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Futuristic UEEF Marines - OOC Thread

Thanks a bunch, Sherwood Sherwood bud! I see it there now. =)

There are plenty of folks out there who won't make this request and instead just Report someone to Staff (which then they have to act on) and I don't want someone else out there to do it you! *hugs* =)

On another subject, I'm glad you've started up another Robotech game. Did you start up this one because you're just missing UEEF action or was it something else? How did the Robotech bug bite you this time? (Note to everyone: Sherwood is the biggest Robotech fan I have ever known. He started me way back when when he GMed Robotech for me and I haven't looked back since!)
It was a combination of a bunch of books that I've read dealing with pilots in battlesuits, one of which is the famous novel Starship Troopers. It has me wanting to run a game where the heroes are not in the massive Destroids or the flashy Alphas and other large Veritechs, but one that focused on the smaller but still very effective Cyclone or Silverback ATVs. It puts the threat of a bunch of Invid into a very different light.
It was a combination of a bunch of books that I've read dealing with pilots in battlesuits, one of which is the famous novel Starship Troopers. It has me wanting to run a game where the heroes are not in the massive Destroids or the flashy Alphas and other large Veritechs, but one that focused on the smaller but still very effective Cyclone or Silverback ATVs. It puts the threat of a bunch of Invid into a very different light.
Sherwood Sherwood With an Ikazuchi involved, this is all happening in outer space with the Hunters? Not back at Earth, hence the different UEEF races?
Got it in one. At the moment, the fleet is on its way to Tyrol, and will be dealing with the Regent's forces across the various planets that have been occupied by the Invid. It may eventually happen that this team will go to Earth, but that is nowhere in my plans at this time.
Man, with three games of mine being slow, your earlier offer is getting more tempting by the moment. It's also terrific because there's good ol' Psychie and Eonivar in here too.
Aaand Real Life strikes! Back to chat more later. See you, bud (and everybody)! =)
The invite is still open to you. I'm still hoping to get some of my IRL game group to join in, but I've only gotten one to even join up on RpN. :( Let me know what you decide to do.
Man, with three games of mine being slow, your earlier offer is getting more tempting by the moment. It's also terrific because there's good ol' Psychie and Eonivar in here too.
<starts chanting> Play with us! Play with us! Play with us!

<me, looking hopeful> Is it working? Play with us! Play with us!
Hey Purr Purr It looks like I'm not the only one that would enjoy your presence here in this game! lol
Psychie Psychie You guys already had that effect since I looked and saw who was playing in here. =)
Eonivar Eonivar Psychie Psychie GunMan2 GunMan2 Jai-me Jai-me

Just so everyone knows, the two NPCs I have are not set in stone, so if someone wants to take a role that one of them currently have, I can either change their MOS focus or drop them completely, assuming that I get the additional players that I'm hoping for.
Sherwood Sherwood Do you (and Psychie) remember T'kar, my teddy bear from Psychie's UEEF game back in 2020?

  • Name: T'kar the Prime Mover (a Prime Mover is a social title I created for a Karbarran who has shown mastery both in Science and Engineering)
    Combat Handle: "Ursa Maker"
    O.C.C.: Marine Technical Officer (Expeditionary Force Marines Sourcebook, page 32)
    Rank: 2nd Lieutenant (promoted from Warrant Officer)
    Level: 6th
    XP: 30,000/34,960, (using Psychie's list in the top post in this thread - it might be the Military Specialist & Technical Officer table from Shadow Chronicles, page 152).

