Unatural [Rp]

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Miyoku looks at kaze as he punches a hole through the hard wall, her dark cat tail had stopped moving and she had lowered her cat ears, what ever was on that paper must have pissed him off, Miyoku took a small step back so that she wouldn't be to close to kaze then she made herself a little side note in her head "Dont piss that dude off" she then stared at her tube thinking how did she get here in the first place, she couldn't remember that much and her head was pounding
Kaze Though a bit angry, managed to make his next statement not sound angry; "We're near the Sea-front, where ever Here is. Also We could have been brought here..."
Haru spotted a clipboard,"blood... Relatives...."she said confusedly. Haru then began to announce names and who they were related to.
Miyoku thought to herself "Great more freaking water, is this some type of punishement?!" Miyoku then went to her tube and opened the little door and pulled out a white sheet of paper

Project: Miyoku

Species: Neko

"Well that explains the cat ears and tail" she mummbles
Eros:great, looks like we established were not test tube grown, only changed. Now, what exactly do these things mean? Mine says I'm the maker of stars....the most I know is stars are basically plasma.
Kaze chuckled a little inside as he thought, 'of course i'm not related to anyone here. I'm an angel of the lord supposedly, so i shouldn't be related to anyone.' Kaze looked around and spotted a bookshelf with only one book on it. He walked over and grabbed the leather-bound book. On both the front and back was a white cross similar to the Lord's Cross. He opened it up and saw that it said in English, *To Kaze, May this keep you on your path and help enlighten others*. However inside, the words were symbols. No one save for Angels would understand such a complex language and the word slipped from Kaze's mouth, "Enochian..."
"Can we figure that out later this worries me more... It seems some of use are related"Haru said walking to the four,"here look"she said handing him the clipboard,"your Eros right? I think where related"she said then looked at her feet,"I'm Haru"she said.
Eros:great,as you know I'm Eros...*he steps on a piece of glass and it goes into his foot through his shoe* damnit!*he falls over and yanks at the glass*
Miyoku looked back at her sheet of paper while everyone was doing something else "Why would anyone even do this?, military purposes?" Miyoku wanted to know why, she then grabbed a shard shard of glass and stuffed it in the pocket of the jacket "Never know" she mummbles then she hears Ero yell "Damnit" she turns back to see that he is holding his foot, her guess is that he probably got a piece of glass stuck in it she then walks over to see him pull it out "You ok" she says with a little grin on her face not trying to laugh
Haru blinked,"are you okay?"she whisphered then looked around putting the paper from her tube in her pocket then looked around,"I don't want to know yet"she thought.
Yuki:"guys we gotta get out of here!"said yuki yelling. She knew more than anyone else, but she felt as if it mut not be said."okay lets get outta here someone blow a hole in the wall please" she said in a sexy and beautiful way.

night:Night just stand there reading his name over and over agian.
"But where are we suppose to go we are kinda near the freaking sea" Miyoku says in a panicked voice as the coat that was on her head falls off realeasing her cat ears in the air then she heard rapid footsteps from a far but coming close "Someone blow the damn wall up someones coming!"
Haru blinked,"but we're naked except for these two...."she said,"besides we don't have anywhere to go-"she said feeling the paper she thought a bit,"maybe these a clue"she mumbled then looked at it.

Name: Haru

Goddess of Storm

Haru blinked,"what a weird thing"she mumble dangling the paper.
yuki: " Guys please trust me.. now girl wrap your self with a coat.Now start running towards the wall and Haru hold on to my shoulder.The rest of you make a line holding on to each others shoulder.Once we make out side jump you should fly.You guys ready?" said yuki determined

Night: I call holding haru's shoulder!" he said happyily."make sure everyone is holding on to a shoulder!"he aid determined. 
(guys right now aru is sleep still)

yuki: yuki puts aru on her shoulder. "You guys ready?" aked yuki
Haru blinked,"we don't have wings or anything but.... Okay"she said then heard Night and blushed,"I'd rather have someone else do that"she mumbled under her breath then held onto Yuki's shoulders.
Miyoku kept mummbling to herself "We are going to die, we are going to die I may have nine lives but im still going die" Miyoku grabs hold of harus shoulder "I really dont want to do this" Miyoku could hear the foot steps getting closer
Kaze opened up the bible and spoke, "Un-drux-gal gisg-na-graph-gon'd gon'd-un-ur-veh-graph-gal un-don-med-van-drux-gal gisg-na-graph gon'd-un-ur-ur un-drux-gal gon-gisg veh-don-van-tal-pa-ur-graph-gal." The wall crumbled and opened up for them to fly through to the surface and out.


And they walked around the wall and it crumbled.
Aru's eyes opened and the darkness within him started to swirl as he noticed he was being carried. He quickly jumped up not wanting someone else to burden his weight. He looked around realizing he was naked. He chanted a few words as clothes appeared on him (Like the picture.) His black hair falling above his eyes as the darkness continued to swirl inside him. The dark magic came natural to him as did his hatred for this place. He looked at the others. "What did I miss?"

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