(●°u°●) 」The Evil Lair (OOC) (●°u°●) 」

I'll do it now at one in the morning 

Just letting you know I might be taking a break for today, my brain right now isn't letting me come up with anything good. Hopefully later today will be a bit different! 

;D  Just to make things a bit more easier for you, why don't you just hand out of the files instead of announcing teams directly? I mean it's all up to you! I just didn't want you to get all sorts of stressed out. 
welp ciao, i'll be bye-bye for a while! 

(i have an important project to finish, so i may not be back for the rest of today and tomorrow, just warning everyone)
Alrightski i'm up and i'm ready to roll I think? Gotta read posts but here, let's have a tumbleweed to get things started-! 

I'll be working on a new character sheet, someone coming after the OOTT in the near future.  ;D
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I think I'm pratically done with my CS. I'll probably polish it up in the morning. I still have to expand on my characters backstory, though.
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Alrightski i'm up and i'm ready to roll I think? Gotta read posts but here, let's have a tumbleweed to get things started-! 

I'll be working on a new character sheet, someone coming after the OOTT in the near future.  ;D

I have read said cs for crazy alien bounty hunter chick and declare that shun and cassady should be nemesis/ sometimes frenemies
I have read said cs for crazy alien bounty hunter chick and declare that shun and cassady should be nemesis/ sometimes frenemies

Oh that's going to be exceedingly difficult well.. Depends really, Shun matches the exact same personality of the Alien bounty hunter chick's contractor which I kinda want to give away who that is.
Oh that's going to be exceedingly difficult well.. Depends really, Shun matches the exact same personality of the Alien bounty hunter chick's contractor which I kinda want to give away who that is.

It's Lobo, it's obviously lobo. And it won't be too difficult. Shun and Cassady could have prior history since there's a huge part of Shun's life I left unexplained, considering he's a space mafia prince. There was bound to be bounty hunters after him, cassady just so happened to be the one constantly after him
It's Lobo, it's obviously lobo. And it won't be too difficult. Shun and Cassady could have prior history since there's a huge part of Shun's life I left unexplained, considering he's a space mafia prince. There was bound to be bounty hunters after him, cassady just so happened to be the one constantly after him

Ding ding. You've won the grand prize, we'll see, Space mafia prince? That's quite the title! That should work splendidly. 

Since her last name is Tribb, Cassady is actually.

Cassady is actually an off-spring of Mrs.Tribb (Lobo's fourth grade teacher whom he forgot to kill until later on.) who's children have given birth to her, meaning that she's Czarnian except only partial since the matriarch had to find a new mate to reproduce with because all of them were murdered senselessly by Lobo. She's working for him because she is extremely fond of his God-complex and even considers him to be somewhat of a prophet to her people. You'd think Lobo would just do her away since she's Czarnian but she's a "Bastard Czarnian." So Lobo still considers himself quite unique.

Being half of her species, she isn't granted the ridiculous power of being able to regenerate from a single drop of blood or being gifted with everlasting immortality unless you consider aging. 

Wouldn't that be terrifying if Lobo and Shun actually met? Noting both of their personalities they'd probably just light up a cigar together or something.
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Literally me every time I see a post in this RP only to see it's something that doesn't involve me.


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