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Futuristic UEEF Marines - OOC Thread

GunMan2 GunMan2 A quick look at your character sheet has given me a few questions. The OCC of Storm Commando already comes with the Storm Basic Training package in it, so you get to pick one of the following MOS Packages:

Basic Cyclone Piloting
Close Quarters Combat Expert
Extraterrestrial Environment Combat Specialist
Extraterrestrial Affairs Liaison
Intelligence Specialist
Scout Sniper

The Storm Commando gets the Pilot Ground Veritechs and one extra Pilot skill that can be used for your MECT skill in the Cyclone, so you don't need to get Basic Cyclone Piloting unless you want to add the Silverback to your list of mecha to pilot starting out.

The Close Quarters Combat Expert is an excellent choice, or the Scout Sniper one. Those would be my personal recommendations for you. For your additional MOS Package, you can select any of the MOS packages listed in the spoiler. Combat Engineer grants the Demolitions skill, along with Vehicle Armorer. The Electronic Warfare Specialist is nice, giving you some EW skills. Mecha Engineering gives you some good skills in maintaining and repairing your Cyclone weapons.

Or you could go with something like Science Officer if you want to be a more technically-minded individual.
GunMan2 GunMan2 Just to give you some ideas, I went with Intelligence Specialist and for my JOAT bonus one I picked Close Quarters Combat Specialist. Eonivar has the Mecha Engineering MOS, so going with something like Combat Engineer or EW Specialist would be cool.
GunMan2 GunMan2 Just to give you some ideas, I went with Intelligence Specialist and for my JOAT bonus one I picked Close Quarters Combat Specialist. Eonivar has the Mecha Engineering MOS, so going with something like Combat Engineer or EW Specialist would be cool.
I already picked combat engineer, after debating between that and mecha enginer
So, you have Combat Engineer. That's good. Are you still getting the Jack Of All Trades thing for the other Skill Package? If so, what is your desire?
I'd suggest the Close Quarters Combat Specialist for the free Boxing and upgrade to the Krav Maga you have.
He gets the Krav Maga already because Paraxians start with Martial Arts, and he adds the HtH Commando to it, which is the upgrade to the specialized style. It also looks like GunMan2 has picked Scout Sniper as his primary MOS.
GunMan2 GunMan2 You do get two OCC Related skills; I'd suggest that one of them is Boxing. What would you like for the second?
Also, you get two Espionage skills. What would you like for them?
Well, I have a 10+ hour day of driving to do tomorrow, so I'm going to go to bed.
And if your top three dice equal 16-18, you can add a fourth die. If that extra die is a 6, you add another d6 for a potential max roll of 30
Good set. You can put the eight stats in any order you wish
I will be home in a few hours, but you can look at psychie's and eonivar's characters as a guide
Hey Jai-me Jai-me Any thoughts on what race/character class you want to play? Right now, we have a Paraxian, a Zentraedi (me) and a Garudan for player character races, and two human NPCs. Most of our characters have taken the base Storm Commando OCC, and have diverted a bit on our MOS skill packages.

I'm glad to offer any suggestions you may need!
is there a list of stats or a chacter sheet?
The attributes are:
Iq: how smart you are. An Iq of 16+ gives a one time bonus to all skill percentages.
Me (Mental Endurance): strength of will. A high Me gives bonuses to saving throws vs. psionics.
Ma (Mental Affinity): Charisma, or a measure of how likeable you are.
Ps (Physical Strength): a Ps above 15 gives extra damage to your hand to hand attacks.
Pp (Physical Prowess): Dexterity. A high Pp gives bonuses to Strike, Parry and Dodge
Pe (Physical Endurance): Constitution. A high Pe gives bonuses vs. poisons and other system shock rolls. Your base hit points, too.
Pb (Physical Beauty): How good looking you are
Spd (Speed): Your raw ability to run.

In this game, a high Pp is a must, and a high Iq is helpful to boost those skill rolls. Keep in mind that there are skills that will increase your stats once you have them assigned, so they are a bit fluid upwards as you get your skills.
Heya friends and fellow geeks!

Sherwood, I'm really glad your UEEF game gathered enough Players to launch! Everybody? Have a great time with the best Robotech Game Master I've ever known! =)
Character Bonuses

