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Futuristic UEEF Marines - OOC Thread

EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1 since this is a new system for you, can I give you a few suggestions? Make sure you pick up the skill of Boxing. It gives you another melee action per round, and you can never have enough actions.

Also, Sherwood is letting us pick our own Natural Aptitude bonus. I would suggest you take the Jack of Many Trades one for the extra skills. For your skill packages, I'd take Storm Team Basic Training and then get the Science Officer one for your extra package with the JOMT aptitude bonus.
If you don't want the Science skills, the Scout Sniper package is also a good one to pick up.
EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1 I have some advice for you too, Alex, but... like me, it's a little different. =)

My advice is... think with your long-term fun in mind. What concept can you imagine having fun with not only today or next month, but literally years from now? Sci-fi with spaceships and aliens and intrigue and combat - what floats your (space) boat? =)

Bonuses and high numbers aside, I mean to ask what or... better yet... who do you want to roleplay in this sci-fi setting? Since Pips's game appears dead in the water, do you maybe want to ask Sherwood if you can play your character in her game translated to Rifts? I ask this because I know you really enjoy Ellis! Great character! Sure, there would be some big changes (no magic, for example, since this is a sci-fi game), but do you think it would be fun to play a character - from ANY game that you've played before! - that you think might be a good fit in this game?

I ask this for the sake of your fun (because roleplaying is often personal) and also because I was impressed that you made a character before Ellis even Skills or power or... any of that! You created this... persona for lack of better term that seemed very alive in your hands. Not every Player can do that! If you have a strong character concept - one that honestly excites you - go with it! Be true to that character if you think it will fit into this game's setting and has Sherwood's approval! Do you have a concept that you're not sure about? Ask Sherwood! He'll tell you if it fits or not. =)

Creating a combat monster when you wanted a thinker or a thinker when you wanted a roguish scoundrel or dashing flyboy or brainy medical gal or whatever... it doesn't work (it never works for me long-term) unless you believe in that character. And that belief can create the fun that can last for a looong time! But only if you genuinely like what or who you're making.

So... might you have anybody in mind? =)

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
Howdy yall! Psychie Psychie and Sherwood Sherwood thank you both for the sugestions for mechanical play. I plan to take Krav Maga as a fighting skill for my character (I'm learning it irl, I've only just started, and it's not my first martial art, but I do enjoy it. )

Purr Purr , your note is very sweet and makes a bunch of wonderful points. for me, it's hard to get hyped about a bunch of numbers without an idea of what the soul, the spark, the consciousness of those numbers are going to be like. (also, considering how many numbers there are, and my utter lack of basic arithmetic skills, well... no wonder I shy away ha ha). The Big Bad of this universe seems to be Space Colonizers (as opposed to Futuristic Anti-Magic Nazis) and we're playing government operatives trying to liberate these colonies, as well as our own planet. well, I always hated Leopold II...

However, before I come up with a character, I want you guys (and you too Eonivar Eonivar ) to all tell me who you think your characters are, and what roles you want them to play. I'm thinking a healer type, someone who wants to bite back against the colonizers, but isnt physically powerful enough to fight back on their own. a small, mousey human, someone forgettable by looks, but burning with ambitions of vengeance, glory, but I don't want to overlap with any of yall or the main npcs who are accompanying our party. I want to make someone who both fits the vibes and fills a slot.
EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1
your note is very sweet and makes a bunch of wonderful points. for me, it's hard to get hyped about a bunch of numbers without an idea of what the soul, the spark, the consciousness of those numbers are going to be like.
I am the same way! I could not agree more! In another game recently, I had to suddenly retire a character I love and create a new character in his place. At first, I was in trouble. I didn't have anyone else to take his place and at this time, Chan-Chan was not an option (as I have only retired from Pips's game this very day). What to do? Well, after searching myself a great deal, I realized I did have another concept I could use - a fresh concept that I hoped would fit the setting better. I had the resources, the time, the opportunity, and like you said - the spark. Now this new character is in play and they are far more than just a bunch of numbers! =)

The Big Bad of this universe seems to be Space Colonizers (as opposed to Futuristic Anti-Magic Nazis) and we're playing government operatives trying to liberate these colonies, as well as our own planet. well, I always hated Leopold II...
I don't feel this description is entirely accurate.

1. The Big Bad is an alien race of space would-be dominators. They are called the Invid. They are after a rare form of power (the same power that makes our mecha possible - protoculture). They are willing to annihilate everyone and everything in their path to get it (and they have more reasons than just power-grabbing). The Invid are not colonizers, for once they have the protoculture they desire, they leave the territory in question.

