aspen, placing a heavy paw on her shoulder and she asked, "Please Aspen, protect them."

"I always do." Aspen murmured with a bittersweet smile on her lips, wrapping her arms around Toriel, her mother hugging them as well.

"Goodbye, my child." She murmured into Aspen's ear before releasing her, and walked away, and looked back at them, before turning and continuing her way back to the house and her loneliness.

Aspen let out a sigh.

"That's it then. Ready to go kiddo?" She said, walking up to her charge who looked up and smiled at them.

"This time it'll be different." Frisk said, and Aspen grinned at her optimism.

"Sure kiddo, this time we won't have to RESET again." The young woman agreed with a pang in her heart, knowing this is what they told themselves every time.

Frisk took her hand, and Aspen squeezed it before putting up her chin, and then she pushed the door open and walked through.

They walked down the purple corridor, Aspen wanting to reach for her knife as they walked closer and closer to Flowey, who she knew would be waiting for them. Frisk tugged on her hand and Aspen looked down to meet their stern look, and she sighed again.

This was a Pacifist Route, an attempt to get Chara to leave Frisk and free the monsters. That meant no harming anybody, even that weed.

They walked out of the RUINS to see Flowey in the dim light, smiling cheerfully at them.

"Good job guys!" Flowey said cheerfully, "You spared Toriel again, and think you're on your way to a happy ending!"

The animated flower gained a slightly sinister look, "But you know what's coming. You know that you've killed them before, and because of that no one is going to get their happy ending. Not even Him."

And with that foreshadowing, Flowey shifted into his evil look, let out a peal of maniacally laughter, and dove back underground.

"Who's him?" Frisk questioned, and Aspen felt dread pool into her stomach.

"Dunno kiddo, guess we'll find out." She said with a shrug and Frisk jolted, perking up with a hopeful look on their face.

"Do you think we're on the right track?" They asked excitedly, and Aspen frowned and muttered, "Flowey doesn't think so."

Frisk's face fell again and Aspen said hastily, "But hey, who cares what that flower thinks? We haven't gotten a response like that out of him before. Maybe we really are onto something."

Frisk felt DETERMINED at her protector's words, and rushed on ahead to meet Sans again.

"Hey, wait up!" Aspen called, breaking into a jog.

"Come on Aspen! Don't you want to see lover boy again?" Frisk called, wiggling their eyebrows, and Aspen scowled with a bright blush on her face.

"Shut it you twerp!" She barked and Frisk laughed joyfully before running out of the door, Aspen hot on their heels.

Aspen pushed the heavy door open, feeling a blast of chilliness hit her. Her boots crunched as she walked out, Frisk shivering beside her.

"We'll be at Snowdin soon kiddo." Aspen promised the child, who nodded, rubbing their arms.

The RUINS were certainly warmer than this, and Aspen looked up at the trees.

"See ya at the bridge." She murmured before striding over to one of the pines.

Aspen began climbing up as Frisk walked on ahead. The snow wasn't as thick on this path, and Frisk passed the first tree, growing eager but nervous. They wanted to see Sans again, but they didn't know if Sans would be good or not. Besides, Flowey was strangely ominous, which might mean something bad was about to happen.

Soon the branch came in sight, and Frisk made sure to step firmly on the branch before continuing, and a few paces after they heard the snap as the branch shattered behind them.

(There we go, finally done. I don't think I'll be writing this much all of the time. Oh and Aspen is tall and lean, with pixie-cut ash brown hair and sharp blue-grey eyes. She wears a leather jacket, a light blue t-shirt underneath, a brown belt with a dull silver belt buckle ripped blue denim jeans and black combat boots. Her knife is in a sheath attached to her belt.)
Sans was prepared to walk out... he started following Frisk, staying under the cover of darkness. He walked behind Frisk, breaking a huge branch.