Add 2 to I.Q.
Add 3 to P.P.
Add 2 to P.S.
Add 2 to P.E.
Attacks per Melee: 3

Escape Moves: Roll, Maintain Balance, Breakfall.
Basic Defenses: Parry, Dodge, Automatic Parry.
Advanced Defenses: Combination Parry/Attack.
Hand Attacks: Strike (d6), Backhand (d6), Elbow (d6), Fingertip Attack (1 point), Forearm (d6), Palm Strike (d6), Power Punch (double-damage, counts as two attacks), Uppercut (d10).
Foot Attacks: Kick (d8), Crescent Kick (d10), Knee (d6), Reverse Turning Kick (Combination Dodge/Kick, 2d6 damage, 1/round), Roundhouse Kick (3d6), Side Kick (d10), Snap Kick (d6), Trip/Hook (no damage, causes knockdown, cannot be parried).
Jumping Attacks: Jump Kick (d8 + Critical Strike), Flying Jump Kick (d10 + Critical Strike).
Special Attacks: Body Flip/Throw, Choke, plus...
- Bite (grappling range only. 1-2 damage + 1/2 strength bonus [maximum +3]. Opponent must Save vs. Pain [14] or release hold/lock).
- Eye-flick (No damage. Opponent is -2 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge for one melee round).
- Head-butt (in-fighting and grappling range only, d8 damage).
- Self-knowledge (Special! The Jeet Kune Do may learn a martial art technique from any other system [subject to GM approval). Signature techniques [like Aikido's Knife-hand Knockout and Thai Kick Boxing's Lightning Form] cannot be learned. Techniques with a "prerequisite" must be learned in order. For example, to learn Automatic Elbow Hold, one must first learn Elbow Hold. "Take what is useful and develop from there." - Lee).
Holds/Locks: Arm Lock, Leg Hold, Wrist Lock.

Level Advancement Bonuses
1st - +1 to Perception, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge.
2nd - Eye-flick + Roundhouse combination (one Strike roll for both effects), +1 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +1 to damage.
3rd - Self-knowledge, +1 Attack per Round, Critical Hit on a natural roll of 19 or higher.
4th - Way of the Intercepting Fist (Special! Once per round, upon his opponent's attack, the JKD artist may attempt to Simultaneously Attack the opponent. If successful, the JKD artist has the option to intercept before the opponent's strike connects. If the JKD artist's strike is successful, roll damage. The opponent must Save vs. Pain [14]. Failing the saving throw results in the opponent losing his attempted attack), +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge.
5th - Flying Side Kick causes knockdown, +1 Attack per Round, Critical Hit on a natural roll of 18 or higher.
6th - Self-knowledge, One-Inch Punch (Special! May only be used once per melee, and must be the first attack used that round; does 2D6 damage + knockdown), +1 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +1 to Damage.
7th - Flying Side Kick does 4d6 damage + knockdown, +1 Attack per Round, +1 to Perception, +2 to Body Flip/Throw.
8th - +1 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +1 to Damage, Critical Hit on a natural roll of 17 or higher.
9th - Self-knowledge, +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge, Knockout on a natural roll of 19 or higher.
10th - One-Inch Punch causes 4d6 damage + knockdown, +1 Attack per Round, +1 to Roll, +1 to Body Flip/Throw.
11th - Death Blow on a natural roll of 19 or higher. Critical Hit on a natural roll of 16 or higher.
12th - Self-knowledge, +1 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +1 to Damage.
13th - +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge, Knockout on a natural roll of 18 or higher.
14th - Death Blow on a natural roll of 18 or higher, +2 to Perception.
15th - Self-knowledge, +1 Attack per Round, Critical Hit on a natural roll of 15 or higher.

Sherwood Sherwood I love bud, BUT... I created that version of Jeet Kune Do, not you, not anyone else. This is NOT the first time this has come up in games that you and I both play in. I told you it was fine to use my stuff if you provide credit; I don't see it anywhere.

By RP Nation's rules, that content is mine. Either give me credit for it or take it out of your game.

Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do 2.0 (Tier 2 - Total Skill Cost =5)


I mean this in the best and happiest way possible - I don't mind anyone using my Jeet Kune Do 2.0, but would you provide credit? I'm kind of proud I wrote that up and that's mine.

Please, ask me.

Under "Illegal or Immoral Content" in the Site Rules (underline mine):

"Copyright, Sharing, and Plagiarism
Users are prohibited from sharing content that is copyright-protected and explicitly restricted from public sharing. This includes all media, as well as original written works. In the case of original written content created by other users on RpNation, The Staff advises that permission is sought to use this content and credit to the original author included. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. RpNation will respect legitimate claims for DMCA."

Just something like "Shared with permission by its creator, Dannigan" please.

Love ya; mean it. I'll be cool again once you comply.

Honor and fun,
Sherwood Sherwood I love bud, BUT... I created that version of Jeet Kune Do, not you, not anyone else. This is NOT the first time this has come up in games that you and I both play in. I told you it was fine to use my stuff if you provide credit; I don't see it anywhere.

By RP Nation's rules, that content is mine. Either give me credit for it or take it out of your game.

Love ya; mean it. I'll be cool again once you comply.

Honor and fun,
Sorry, Dann. I'll edit the post.
Sorry, Dann. I'll edit the post.
Thanks a bunch, Sherwood Sherwood bud! I see it there now. =)

There are plenty of folks out there who won't make this request and instead just Report someone to Staff (which then they have to act on) and I don't want someone else out there to do it you! *hugs* =)

On another subject, I'm glad you've started up another Robotech game. Did you start up this one because you're just missing UEEF action or was it something else? How did the Robotech bug bite you this time? (Note to everyone: Sherwood is the biggest Robotech fan I have ever known. He started me way back when when he GMed Robotech for me and I haven't looked back since!)

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