2. We are not playing government operatives - we are playing military mecha pilots - specifically Marines and Corpsmen. These soldiers are loosely taken from the United States Marine Corps and United States Navy. It should be mentioned that humans are the dominant species when it comes to technology - all races have suffered and are suffering under the Invid who kill them or enslave them to get more of the protoculture.

However, before I come up with a character, I want you guys (and you too Eonivar Eonivar ) to all tell me who you think your characters are, and what roles you want them to play. I'm thinking a healer type, someone who wants to bite back against the colonizers, but isnt physically powerful enough to fight back on their own. a small, mousey human, someone forgettable by looks, but burning with ambitions of vengeance, glory, but I don't want to overlap with any of yall or the main npcs who are accompanying our party. I want to make someone who both fits the vibes and fills a slot.
I can see where you are coming from here. I have felt similarly when I join a game-in-progress.

3. C'osmo's role from the start of the game has been the Scientist-become-UEEF STORM Marine. His race are fantastic with mechanical and electrical work, but C'osmo's first love is science itself. Fate and the military tossed him out of the laboratory to taken on the role of the front-line scientist - a place few scientists wanted to be, C'osmo included. The eternal nerd, C'osmo became a heavy gunner and learned all manner of small-arms modifications (as opposed to, say, Weapons Engineers who largely deal with vehicle-mounted weapons). Sherwood provided permission for C'osmo to "trick out" squad-based firearms with neat paint jobs and modifications that provide small bonuses to their performance.

C'osmo also knows the role of the outcast-become-accepted-Marine. Since he became active duty, he has been tossed from squad to squad to squad - no Marines wanted to work with him. They did not want the responsibility of having a scientist on their team, some didn't like his nerdiness, a few were pro-human, while yet others simply didn't want another "new guy" on their team. So, for quite some time, the genius-level brainy guy C'osmo was regulated to guard duty and the like. He was an outcast nobody wanted. Only with our party's squad has he finally been accepted. These are his very first battles as a Marine.

In appreciation for their acceptance, C'osmo has used his special skills (and GM permissions) to trick out the Gunslingers guns. Science and technology remain his first love. He dabbles in Artificial Intelligence and has an A.I. drone that accompanies him everywhere he goes ("Norwood"). He studies Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do along with a holographic teacher of C'osmo's own making. The eternal nerd, he has found a strong love of Earth cartoons, manga, movies, anime, video games, and yes... roleplaying games too which he takes seriously.

In his own words, C'osmo in my head has the following to add. "You'd better be on your 'A' game if you come to my gaming table, buddy! If you think the Invid are bad, just wait until you see what challenges my stories will put you and your party through! Get those dice a'rollin'! OH YEAAAAH!"
Onni is one of the very mysterious Garudans who is one of the alien races that joins the humans in the fight against the Invid. They are fox like beings that live in an altered state of consciousness brought on by the unique atmosphere of their planet, the consciousness is called "The Hin". The Hin connects the Garudan together even through death, so they can reach out to each other or their ancestors and talk to them. It also gives them some abilities through the game (which I thought were kind of a let down even in the updated version but I manage with them ok). There really is not much on the Garudan so I have developed my own version of them.

You can read about Onni in his character sheet background on the Characters page. I had the blessing of rolling super high for his intelligence so he is different than most of his people in terms of handling and working with technology. When in a deep Hin state, a Garudan cannot read or really handle any technological task so technology was never much of a Garudan thing. When their planet was invaded the Garudans had the equivalent of 1950s tech and even then they were a more tribal nomadic people in their world. So Onni is a bit of an iconoclast compared to a normal Garudan. He is seen as autistic in some ways in his people's eyes but is accepted because his technological know how has been helpful in resisting the invid on his planet.

I like to play Onni as providing an alien..."non-human" perspective on things. He is very skilled in many things. His primary focus is the various engineering disciplines for mecha and other things. He is more or less the team's mechanic. He works with C'osmo to provide the engineering know how to C'osmo's scientific outlook. He well trained in wilderness and space survival as well.
Pyrrah is the team leader of this bunch. She is Zentraedi, having served in the giant aliens' fleet as a Female Powered Armor pilot prior to joining the Earth defenders in the epic final battle against the main Zentraedi fleet. Once it became public knowledge that the United Earth Expeditionary Force was being assembled to go out and vie for peace with the Robotech Masters, Pyrrah opted not to stay on Earth and volunteered to join the Fleet to go off into space. Her OCC is Storm Commando, and she has trained to be a Extraterrestrial Affairs Liaison officer. Her thoughts on her role is as a protective big sister to the members of the team, leading the Gunslingers into harms way and making sure that each and every member of the team get back safely.
Sherwood Sherwood thank you very much for checking in on me! I'm still formulating my concept, but i have the general shape of a man. I'm about to go on a short vacation, but when i get back on friday, i'll have my computer to start working on the numbers part of my sheet.

