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Realistic or Modern True Crime: Streets Of Detroit

"Ten Triads? Holy shit, Lieu. Those guys know like, Karate and shit. That's hardcore. I'm glad you're on our side" Mendoza said with a smile. He sat down at one of the computers nearby and logged on to the CCTV Cameras. He looked at the one outside with interest. "Not alot happening....some guys loitering, smoking, probably dope...And a cop just told them to get rid of it. This stuff is sweet, we can just...people-watch all day. Hell yeah" he said aloud to the others.
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Stef looked around at her new coworkers and bit her tongue. She wasn't really one for joking about what she was going to put on her car. She leaned forward slightly and let out a soft sigh before running her fingers through her hair again.

"If she was rough with you, then you probably deserved it." Her voice carried through out the room and she uncrossed her legs.

Her bottom lip was sucked between her teeth as she began to suck on it lightly before letting it go with a pop. "I mean, it probably wasn't her just being an ass." She added, before looking at the time on her phone.

(@Shimakage Thunder @Archangel Galdrael )
When Jason commented on the Traids' Knowledge of Martial Arts, Ama was well-aware of it. "Before I went into Police Academy, I trained in Mixed Martial Arts, so I had a head start in Hand-to-Hand Combat." When Stef had a little attitude towards Charles, she didn't really say much and figured that she'd let the two of them sort it out amongst each other. However, if it was going to impair their jobs as Cops, then Ama would step in. Her train of thought stopped when someone knocked on their door.
"Huh, got to say my shoulder still get sore sometime when you struck it. No hate, danger of the job and all, just i was impressed alot of wallop in the that pretty package." He complimented admittedly a little smitten though his attention was drawn to the complains from Stef. His expression didnt change much though tad more serious. "Like i said am not complaining, mon aime, i was undercover and had to act like drug leader would and take any thing that comes for the sake of my cover.And yeah i was a bit of an ass."

The loud sound of motorcycle can be heard outside the the apartment buidling, as Asami arrived to check out the new place. When she stopped she removed the helmet and looked at the flat for a moment with no reaction to it before getting of the bike and walking inside. "All this and the lab cant hire new staff or new equipment for the lab." She said shaking her had as she found the other." Just passing through to check the place out, i need to get back to the lab and do some actual work rather then enjoying perks."
Ryan studied Amaratsu, trying to determine if she was being serious, if she was, then they just had to spar some time... The man was always curious as to who could get better training than a CIA Field Agent, but ten triads? That was a nice feat, "So, you trained in Mixed Martial Arts..." Ryan stopped, letting his sentence hang, making it hard to discern whether it was a compliment, insult or neither. Of course he wasn't actively trying to be an ass... It was just, Ryan. He was still shocked that he wasn't in charge, something must have changed in the system, last he checked he had the highest rank among them... Was this some sort of top division that had a completely different system? Despite his itch to know, he didn't speak up about it. He may be an ass sometimes, but loudly declaring why he isn't - but should be - the leader, is a great way to become so hated you find your way into an early grave.
Nicholas Mendoza - Second-In-Command

Nicholas is a Mexican Officer from Havana who moved to Detroit to escape the harsh Mexican Police Force after murdering his Step-Father in defense of his mother. He was incarcerated willingly in the States, and was drafted into the War Of Afghanistan. After he was discharged, he joined with the DPD. He went to Patrol for 3 Years, Vice for 1 Year, and he is now in S.T.A.R as Second in Command.



Mendoza's Suppressed Beretta 9FS2 M9


Mendoza and Charles's Dodge Hellcat SRT 2015


Jason smirked when Ryan spoke to Amaterasu, immediately recognizing his intentions and the way he awkwardly let it sit there. He was gonna comment, but he saw Asami walk in. "Welcome to the Penthouse!" He yelled with a laugh, still watching the CCTVs. "Nice bike" he added, having full view of the Bike parked outside.
Amaterasu sighed as she continued to look at Car Parts on her Laptop before waving over at her sister. Another Officer, though in plain clothes like they were, showed up. "Hi everyone, I'm Corporal Kim. I've been transferred into this Division as the dispatcher. May I speak to the one in charge?" She asked, walking in and introducing herself to everyone in the current room. Ama raised her hand. "I'm head of this division, she put her laptop aside and went up to shake hands with the fellow officer. "I look forward to working with you, Corporal Kim." Ama smiled. "So, where is the work station for me? Since...I'll be here most of the time?" She asked. Ama pointed over to a Computer with four screens and some other useful equipment. "If you need anything, lemme know." Ama said as she sat back down on the couch and went back to scrolling through car parts.

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