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Realistic or Modern True Crime: Streets Of Detroit

The first thing that Amaterasu did, was drive over to their secret HQ, which is kept Off Limits to other Police Officers and restricted only for them. Apparently, the Chief was able to pull some strings to get them a Penthouse and, across the Street, their own personal Parking Garage, where they do not have to park next to the other residents. But it was mostly undercover stuff, so no one would suspect that there was a Special Police Unit was stationed directly above them. Plus, it was plainclothes duty and the badges were often concealed, and only shown when needed. She would send a mass text out to the rest of the group. Everything also seemed set up to be honest. A Communications Center. Wow, looks like they were set. 'Good news everyone, the Chief got us a Penthouse, so looks like we'll get to have some fun while we clean up the city.' she sent the text message. After dropping her Bag off in a room that she claimed as her own, Ama decided to go back to the Garage that was to house her and her unit's vehicles and decided to begin dissecting her Nissan GT-R. Their Garage was probably her favorite part, since it was an abandoned Auto Shop which the Chief had refurbished into a Personal Garage for the Unit.

(Outside of the Penthouse)


(Amaterasu's Bedroom)



(Amaterasu's Bathroom)






(Dining Room)


(Living Room)




(Communication's Center)


(Garage -- Don't Worry, the Parking will be Plentiful)


(Garage - Exterior)

KurtH6355 said:
"Yeah, man, for sure, but think about how bad it is now, and then think about how bad it would be if we weren't even trying." Mendoza said, still heading towards the Car Shop in Randall. He pulled out a cigarette, rolled down a window, and began to smoke. It wasn't nicotine, it was weed.
"Yeah, your right." He said going quite and looking a head out of the windscreen window before noting the distinct smell of weed. He turned to look at Mendoza and frowned, he didnt like the idea of regular smoking let alone smoking weed. He normally tolerated in his undercover work but out of work it was too much."Way to set an example buddy. " He said simply before looking at the new text from Amaterasu." Hey, seem like we got a new penthouse to live in."
William sighed as he saw everyone leaving the car impound, they all seemed to have something in mind on what they wanted to do but not William he didn't have a clue where he wanted to go nor what he wanted to do, heck he had only moved to Detroit recently. William decided that he just wanted to go for a drive in his new car. Taking a drive around a few neighborhoods he could see why this place needed a special team to be set up, what looked like drugs dealers here and there heck nearly everywhere. He heard his phone go off and seeing that it was a text from their leader he read it. Turned out that the captain had managed to get them a penthouse for a cc, oh the joy and to say William used to live out in the countryside where he loved it. William decided that he might as well check out the penthouse and so he did. He first drove to the car park which seemed to be an old refurbished auto shop. He opened up one of the doors and drove in. He smirked to see Amaterasu in there his guess was right she was car mad.
"Helps me cope with shit, man. Plus, calms my nerves, steadies my aim. Plus plus, not like I'm getting high or nothing." He said, finishing only half the weed and then throwing it out the window. He took out his phone when Charles mentioned the text. "Holy, shit. Thanks, boss!" He said, and he replied to Amaterasu's text by sending a text out to everyone in S.T.A.R., including her.

"Awesome, can't wait to settle in. Promotion AND a new Base. This is a good day, for all of us."
"Yeah, the fact you got the nerves and and need it to cope that is not a sign of addiction or anything. You are a cop and now part of an elite group, how does it look that you are cannabis. Wont even begin to say if you are caught bying the stuff." He continue to say angrily getting lost into the criticism.
After dissecting her car, Amaterasu began thinking about what parts she needed. Hopefully William wasn't getting any funny ideas, considering that she saw the smirk on his face when he arrived. "If you need me, I'll be back at the Penthouse." She said grabbing a messenger bag out of the passenger seat and leaving the Garage to cross the street to go back to the Penthouse. Upon arriving there, she just sat down in the Living Room and popped out her Laptop, looking up Performance parts for her Nissan. From Turbos to Roll-Cages, she smirked as she began looking through them.
Stef looked down at her cell phone when she felt it vibrate. It was a text from Cheif Noland telling her where the new office for S.T.A.R was going to be. The corners of her lips twitched upwards into a small smile and she hopped into the Camaro she had just picked up from the compound.

Thirty seconds later the address was in her GPS and she was on her way to her new life. It took her a good thirty minutes before she finally got to the penthouse, since she was already in Detroit, and parked in the parking garage across the street.

She sits in her car, thinking about her last case as an LAPD officer. A child in the foster system had been murdered by his foster dad because he had gotten a D on his math homework.

