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Fandom Undertale, detailed but casual? (Two main character roles left!)


I drink coffee, oh and I love my fish waifus :>
Hello all, nice to meet you!

I haven't done a group RP in...forever, and I figured it was about time. So what better video game to base it off of, then my favorite PC game? Undertale!

What I want this RP to be, is just a casual place to have fun and not be too serious. No 'over looming' plots to worry about, no this, nor that. Just to have fun in the underground we all fell in love with!

This RP would be taking place in an AU, after the neutral route. In this timeline, Frisk defeats mega Flowey, only to find themselves unable to cross the barrier. When they return to the Underground defeated, is where the RP would take place. Everyone but Asgore is alive, as he doesn't return after Flowey killed him.

Toriel returns from the Ruins, and takes over the throne. Everyone is a still a little shaky from everything that happened, but overall it's mostly in good shape. They welcome Frisk 'home', regardless of their defeat, and no one but a few monsters blames them for Asgore's death.

That's pretty much it.

These are the relations/relationships with the main characters. Anything that says 'no information', basically means it's up to whoever has that role to decide their relations with said character.

These are the relations Frisk has with the other characters. (Her/she pronouns.) Also, in this universe Frisk didn't go through the underground perfectly. She has killed a few insignificant monsters.

Papyrus- The two share a love for pasta, and have a burning passion for japes and jogging. Frisk went on the date with this skeleton, and their friendship has grown since. Papyrus has no knowledge of what Frisk has done.

Sans- This skeleton isn't innocent himself, so he understood why Frisk did what she did. Still, their relationship isn't as solid as it could be. However, the two are really close, with Sans being a person Frisk confides in often. (To be confirmed.)

Undyne- Unlike Sans, this warrior never forgave Frisk's actions. As a result, the human could never connect with the fish despite Papyrus' efforts. Undyne practically hates the human, mostly because she blames them for Asgore's death.

Toriel- Goat MOM! Does that say enough? If Frisk isn't sleeping at Sans' house, she's bunking with Toriel. They are probably the closest, just because of the 'mother/daughter bond'.

Alphys- Having never become friends with Undyne, Frisk never got the chance to uncover the scientist's secret. So they never could get that connection. Even still, they're good friends that share a love for anime.

Other characters-

Mettaton- After their 'battles', this robot realized just how good Frisk was at showmanship. They occasionally get together to perform, and film episodes. Most weekends they go karaoke'ing, both in EX and non EX form.

Napstablook- This Frisk is the jack of all trades. She loves hearing, and mixing her own music, so her and the friendly ghost hit it off. They now get together sometimes to listen and create music.

Chara- The first human still haunts Frisk, which she hates. But even still...it's an odd relationship.

Frisk- Papyrus absolutely adores the human. The way Frisk feels about the skeleton, is the same way visa versa.

Sans- The two brothers are as close as ever. Nothing much has changed there.

Undyne- The warrior never bothers to hide her disdain with the human, which has strained relations with Papyrus. However, the skeleton still idolizes his commander.

Toriel- Papyrus still believes the queen is Asgore's cleanly shaven clone, so he treats her the same as he did the king. -Payrus doesn't know the king is dead-

Alphys- No information.

Other characters-

No information.

Frisk- While he would never say it out loud (or will he?), the skeleton is very fond of the human. He loves how she confides in him, though he always passes it off as nothing. He's very protective of her, and not just because of his promise to Toriel.

Papyrus- What is there to say?

Undyne- Sans never had a good relationship with the leader of the Royal Guard to start with. But with how hateful she is towards the human, the skeleton swore to never get along with the fish. He's extremely careful around her, to make sure they don't get into a fight.

Toriel- Their friendship is the same as in the game. It hasn't escalated anymore, or any less.

Alphys- No information.

Other characters-

Chara- Sans doesn't know the first human directly, but from various things Frisk has both done, and said, along with a natural intuition he knows of the spirit haunting Frisk.

Frisk- If there's one thing Undyne will do anything for, is monsters. She loves each and every one, and is ferociously protective of them. So she never cared for the human. But when Frisk killed those few monsters, she swore vengeance. Only thanks to Papyrus and Alphys, did she calm down a bit. But when Asgore went missing, along with the souls...she just couldn't forgive Frisk.

Papyrus- While his love for the human gets on her nerves, Undyne still loves the skeleton she took under her wing. Platonically, of course.

Sans- For some reason, these two could never get on the right foot. But with his clear defensiveness of the human, Undyne knew she could never get along with him.

