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Realistic or Modern True Crime: Streets Of Detroit

" Fuck "

Carlos said out loud as he had a gun to his head. So much for a day off. Him and 6 other people in the liquor-store were being held at gunpoint. It's a shame Carlos wasn't armed; he would have attempted to fight back. He wasn't about to die over a simple robbery today though, so he complied for the most part. His bag was safety back at the apartment regardless. One of the thugs punch him in the stomach, grabbing him by the throat.

" You look like a fucking cop... Are you?! "

One of the thugs pull out his badge-necklace from his tanktop. Carlos smiled; spitting off toward the side.

" Guilty as charged... "

Carlos chuckled as he was getting beat down by the punk; he awaited a perfect moment to disarm the guy beating him, so he would be able to not get shot by the other man pointing the weapon everywhere else; attempting to serve as crowd control.
Due to the Robbery in progress, Amaterasu was dismissed by the Chief. "We'll talk more about this later. You got work to do."

Amaterasu nodded before leaving the Chief's Office, slapping on her Tactical Gear, armed herself and joined her team on the S.W.A.T Truck. "Alright, let's do this." In perfect unison, she and her Team exited the S.W.A.T Truck. While two of her Teammates went to set up a Sniper Position, the other two guarded her. With the Robbers distracted by the cops outside, Amaterasu and her team used this to their advantage and broke in through the back. "Police! Drop your weapons and get down on the ground or we will open fire!" She shouted as the back door was blown open.
Carlos saw this as the perfect opportunity to dis-arm the gentleman beating the shit out of him; shooting him in the face. The blood squirted everywhere, people freaked out and took cover. The other robber quickly ducked behind a isle and grabbed a woman on the way. Pointing the weapon toward her face.

" C'mon you assholes! Just pass the money and I'll be gone!!! "
Mendoza heard about the situation escalating, how S.W.A.T had already breached. How it was a hostage situation now. "Shit, we're gonna be late to the party" Mendoza thought to himself. He thought about ditching Charles, but quickly dismissed the thought.
Tavien pulled up a block or so away from the liquor store and stepped out of his squad car. He pulled out his pistol an M1911, it was an odd weapon considering the thing stuck out. He began to quickly move up the road until he got to the outside of the store. He peered in through the front window which was hard to do considering it was covered by massive letters. As he was examining the inside of the room several swat cars pulled up and sprung into action. Men with active ARs came out of the van.

"Damn I thought I was actually going to get to do this one." Tavien said with some disappointment

It was always a running joke in the office that Tavien was always late the party
Carlos' badge was still dangling from his neck; he quickly flashed it toward the SWAT that entered the building, as per protocol.

" Cpl Kane! Oakland Department; GangLand Repressive Agency! "

He then took a knee and quickly checked the clip in his newly acquired pistol. It only had one bullet that Carlos already used on someone's face. Carlos' face lit up in rage. He threw the pistol to the ground.
"What's an Oakland Officer doing all the way out here...?" Amaterasu asked. "Nevermind that. Now for those of you still armed, either you drop your F***ING weapons, or I will open fire! These MP5s can fire 800 Rounds Per Minute. If you wanna test that, be my guest." She had her Gun at the ready. "And I got a Sniper waiting outside for one of you idiots to try something. And he doesn't miss." She said coldly, giving the Robbers the opportunity to stand down.
The last robber still had the woman in his clutches; pistol pointed directly at her head.

" Oh yeah?! This pistol only has one round! And it's about to go directly into this bitches head if any of you idiots try anything fucking funny!!! Now hand me the god damn money!!! "

Carlos was a anything but a hostage negotiator.

" ... Anyone sending someone with a suit?! I'm about to just fucking rush this guy right now! "
KurtH6355 said:
(Can I NPC the hostage taker? Please?)
(I would say yes, but the Robbery was too simple, maybe next time)

"Stand down Corporal. Let me do my job." Amaterasu said in a frustrating matter before giving Tavien the hand sign to escort all remaining hostages out so they can give her some space. "Obviously, you're not really in the mood to talk. You can let her go, no one else needs to die today. She didn't do anything wrong and this doesn't have to continue." A warning shot was out of the question. It was probably time to go lethal... Amaterasu's Sniper took the shot and some blood splattered onto her face. She sighed before telling her squad to stand down.
Tavien never really enjoyed the "Gun hoe" SWAT teams but he couldin't deny the fact that it was her job. He saw the hand gesture and began to get some people up and ready to get moving. As he turned around the sniper shot rang out and the man dropped to the ground with a thud.

"God damn it!" Tavien shouted out loud in a bit of frustration.

After the target was neutralized the hostages rushed past Tavien and the bodies.

Tavien was a bit in shock but it wasn't anything he'd hadn't seen before. He calmed down a bit and went up to the Officer that told him to stand down.

"So now can I get your name? Becuase this is going to be one hell of a report"

(Wooo For posting in time xD )
As the bullet begun to pierce the skull; a human reaction tensed in the robber, making him pull the trigger of the gun aimed at the woman's head. It was a common fact that the body will twitch several seconds after death, and even if the guy wasn't going to kill the woman; a body's reaction to pain is a solid fact. Carlos slowly moved toward the dead hostage taker and the woman; she was now dead as well.

" Damn... That fucking sucks. "

Carlos looked at the SWAT members and showed his hands sarcastically.

" Uh... Don't kill me or anything; I'm just a lowly officer! "

He was mocking them; he couldn't believe they would make a mistake like that.

