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Futuristic UEEF Marines - OOC Thread

Sherwood Sherwood Psychie Psychie

By George, I've got it! And Princess Psychie? You helped me realize it when you mentioned Jeet Kune Do (and my realizing that C'arl isn't a thinker)!

The problem isn't the system; it's the character! C'arl can't do well the only thing he's supposed to do well - fight! Plus, while he makes for a great side character, I have my doubts that he's great long-term.

What it boils down to is the same thing it always boils down to (for me) - if I am going to play in a game, I just have to create a character I'm wild over! Anything less isn't right for the game, for you, or for me! It's like bringing old pizza to a long-running tabletop game. Just don't do it!

So what's the answer?

New personality! Somebody completely new! If I can't play my genius T'kar (I.Q. is far too low) and I can't play C'arl (who is probably O.K. in basic fights against the Invid but just about useless against foes who can take on our higher-end STORM soldiers, plus I won't roleplay Attributes my PC doesn't have), then I can create somebody in-between! Someone who's kind of smart, and can kind of fight, but he's not great at either.

Yeaaah. What if...

...there were this bear that just kept getting tossed from squad to squad to squad because nobody wanted him (he wasn't "leet" enough, he embarrassed them with his nerdiness, he couldn't "keep up with the big dogs")? What if that meek bear were indeed the science officer the group lacks (Sherwood made a great point on landing on new worlds, worlds that perhaps have been inhabited before)? Since we're all 1st level novices, what if this bear got tossed into this game (which has indeed been already set in motion) and your group got the FNB (freakin' new bear), the scientific Karbarran who loves to adventurously drive his Silverback into parts unknown?

While I don't have a name for him just yet (maybe a she?), an idea is forming in my head (always when I need to go to bed to be ready for Real Life when I wake up! Does anyone else have this problem? Ack!).

A free 24 is a possibility that I will consider. I don't want to go ass far as the 30 you did in your game; that was your thing to do to make your game unique. We are all still early enough in the game that adding this to your sheets won't be a game breaker.

The skill bump is a good point, too. It would certainly make T'kar a skilled mechanic, even at level 1.
I sure don't want any "gimmees" (unearned rewards or favors) unless everyone is getting them. Even then, my new bear will very likely be into archaeology, anthropology, biology, electronics (not mechanics; that's another PC's field in here), and robotics, but instead of being a super-soldier (as your characters seem to be), he's a science-bear! He's supposed to be geeky, poor at combat, and involved in science-things most soldiers could care less about!

Lost artifacts from a distant race killed long ago by the Invid for their proto-protoculture? Plants and fauna of all kinds of smells, shapes, and sizes found nowhere else in all the galaxy? And a little robot (Honey) to help shine light into dark corners?

That's the kind of bear I think I'd love to play!

Too bad no squad out there would like having a walking geekfest like this for a squad member even if he can heft a flak cannon without the use of a Silverback. Who would want him, right? At least, that's what my bear thinks. Maybe your squad can find a way to change his mind?

(Now, with all this out of my head, I think I can finally go to sleep! Wish me luck and good night!)
Ok, Dann! You get some sleep and let this new character idea percolate through the gray matter for a while and see what comes out. I'm heading to bed, too. It's 1:30 in the morning here, and I'm getting tired.

G'night, all!
Yeah! This idea of a nerdy scientist bear who isn't supposed to be great at combat sounds really good as long as the rest of the party doesn't mind having a guy like him in there!

Sherwood Sherwood If the idea of a 24 Attribute somewhere is too much, even a single 20 would be great.
Hey Sherwood Sherwood I am pondering switching my JOAT skill package for something different. Would that be a problem, considering that we haven't used any of these skills yet?
Hey Sherwood Sherwood I am pondering switching my JOAT skill package for something different. Would that be a problem, considering that we haven't used any of these skills yet?
What are you thinking of picking up instead? A different Natural Aptitude, or a different skill package?
I am debating between the skill package of Extraterrestrial Affairs Liaison or Electronic Warfare Specialist, or the Natural Aptitude of Sure Shot or Natural Veritech Ace. Not 100% decided yet.
Ok, I'll go ahead and allow everyone to replace one of their attribute numbers with a 24.
Wonderful! Now my guy can be smart and have a fighting chance too! (Seriously. If I put his highest Attribute into IQ where it ought to be, he'd only have average P.P. and where would that land him?)

Thank you, Sherwood!

I'm thinking he'll have the Science Officer MOS along with the Silverback pilot and Close Quarters Combat Specialist. His Attributes are going to have to be all changed up too except for his 3d6 strength, of course).

Sherwood? What skills do you say I'll need to maintain and improve Honey?

And to everybody once again, do you guys mind having a meek but fierce bear science nerd in your party? Please speak up! =)
I am debating between the skill package of Extraterrestrial Affairs Liaison or Electronic Warfare Specialist, or the Natural Aptitude of Sure Shot or Natural Veritech Ace. Not 100% decided yet.
Hey Psychie Psychie ? Your gal does have the Combat Driving skill, right? I can't imagine not having it in a Cyclone.
The ET Liaison is nice because it offers another language and a pair of Lore skills that I feel that I should have; I'd get Lore: Invid and Lore: Zentraedi. It would also give me more of a reason to be the one in charge of the squad, with some background in dealing with other intelligent races.