    This is the picture I think is closest to T'Kar. =)
    Karbarran per Expeditionary Force Marines Sourcebook.jpg
    (Image credit: Expeditionary Force Marines Sourcebook)

    I have the impression Karbarrans commonly use apostrophes in their names as seen below.
    (Image credit: Robotech Wiki - Fandom)

    Plus, if you're going to play a science/engineering geek, why not have some fun with your favorite "Bit"? Wooo! =)
    We Never Should Have Taught The Pandas How To Fly.jpg
    (Image credit: We Never Should Have Taught the Pandas How to Fly - the impressive Steve Chinhsuan Wang)

    Species: Karbarran
    Alignment: Scrupulous
    Disposition: Extremely intelligent, proud, curious, practical, downright goofy. Easily-bored, restless; always at work on some kind of project(s). Good-natured, but also a very determined enemy. Has integrity and expects the same of his allies. A dreamer whose spirit does not rest until his dreams are reality.
    Mannerisms: Often examines things by staring at them. Displays good social manners (from a Karbarran point of view). Likes to name things. Likes to think aloud. Loves a good debate even if his argument loses.
    Age: 585 years old
    Gender: Male
    Height: 8 feet, 9 inches (2.67 m).
    Weight: 720 pounds (327 kg).
    Fur: Brown, thick, Grizzly-like.
    Eyes: Piercing hazel behind which exists an ever-curious mind and a strong will to match.
    Other features: Nasty scar on right shoulder about 6 inches long given to him by an Invid Crann's energy flagela for "disobedience." Calloused paws from long, long years of labor, both in the mines and the Invid shipyards where they put him to work making whatever they wanted.
    Hobbies: Doing science and engineering, studying the stars, keeping up with medical science, gaming (role-playing and video games).

    I.Q. 30 (+16% to all Skills/+8 to Perception)
    M.E. 20 (+3 to Saving Throws vs. Insanity)
    M.A. 16 (+55% to Charm/Impress)
    P.S. 34 (Augmented, causes 2D4 Mega-damage with Power Punch. +19 to S.D.C. damage, can lift/throw 2,100 lb/953 kg)
    P.P. 22 (+4 to Strike, Parry, Dodge)
    P.E. 24 (+18% to Saving Throws vs. coma/death, +5 to Saving Throws vs. Poison and Magic)
    P.B. 10
    Spd 24 (approximately 16 miles/26 kilometers per hour)

    Hit Points: 71
    S.D.C.: 147

    Hit Points: 71 (+24 P.E.) (+47 Experience Levels as a Karbarran)
    S.D.C.: 147 (+80 Starting S.D.C.) (+23 Marine Technical Officer) (+7 Athletics S.D.C) (+17 Boxing) (+5 Forced March) (+2 Running) (+13 Wrestling)

    I.Q. 30 (One "30" Attribute from Character Creation)
    M.E. 20 (20 from Dice)
    M.A. 19 (16 from Dice) (+3 from O.C.C.)
    P.S. 36 (29 from Dice) (+1 Athletics) (+2 Boxing) (+2 Physical Labor) (+2 Wrestling)
    P.P. 22 (20 from Dice) (+1 from 3rd level)(+1 from 6th level)
    P.E. 24 (20 from Dice) (+2 Forced March) (+1 Role-Playing Game Design) (+1 Wrestling)
    P.B. 10 (10 from Dice)
    Spd 24 (9 from Dice) (+3 Athletics) (+1 Forced March) (+11 Running)

    Karbarran Natural Abilities: Engineering Aptitude and Motion Detection (see Expeditionary Force Marines Sourcebook page 41)
    Karbarran Racial bonuses (+1 to Perception Rolls, +2 to save vs. poison, toxins and gases, +2 to roll with impact).

    Combat Attributes (personal/in Bioroid Interceptor)
    Perception +11
    Initiative +4/+6
    Attacks per Round: 6/9
    Strike +6/+9 (melee only; see weapon descriptions)
    Parry +10/+13
    Dodge +12/+14 (on ground)/+15 (while airborne)
    Roll +5/+7
    Damage: +19
    Disarm +5/+7
    Pull Punch +3/+5
    Body Flip/Throw: +5
    Horror Factor: +3
    Karate punch does 2d4 S.D.C. damage. Karate kick does 2d6 + P.S. bonus S.D.C. damage and is +2 to Strike (5th level HtH: Commando). Jump Kick.