She'd let out a small sigh before shaking her head to clear her thoughts. She climbs out of the vehicle and walks towards the penthouse.

When she gets to the front door she ties her hair into a tight ponytail before using the keys that the Cheif had given her. Her legs carry her into the living room and she looks around. Her attention turns to a women sitting on the couch with a laptop. "Hello? My name is Stefanie Scott. I was told that this is where I'll be staying/working?" She said, giving a small smile.

( @Shimakage Thunder )
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"Oh, you must be the girl from the LAPD. Yeah, now that you're a part of STAR, you'll be staying here and working here too. Hope you don't mind the home away from home. I'm Amaterasu, but you can just call me Ama, or Terra, take your pick, I'll respond to either one." Amaterasu greeted the newcomer from L.A in an orderly fashion. "Hope you like it here in Detroit, we see plenty of Action everyday, only city that beats us is Chicago." She turned back to her Laptop as she began to scroll down looking through Performance parts for her Skyline. "So what car did you pick out from the Impound Lot?"

(@Aryn Harris )
Stef smiled slightly and nodded her head. "I'm fine with it. I moved around a lot as a kid." She stated, and shrugged her shoulders. "I chose a black 1950 Camaro." She added, and sat down tentatively on the couch. "Have we gotten any cases as of yet?" She asked.

She was anxious to start work. For people who didn't know her, she tended to throw herself into work. Her old boss had caught her staying late at the office one night and found her in the exact same clothing the next morning.

( @Shimakage Thunder )
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"Whatever, man, but I'm still smoking my godamned weed. And I'm not stupid enough to get caught" he said, and the ride was silent until the pulled into the Garage of the Randall Car Shop. "New breaks. We'll wait outside." Mendoza announced, and he inactivated the Police Laptop, the Police Radio, the Sirens, and took out a Mobile Police Radio and put it in his back pocket before he and Charles vacated the Dodge Hellcat. They walked outside and the Mechanics begun work. Mendoza took out his Mobile Radio and said clearly "Dispatch, this is Mendoza, we are exiting the Vehicle to get the Breaks changed. Over" Dispatch said back "10-4, Notify when back on duty, over." And Mendoza replied "10-4, Over" and the Conversation was concluded. He put the Radio away and texted Amaterasu back at the Penthouse "We're getting breaks changed on the Hellcat, gonna be about a half hour." This message was then sent to each Mobile Phone of S.T.A.R Agents by the Penthouse Comms.
Ryan just reached the outside of the grand penthouse - in his equally majestic vehicle - yet was pleasantly surprised at just how fancy the accommodation was, certainly fit for for a king. Though Ryan still noticed he had yet to be properly linked to the rest of the team... Perhaps he should meet them in person, rather than by text. Parking the car into the enormously beautiful garage, Ryan locked - and exited - the Lamborghini. His phone then received a beep,and he received some sort of message relating to breaks yada yada... He didn't care, so ignored it.

Making his way towards the Penthouse, Ryan took a breath, more preparing for the barrage of hate he'd receive from the others, not that it mattered, they had no say. Ryan did, they could hate him all they want. As long as they did their jobs. He entered the penthouse to see two women conversing, likely apart of his - their - new team. He slowly walked over to them and spoke, "I'm not sure which one of you arein charge, or if either of you are, but here's some basic files so you'll know my standing in all of this." He said rather blandly, before handing the paper to the girl who looked more experienced. (Amaratsu)

@Shimakage Thunder @Aryn Harris
Stefanie looked up at the male that had just walked into the penthouse and crossed her dress pants clad legs. She leaned back on the sofa and turned her attention towards Ama then back at the newcomer. "Hi, I'm Stefanie Scott." She said with as much fake enthusiasm she could muster up.

It wasn't that she was like this to all new people. She only acted like this when she didn't like someone's attitude towards their type of work, especially when that person was in that line of work. Her eyes narrowed slightly before she could stop herself and she bit her lower lip gently.