Frisk could easily hear it, including the footsteps. For a few mere seconds Frisk could see Sans in the darkness, behind her. He tried hiding as much as he could. Once she had neared the bridge, Sans walked up from behind and said

"Human. Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand." With a dark, cold voice. He motioned his hand towards Frisk, waiting for her to shake it.

Underfell Sans was watching from the Forest... then after Sans moved out, he took his place and walked after them... he tried to see what's about to happen... was he in some alternate universe, where he never was such an asshole in the first place? He mumbled out to himself "The hell's goin' on?"

He looked around... yes, it was clearly the Snowdin Forest. He wasn't wrong, but what was the other one doing here? And why did he look so different? So... cheerful? He wore a blue hoodie and... his teeth weren't so sharp. UF Sans didn't know what was going on, but he'd find out... then he saw Frisk... he gasped in... relief and stress at the same time. He hid behind a tree and observed from a distance as the normal Sans neared her... it was weird. Then he heard Sans' voice. Even their voices were similar, he knew this is clearly some alternate universe... and he wanted his sweetheart back.
Frisk slowly turned around and placed their hand in his', and heard a loud fart noise emit from their clasped hands. While they were silent outside Frisk was giggling on the inside, this funny moment was one of their favorites.

Above their heads in the trees Aspen was crouched on a large branch, snickering. into her hand, trying to muffle her voice. For some reason that silly skeleton and his jokes always got to her.

"Is it 'cause you got a crush on him?" She heard Frisk's voice teasing her inside her head.

"Shut up." The woman grumbled to no one, scarlet blooming in her cheeks.

Even when the kid isn't with me they still bug me. Aspen thought with annoyance before focusing on the two again.
Sans said "Hehehe, the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. It never gets old. Anyway, I'm Sans. Sans the Skeleton. Hey, you're a human, right? That's hilarious! I am supposed to be on watch for humans right now, but y'know... I don't really care about capturing anybody. Now, my brother. Papyrus, he's a human hunting FANATIC. Hey, I think it's him over there. Go through this gate thingy." Sans gave a serious look to Frisk, then said "Yeah, just go right through, my bro made the bars too wide to stop anyone."

UF Sans observed and looked at Frisk, he wanted to talk to her, but was afraid to talk to his good-self... after a few seconds he walked forward, but saw them go through the bridge. He was walking towards them, but then he saw Aspen up on the tree branch... he didn't recognize her, was she some other version of Flowey? He decided to hold on for a minute, just to see what happens. Again, he hid behind a tree.
Frisk walked through the wide bars towards the large clearing with a sentry station and a blue odd shaping lamp. They felt excited, they couldn't wait to see Papyrus again, despite the skeleton wouldn't remember them.

Aspen silently hopped over to another branch, grinning at the conveniently shaped lamp, Papyrus was about to come out soon. She caught a glimpse of movement and her head snapped towards it, but she saw nothing. An uneasy feeling settled in her gut, she had never seen another monster be in this part of the forest, except Sans and Papyrus. Was it Flowey? Was it a new monster? But it could have been, but Aspen thought no, Frisk was the one who RESET last, there was no way they could have ended up in an alternate universe.

She glancing at where she thought she had seen movement as she waited for the dialogue to continue.
Underfell Sans decided that it's a bit too risky to just walk out... but was it? He decided to walk out of his hiding place and slowly near the place with the lamp, trying to near the bridge and not get seen by Aspen. He was walking slowly, near the trees and hoping to be able to walk just under the branch she was sitting at. He made almost no sound in the snow, but was still a bit nervous... and curious of who she was and where he was...

Sans said "Quick, behind that conveniently shaped lamp." and then chuckled. You could hear rattling bones not so far away, hitting the ground on high speed. It was probably Papyrus getting near the group. Sans smiled at Frisk and gave her a thoughtful nod, then facing forward to where Papyrus is soon to come out from.
Frisk hurried to the lamp and got behind it, smiling as they turned to be perfectly hidden by the lamp. They could hear the rattling as well, and their heart's beating began to pick up speed. They knew that Papyrus probably wouldn't see them, but they and Aspen knew that every RESET would be different, and who knows what would happen.

