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Futuristic UEEF Marines - OOC Thread

Happy late birthday you old man!
That's all right, dear Psychie. To paraphrase long-time law enforcement superstar Massad Ayoob (now in his 70s), "That's all right, young one. Your time is coming!" *followed by his warm smile* =)
Using the power assist of the Cyclone, she sets out at a run, scanning the terrain ahead of them for any signs of other buried Invid that might try to slow them down.
Running on broken ribs? That's got to be pure hell.

I know a good guy who was in a bad motorcycle crash recently. 12 broken ribs and possible nerve damage and that's just for starters! It took him literally 20 minutes to walk 20 feet. Sure, he's recovering now, but it's been weeks and it will be weeks if not months more.

To coin an old phrase, why should Pyrrah walk when she can ride? (no bouncing from the running)
And no. Not like this. This guy is asking to wind up like that good guy I just told you about. =)
Like A Boss Win GIF
Sherwood Sherwood Please roll 2d6 for C'osmo's Hit Points, please?

Nice things my Jeet Kune Do Science-Bear received this level:
1 additional Attack per Round while in the Silverback (thank you, M.E.C.T. Skill!)
New Skill! Detect Ambush: 51%
+1 to P.P., M.E., and M.A. (keep forgetting to add Attributes. He'll never use that M.E., but it's good RPing because C'osmo has been getting mentally tougher now that he's with the Gunslingers!).
And a favorite I've been looking forward to...
...Way of the Intercepting Fist (Special! Once per round, upon his opponent's attack, the JKD artist may attempt to Simultaneously Attack the opponent. If successful, the JKD artist has the option to intercept before the opponent's strike connects. If the JKD artist's strike is successful, roll damage. The opponent must Save vs. Pain [14]. Failing the saving throw results in the opponent losing his attempted attack), +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge.
Sherwood Sherwood Please roll 2d6 for C'osmo's Hit Points, please?

Nice things my Jeet Kune Do Science-Bear received this level:
1 additional Attack per Round while in the Silverback (thank you, M.E.C.T. Skill!)
New Skill! Detect Ambush: 51%
+1 to P.P., M.E., and M.A. (keep forgetting to add Attributes. He'll never use that M.E., but it's good RPing because C'osmo has been getting mentally tougher now that he's with the Gunslingers!).
And a favorite I've been looking forward to...
...Way of the Intercepting Fist (Special! Once per round, upon his opponent's attack, the JKD artist may attempt to Simultaneously Attack the opponent. If successful, the JKD artist has the option to intercept before the opponent's strike connects. If the JKD artist's strike is successful, roll damage. The opponent must Save vs. Pain [14]. Failing the saving throw results in the opponent losing his attempted attack), +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge.
I'm at work at the moment, but I'll roll dice for your hit points once I'm home.
Yep. Raised my PP this level to get the boost to my Strike, Parry and Dodge. Just need to come up with my next skill and I'll be set.
For skills, I recommend Underwater Basket Weaving. Lol
I’m hanging on. Disease got worse, got hit with some antibiotics, and now school has started. But I’m still clinging to this like a vice! Happy birthday, by the way! I have some downtime today (beautiful, beautiful downtime. I’ve missed you) and I’ll be able to get it all done!
Yep. Raised my PP this level to get the boost to my Strike, Parry and Dodge. Just need to come up with my next skill and I'll be set.
how about that definitely very useful Marx-Lenin-Maoism skill? /silly
For skills, I recommend Underwater Basket Weaving. Lol
Y know, where my dad went to college, they actually have started offering that course. You get scuba certified, and they teach you how to weave baskets. It’s a meme taken seriously and it’s beautiful.
Great. I received no alerts whatsoever since I last posted as C'osmo (except for the one that brought me here). Sorry for my silence, friends!

On the other hand, I appear to have some catching up to do! =)
Torni counts down from three and as she reaches zero, she hits the control to open the door. It slides open with a whoosh to reveal four Invid Soldiers, standing barely ten feet away from you!
Sherwood Sherwood Cool! C'osmo beat them on Initiative!

I don't know how these four are positioned. Two-by-two? Four in a row? Side-by-side?

I'm asking because I'd like to know how many C'osmo might run over/knock down if C'osmo could spend his Action transforming into SUV mode and putting the pedal to the metal?
Sherwood Sherwood Cool! C'osmo beat them on Initiative!

I don't know how these four are positioned. Two-by-two? Four in a row? Side-by-side?

I'm asking because I'd like to know how many C'osmo might run over/knock down if C'osmo could spend his Action transforming into SUV mode and putting the pedal to the metal?
The Soldiers are in a rough semi circle, and are spaced out enough that you could run into only two of them.
The Soldiers are in a rough semi circle, and are spaced out enough that you could run into only two of them.
To heck with it! Let's do it! How often does a bear get a chance to run over Invid? "That's what the bumper is for!" (Aliens Dark Descent)

*After the battle, one Invid to another.* "Hey, how'd you get those big black tire marks across your face?"

In my search for other players to fatten up our group, I have been in contact with caecgirl caecgirl as she was asking for a game. She still needs to know some details on what we have going on here, so lets all help her out with answering questions as they come up.
caecgirl caecgirl Just to give you some idea of what we have going on here, this is a UEEF setting game set out in space with the Expeditionary Force attempting to liberate various planets from the Invid. The focus on this game is on the smaller Cyclones and Silverback ATVs instead of the larger Alpha and Beta Veritech Fighters, so whatever character class you pick has to be proficient in their operation. In the Lore link I have a bunch of character classes and packages copied over for those that might not have access to the UEEF Marines book, along with the various playable alien races in the setting.

I'm sure you have questions, so bring them on and I'll give you answers.
i watched Macross more than Robotech and i'm not sure i know the difference. from the name the one difference i see seems to be the battlefortresses known as Macrosses... anyway i was an antihero/antivillain...energy vampire from macross 7.
its bed time so i will deal wit;h this tomarrow. praxian looks good to me. kinda reminds me when i was in a cross-ange game on roll20. it used the fate core system.

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