(@Shimakage Thunder @Archangel Galdrael )
KurtH6355 said:
"Whatever, man, but I'm still smoking my godamned weed. And I'm not stupid enough to get caught" he said, and the ride was silent until the pulled into the Garage of the Randall Car Shop. "New breaks. We'll wait outside." Mendoza announced, and he inactivated the Police Laptop, the Police Radio, the Sirens, and took out a Mobile Police Radio and put it in his back pocket before he and Charles vacated the Dodge Hellcat. They walked outside and the Mechanics begun work. Mendoza took out his Mobile Radio and said clearly "Dispatch, this is Mendoza, we are exiting the Vehicle to get the Breaks changed. Over" Dispatch said back "10-4, Notify when back on duty, over." And Mendoza replied "10-4, Over" and the Conversation was concluded. He put the Radio away and texted Amaterasu back at the Penthouse "We're getting breaks changed on the Hellcat, gonna be about a half hour." This message was then sent to each Mobile Phone of S.T.A.R Agents by the Penthouse Comms.
Charles frowned at Mendoza's retort. He couldnt believe it, all these talk about finally sorting out crime in these city when his own friend and partner is gloating the law. Charles know how this will end, Mendoza will caught with the drugs or caught bying them and it is up to Charles to get him out of it. It will be Charles ass on the line as well and everything will be down hill from there, the worse thing would be Charles would go down with Mendoa willingly. He remained quite when they arrived to the garage and sat around waiting for the breaks to be installed, doing same admin for his undercover work meanwhile.
36 minutes later, the breaks were replaced and the two officers were back out on the street. "What do you say, head to the Penthouse now? It seemed pretty fucking awesome. Or, we could go back to where we were and keep looking for that dude...uh...Tap? What kinda fuckin' name is Tap anyway?"
"Probably though it sounded cool or some idiot gave the name and it stuck." He said looking out the window mostly still fuming from the last conversation. " I had enough of drugs for one day, lets see how the others are settling in. If we going to work with these people we need to ingratiate ourselves."
"Yeah, I agree. Alright, to the Penthouse it is" Mendoza said, and he began to drive toward the place. In 29 minutes, they had arrived. Mendoza and Charles walked in together, and Mendoza immediately was astonished with the place. Rhey eventually found the other officers that were currently at the Penthouse. "Ho-ly shit. This place is..wow"
Charles couldnt help look up in awe at the place that was gotten for them. "Mon dieu... Didnt thing the department had this much money to get just one group a place like this..." He said following Mendoza up. "Kinda makes us their debt, we have to perform or else. "
When a paper was handed to her by one of the new officers, Ryan, Ama turned and looked over at him. "I'm the one in charge, head of this division." She looked over the file, it was just the Service Record of the Candidate that handed it to her. "I see. Well then. I look forward to working with all of you. My name's Amaterasu, but you can just call me Ama, or Terra, take your pick. I'll respond to either one." She set the file on top of the coffee table. When Mendoza and Charlies came in, Ama greeted them. "Yeah, I guess the Chief decided to be generous. We're lucky he took the drug money from the Evidence Locker and used that in stead of the Department's Money though. But yeah, we should do the Chief proud and perform to his expectations. Just know I'll be watching too." She smirked before returning her attention to her Laptop, adding a large number of Performance Parts for her vehicle. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to be having a lot of car parts coming in from Japan for my ride. You guys plan on upgrading your cars? I know Stefanie rides the Camaro. What about the rest of you who are here?" she asked.
Mendoza smiled at the others and responded to Amaterasu. "We got a Dodge Hellcat, it's pretty awesome, and we didn't do much with it other than getting the breaks pimped. I'm sure we'll do some tuning some time with it, we were discussing 50. Cals and Spiked Tires" Mendoza said , the last sentence jokingly.
Stef felt the corners of her mouth twitch upward into a small smile. She fixed her dress shirt and ran her fingers through her long brown hair. As much as she enjoyed small talk with her co workers, she always enjoyed working more. It took her mind off of everything wrong in her life.

She looked at her phone when she got a text from one of her old friends from the LAPD. It said that they wished her the best in whatever she was doing now. She replied with a quick thank you and turned her phone off to focus on the people in front of her.

(@Shimakage Thunder @Archangel Galdrael @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki )
"We thought we would have missiles but thought that might be to much.... I mean where would they fit. So we just decided on just some jumping pistons, make the car fly when jump a hill during car chases." Charles continued the joke before studying Ama for a moment. " You were swat right? I think we met before.... Yeah, can't forgot those piercing eyes you arrested me on a drug bust. Was a little rough with me."
"Well, I'm glad everyone has gotten their dream car." When Charles and Mendoza started joking about their Cars, especially with the .50 Cal and Spiked Tires, Ama felt a little annoyed. Especially after Charles added in the Missiles, mainly because they were being a little unrealistic. Oh well, it was just a Joke, so Ama didn't have to take everything so seriously. "Yeah, I was in SWAT for a while." When he said that they may have met before, Ama began remembering that drug bust. "Yeah. I know. Unlike most Officers, I'm not afraid to get violent or rough. Trust me, if I can take on ten Triads, a Drug Bust is nothing to me." She said casually.

(@Archangel Galdrael )

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