(( I couldn't let this one go >.<" ))
Mendoza heard about the situation's end. He was appalled. He caught a name -- Amaterasu. He felt resentment for her. Why the fuck would they go lethal at that point? Mendoza could have talked him down easy! He felt weakened and sad. Three dead, one innocent, one killed unnecessarily. Sure, Detroit wasn't known for their Law Enforcement, but...Mendoza wasn't happy with S.W.A.T's performance.
After the whole scene had played out Tavien looked over at the man who had claimed to be just an "Lowly Officer" and directed his attention to him.

"Alright then i'm also going to need your name as well for the report. Media gonna eat this up and the departments gonna want a solid story on what happened here today."

Tavien pulled out a note pad and got ready to jot down his notes.
Carlos out his hands in his pockets and walked up to the sarcastic cop.

" Cpl Carlos Kane... Prior Oakland Division. I'm supposed to transfer to this weird S.T.A.R. Unit or some bullshit. I was here trying to grab a few drinks for my new apartment... "
After quickly jotting down the name on his notepad, Tavien re-read the name. "Cpl Kane" it read on the pad. Tavien heard of him before didn't know much about him though, just heard a few mere rumors that he was a bit of a crazy even for an undercover. But that was all he knew about the guy.

"I guess a bad case of wrong place at the wrong time?" Tavien said then looked back down at the man behind him in a puddle of blood.

"Or atleast it was these guys who went to the wrong place at the wrong time" Tavien finished then went back to his notes.
Amaterasu wasn't in a really good mood. She had a bad day. Sadly, Corporal Kane wasn't exactly helping and she felt like he was actually pushing her buttons. "You know who I am. And I'm not in a good mood. Plus, I've been having a really bad day, so just do what you need to, I'm heading back to the Station." She growled at Tavien before giving Carlos a death stare and then leaving with her team. On the way back to the S.W.A.T Truck, she met back up with her Sniper Team. "Good work, guys. Let's head back for a debrief and then I gotta go talk to the Chief." She sounded stressed out, which left them concerned, so they just did what they were told as she handed one of them her MP5. She saw Sergeant Mendoza out of the corner of her eye, giving her a mean look. "Is there a problem, Officer?" She asked coldly, arms folded as she walked up to him.
" That's cute; get a woman killed and skirt the scene for the lower enlisted to clean up? "

Carlos went toward an isle of liquor and shoved it over; breaking the bottles. He wasn't exactly having the best day of his life himself, getting the shit beat out of him for trying to buy a couple drinks. This job was seeming to be worse than the Army every passing day.

" Well guess what; I'm off duty! No reports for me until I get instated to this bullshit station! "

Carlos lit a cigaret inside the store, taking a seat on the counter. He was running his free hand through his hair, a little stressed out and bruised.
"Well I wouldin't be asking you what your name was if..." he said then turned around and saw she was gone.

To Tavien it was typical SWAT shenanigans to Tavien. He then heard the sound of bottle breaking and now there was a mixture of blood and alcohol on the ground of the store. It began to smell badly.

"Shit man relax, that kind of thing isn't necessary... besides its one of my favorite stores."
Carlos chuckled and looked up slightly; his eyes widening.

" Fuck your god damn store! "

He said with a smile on his face as he shot up and cracked his neck.

" I was about to be a whiteness for ya; but now I'm gone. Here, I'll make it easy for you: Some innocent bystander took a matter into his own hands, shooting a criminal in the face with his own weapon! Then you can say something like: The SWAT saw fit to say 'screw this dude' and fire a round through the second gun mans skull with a low calibre sniper round; allowing his fucking nervous system to still be active long enough to pull the trigger on the woman he had hostage! There you go! There's your report... "

Carlos spit a bit of blood towards the side and slammed open the push doors. He walked out quickly and made his way toward his apartment.
Will was took away from the land of memories by a knock on the door,the light outside showed he may have been lost in memories for a few hours. Sighing and he pulled himself up from the arm chair he wondered who it could be. Approaching his door he reached into his pocket where he kept his trusty .44 Special and he put his and on it, from what he has heard Detroit wasn't a place with a low crime rate so for all he knew someone was trying or was about to try rob him. Opening the door Will was greeted by two badges. "Special Investigator William Davis?" One of them asked, Will took his hand off his gun and looked at the one talking. "Ex-Special Investigator." Will corrected him. The two looked at each other before back at Will. "Would you be willing to accompany us to the station?" The one who talked before asked as Will sighed. "Am I under arrest?" Will asked as the talkative one shook his head. "No nothing like that, it would be easier if the chief answered your questions as we were just told to come and collect you." He replied as Will reached into one of his boxes and grabbed his coat and gave a hand gesture for the officers to lead the way.

Will sighed as he sat in the back of a police car he wasn't used to the backseat but it sure felt better than the front seat at this moment in time. The driver seemed to know this area very well knowing to avoid most busy area's and take some back streets. Arriving at the station the two got out followed by Will. Leading the way they instructed Will to take a seat outside the chief's office until he was ready for him. The two popped into the chief's office and informed him that Will was waiting.
Charles finally made it out to the car and got in."Sorry about that, i couldnt get of the phone with my buyer. " He said apologitically before seeing the news about the hostage situation over the radio. He sighed revealing Mandoza would have been excited to be a part of it. "Sorry, man..."
"Every day, more and more dead. No fuckin' reason. One of those suspects? I remember him from when I worked at the convenience store down in Perdido Beach. Now he's dead, shot in the face with a M1911. For what, Charles?" Mendoza asked angrily. He then just began driving, back to where they were assigned to. (Gtg to school)
Charles sighed remaining quite as he though about the question," The feel they have no choice...." He said finally and sadly. " You seen some of the areas we been to, no different then slums and this is a developed country. The have little prospects for money and need protection form either criminal, neither we are able to provide yet crime seems to do. Then it becomes a matter peerpressure, friends and family do so so should we..."

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