    Combat Attributes
    Perception +11 (+8 from I.Q.) (+2 from O.C.C.) (+1 from Karbarran R.C.C.)
    Initiative +4 (+4 from Hand to Hand: Commando)
    Attacks per Round: 6 (5 from Hand to Hand: Commando) (+1 Boxing)
    Strike +6 (+4 P.P.) (+2 from HtH: Commando)
    Parry +10 (+4 P.P.) (+3 from HtH: Commando) (+1 Athletics) (+2 Boxing)
    Dodge +12 (+4 P.P.) (+5 from HtH: Commando) (+1 Athletics) (+2 Boxing)
    Roll +5 (+3 from HtH: Commando) (+1 Athletics) (+1 Boxing)
    Disarm +5 (+4 P.P.) (+1 from HtH: Commando)
    Pull Punch +3 (+3 from HtH: Commando)
    Body Flip/Throw: +5 (+4 P.P.) (+1 from HtH: Commando)
    Horror Factor: +5 (+3 M.E.) (+2 from HtH: Commando)

    Bonuses from Mecha Elite Combat Training (MECT): +1 attack per melee at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, and 15. +2 on Initiative, +3 to Strike (melee only), +3 to Parry, +2/+3 to Dodge (ground/air), +2 to Disarm, +2 to Roll with punch.

'Ol T'kar is the first character I think of playing in a UEEF campaign. However... you guys already have an Engineer and I don't want to step on any toes as it were.

If T'kar were allowed in, clearly there would have to be some changes made. I would recommend reducing him to the party's level at the very least. Perhaps I could play some version of him?

Or another teddy bear entirely? Thoughts, folks?
Sherwood Sherwood Do you (and Psychie) remember T'kar, my teddy bear from Psychie's UEEF game back in 2020?

  • Name: T'kar the Prime Mover (a Prime Mover is a social title I created for a Karbarran who has shown mastery both in Science and Engineering)
    Combat Handle: "Ursa Maker"
    O.C.C.: Marine Technical Officer (Expeditionary Force Marines Sourcebook, page 32)
    Rank: 2nd Lieutenant (promoted from Warrant Officer)
    Level: 6th
    XP: 30,000/34,960, (using Psychie's list in the top post in this thread - it might be the Military Specialist & Technical Officer table from Shadow Chronicles, page 152).

    This is the picture I think is closest to T'Kar. =)
    View attachment 1075993
    (Image credit: Expeditionary Force Marines Sourcebook)

    I have the impression Karbarrans commonly use apostrophes in their names as seen below.
    View attachment 1075994
    (Image credit: Robotech Wiki - Fandom)

    Plus, if you're going to play a science/engineering geek, why not have some fun with your favorite "Bit"? Wooo! =)
    View attachment 1075995
    (Image credit: We Never Should Have Taught the Pandas How to Fly - the impressive Steve Chinhsuan Wang)

    Species: Karbarran
    Alignment: Scrupulous
    Disposition: Extremely intelligent, proud, curious, practical, downright goofy. Easily-bored, restless; always at work on some kind of project(s). Good-natured, but also a very determined enemy. Has integrity and expects the same of his allies. A dreamer whose spirit does not rest until his dreams are reality.
    Mannerisms: Often examines things by staring at them. Displays good social manners (from a Karbarran point of view). Likes to name things. Likes to think aloud. Loves a good debate even if his argument loses.
    Age: 585 years old
    Gender: Male
    Height: 8 feet, 9 inches (2.67 m).
    Weight: 720 pounds (327 kg).
    Fur: Brown, thick, Grizzly-like.
    Eyes: Piercing hazel behind which exists an ever-curious mind and a strong will to match.
    Other features: Nasty scar on right shoulder about 6 inches long given to him by an Invid Crann's energy flagela for "disobedience." Calloused paws from long, long years of labor, both in the mines and the Invid shipyards where they put him to work making whatever they wanted.
    Hobbies: Doing science and engineering, studying the stars, keeping up with medical science, gaming (role-playing and video games).

