Unatural [Rp]

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(I mean its not bad but it doesn't really have a plot >^>)

Miyoku ran out the cage happy as can be "Freedom!" she hugs Ero "Thank you" then she goes toward Shingou and smacks him in the face "You got alot of nerve" she then sits down at the table with her arms folded "And stop floating near me it makes me uncomfortable"

(kaze: we just sitting down eating or chatting in the kitchen)
Before her hand even had time to hurt him he evaporated so that her hand just passed through. Then came back standing beside your "Your such a kill joy little baby sister." He said in a baby voice and rubbed his tail under her chin.
Miyoku bites Shingous tail "Get your tail out of my face my dear big brother" she then looks at Ero "But he started it" she says in a childish voice pointing to Shingou as her black tail and ears perk up "If he just would have stayed in his damn room none of this crap would have happened" she says in a whinny voice then glares at Shingou
(Kinda hard to have a plot going without the GM around, heck i have to wait for Yull to post before i can do anything xD )
Shingou rolled his eyes at her when she tried to bite his tail bit it evaporated right before. "Oh aren't you just ferocious." He looked over towards the exit. "I did not start it,if you would have been a good little girl like your suppose to be I never would have had a reason to laugh." He laughed at her again "and if it weren't for me mom and dad wouldn't even have had you." He was slightly confused 'where did that come from?"
Eros:*rubs his temples* oy, if you two dont show cognitive thinking ability above 9 year olds I'm probably going to explode.
"You wouldn't know the definition of good if it slapped you in your stupid face" she stood up and went towards Shingou "While I was getting great grades your pathetic self was stuck in detention half of everyday and you have nothing to do with my birth they loved me more then you anyway because no one likes a useless boy like you!" she stormed out the kitchen and headed to her room slamming the door behind her and then sits in the corner of the room with a pillow in her hand "Guess im remembering things and how much I hate that idiot" she mummbles to herself
Eros:*starts faintly glowing, a distinct heat coming off him and making the room warmer*ugh, I'm going to get air*he storms out*
Shingou stood there still smiling stupidly and muttered "and you'll never know how much I cared or wanted a little sister." He said it quietly so she couldn't hear despite her ears. He evaporated into the air not reappearing.
Miyoku could feel the heat from the kitchen "We must have pissed Ero off" she then goes towards the window to see Ero walking out slightly glowing,she opens the window and jumps out quietly and starts to follow Ero "I guess I should apologize, if we weren't arguing he wouldn't be mad" she thinks to herself then she looks back at the house sticking her tongue out like she was in kindergarten again hoping her brother would see it somehow
Aru's eyes shot open as darkness spread around him. He was speaking in a language that couldn't be deciphered at the moment. Only slight whispers heard. The room around him becoming his prison. Thoughts swirling within his mind. "Is this where i want to be? Is this what i want?!!!!!!!?" His lips fell silent as the darkness continued to surround him more, moving from the room to his body. He was covered in dark energy as his mind was blank. He was shielding himself from the world around him. He was going insane.
Eros:*walks to the waters edge and sits down, sand turning to glass around him from the heat* may as well sleep here...away from all these arguing people.
Yuki:"ummmm guys meeting now!!"yuki yelled wwhich ring through the house.

(guys stay patient dont worry the scientist are gona follow us around alot. They have these arm men called muscle men. They were like us except the were in a diffrent room they hunt us down.By the way all of you are gonna find out what happent to your family in the meeting.)
Aru heard words from yuki as he slowly regained his composure. He changed his body into a shadow and moved towards the point yuki was. He remained a shadow until others would show up.
(kk)Miyoku looked at Ero as he had turned the sand below him to glass "Umm Ero" she said this in a nervous tone whith a hint of concern. She kept her distance from Ero not wanting to get burned by his heat "Im sorry if I pissed you off" she took one step closer "You know from all the arguing and all" she swings back and forth on her heels not knowing what else to say with her head down

(I posted this late so forget this she be in da house xD )
All of sudden the floor started to shake and men began to laugh.Yuki rushed outside to see the muscle men laughing and pointing at kaze."what are you doing here?"Yuki asked."You really think you can just escape from me baby.Yuki, child your my insperation.Im surprise you even saved them considering you know everything about them.Now open or pop the stupid bubble you half angel boy and let me slice you apart."he said in a sweet and determined voice."You wont put a hand on me or anyone else my sexy handsome man."She said as the muscle man ,Ari turned into a dog.He started drooling and howlingwich amused yuki so much she started to laugh.
Eros: it's fine, not used to this yet. Of course I doubt that's possible to be. 
Eros:*follows her, suddenly hit with an innumerable amount of equations that rack theouth his brain*ahgg!*he starts seeing images in his head of atoms fusing together,energy bieng released and plasma forming*
"Im sure you wil-" Miyokus words are interrupted by the gound shaking she turns to see muscle men outside of the ring telling kaze to let them in "No way in hell we letting them in" she hisses then she looks back at Ero "Are you ok, Ero" she can see that he is in some type of pain
Yuki:"thats right bark baby bark."she said as he barked and howled at her.She turned around and told the others to stay inside,stay quite, and hide with her mind.She was feeling vibes from them scared vibes.She knew one of the muscle men were half angel and that he can possibly pop this bubble."i want yooooorrrroo"he howled."understand that sweetie ,but i cant be yours if you kill my folks now cant I?"she asked in a sexy way."your right, but scientist orders my darling. so I-"he said as he was disrupted."shhh no more talking. Sweetie go tell the scientist to leave us alone and that he can have us when were ready."she said as she bit her lip in a sexy way."Okay my darling. come on guys lets leave my future folks alone. Bye darling ill see you soon and when i do hopefully we will get so far as to the bed." he said as winked at her and rounded up his boys."wait boss your doing it again she is seducing you!" one of them yell."snap out of it" he continued."your right lets get them.sorry darling..."he whispered."guys come on we gotta fight soon as all of them are on the ground fly off into town meet me at the library."she told them with her mind."dont be scared we can do this" she yelled.
Eros:ok*his mind starts clearing up* I think with this we can win....*he looks down at his hand, a small solid ball of plasma had formed, it sinks into his skin and he sighs feeling its immense energy go into him, he jumps and is airborn in a self created heat draft and soars twards the library at high speed*

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