Aspen watched Frisk quickly hide behind the lamp, and then out of the corner of her eye she noticed something moving again. She gritted her teeth and waited tensely for Papyrus to come. There was nothing she could do with Papyrus nearby, if he saw her something really new would happen, and Aspen loathed another RESET.

This has to go perfectly. She thought. This is going to be the last RESET, and we'll get the happy ending we deserve.

So she just told herself it was probably a harmless monster like a Snowdrake, or -stars forbid- Jerry. Everything would be fine, it had to be.
Papyrus ran up to Sans and said "SANS DID YOU FIND A HUMAN YET?"

Sans chuckled and responded "Yes."

Papyrus was shocked but happy and said "Oh... I guess that's it then." He smiled and turned back, going away.

Sans chuckled and said "Alright kid, you can come out." he looked at the lamp, waiting for Frisk to come out. After Frisk came out e chuckled and said "Welp. If you could do me a favour.... could you stick around for a lil' while? It'd be great for my brother."

Underfell Sans saw Aspen get notice of him, he didn't have time to deal with her, he picked up the pace towards the bridge, he was so near... he was almost near it, he wouldn't give up just now... not yet at least... not yet for sure.
Aspen looked down, definitely seeing a figure walking towards the bridge. She couldn't make out who it was through the needles as she was hiding in a particularly bushy pine, but she quietly snapped off a branch and pulled out her knife, hastily shaving away some of the bark and wood to make a pointy tip. Once her makeshift spear was finished she threw it directly in front of the monster, the spear burying only a foot away from the figure. It was a warning, she couldn't have this monster messing up the next events to come. She glanced over where Sans and Frisk were, but only saw the grinning skeleton. Aspen smiled brightly, and began moving from tree to tree, the branches close enough she didn't really need to jump. She hoped Sans remembered her, but then again he tended to, so she didn't feel too worried.

Frisk nodded and pointed up at the trees, then they turned around and rushed off to go meet Papyrus, hiding their grin. They wished they could stay and watch Aspen meet her one true love again, but the two found timing was very important in their past resets.

Suddenly a woman dropped from the trees above before Sans, landing gracefully.

Aspen grinned, her hands being stuffed into her jean pockets, and she said jokingly, "Hey stranger, remember me?"
Sans looked at Aspen and said "It does appear as if we've met before, mind if I ask you your name?" with his ever-lasting smile. Then he looked behind her and said "Who's that?"

Then Underfell Sans walked forward and said "Who are you two?"

Papyrus would normally be with Sans at this moment, but he couldn't find him. He saw Frisk and though they were a rock, Papyrus shrugged and put his back against a tree, waiting for Sans to come.
Her smile flickered, and then she turned and gasped sharply.

"You're kidding me." Aspen muttered in shock, and one of her hands went to her sleeve, her hand grasping the hilt of her knife.

How is he...? No, it doesn't matter. I have to keep him from Frisk.

"It doesn't matter who we are, what do you want?" She asked coldly, glaring at the skeleton with red pupils.

This isn't good. We barely managed to survive the Underground He's from, what if he kills Sans? What will happen to the ending?

Frisk had just befriended the Snowdrake, and pocketed the gold the Snowdrake left.

"Come on Aspen and Sans." Frisk muttered, hiding behind a rock so Papyrus couldn't see them.

They were getting worried, if they didn't come in the next few minutes Frisk would have to go back, they couldn't face Papyrus without them.
"I want to meet... Frisk." Underfell Sans responded with a hardened, determined voice. "I ain't in the need to hurt ya... really, I don't want to... but if you force me to, I'll have to... and we don't want that, do we?" He demanded with a half-aggresive half-cheerful.

Sans said "Pal, I don't know what Universe you're from, but I'm sure we can discuss this over a nice, bottle of ketchup." with a jokey tone, closing one of his eyes at UF Sans.

