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Futuristic UEEF Marines - OOC Thread

Re: M.O.S. Packages. Are you allowing the Electronic Warfare Officer M.O.S. from Macross book (page 118 under New M.O.S. packages for Technical Officer)?
Hmm. Other than the Advanced Electronic Warfare skill described in the Macross book, there is not much that the Marine Electronic Warfare package doesn't already have. What is it about the Navy Technical Officer one that appeals to you over the Marine one?
Specifically, Honey could follow easy-to-understand commands ("Guard her," "follow me," "weld that door shut," "shoot that walkie-talkie," "take watch while we sleep"). Being able to hover around quietly, deliver small objects or messages. Like the Bit from the movie Tron, Honey could basically only communicate in "yes" or "no" but could think on its own.

Perhaps with upgrades, Honey could perform very limited reconnaissance in the form of acting like a remote camera?
I don't know if there is anything like that in the books already. I might consider making up something on my own. I'll have to ponder this.
Hmm. Other than the Advanced Electronic Warfare skill described in the Macross book, there is not much that the Marine Electronic Warfare package doesn't already have. What is it about the Navy Technical Officer one that appeals to you over the Marine one?
Just that. That Advanced Electronic Warfare skill is everything the ECM skill is and more.

Hmm. Mainly, I'm kind of swimming around in the books looking for a role that will help without stepping on any character's (PC or NPC) toes. If Tomi can already do that, then I'll find something else.

But what? What isn't already covered?
Just looked at the Macross book, and it does have a few other nice bonuses to it, like the +2 Iq and +10% to Communications and Computer Skills.
Just that. That Advanced Electronic Warfare skill is everything the ECM skill is and more.

Hmm. Mainly, I'm kind of swimming around in the books looking for a role that will help without stepping on any character's (PC or NPC) toes. If Tomi can already do that, then I'll find something else.

But what? What isn't already covered?
I get that, looking around the books for the right fit.

If you want to take that, I can rework Torni to put her into a different role. Yes, I will allow that MOS for the Navy Technical Officer if you wish to go with that OCC.
Well, can Tomi already do this? If so, I don't want to put Tomi "out of a job."

What would Tomi be if T'kar became the EWS/EWO of the party? Would T'kar fit better doing that instead?
Well, can Tomi already do this? If so, I don't want to put Tomi "out of a job."

What would Tomi be if T'kar became the EWS/EWO of the party? Would T'kar fit better doing that instead?
She doesn't have the AEW skill, having only the skills in the Marine MOS. If T'kar does take that OCC/MOS, I would have Torni take a different role in the group.
O.K.. Current M.O.S.s covered are (not including Jack of All Trades M.O.S.s):

Intelligence Specialist
Close-quarter Combat
Mecha Engineering
Extraterrestrial Environment Combat Specialist
Scout Sniper
Combat Engineer
"Communications Technician"

Hmm. What does that leave for a unit like this?
Redundancy is a thing in the SEALs. Everyone cross-trained in other fields. Having more than one person with a skill set would not be a bad thing, at least, I wouldn't think so.
Yeah, I get that. That's Special Forces in general (especially the U.S. Army Green Berets); it's for when someone goes down in the field. Still, I'd like for T'kar to be more than the "back-up guy" if you get my meaning.

I love the idea of playing a "Silverback specialist" (the converted VHT M.O.S. above)!

I like the idea of fiddling with the Cyclones except he's too small to ever ride one and (more importantly) we already have a Mecha Engineer.
I can also see the MOS of Silverback Pilot's MECT being the only way to get the Auto Dodge for the Silverback. It would give you something more than another member of party, even if everyone is in a Silverback.
I'm also trying to stick to Sherwood's theme of Heinlein's Starship Troopers. Rico's people were all roughnecks, "lifetakers and heartbreakers," or in other words - grunts. I don't see how taking, say, the Science Officer M.O.S. as a Marine Technical Officer would help here.

I can also see the MOS of Silverback Pilot's MECT being the only way to get the Auto Dodge for the Silverback. It would give you something more than another member of party, even if everyone is in a Silverback.
I thought you had already decided that Silverback: MECT was the only way to get Auto Dodge in a Silverback (regardless of how one got it)?
It was just an idea I'm batting around in my head. One way or the other, your MECT in the Silverback will have the auto dodge.

Don't forget that you are going to be dropped on alien (even to you) worlds, and having a science officer to help study the ecology could come in handy. Not that it is in any way required.
Don't forget that you are going to be dropped on alien (even to you) worlds, and having a science officer to help study the ecology could come in handy. Not that it is in any way required.
Huh! Now that's the kind of information I think I'm looking for! =)
Wait. I think we have it?

Marine Technical Officer O.C.C. with Science Officer M.O.S. and Silverback Pilot M.O.S. with Jack of All Trades for STORM Team Basic Training?
You are more than just simple grunts. Most of you are officers, having a higher level of education and training. Like when Rico decides to go career and is sent off to officer's school, the UEEF wants to have you understand why you fight, not just the how.
Wait. I think we have it?

Marine Technical Officer O.C.C. with Science Officer M.O.S. and Silverback Pilot M.O.S. with Jack of All Trades for STORM Team Basic Training?
I like it. But do you like it?
You are more than just simple grunts. Most of you are officers, having a higher level of education and training. Like when Rico decides to go career and is sent off to officer's school, the UEEF wants to have you understand why you fight, not just the how.

I like it. But do you like it?
Give me a few to write it up and I'll have a bigger picture.

What Science Skills do you recommend for studying ecology and new worlds? I would think something involving meteorology (weather) would be very important but I don't even know if Palladium has that skill (wouldn't that be a surprise if they didn't?).

Question: Are you going with Secondary Skills being from the list in the Main Book or are you treating them as "Other" Skills? (Can you choose Boxing?)
One way or the other, I'll break out my dice to make some rolls for you - assuming you are set on this? I don't want to shoehorn you into a game you are not 100% onboard with.

Looking at the Karbarrans, all their stats are 2d6+ a number, except for their Ps which is 3d6. You'll be able to put the seven stats into whatever order you want.
Give me a few to write it up and I'll have a bigger picture.

What Science Skills do you recommend for studying ecology and new worlds? I would think something involving meteorology (weather) would be very important but I don't even know if Palladium has that skill (wouldn't that be a surprise if they didn't?).
You could take Artificial Intelligence as one of the skills if you want a smarter drone. That's one thought.
Could I use the Attributes for T'kar from Psychie's game (minus the Attribute bonuses he gained from her game)?
You could take Artificial Intelligence as one of the skills if you want a smarter drone. That's one thought.
I like having Honey with the brains she's got. Any smarter and she'd really be her own character. I do like, however, the idea of T'kar having Computer Programming giving him the ability to keep backups of her "brain" on spare hard drives in case she gets blown out of the sky. =)

Which OCC/MOS are you guys going with? Is it the Navy one or the Marine one? I'm just being nosy here.
Being "nosy" means you're unwelcome. You're always welcome, Psychie. =) I'm going with the Marine Technical Officer. I might change STORM to Close Quarters Combat though. It offers Boxing. I don't know if Sherwood is using Secondary Skills from their list in the Main Book or just like "Other" Skills (Boxing is not a secondary skill from the main book).
You can take Boxing as one of your other skills, no problem.
Okies! So Secondary Skills count as Other?

Also, if your character has a Skill twice (say, from O.C.C. and M.O.S.), is there an advantage? (I'm typing up T'kar's Skill package to see what it looks like as we speak.)

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