    I.Q. 30 (+16% to all Skills/+8 to Perception)
    M.E. 20 (+3 to Saving Throws vs. Insanity)
    M.A. 16 (+55% to Charm/Impress)
    P.S. 34 (Augmented, causes 2D4 Mega-damage with Power Punch. +19 to S.D.C. damage, can lift/throw 2,100 lb/953 kg)
    P.P. 22 (+4 to Strike, Parry, Dodge)
    P.E. 24 (+18% to Saving Throws vs. coma/death, +5 to Saving Throws vs. Poison and Magic)
    P.B. 10
    Spd 24 (approximately 16 miles/26 kilometers per hour)

    Hit Points: 71
    S.D.C.: 147

    Hit Points: 71 (+24 P.E.) (+47 Experience Levels as a Karbarran)
    S.D.C.: 147 (+80 Starting S.D.C.) (+23 Marine Technical Officer) (+7 Athletics S.D.C) (+17 Boxing) (+5 Forced March) (+2 Running) (+13 Wrestling)

    I.Q. 30 (One "30" Attribute from Character Creation)
    M.E. 20 (20 from Dice)
    M.A. 19 (16 from Dice) (+3 from O.C.C.)
    P.S. 36 (29 from Dice) (+1 Athletics) (+2 Boxing) (+2 Physical Labor) (+2 Wrestling)
    P.P. 22 (20 from Dice) (+1 from 3rd level)(+1 from 6th level)
    P.E. 24 (20 from Dice) (+2 Forced March) (+1 Role-Playing Game Design) (+1 Wrestling)
    P.B. 10 (10 from Dice)
    Spd 24 (9 from Dice) (+3 Athletics) (+1 Forced March) (+11 Running)

    Karbarran Natural Abilities: Engineering Aptitude and Motion Detection (see Expeditionary Force Marines Sourcebook page 41)
    Karbarran Racial bonuses (+1 to Perception Rolls, +2 to save vs. poison, toxins and gases, +2 to roll with impact).

    Combat Attributes (personal/in Bioroid Interceptor)
    Perception +11
    Initiative +4/+6
    Attacks per Round: 6/9
    Strike +6/+9 (melee only; see weapon descriptions)
    Parry +10/+13
    Dodge +12/+14 (on ground)/+15 (while airborne)
    Roll +5/+7
    Damage: +19
    Disarm +5/+7
    Pull Punch +3/+5
    Body Flip/Throw: +5
    Horror Factor: +3
    Karate punch does 2d4 S.D.C. damage. Karate kick does 2d6 + P.S. bonus S.D.C. damage and is +2 to Strike (5th level HtH: Commando). Jump Kick.

    Combat Attributes
    Perception +11 (+8 from I.Q.) (+2 from O.C.C.) (+1 from Karbarran R.C.C.)
    Initiative +4 (+4 from Hand to Hand: Commando)
    Attacks per Round: 6 (5 from Hand to Hand: Commando) (+1 Boxing)
    Strike +6 (+4 P.P.) (+2 from HtH: Commando)
    Parry +10 (+4 P.P.) (+3 from HtH: Commando) (+1 Athletics) (+2 Boxing)
    Dodge +12 (+4 P.P.) (+5 from HtH: Commando) (+1 Athletics) (+2 Boxing)
    Roll +5 (+3 from HtH: Commando) (+1 Athletics) (+1 Boxing)
    Disarm +5 (+4 P.P.) (+1 from HtH: Commando)
    Pull Punch +3 (+3 from HtH: Commando)
    Body Flip/Throw: +5 (+4 P.P.) (+1 from HtH: Commando)
    Horror Factor: +5 (+3 M.E.) (+2 from HtH: Commando)

    Bonuses from Mecha Elite Combat Training (MECT): +1 attack per melee at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, and 15. +2 on Initiative, +3 to Strike (melee only), +3 to Parry, +2/+3 to Dodge (ground/air), +2 to Disarm, +2 to Roll with punch.