Papyrus was very close to Frisk, with his head almost meeting their's... he said "Hmm... this rock is very out of place. It almost looks alive." He waved at Frisk, unsure what they were...
Frisk resisted the urge to gulp, and stayed very, very, still, not meeting Papyrus' gaze.

Feel the rock. Be the rock. You've met plenty of rocks, even that talking one in the RUINS. You can do this because you're DETERMINED. So be the rock Frisk. They thought, repeating Feel the rock. Be the rock. In their head over and over.


"He prefers mustard." Aspen muttered, remembering that piece of information, then she shook her head.

Focus on the task at hand.

"But don't even think about it bub, you honestly think I'm going to let you waltz up to Frisk just so you can kill them again?" Aspen growled before continuing in a snarl, "I'm never letting you get even 50 yards near Frisk. So leave us alone and go away!

(Here's the knife by the way.)

Underfell Sans seemed slightly shocked "K-Kill th-... I did in the past... right, but no mo-... Did we ever meet before? I don't even recognize you... are you some different... version of that Flower that followed me and Frisk around?" A tear went down his cheek, but he quickly cleaned it off with his hand.

"I-It doesn't matter. You better let me through, I want to see her!"

Sans muttered out "Hey... listen. How about a Hotdog?" to Underfell Sans.

Underfell Sans responded with "Are you even taking this seriously?" Sans shrugged and said "How about an Updog then?"

UF Sans said "What's Updog?" Sans said "Nothing, how about you?"

UF Sans had a slight smile on his face, but quickly shook it off and said "Good one, but I don't have time for this!" with an angry voice.


Papyrus said "Nyeh... just a rock." and scampered off saying "I'll go adjust the puzzle myself..." with an angry, unsatisfied walk towards the first puzzle that he and Sans had placed earlier, the electricity maze!
Frisk let out a breath they had been holding, relaxing their tense muscles. That was close, way too close. And what was taking those two so long? A silly grin crossed their lips, maybe Aspen finally did it and revealed her feelings to Sans.

So with that thought in mind, Frisk hurried back to sentry station and the conveniently shaped lamp. They may not show it much, but they loved a good romance. But when Frisk arrived, she noticed the glint of a blade and they gasped. Aspen was holding a knife, and threatening... Sans? No, Sans was beside her. But who was that in front of them? They looked oddly familiar, and definitely a skeleton judging by the figure's bald skull. Frisk felt nervous, but DETERMINATION kept them moving.

"Aspen? What's going on? Who is this?" Frisk called, and at the child's voice Aspen's head snapped in their direction.

Before Frisk arrived...

Aspen was confused, but she tried not to let his words get to her. He was lying, he always lied. He was deceptive and sadistic and cruel, and he had killed them both plenty of times.

"Sans, now isn't the time for jokes." She muttered to the short skeleton wearing the blue hoodie, then she snapped, "And you! Don't lie to me, you know exactly who I am, you've killed me enough times to know."

"Aspen? What's going on? Who is this?" Aspen's head snapped in the direction of her charge's voice, eyes widening.

"Frisk?! Go back! And you stupid skeleton, don't you dare hurt them!" She barked, her heart pounding in her chest.

Aspen was always afraid of returning to a SAVE, and if this evil Sans killed either of them, they would return to the house and Frisk would have to fight Toriel again.

(Sorry that took a while, I might not be able to respond again until later, I'm going out and I don't know if I'll have Internet.)
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UF Sans was surprised... almost shocked. "A-ARE YOU STUPID? I HAVEN'T KILLED YOU ONCE, WHAT IS THIS FUSS ABOUT!?... but... if that's what I have to do... then so be it, sweetheart." UF Sans spawned multiple magic bones from thick air, whilst snapping his fingers. The Bones were headed towards Sans and Aspen.

Sans quickly avoided the attacks and said "Buddy. I know what's going on here, we two are similar. Let's just discuss this peacefully, alright?"

