(●°u°●) 」The Evil Lair (OOC) (●°u°●) 」

Lol that's kinda like my guy, bounty hunter and partly based off of Deathstroke.

Oh she's not that kind of crazy though.. Just like..  Psychopath in terms of.. Very Evil 
Oh she's not that kind of crazy though.. Just like..  Psychopath in terms of.. Very Evil 

Oooh maybe they can be friends? He's ok with crazy after all! Well... I can't tell you yet cuz backstory is fun to reveal. Let's just say he likes crazy... A lot. Though he's not crazy himself. Not in the normal sense. It's best described as a... Fetish I guess. 
Ah I see. Who we waiting for? Fem-chan? *narrows eyes at fem*

Dunno. I think people in general, as for plot progression we are waiting on Fem-chan to give out assignments and everyone else waits on others to posts in interactions.
Hello, how is everyone doing?  Also,  are we interacting with characters in the OOC?  That's my favorite thing to do! :Ghost:
Hello, how is everyone doing?  Also,  are we interacting with characters in the OOC?  That's my favorite thing to do! :Ghost:

I'm at work ;-;

And I guess, sometimes? I was playing around, but random OOC character use is fun. Means we can understand the sillier things our characters can do!
I'm at work ;-;

And I guess, sometimes? I was playing around, but random OOC character use is fun. Means we can understand the sillier things our characters can do!

Work D':  Hope you survive!

Yeah, it allows you to put your character in the most non-plot related spot and is how you could end up with conversations between a hero and villain about tacos.  Of course it's not canon in the slightest, but it's real in our hearts.
Work D':  Hope you survive!

Yeah, it allows you to put your character in the most non-plot related spot and is how you could end up with conversations between a hero and villain about tacos.  Of course it's not canon in the slightest, but it's real in our hearts.

Madoka would argue about ehich place has the best tacos anyways xD
so, is anyone alive? 

i don't feel like using my ULTIMATE TIME WASTER! right now, so i want someone to notice me  :IHaveSpecialEyes:
so, is anyone alive? 

i don't feel like using my ULTIMATE TIME WASTER! right now, so i want someone to notice me  :IHaveSpecialEyes:

Yes, i'm alive I just went to subway and i'm writing up a post as we speak.

I just got a big hungry O.o  
I honestly don't know what to post anymore, I never was tagged or quoted off my last response soooo yeeeaaahhh....

*shrug* walk up to someone and punch 'em in the face?

me as wisdom tree: yea boiii!

actual wisdom tree: i...i cannot advise that, though, attempting to interact with another person seems to be the best idea. that, or wait for Fem to give your team your envelope of dreams/ case packet/ mission synopsis. 
*shrug* walk up to someone and punch 'em in the face?

me as wisdom tree: yea boiii!

actual wisdom tree: i...i cannot advise that, though, attempting to interact with another person seems to be the best idea. that, or wait for Fem to give your team your envelope of dreams/ case packet/ mission synopsis. 

I'll do it now at one in the morning 

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