Unatural [Rp]

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Yuki:"guys were gonna fight once there laying on the ground we go . Understand?"she saids as one of the msucle men search through the bible to see how to pop the bubble."guy get in postion.Now!"she yelled
"no i said when the guys hit the ground fly ero. im sorry if I confused you."she said then she summoned ero."here take this and get a hotel room okay.only spend it on a one room make sure its like big room maybe two bed with a sofa bed.then order two air matresses."she whisper to him as she handed him 450 dollars."you can count the money that memory will come to you when you get to the hotel. Now we are all counting on you. One of them is gonna try to follow you get rid of him as soon as your airborn."she continued.
Eros:ok*his power picks up, he imagines singular cells fusing inside of him and the energy bieng output as heat, soon he is flying in the air*
Eros:*turns around and redirects the heat draft*cmon come on work!*images race through his head and suddenly a tiny glowing ball breaks off him, the ball expands soaring twards the muscle man and growing to a collosal size finally engulfing him, then collapsing inward destroying him*yes!*he keeps flying *
Pieces oa a body fall out of the sky on top of the bubble."gross but good job ero"she sent the thought to his mind and the memory.
(Pieces? That thing was 37k degrees, he would be dust)Eros:*goes to the hotel and buys the room they need then settles on a couch in it, having 250$ left from the money*
(But he is also a genetically altered human.)

Shingou's head popped up beside Yuki "What would you like me to do, because I'm not running away." He was smiling strangely beside her. His cat eyes were slowly drifting from side to side.
Kaze stood up with his Black Bible held open; he spoke while maintaining the Bubble ring in Enochian, "And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day." Seconds later (How ever many muscle men are half-angels) Muscle Men had chains around their arms and were being dragged into the earth. (Bolded the key phrase)
Shingou's entire body appeared now floating on his back again "Well I need greater direction since I'm just so much younger then you meaning I'm probably much less capable." He laughed with a big grin across his face. "Whom should I rabble rouse with?" He laughed again
Eros:I wonder if everyone's ok....*he looks out the windows and sighs bored out of his mind then notices a computer the room had with free internet* well what's this...*he gets on it and looks up plasma and starts reading*
Yuki back hands one muscle man.Her body then sets to flames."sweetie why so hot?" Ari asked."because your a dirty bastard!"she yelled while kicking him in chest causing him to fall in the ocean.She saw a couple muscle men being dragged in the earth and the rest just standing there amazed."Kill them!"she yelled.
Shingou just floated around in a circle "Kill them,that doesn't sound like fun can't we play a little first?" He question when suddenly a muscle man fell down from the sky slamming his fist into Shingous gut but right before impact he evaporated. "What ferocity swinging so wildly." He appeared behind him an said. The muscle man spun around flailing his arms but he evaporated behind him again and jammed two clawed fingers into his upper right shoulder. His fingers were in knuckle deep and he disappeared again. "Ni Shigan" both hands had two fingers stabbed into his left and right pectorals right where the heart and lungs would be. He smiled at him and disappeared in a swirl.
"Show off" Miyoku mummbles she then runs out of the house towards a muscle man and jumps on its bald head, she then jumps up and kicks his face into the ground causing blood to gush from his face she then jumps to another muscle man and slices his throat with her claws then round house kicks him in the face causing him to fall getting a little blood on her clothes "Damnit" she says with frustration
Kaze finally collapses to his knees under the strain of his own powers. "Damn it, i knew i shouldn't have kept that shield up..." He said as he looked at the shield finally disappearing. 'This battle can't last forever, I am still not ready for it.' he thought as he looked at the muscle men.
"Kaze dont worry you can do it. I promise your stronger than this. Your our leader!"She yelled aloud While burning one of the muscle men.
Eros:*hears a knock at the door and stands up after bieng on the computer a long time with alot of useful info gathered*oh yay their finally here*he goes to open the door but suddenly a ball of plasma shoots through it catching him in the chest and knocking him out a widow, he quickly makes a heat draft to keep him up and 3 people step around the corner of the building*

Muscle man: I see our own method of paging you worked, prepare to die*they shoot up into the air and plasma forms around them, turning into incredibly dense but light rods of plasma, they shoot at him and aros barely avoids the first hits, shooting around fast finally all of the muscle men their his rods into several orbs of plasma and shoots them at Eros* Eros:*sees a quick image of atoms splitting and suddenly tons of plasma balls shoot out to intercept the orbs, hitting eachother and exploding with huge force, the battle rages on with more and more plasma shooting wildly and unknown to them a huge hollow supernova starts to form around the fighting area* 
Eros:*stops breathing hard while the muscle men are breathing a bit hard too but not much, suddenly words come to him* the smallest bits of part of me I give, so I may win, to bring my enemies down upon the ground and free myself from this hold*he suddenly sees millions of atoms splitting and distintigrating and one completely solid ball of plasma forms in front of him, it's temperature soaring past hundreds of thoulsands easily into millions and Eros sends it shooting forward, it splits in three and each piece consumes one of the muscle men, then collapses destroying them. The supernova around the battle shivers than collapses crushing Eros then dissapears, he falls downward into the trees below unconscious*
Yuki: "ero is in trouble"she thought and felt. Sh knew he was she can feel it,but there was no time."Everyone to the hotel.Now!"she sent the thougtht to their minds.

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