UF Sans responded "How 'bout I kill you instead, for wasting my time?" and spawned a few red Gaster Blasters, shooting them at his original.

Sans avoided and said "Welp, sorry." he prepared to fight UF Sans.

Then UF Sans saw Frisk and said "Don't worry. I'll kill these two and they won't stop us, sweetheart." directly to her.
Aspen leaped out of the way, shattering a few bones with her knife. She ran through the battlefield, barely dodging a Gaster Blaster.

"Fudge." Aspen spat, smoke wafting off of her jacket, not having much experience in dodging the powerful beams.

But the need to protect Frisk filled her with DETERMINATION, and she ran forward, seeing Frisk staring at the sudden battle with horror.

Snatching their hand, she began pulling them away, "Come on kiddo, we can't stay here."

"Wait, Aspen! He'll kill him!" Frisk protested and Aspen looked down at them with dark eyes.

"We'll have to RESET, or just keep going."

With a scowl Frisk tugged their hand free and snapped, "No. We don't leave friends behind!"

"Frisk!" Aspen shouted, lunging for the child, but they scampered out of her grasp.

But they kept running, they couldn't bare to see Sans (well, their Sans) die again. So the child ignored their guardian and their instincts, running directly up to UF Sans.

"Wait! Don't hurt him! Please!" Frisk cried, grabbing fistfuls of his parka.

They began struggling to pull him away from the original Sans, but they were cold and hungry and had little strength available.
UF Sans saw Frisk begging him and crying. UF Sans looked rather shocked and said "A-Alright, I'll stop, sweetheart." he gave her a sad look and hugged her saying "I've missed you."

The Normal Sans looked pretty confused and said "Uh... I guess that works too?" He gave Aspen an uncertain look, unsure what to expect. Sans just stood there, with his smile. He chuckled and said "Welp... It apparently does, so."
Frisk screamed as they felt his arms encircle them and tighten, fully expecting another reset.

That scream jolted Aspen into action, rushing forward and slamming into UF Sans.

She quickly pinned him down, a snarl on her face.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Do. Not. Touch. Them." Aspen seethed, glaring furiously at him.

Frisk sank to their knees, shaking like a leaf. Their breathes came out in uncontrolled pants, and they began counting in their head to try and control their breathing. Every time they thought they succeeded, a new memory of UF Sans and the original Sans came into mind, and they had to breathe heavily to try and not hyperventilate.

(Oh, and I'm sorry if I didn't mention this but original Frisk doesn't remember the Flowerfell route, but Frisk and Aspen have gone through a regular Underfell route.)
(I've realized that by now :D . And UF Sans doesn't know any of that.)

UF Sans looked pretty pissed at Aspen "What the hell is wrong with you? I just want to be with... her." He pointed towards Frisk. Aggression was in his voice and he was pinned to the ground. He looked at himself and sighed. "Guess... I should've went to a clothing store before this..."

Sans walks up to the group and says "What's your name, pal?"

UF Sans responded "Sans."

The normal Sans shrugged and said "Heya, Sans. I'm Sans." with a funny voice, then he let out a chuckle.
"Sans, stop trying to be friends with the enemy. This version of you has killed us both, many times. He's a sadistic dirty backstabber." Aspen said with an annoyed tone, and then she gestured over to Frisk with her head.

"Calm down Frisk, would you? Try and convince them that you're not going to kill them."

Then she turned her attention back to UF Sans, "And you. What is your problem? What, do you want to be with them to torture them? Skin them alive? Pull every bone out of their body? Crush their soul into shards? I don't know what game you're trying to play Sans, but as long as my SOUL still exists and DETERMINATION flows through my veins, I won't let you go near them. In fact..."

She put more pressure to keep the skeleton down, and looked over at Frisk.

"Frisk? Kiddo? Hey, come back to me."

Frisk's trembling died down to the occasional shiver, and bleary eyes met Aspen's gentle grey-blue ones.

"He has one HP, just like our San's..." Frisk began shaking their head violently.

