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Futuristic UEEF Marines - OOC Thread

Could I use the Attributes for T'kar from Psychie's game (minus the Attribute bonuses he gained from her game)?
I will need to roll new ones, especially for the one '30' you have.
Okies! So Secondary Skills count as Other?

Also, if your character has a Skill twice (say, from O.C.C. and M.O.S.), is there an advantage? (I'm typing up T'kar's Skill package to see what it looks like as we speak.)
Yes, I'm still doing that house rule. You get an extra 5% to any skill you double up on.
O.K.. Here would be T'kar's Skill setup as a Marine Technical Officer. This uses the following M.O.S.s: Silverback Pilot, Science Officer, and (Jack of All Trades) Close Quarter Combat Specialist.

Please ignore the percentages; they are definitely off.

Universal UEEF Marine Skills/UEEF Marine Technical Officer O.C.C. Skills/Science Officer M.O.S./Silverback Pilot M.O.S. (New!)/Close Quarter Combat Specialist M.O.S./Other Skills/Secondary Skills/Skills Learned From Experience

Universal Skills for UEEF Marines
Computer Operation: 78% (+3%)
Basic Mathematics: 88% (+3%)
Radio: Basic: 61% (+5%)
Language: English: 98% (+1%)
Literacy: English: 98% (+2%)
W.P. Rifle +2 (Marine Bonus) (+2 strike at 1st, and every 3rd level)
W.P. Energy Rifle +2 (Marine Bonus) (+2 strike at 1st, and every 3rd level)

O.C.C. Skills
Basic Electronics: 86% (+5%) (+10% Karbarran)
Climbing: 56%46% (+5%)
Forced March
Intelligence: 49% (+4%)
(Pilot: Select One) Hovercraft?
Sensory Equipment: 91% (+5%) (+5% from Science Officer M.O.Ss)
Swimming: 95% (+5%)
W.P. Energy Pistol +1
W.P. Handguns +1
Mathematics: Advanced: 107% (+2%) (+5% from M.O.S.)
Military Etiquette: 96% (+5%)
Hand to Hand: Expert (upgraded to Hand to Hand: Commando via Close Quarter Combat Specialist M.O.S.)

Primary M.O.S. (Silverback Pilot - just like Veritech Hover Tank pilot with Silverback Skills instead)
Combat Driving
Navigation (+15%)
MECT: Silverback
Mech: Pilot Ground Veritechs with Silverback piloting specialty (+14%)
Military Tactics (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
W.P. Heavy Mega-Damage Weapons +1

Secondary M.O.S. (Science Officer)
Computer Programming: --% (4%)
Sensory Equipment +15% (5%) (See O.C.C. skills above)
First Aid: 85% (5%)
Paramedic: 96% (5%)
Archaeology: --% (5%)
Anthropology: --% (+5%) (+5% to all Lore Skills)
Botany: 81% (5%)
Lore: Invid: 71%
Research: 96%
Xenobiology: 96%
Zoology: 91%

Jack of All Trades (M.O.S. with no O.C.C. bonuses) - Close Quarters Combat Expert
Hand to Hand: Commando
Military Sign Language: 56% (5%)
Prowl: 41% (5%)
W.P. Knife +1
W.P. Sword +1

Additional Skill granted from Hand to Hand: Commando
W.P. Paired Weapons

Secondary Skills (3 + 1 additional at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12)
1. Athletics
2. ?
3. ?
Not bad. Not bad at all.

Here are your numbers. Remember you can plug them in where you wish, except for the 3d6 one. It has to go to Ps.

2d6 rolls
7, 14, 6, 8, 5, 10, and 4

3d6 roll
The average of a 2d6 roll is 7 (3.5 x 2). The mean of these rolls are a touch above average (below 8). I don't mind that at all; I just need T'kar to be brainy.

Shoot. 19 at best. He's not going to be near the brain-level of a serious scientist. Maybe I should just see what he looks like as an "educated" SEAL/grunt after all. I think I can play him as a non-brilliant person? I don't know if I can accurately play T'kar. I might have to try playing someone else entirely.

I'm going to have to give this some more thought. Thanks for the rolls!
That 19 still makes him very intelligent for a Karbarran, if you wish to go that route.
I don't mean to put down the dice or anything - I just don't play Attributes my characters don't have (ever play with those folks with the 3 Intelligence but they come off as geniuses?).
lol I get it. I still remember the DnD cleric I rolled up with a 3 for Charisma. He was known as Gurk the Gross, and was a blast to play someone that ugly.
Don't forget that human average is going to be in the 9-12 range. That number is still high.
That 19 still makes him very intelligent for a Karbarran, if you wish to go that route.
"Intelligent for a Karbarran" is... not the concept T'kar is. T'kar from the get-go is just... beyond 19 Intelligence. It's like... playing Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson with a 19 Intelligence Quotient. What?! =) I can't cheat the game or my fellow GM/PCs that way. =)

lol I get it. I still remember the DnD cleric I rolled up with a 3 for Charisma. He was known as Gurk the Gross, and was a blast to play someone that ugly.
Yeah. I could easily put the 6 into his P.B. (because of his Invid-given scars) but... this might call for a different character concept entirely.
Don't forget that human average is going to be in the 9-12 range. That number is still high.
I understand Palladium pretty well. "High" or "low" isn't the question. Is it accurate? =)

Could you play a Tony Stark or Reed Richards with anything less than a 24 I.Q.? I can't. And it's O.K.! =)

Sometimes the numbers give you some real inspiration for your character.
Or... they give one inspiration to play a completely different character.
Well, what speaks to you? Are you going to go with this skill set, or pick a different path to go with?
Oooh! There's a 4 in there.

What if... I put that 4 into I.Q. (which technically would give him a 9, but I.Q. comes on multiple levels - someone can be book-smart but an otherwise absolute doofus!). But if I put that into a different character altogether, I could play a... Carl!

"Carl Military Memes"

And... maybe call him...

...C'arl! Ha ha haaa!
Ha ha ha! Let me see what I can make here!
Let's see. Marine Infantry O.C.C.. "A high I.Q. and P.P. are helpful, but not required." (italics mine)

Heh heh heh!
Sherwood Sherwood Psychie Psychie

You're gonna love this!

With an I.Q. of 9, he doesn't qualify for any other O.C.C. in the Marines book! (Mechanized Infantry, I.Q. 10 required), Fleet Corpsman (12), STORM Commando (12)...

Wait, wait!

Marine Technical Officer... I.Q. required 9! Ha ha! I can make him an officer! A 90-day wonder! C'arl the 1st level lieutenant! Ha ha haaa!
Why do I have the feeling that this will end badly? In a somewhat funny way, not in a 'this game sucks' kind of way.
I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Just remember, even with a 9 Iq, he isn't stupid, but maybe just not too wise, if you know what I mean.
Huh. Good point. Maybe I should change races and play a human. =)

Just kidding!

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