Unatural [Rp]

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(Ok the picture is slightly deceiving if I'm part cat.)

"Told you I needed clothes." He smirked at her wagging his tail. He stayed on the bed and yelled "Yuki get in here." He waited for her to come into the room.
Yuki:"what?" she asked looking puzzled."whats going on? you to look wonderful togther by the way.."she said smiling.
"Oh good I'm glad you think so...well have you been doing anything oh I don't know anything that could compromise the idea that we now reside in this building? Tell me." He sat there with a quizzical look.
Izwa: oh she said with a embarrassing look on her face am i was just checking on a thing *She got up out of the bed in a hurry when she saw yuki enter the room

(Hi everyone im Izwa)
(Sorry I had to go somewhere)

Miyoku ran in the house and into the kitchen "I smell food" she looks at the chicken and rice and her eyes go wide "Can I have some now" she says giving Haru the kitty face meaning "Gimme, gimme,gimme"
Haru blinked then shook her head,"no if you eat now you don't eat later there's only enough to eat now ill have to go get food tomorrow"she said and smiled patting her head,"now go into the living room it's almost done"she said flipping the chicken.
"No I want it now" Miyoku started clawing at the cabinet making scratches on the wood she then started to meow with a sad tone then, poof, she had turned into a black cat with yellowish eyes and soft fur she then jumps on the kitchen counter and started meowing at the food, her meows sounded desperate and her eyes were wide, her tail then slowly started to wag as she kept meowing begging for the food
Haru twitched,"loud"she mumbled then found a carry-on pet case and put Miyoku inside,"now wait it's almost done..."she said as she put the rice on plates now upset. She glared at Ero,"set the food out"she said after serving the food on the plates and handing him two. She then glared at Miyoku,"Mimi-chan now you wait to eat last"she said with a huff.

translation:"NOOOOOOO" she looked at Ero and started to claw at the case "No I dont wanna go I must eat noww!" she looked at Ero "Help me out of here" she whispered "Please" she begged, Miyoku wasnt a fan of the carry on pet bag, she started to scratch at it again thinking that she could dig her way out "This is animal abuse" she wines as she continues to scratch "I know my rights"
Haru glared,"no it's animal jail! Look at what you did to the cabinates!"she yelled pouting then continued to put plates on the table,"EVERYONE FOODS READY!"she yelled.
Eros:now, it doesn't seem to be fair to make her eat last...we are all hungry for sure. I'm not even sure when we are last. 
Miyoku then stands on her paws and starts to scratch the air which means she is agreeing with Ero her tail starts to wag in hope that Eros words have convinced her to give her a second chance"See Its not fair and I didn't mean to scratch the cabinet its just my kitty senses, they tell me to cat like things I cant help it, its not like I wanted this"
Eros:would you like to be locked in a bag? You wouldn't, if we're gonna survive we must treat eachother as equals.
Miyokus cat eyes start to sparkle, she is so grateful to Ero right now for trying to set her free from this bag of hell, her black long tail starts to wag and her cat ears poke up in happiness and hope
Haru sighed,"how about when you finish she eats"she said knowing Eros ate fast she then jolted how did she know this? She walked to the carrier,"you still deserve a time-out in my opinion"she mumbled softly.
(So character info:apparently I'm also part cat,can turn fully cat and I'm basically a Cheshire Cat Neko.)

Shingou (after putting on a white button up and black pants walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen. Almost right upon seeing Miyoku in a cage he broke out laughing his dark purple,light purple and pink stripped tail swinging side to side in the air. "Look whose stuck in the cage."
"In her mind she is saying "Hell Yeah" but she keeps calm "Just hurry up and let me out of here women..I mean please" then she sees shingou laughing at her "Oh shut the hell up you annoy me" she growls under her breath then mummbles "For a big brother your pretty freaking immature"

( I might drop this rp o3o...idk)
Haru sighed and unlocked the cage. She then sat at the table and began eating it.(TT.TT it just started though.... I thought it was cute....)
[QUOTE="yullen-chan]Ryoku walked around and sighed climbing onto the roof.

Kaze had lightly waved back at Yuki when she passed by and continued his song. He looked up into the sky until he heard Ryoku climb up. He gave her a moment of attention before looking out into the sea again.

(I was gone so someone give me a recap of what i missed please)
(I'm kinda waiting for a plot to pop up some point)

He smiled at her disappearing in a gaseous swirl then popping up behind her in the same manner but floating in the air on his backing. He dropped his head backward smiling at her "I'm sorry what was that?Tell me."

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