Unatural [Rp]

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Aru's eyes glowed a deep purple for a split second as his cheek turned into shadows and her hand went through it. A smile came across his face. He wasn't gonna make this easy.
Yuki: " you really wanna be like that? Aru you were my first kiss and im never gonna forget how we tried to be boss and leader of everyone.I remember how we acted as king and queen,but everyone else had to be prince or a princess. That when Ero said we had to kiss becaue thats what kings and queens do. Thats when you kissed me, everyone laughed, and all the princes kissed there princess."she told him smiling then she turned to face him.
Miyoku sticks her tongue out at night like a four year old "whatever you stuupid dog" Miyoku got up and went outside to get a better glimpse of her surroundings, because the house was on top of the hill she perfectly saw the ocean it didnt bother her that much she just didn't like water because she cant swim that well, as she was looking at the ocean a butterfly passed her face, of course her cat instincts kicked in and she started to chase after it trying to catch it
Shingou smiled kindly at her very happy she liked him "Well you know im completely okay with that beautiful let me just get changed...okay done." he smiled at her
Eros:I think I'm gonna go figure out what my power is*he jumps off the side and walks off to find a suitable area to test his powers*
Haru blinked seeing Eros,"please don't get hurt Eros!"she said worriedly then blinked turning her attention back to Night and again became quiet. 
(How will that work exactly [sorry for so many questions] will you tell us the characters pasts?)
"don't go too far Ero, my protection only goes so far" Kaze said. He then said a scripture that made a 20 yard ring appear around the house.
Eros:*smirks while walking, finally arrives at a large open area and looks around*ok....what starts my power..*he thinks of a blazing star, a huge ball of plasma and power and feels the temperature of the air rise,he closes his eyes and imagines the star descending down upon the area,shrinking to a non-world destroying size*
Miyoku had ran into the woods into an opend space with a small river "Where did it go" her tail started to wag due to excitement of chasing a butterfly then she saw it on a flower right next to the river, she got into a pounce position and waited for the right momment when that time came she she jumped at the butterfly cupping her hands at the flower that it was on "Got you n-" when she had opened her hands the butterfly was gone "What the hell" she sceamed as she laid down on the ground
Eros:*opens his eyes, seeing a giant mass of glowing energy infront of him* so this is my power*the mass vibrates,bubbles then erupts, knocking Eros far back and into some tree branches,causing an enormous gust of wind and heat that everyone can notice the mass finally collapses back in and vanishes*crap....
"Well then lets go." He allowed her to lead him into a room and he started getting quite excited if you know what i mean.
Izwa: " im expecting good thhings from you shingou if you know what i mean." she said in a serious manner(btw she is joking but act a if he is taking it seriously)
Haru jolted shocked then slowly pulled away brushing her finger against her lips,"w-why did you do that?"she asked."I don't even know who you are"she mumbled nervously.
OOC - I just finished chatting with Yuki, and from here on out, I'll be taking over the character of Night, and introducing a villain to the story. Her's looking forward to my first time RPing with you guys. :3

Night nodded, glancing away from Haru. Letting go of her, he took a step back, his face slightly red with embarrassment.

I'm sorry.... I... I don't know why I... Just, I'll leave you alone." He stammered out, licking his lips awkwardly before turning around.

He swallowed hard and shrugged, leaving her be and trying to find the kitchen of the house. Someone should be responsible and maybe cook up some food, or try and find something to do in the meantime. After all, they had no idea who they were, what was going on, or why they were even here....

Finding the kitchen, Night glanced about, rummaging through cupboards, finding nothing of nutritional value. How did he know what these meant, and what things were, if he didn't even know who he was? Ugh, it annoyed him, and everything felt wrong. In anger he slammed the door of the cupboard closed, opening the pantry instead. Spying some bread and peanut butter, he grabbed them and put them on the counter. HE supposed it was better than nothing.


The figure with shining platinum hair grinned, sipping his wine while overlooking his enormous property from his mansion's balcony. The night air pleased him, as he pressed a button, signalling that they were moving into Phase 2 of his new operation.
Haru jolted,"wait!"she said soft about to run after him she looked at the sky and walked outside and clouds started to form and she stopped looking up. Dark clouds it began raining. Her eyes glowed and the clouds cleared above her head,"why am I not getting wet....?"she asked and it became sunnier. She then walked back inside and things were sunny again. she walked over to Night,"what are you doing?"she asked.(I asked Yuki-chan so her power it weather now meow)
Miyoku tried to go farther but ther was a ring in her way she sighs "I guess kaze doesn't want us going this far" she pouts "Well thats no fun" she started walking back to the house as she was walking the butterfly that she was desperately trying to catch flew on her nose "I hate you she mummbles" she let the butterfly rest on her nose as she kept walking towards the house

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