(●°u°●) 」The Evil Lair (OOC) (●°u°●) 」

Oh whoops wrong person then O.o  Damn, i'm kinda juggling replies with people so it's like i'm going back and forth.

@Colt556 Does your character need someone to speak to? Because Robo-honkers is available.

Currently Mikado's back to laying down so if you want to go make friends by all means. The basis of my character is that she's a lazy little shit that doesn't put effort into things she doesn't care about, so in a situation like this meeting it's difficult for me to actually do anything without being out of character.
Currently Mikado's back to laying down so if you want to go make friends by all means. The basis of my character is that she's a lazy little shit that doesn't put effort into things she doesn't care about, so in a situation like this meeting it's difficult for me to actually do anything without being out of character.

Ah, I was just wondering because she wasn't really interacting with anyone. Maybe she'll make friends with her through a bunch of presents that would contribute to her laziness? Maybe some Rudolf christmas pajamas for the holiday? 
 Lexia (Cicada) can be relatively lazy sometimes except when it comes down to business so they'll probably do lazy things together.. 

I'm trying to get Lexia to get on good-terms with pretty much everyone because she's kind of studying them. 

To see their 'uniqueness' from one another. 
Ah, I was just wondering because she wasn't really interacting with anyone. Maybe she'll make friends with her through a bunch of presents that would contribute to her laziness? Maybe some Rudolf christmas pajamas for the holiday? 
 Lexia (Cicada) can be relatively lazy sometimes except when it comes down to business so they'll probably do lazy things together.. 

I'm trying to get Lexia to get on good-terms with pretty much everyone because she's kind of studying them. 

To see their 'uniqueness' from one another. 

Ultimately my character was a port from a past RP where she was the "Sin of Sloth" for some seven deadly sins plot. So everything about her is suppose to be slothful, even her ability. I genuinely like that concept so I re-used it here, but it can make her a bit challenging to RP since she isn't the type to go out and make things happen on her own. Even now she's just laying in the corner wearing nothing but a loose T-shirt, some pajama pants, and sneakers. A perpetually tired expression and permanent bedhead and a disinterest in doing anything until it comes time for the mission. Essentially she's just a lazy NEET who only cares about her video games and TV shows n whatnot and only does the bare minimum required to maintain that lifestyle. And since nothing in the meeting interests her nor helps maintain her lifestyle she's very disinterested. And that means that if I'm to stay in character there's not much I can do. I didn't expect the meeting to last so long rofl.
Ultimately my character was a port from a past RP where she was the "Sin of Sloth" for some seven deadly sins plot. So everything about her is suppose to be slothful, even her ability. I genuinely like that concept so I re-used it here, but it can make her a bit challenging to RP since she isn't the type to go out and make things happen on her own. Even now she's just laying in the corner wearing nothing but a loose T-shirt, some pajama pants, and sneakers. A perpetually tired expression and permanent bedhead and a disinterest in doing anything until it comes time for the mission. Essentially she's just a lazy NEET who only cares about her video games and TV shows n whatnot and only does the bare minimum required to maintain that lifestyle. And since nothing in the meeting interests her nor helps maintain her lifestyle she's very disinterested. And that means that if I'm to stay in character there's not much I can do. I didn't expect the meeting to last so long rofl.

Sora and her would get along, Sora loves video games (but barely can afford any games) and anime, and TV.

I forsee a possibly beautiful friendship. And Mikado wouldn't even have to use her ability >.> "Wanna use my lap as a pillow?" "...okay..." 
Sora and her would get along, Sora loves video games (but barely can afford any games) and anime, and TV.

I forsee a possibly beautiful friendship. And Mikado wouldn't even have to use her ability >.> "Wanna use my lap as a pillow?" "...okay..." 

A lazy afternoon of playing the vidya and watching weeb shit. The best way to unwind after a rough day of supervillaining.
A lazy afternoon of playing the vidya and watching weeb shit. The best way to unwind after a rough day of supervillaining.

Or, in Sora's case...

A rough day of everything thinking she's a villain when literally Sora just wants to be good xd
Hm, i'll be posting later tonight, my buddy wants me to play some stuff with him. I'll probably make a 'Superhero' later, not really a superhero but more like a villain except is chaotic evil to the point where everyone is a potential target to the character.  ^_^  I'll have a DC reference in there too.  I'll have this crazy psychopath be a bounty hunter who's associated with someone who for some odd reason has a distinct personality that resembles something like Shun, except is a bit more uh.. Insane. 