"No, we don't kill anyone." They said, their voice small but determined.

"Why? Why do we have to let them live? They've killed us too many times!" She argued, and Frisk shakily stood and stumbled over to her.

Aspen released the skeleton underneath her to catch her charge before they fell.

"We always be kind, even if we think they don't deserve it." Frisk murmured, curling into Aspen's warmth, Aspen just grimaced.

"What do you think Sans?" Aspen asked after a few moments of thinking.
Sans "I dunno what to think. Haven't met this guy before, but if he's cool, then I'm cool... oh, wait." Sans chuckled and looked to the side at Frisk.

Then he opened his mouth and was about to say a stupid pun, but then he realized this situation is a bit more serious and above puns.

He instead said "What do ya think, kiddo?"

UF Sans got up and said "I've killed her many times... that's true, but she's shown me Mercy, I've learned from her! I know that I can be good if I just try... and then... I don't want to lose you again." He said, directing the last sentence towards Frisk, looking at her. A small tear came out of his eye, but he cleaned it off with his hand.

Sans said "That pretty much sums up your personality, huh?" and looked at UF Sans, then at Aspen and then at Frisk.
(Eh I'm going to switch to female pronouns for Frisk too)

Frisk looked at UF Sans in confusion, and Aspen rolled her eyes and took Frisk's hand again.

"You're lying, you have to be. You wanted her dead from the start. Come on kiddo, let's get this nightmare over."

Frisk looked back at UF Sans, a troubled look on her face.

"Wait Aspen, something isn't right." She said softly as Aspen pulled her away.

"Yea, he exists." Aspen said, gesturing at UF Sans with her free hand.

"No, that's not it. Please Aspen, we might not get the right ending this time no matter what we do." Frisk pleaded, and Aspen stopped with a sigh.

"Kid, he's dangerous and a liar. I have to protect you."

"No!" Frisk shouted, pulling her hand from Aspen's, who growled in frustration.

Really, did Frisk have buttery hands?

"Yes, he's killed us, but he never lied to us. And I don't think he would hurt me." Frisk protested.

"Oh so you think?" Aspen's voice was full of sarcasm, "You've thought a lot of things Frisk, more often than not you were proven wrong."

"Oh yea?" The child challenged, angry and frustrated that Aspen wouldn't think about the situation at hand.

"Yea!" Aspen met the challenge head on, matching Frisk's fierce glare.

"Name one thing I was wrong about!" Frisk demanded and Aspen gritted her teeth.

"You thought Toriel wouldn't hurt us, you trusted her!"

"She let us go in the end!"

"You thought Papyrus wouldn't try and kill you!"

"He didn't, he stopped when I was at 1 HP!"

"You thought you wouldn't kill anyone! You thought you wouldn't let Chara win!"

Frisk gasped, hands flying to her mouth as her eyes filled with tears.

Aspen felt a pang of regret and was about to apologize but Frisk blurted out, "Yea? Well I thought you would protect me!"

The woman's jaw dropped and her heart stopped beating.

She... what?

"Fine. If you think they'll protect you then fine. I leave you in their care." Aspen said calmly, resisting the urge to break down in tears.

"You don't need me anymore." She murmured, turning and forcing herself to walk.

"Wait Aspen-"

"Goodbye Frisk." Frisk's ex-guardian threw over her shoulder, and then continued walking.

She didn't look back, but when she turned the corner and was confident none of them could see her, she let tears silently trek down her face, but she kept marching on.

Frisk regretted it the moment it slipped from her lips.

When Aspen had disappeared from her vision, she stared for a few more moments, praying to whatever deity protected these monsters that her guardian would come back, but she didn't.

She forced her body to slowly turn and face the two Sans. Hesitantly she walked forward, feeling numb.

"Do... do you think she'll come back?" Frisk asked softly, wrapping her arms around herself to keep herself from falling apart.

(Um, okay. Wasn't expecting it to go that way, but once they started fighting it kinda went intense fast.)

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