'Ol T'kar is the first character I think of playing in a UEEF campaign. However... you guys already have an Engineer and I don't want to step on any toes as it were.

If T'kar were allowed in, clearly there would have to be some changes made. I would recommend reducing him to the party's level at the very least. Perhaps I could play some version of him?

Or another teddy bear entirely? Thoughts, folks?

A version of him would be possible, with a few changes to make him fit this game's focus. He is too large for the Cyclone, so you'd be deployed in a Silverback instead. And his level would have to be reset to 1st, but that is a relatively easy fix.

As far as the engineer skills, I have no objections to having more than one person with the same general skill set. Redundancy is frequently a good thing. What do the rest of you guys think about this?
Sherwood Sherwood I see you've got a Corpsman and a Comm Specialist amongst your NPCs.

By chance, how familiar are you with U.S. Combat Controllers as in "Alone at Dawn: Medal of Honor Recipient John Chapman and the Untold Story of the World's Deadliest Special Operations Force" by the excellent Dan Schilling and Lori Longfritz?
Yes, the two NPCs fit those roles, but I am willing to have one or both get tweaked or replaced entirely. I would like an NPC to stay with the team, just so I have an info source in the party.

As for the book/story, I'm not at all familiar with this, I am sorry to say.
Another thing to keep in mind is something that came up earlier when Psychie was thinking about playing a Karbarran: your character will be in a modified version of the CVR-3 armor and not in the Ursa powered armor. I can find the exact post regarding the MDC level for the armor easily enough.

Also, I had planned to have the Silverback be given a space jet-pack to give it an ability to be deployed along with the space Cyclones in the event of a space boarding action is needed.
We need a Karbarran in our team! They are the only non-human race that has not been selected by a PC! ]

Happy dance time! Dann is thinking of joining up in our game!
Yes, the two NPCs fit those roles, but I am willing to have one or both get tweaked or replaced entirely. I would like an NPC to stay with the team, just so I have an info source in the party.

As for the book/story, I'm not at all familiar with this, I am sorry to say.
I don't remember a game where you haven't had an NPC active somewhere. Very few GMs do. I'd be surprised to see you run without one.

Per the Real Life U.S. Military (Air Force), here's what they are and what they do without taking up too much of your time. CCTs (Combat Controllers) are no joke. They infiltrate and take over entire enemy airports and run all flights in and out all by themselves. They call in airstrikes, air rescue, and can serve as SEALs in a pinch. And yes, they're real. =)

Might UEEF have a "super-communications/technical officer" like this for their fleets? Combat Controllers are like SEALs and then some (no kidding)! Could I play a revised 1st level T'kar who did this for a living?

Also, I had planned to have the Silverback be given a space jet-pack to give it an ability to be deployed along with the space Cyclones in the event of a space boarding action is needed.
I have read your OOC channel from the start on. I like the changes you recommended to Psychie when she was considering her bear. =)
And I found the post that Sherwood mentioned about the armor:
Good question. The Ursa armor is going to be a bit too big to use in the Silverback, and it has almost as much MDC armor as the Cyclones. You will have a variant of the CVR-3 armor, with the various environmental protections to it, but with the following level of MDC:

Head: 50
Arms (2): 50 each
Legs (2): 70 each
Main Body: 150
Good stuff! Also there was mention of the Silverback getting Automatic Dodge if the MECT skill was possessed by the pilot? =)

Its dinner time, so I'll be back in a bit!
Happy nomming! =)
What do the rest of you think of these ideas?

I don't want to play a role that's already in, but I don't mind playing a supporting role at all.
Good stuff! Also there was mention of the Silverback getting Automatic Dodge if the MECT skill was possessed by the pilot? =)
Unless that has been changed by our Illustrious Storyteller, that was a yes. It was going to help my teddy bear guy be able to evade and not have all of my actions used up by dodging.

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