Am I able to add a Chaotic evil type of person in the Superhero/Npc section that is against the IVA and OOTT?
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Ah, I was just wondering because she wasn't really interacting with anyone. Maybe she'll make friends with her through a bunch of presents that would contribute to her laziness? Maybe some Rudolf christmas pajamas for the holiday? 
 Lexia (Cicada) can be relatively lazy sometimes except when it comes down to business so they'll probably do lazy things together.. 

I'm trying to get Lexia to get on good-terms with pretty much everyone because she's kind of studying them. 

To see their 'uniqueness' from one another. 

welp, i wonder when she'll get to 'formally' meeting the crying corner snake and eye dude
welp, i wonder when she'll get to 'formally' meeting the crying corner snake and eye dude

She will soon, she's was just helping out the crying goo girl. I thought they were doing their own thing over there, I was replying to a whole bunch of people that mentioned Mei earlier. 
She will soon, she's was just helping out the crying goo girl. I thought they were doing their own thing over there, I was replying to a whole bunch of people that mentioned Mei earlier. 

they were, they just finished their own thing. well, eye dude is getting his goo back onto himself and snakey just finished his sobbing so yep... i think their done with their shit...
Hm, i'll be posting later tonight, my buddy wants me to play some stuff with him. I'll probably make a 'Superhero' later, not really a superhero but more like a villain except is chaotic evil to the point where everyone is a potential target to the character.  ^_^  I'll have a DC reference in there too.  I'll have this crazy psychopath be a bounty hunter who's associated with someone who for some odd reason has a distinct personality that resembles something like Shun, except is a bit more uh.. Insane. 

Am I able to add a Chaotic evil type of person in the Superhero/Npc section that is against the IVA and OOTT?

Go ahead~

Sora: hesitantly grabs Doris' ass.

Doris: *blinks, turns around* Oh my~

@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball Am I still included in with what's going on?  It seems like the missions are starting and I don't want to be left out.

You are, don't worry...I'm just doing each team thing one post at a time~

Damn, I'm in a brighter mood than usual....
Sora: *just hugs back* o-okay?

...yuri senses are tingling. There be possible yuri storms about.

Doris: *nods* 

Bismarck Saedor: *walks in* E-Er....y-yes....he-hello....I-I-I will be taking Miss Riceball's place this evening....sh-she's currently skipping in a field of daisies with a Siamese cat....a-and she is gi-giggling....n-nonstop. J-Just pre-pretend I am Miss Riceball....
Doris: *nods* 

Bismarck Saedor: *walks in* E-Er....y-yes....he-hello....I-I-I will be taking Miss Riceball's place this evening....sh-she's currently skipping in a field of daisies with a Siamese cat....a-and she is gi-giggling....n-nonstop. J-Just pre-pretend I am Miss Riceball....

Sora: Can I charge you five dollarsfor every fifteen minutes you hug or make me sit on your lap? *nervous look*

Madoka: *skips with Riceball*

Also, Riceball. Do you have the mission description for Team Lesbian? If not I have a few....ideas...
Sora: Can I charge you five dollarsfor every fifteen minutes you hug or make me sit on your lap? *nervous look*

Madoka: *skips with Riceball*

Also, Riceball. Do you have the mission description for Team Lesbian? If not I have a few....ideas...

Doris: I have a fucking budget but sure. 

Bismarck: U-Ummm....uhhh...,lemme check 

Fem: (≧∇≦)*skips with Madoka* 
Hm, i'll be posting later tonight, my buddy wants me to play some stuff with him. I'll probably make a 'Superhero' later, not really a superhero but more like a villain except is chaotic evil to the point where everyone is a potential target to the character.  ^_^  I'll have a DC reference in there too.  I'll have this crazy psychopath be a bounty hunter who's associated with someone who for some odd reason has a distinct personality that resembles something like Shun, except is a bit more uh.. Insane. 

Am I able to add a Chaotic evil type of person in the Superhero/Npc section that is against the IVA and OOTT?

Lol that's kinda like my guy, bounty hunter and partly based off of Deathstroke.

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