I'll be playing the only human in the group (save for your NPCs) and I know that's gonna affect the dynamic a bit. but i do like playing people who are... average. average in looks, average in physical skill, but burning with ambition, maybe it's a lust for glory, a lust for revenge and justice, or something of both. He's got no name yet because i Cannot Ever, but he's a medic, he is intensely interested in the uses of protoculture (I need to do more research on it, tis an excuse to make myself deep dive into all the lore) but he understands that you can't just go running around, taking the natural resources from an indigenous population, killing them, and running away. I'm trying to think of a real-world parallel, where a people was completely drained of one resource, and then totally ditched by its imperialist occupiers. africa with triangle trade? hmmm. anyway, i digress.

What child dosent dream of visiting the stars? what child in a militarized society doesn't dream of going into battle to liberate a people opressed? well, that's Frankie ____. He was a smaller kid, sicker, with weaker lungs and weak limbs, so he never really was able to play at war with his fellow kids and stand any chance of being useful. But Frank wanted desperatly to play some role. and hey, he was smart, smart enough to get medical training. and, he found ways to fight that would ensure as quick a victory as possible, inflicting more damage, and keeping himself from getting injured as well. this proficient-in-krav-maga and medical student, his ability to keep calm under pressure, and his insistence on him bing strong enough to power through anything eventualy caught the eye of Military. next thing you know, he's trained in working a power suit, and he's finaly getting a chance to carve the banner of freedom into the sky, and to maybe have the chance to emblazon his work with his name. Kleos above Nostos.
Well that sounds like you have a good handle on things.

Don't forget that all stats are rolled here in the OOC thread unless you wish for me to roll for you. There is no rush so take your time.
Just a quick question. Are we going to wait for Alex to get his character made before proceeding on with the game? I just don't want to lose my connection with Pyrrah if it will be a while.
Howdy yall! im sorry it's been a while, i've been on a trip and not had my computer to roll dice on. here are my stats for frankie!

Final Stats:
do do do math dododod
(after re-rolling the ones)
(adding the bonus die)
22 (add one more bonus die)
(after adding second bonus die)
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Once the briefing has wrapped up, the weapon techs send the message that they are in need of finding out what weapon selection that the squad wants for their mecha. This isn't going to be a zero-gravity mission, so you can take the heavier ground Cyclones without any worry. The motorpool just needs to know what Cyclones you wish to take, your chosen missile payload, and whatever hand-held weapon you choose. The same goes for C'osmo's Silverback, but with the added question of what he wishes to have mounted on his central equipment hardpoint and the four wheel ones.

Sherwood Sherwood Same as before, please. That railgun + mini-missiles + Silverback Sensor Suite really was a nice combination!

How far are we away from 3rd level (if you don't mind sharing), please?
and feel free to keep playing untill im ready and yall can get to a good point to add me in. I dont know how long it'll take to finish my CS and I dont want to hold yall back.
I will have Pyrrah take a Saber Cyclone armed with six HEAP mini missiles and six Plasma minis, and carrying her AP Cannon.
I forgot to answer the question of xp. Everyone gets another 2,500 points to put you at 5,000 and level three. This goes into effect before your current combat mission.

Purr Purr Eonivar Eonivar Psychie Psychie
I will get an update and Onni's choice of cyclone tonight or tomorrow. Been a bit busy and stressed lately with life.
Take your time. Real Life comes first. Hopefully things will calm down for you soon.
I will get an update and Onni's choice of cyclone tonight or tomorrow. Been a bit busy and stressed lately with life.
Eonivar Eonivar Hang in there, buddy! Eon, if you want to open up a Conversation with me, I'll listen to you vent it all out without asking for details. Don't let the stress get the better of you, man! =)

In the meantime, here's a hypothetical question/fun-distraction-that-I-hope-makes-you-smile for you:

If Onni could ride any one Cyclone while in the Hin, which model would it be and why? =)
Ack! I completely forgot to level up C'osmo to 3rd level!

Sherwood Sherwood Is it all right if C'osmo picks up the Advanced Electronic Warfare Skill (Macross, p. 119) for his 3rd level, please? Could I also get a 1d6 Hit Point roll?

Also, for Jeet Kune Do 2.0's Self-knowledge ability for 3rd level, are you comfortable with C'osmo channeling his inner Po from Kung Fu Panda and learning Finger Lock? JKD 2.0 has given him Wrist Lock, but I do like the idea of C'osmo, a guy able to do Mega-damage with a punch, controlling a jerk by his finger or thumb with technique alone (plus, Finger Locks hurt!). Or would you rather I go another route and choose another technique?
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