The EW Specialist has a nice set of skills. It would give me some good computer skills, freeing up a Secondary Skill to take something else, like Combat Driving (Thanks, Dann! Forgot about that one!)

The two different Natural Aptitudes would be nice, but at the moment I'm still leaning more towards the skills.
Sherwood? What skills do you say I'll need to maintain and improve Honey?
Hmm. The Mecha Engineering skill package would cover that big time, but if you want only a few skills out of it, I'd say Electrical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Vehicle Armorer and Weapons Engineer would be the basic ones needed to give you a flying drone with the ability to modify and repair it.
Wait. Your character is Meltrandi. She was created out of a cloning tank, right? How does she not have Lore: Zentraedi?

like Combat Driving (Thanks, Dann! Forgot about that one!)
Hey, what are friends for? Thanks again for bringing up the idea of getting Jeet Kune Do for my bear! Without your help, I wouldn't have this concept!

Sherwood? Will we be using a lot of computer-related skills in our missions?
The ET Liaison is nice because it offers another language and a pair of Lore skills that I feel that I should have; I'd get Lore: Invid and Lore: Zentraedi. It would also give me more of a reason to be the one in charge of the squad, with some background in dealing with other intelligent races.

The EW Specialist has a nice set of skills. It would give me some good computer skills, freeing up a Secondary Skill to take something else, like Combat Driving (Thanks, Dann! Forgot about that one!)

The two different Natural Aptitudes would be nice, but at the moment I'm still leaning more towards the skills.
If you wish to make the change, go ahead and do so. Just remember that you will need to adjust your number of attacks, SDC, stats and bonuses if you don't take Boxing again.
Wait. Your character is Meltrandi. She was created out of a cloning tank, right? How does she not have Lore: Zentraedi?

Hey, what are friends for? Thanks again for bringing up the idea of getting Jeet Kune Do for my bear! Without your help, I wouldn't have this concept!

Sherwood? Will we be using a lot of computer-related skills in our missions?
The Lore Zentraedi will be a free skill for you, just like Lore Paraxian would be for one of the Paraxians in the same way that you all have your own racial languages for free.

I don't want to drop too many hints. I will say that if you guys have computer skills that can be handy.
The Lore Zentraedi will be a free skill for you, just like Lore Paraxian would be for one of the Paraxians in the same way that you all have your own racial languages for free.
Oh, sweet. I didn't want to assume that I would have that skill naturally, so thanks. If I take that skill package, I'd go with Lore Invid and Lore Robotech Masters. But I'm not sold on either one yet. Can't decide!
Hmm. The Mecha Engineering skill package would cover that big time, but if you want only a few skills out of it, I'd say Electrical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Vehicle Armorer and Weapons Engineer would be the basic ones needed to give you a flying drone with the ability to modify and repair it.
Huh! Not Robot Engineer? Honey is a robot after all.

Whatever the case, I bet this will come in handy:

Natural Abilities: Engineering Aptitude: All Karbarrans get a +10% to all mechanical and engineering skills, regardless of O.C.C. and gender. They can always pick the Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Engineering skills regardless of normal O.C.C. restrictions.
Oh, sweet. I didn't want to assume that I would have that skill naturally, so thanks. If I take that skill package, I'd go with Lore Invid and Lore Robotech Masters. But I'm not sold on either one yet. Can't decide!
Psychie Psychie Which is more in-character? Or do you know her well enough yet?
Oh, sweet. I didn't want to assume that I would have that skill naturally, so thanks. If I take that skill package, I'd go with Lore Invid and Lore Robotech Masters. But I'm not sold on either one yet. Can't decide!
lol I get it. There is never enough skills or xp points out there to get everything I want with a new character. Or an old character. Or any character.
Huh! Not Robot Engineer? Honey is a robot after all.

Whatever the case, I bet this will come in handy:
Robot Engineer would be better, but I think it has the prerequisite of the Mechanical Engineer, so it would be more expensive to get. I might be wrong on that, so don't quote me.

Yes, the Karbarran racial bonus will apply to all the mechanical skills you take.
Psychie Psychie Which is more in-character? Or do you know her well enough yet?
When you put it that way, it feels more like I would have the ET Affairs one. I'd know about the Invid, Robotech Masters, have another language skill, and some psychology and public speaking skills. As much as I want the EW one, this might be better for me.
lol I get it. There is never enough skills or xp points out there to get everything I want with a new character. Or an old character. Or any character.

Robot Engineer would be better, but I think it has the prerequisite of the Mechanical Engineer, so it would be more expensive to get. I might be wrong on that, so don't quote me.

Yes, the Karbarran racial bonus will apply to all the mechanical skills you take.
O.K.! So... Mechanical Engineer and Robot Engineer?

The bears have special war-shovel? Could my character get a couple of those and if so, what weapon proficiency are we talking about here? Blunt?

I don't have my books in front of me. Can the shovels be dual-wielded? Or can smaller ones who may be made available for use with paired weapons? (In the true spirit of nerds everywhere, my bear is a big fan of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles who often use paired weapons. "Cowabunga!")
When you put it that way, it feels more like I would have the ET Affairs one. I'd know about the Invid, Robotech Masters, have another language skill, and some psychology and public speaking skills. As much as I want the EW one, this might be better for me.
That's great, lady! You can't go wrong by doing right by the character!

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