Toriel- Undyne had a hard time at first, with the queen. She even contemplated over throwing her. But in the end, they both shared a common link, monsters. They eventually got along, and now the warrior is just as protective with the queen, as she was with the king.

Alphys- Without the help from the human, Undyne never could share her feelings with the dinosaur. Even still, they are as close as ever before.

Other characters-

No information.

Frisk- From the moment the human fell into the underground, Toriel loved them. That hasn't changed a bit. Though the news of the killings Frisk performed had haunted Toriel's mind, she tries not to let it bother her.

Papyrus- No information.

Sans- The same relationship they had in the game.

Undyne- Toriel didn't know how to react to the warrior at first, and they didn't get along for sometime. But eventually, they became close.

Alphys- No information.

Other characters-

No information.

Frisk- The scientist rooted for the human all the way, and even had them chance to get close to them. While the few kills Frisk made did damage their relationship, it wasn't something they couldn't fix. Still, it didn't help her self esteem any.

Papyrus- No information.

Sans- No information.

Undyne- The love that was never confessed. No matter what disagreements they might have, Alphys will always have a special place in her heart for that spear-wielding fish!

Toriel- No information.

Other characters-

No information.


  • You must be able to post at least ten sentences per post, however when the situation is mostly dialogue I'll let this rule slip.
  • Please check your posts for proper grammar, and be a little detailed with your posts.
  • There is no 'post max length', but don't make terribly long posts every time.
  • There IS a limit on how many posts you can make. You can only post once, let someone else post, then you can post again. Depending on how people are posting, and how they are posting, this entire rule may be altered.
  • Swearing/hard language is allowed, but only in a tasteful way. Such as, you can only swear once per post, and the situation has to call for it. However, if anyone is uncomfortable with swearing then this rule changes to, 'no swearing allowed'. Please let me know in a PM, and I'll change it.
  • If you choose a cannon character, please try to be true to that role. I don't mind a little original-ness, but a do mean a little.
  • This RP is meant to be fun and aloof, so don't incorporate anything too dark.
  • PVP is allowed, but its up to you RPers to decide the winner.
  • No Gary Stues, or Mary Sues.
  • I don't want to ban anyone, and I don't expect to have to. But just in case, you'll get a warning or two before it comes to that.
  • Some characters have colored text (See below) to their names. Please use these colors when posting their dialogue, but just the dialogue! Characters without colors mean that it's open to give them a color.
  • No controlling other people's characters.

That's it! Understand, I won't be very strict or anything. But please follow the rules set in place!

Below will be the available roles, so check them out before commenting. It will be a 'first come first serve', but I may give the role to someone else based on the role in question, and the RPer. (I highly doubt you'll loose a spot you call, but it may happen.)

Speaking of, let me explain the roles real quick. 'Main Characters', are based on the more important characters in the game. The rule of them, is you can only choose one of these roles to fill. These guys, if you have one of them, must be in every post you make. (Assuming you can, based on the current situation.)

'Side Characters', are what I consider roles to be filled, that aren't specifically important. You don't have to include them in every post you make, and you can choose up to two of them.

'Misc Characters', follow the same rules as 'Main Characters'. As in, you can only have one, and they must be in every post you make depending on the situation. The OC's can be either monster, or human. But if you want a human OC, you must PM me directly to discuss it.

You can either have one MC, and 0-2 SC. Or one Misc Ch., and 0-2 SC. Or no MC, or Misc Ch., and only 1-2 SC. The choice is yours! Just post below to 'reserve' the spot you want!

All Main Character slots have to be filled before we can start. Also, quick note. Any character not listed below, is considered 'NPC', so anyone can RP them anytime.

List of roles!

Main Characters

Frisk: @TheGossipLink (Yeah, I took the role. Sorry! Oh, and Frisk is a girl in this RP.)

Sans: @MoonLegend101



Undyne: @Yonsisac

Alphys: @Lunarfox10

Side Characters

Mettaton: @TheGossipLink (I will be willing to give up this role, if someone else REALLY wants it.)





Mad Dummy:


Royal Guard A:

Royal Guard B:

Chara: @Noivian

Misc Characters

W. D. Gaster: (How did this get here?)

OC 1: @Noivian

OC 2: @Lunarfox10

OC 3:

(More OC's can be made then there are right now, if needed.)

Last edited by a moderator:
I'm debating between Sans and talking over a human OC....
This looks like a wonderful and very interesting roleplay to participate in! I would also be interested in perhaps playing the character Sans, but if the person above would rather like the role, it would be completely understandable! I was just curious, but anyway, I do not wish to cause any confusion about this, so if the person requesting would like to take the character Sans, I would like to request the canon character Toriel, if it. Either way, I thought it would be fun to request to join this roleplay, and if so, I certainly wish to be a positive contribution to it. :)

I'll take the OC. I thought it over, and haven't really role played Sans yet so I don't know if I'd be comfortable suddenly jumping into a detailed role play as him. On a side note, would Chara be available in this role play, sort of like a ghost pestering Frisk? I know this is following the neutral route, but I figured I'd ask.

Alright, I'll put you as an OC.

And I have considered that. I may do that as of yet, but I haven't decided. If you're asking so you could have that role, just let me know. It'll help me decided.


With Noivian taking an OC, the role of Sans is open. Would you want it, or Toriel?
I'd imagine that Chara would be more of a bright red, given in-game text for the genocide route.
I have enjoyed thus this game and loved entire but by far i would enjoy a RP of such roleplay

would i thus be able to reserve undyne? i rather enjoy our smelly sushi warrior and her lovable strong-willed personality so such i would gladly choose if i am able.
TheGossipLink said:
Undyne is yours!
*Theme plays*

.....better get ready for those cooking lessons

but thank you i will do my best to inpersonate our sushi warrior,i am still reading and practicing,i am aware it docent need to be EXACT but still i will do my best to act as her

this is the neutral rout ending yes im aware but Frisk....in this story what side quest has he done? if any like the date with papyrus,undyne letter,Etc has any of that thus happen? or was it thus just a straight quest towards the end and none of this has happen? i think is best we know as relation ships with other characters might be different,for example, if frisk did give the letter to alphys from undyne and help she would be nicer,etc you know what i mean -3-

so has any of those happend? or none?
Hello!, I have a question, can i take the OC Role, and if you need me to take another role i can take another character, I have planned an Undertale OC for all my roleplays already if you would like to see the info.

I'm actually very glad you brought that up, because I completely forgot about adding the information for that! Yes, there are some relations between the characters. I'll update the info on the first post, under the 'Story/plot' spoiler, when I have the time.


If you could send the OC info in a PM for me to see, that would be great! And while it would be contradicting one of my rules, if you could take one of the main roles that would be great! Because we can't start till at least they're filled.
TheGossipLink said:
I'm actually very glad you brought that up, because I completely forgot about adding the information for that! Yes, there are some relations between the characters. I'll update the info on the first post, under the 'Story/plot' spoiler, when I have the time.


If you could send the OC info in a PM for me to see, that would be great! And while it would be contradicting one of my rules, if you could take one of the main roles that would be great! Because we can't start till at least they're filled.

your welcome i would be very glad to see such important info,i am filled with determination to wait.

as well last question:has this frisk killed anybody in this story?....gained some...LOVE....EXP....*slowly picks up spear*

Ah, my apologies. I didn't see you're knew. I went ahead and read the CS, then deleted it just so it doesn't bother anyone else in this thread. The characters good to me, so I don't see any reason not to allow him!

However, this RP won't have much battling. And for what little there will be, stats won't be involved. Just figured I'd let you know!

Oh, and Alphys is yours!


That I haven't decided. Part of me wants to say 'no', but another part of me wants to say 'yes'. I'm leaning towards the idea that Frisk has killed one or two insignificant monsters, as the Neutral Route doesn't mean you don't have to not kill anything.

Which would lead to strained relations with Undyne, and make sense as to why Chara would be (for lack of better words) haunting Frisk.
TheGossipLink said:
Ah, my apologies. I didn't see you're knew. I went ahead and read the CS, then deleted it just so it doesn't bother anyone else in this thread. The characters good to me, so I don't see any reason not to allow him!

However, this RP won't have much battling. And for what little there will be, stats won't be involved. Just figured I'd let you know!

Oh, and Alphys is yours!


That I haven't decided. Part of me wants to say 'no', but another part of me wants to say 'yes'. I'm leaning towards the idea that Frisk has killed one or two insignificant monsters, as the Neutral Route doesn't mean you don't have to not kill anything.

Which would lead to strained relations with Undyne, and make sense as to why Chara would be (for lack of better words) haunting Frisk.
*nods and hides spear*

thank you for the answer now this docent mean that i will try to KILL YOU AND CHASE THE HECK OUT OF YOU,YA HUMAN!.....forgive me i have sudden burst -3- but serious i am all well with it as it will make it much more...interesting but who knows maybe they will get slightly better relation as hate is not all we need,as well i would like to speak with you via PM about a "thing" if you don't mind?

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