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Realistic or Modern True Crime: Streets Of Detroit

(Okay, I'm going to be doing a Time Skip. Everyone will be at the FBI Impound Lot to select their cars. After that, we'll be going to our Undercover HQ, then the real action can start.)

After being briefed by the Chief, Amaterasu was happy to be leading this new unit. If anyone disobeyed orders, they were going to be having plenty of fun. Though as everyone got ready to leave to go to the Impound Lot, Mr. Lock was asked to stay behind by the Chief, who wanted to "Talk some more". As soon as the new Police Unit arrived at the Impound Lot, Amaterasu Smirked, because she had a whole selection of cars that she'd like to use. Her first choice of course, was the 1999 Nissan Skyline GT-R R34. There were a few of them in the Impound, so she decided to go ahead and ask for it. A brilliant Mechanic already, Amaterasu was going to have fun customizing her Car.

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@Bills352 @Kai Ghoul @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki



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Asami could help give a small smile seeing Ama looking through the cars, its been a while since she saw her so excited about something even if it was cars. "You are in you element now are you? Though i though you would have picked something a little better." She said sarcastically , though it was said more goat her to speak more about her get and may get more excited about it. While that was going she looked around at the selection of impounded vehicles, she looked past the cars to a harley sportster in the corner and spoke."Now that one, that is mine."

Mendoza looked around at all the beautiful cars, but he didn't want something too fancy. Detroit was full of low-end cars, and if he got something too flashy, people would probably get an idea of what was up, which obviously was the opposite of what he needed as a Undercover Officer. He spotted a red 2015 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Dyno near the back of the Lot, and took a seat in. He liked the feel. He poked his head outside of the car and whistled for Charles. When Charles approached, he asked "What you think, man?" He assumed Charles and him would roll together, since they'd been partners for almost a year now.

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Will sighed as the new team went to the FBI impound lot, Will wasn't really a big car man well unless it came down to old american muscle but that wouldn't help since most compared to the cars of today were slow. Will took his time looking at each of the cars or well any that took his fancy but so far none did. He looked around to see what the rest of his squad mates were looking at and it seemed two people already had their minds made up, it seemed that this place was Amaterasu heaven which made Will thought that she was a big car fan or well tuner cars at least hinted by the Nissan she picked. After a while of looking around he final found something to his liking a 2013 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500. Getting inside Will smiled the seats were comfy real leather it felt like, the steering wheel was in good shape and even had a cover over it. Yes this was the car for him.

Charles was looking at a car of his own, he wasn't really interested in getting a new car his old fiat punto was a fine enough car and less conspicuous then any of these. He admired of the cars of course some which really nice and guessed most of these were gang owned paid for drug money. A fact that made the cars less appealing, He heard Mandoza call to him with his choice of car."Hmmm... Oh"He said walking up to the car and looking at it." Eh yeah d'accord... Looks good..."
"What do you think? Want to roll with me in this, or pick something else and go solo for change?" Mendoza asked, one foot out of the car and on the pavement, the other in the car, one arm dangling out the side, one on the steering wheel, and his head was still peeking out of the car looking at Charles.
"Well i got my own car i can use if i have to go at it on my own, i usually use it in my undercover work. So in short i am not getting another car. " He said before finally deciding to sit on the passenger side of the car and setting in."Seems you are stuck with me as backseat driver for a little longer. "
Mendoza smiled when Charles got in the car. "I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't see you only as a partner no more, man, I see you as a friend. You've saved my life, as I've saved your's. We got a bond going, we a team, you feel me, man?" Mendoza asked, offering his right first for a bump.
Charles looked at him awkwardly for a moment. "You are expecting us to kiss now or something? You are such puss man...Seriously just easy on the blubbering." He said almost seriously before chuckling bumping his fist." Yeah, i feel you man, we cool. " He said imitating black street speech. " Come on then, mon aime, let see if can take this car for a spin."
"Wait, what, no kiss? The fuck?" Mendoza said with a laugh. "Alright Mr. Unfeeling, let's hit the whip" Mendoza said, and he drove to the front of the Impound Lot. "Mind if we drive around a little?" Mendoza asked the guy in charge. "You're free to go. In God's Grace" the man responded. Mendoza nodded and took a right out of the Lot. "Car feels right. What you think? Handling is decent, I bet this baby could go around 200 MPH. Ain't no crim getting away from us"

(Hey, @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki wanna do a little more of this?)
"C'mon sis, you know me. I love Imports. And this IS my dream car, so I'm taking it before it gets sent back to Japan or whatever." Amaterasu smiled as she grabbed the keys to the Skyline, not all that surprised that her sister chose a Harley Davidson. When the Engine roared to life, Amaterasu smirked. With this beautiful car now in her hands, she couldn't be more happier. Looks like keeping the peace was going to be fun. Better yet, the Car was a 6-Speed, so she wasn't all worried. She began remembering her days as an Undercover Detective. Looking around at the other cars that her teammates had chosen, she was happy that they found their cars too. She revved her Engine to get them to follow her and soon pulled up to a stoplight.
(sure just waiting to see if there is any other replies.)

"Did you hear the breaks? Nah a little too much screeching there, thats more like spark making then breaking." He said despite his worlds a look of excitement in his eyes at another sound of the car." But the engine, ah tres tres bien would love to hear our little girl purr at full speed... After replacing those breaks."

"Well, i have to say i am proud you haven't become too American to appreciate Japanese quality. Look at me a slave of great American junk." Asami said jokingly at one of her small moment of levity, as she picked up her keys and helmet for the bike and got on. She turned on the engine and reeved it a few times in joying the noise and vibration coming from her bike. She moved the bike through the cars getting next to Amaterasu."How do look? Too mid life crysis? I should probably take off the lab coat."
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"Sweet, I know a bank not far, so we both withdraw 300 bucks, making 600, which should cover the breaks, then we go to the Car Shop down in Randall. Sound like a plan, Charlie?" Mendoza asked, already heading toward the Huntington Bank.
"Sounds like plan... Well knowing our luck while we withdraw money there will be some sort of bank robbery. " He said jokingly and nodded, letting himself to be driven to the bank. The arrived at the bank soon after and the two of the went to draw money from the atm." Huh, quelle surprise no robbery. "
"Definetly a good surprise, but there's always stupid people in the bank, so keep a lookout" Mendoza said, walking up to the ATM and taking out three hundred dollar bills. Just then, as if on cue, one man shoved another. Mendoza drew his badge and flashed it at the two. "Both of you, leave the bank" Mendoza ordered, and this they did. Mendoza then turned to Charles, putting his badge away. "Ready to go?"
Charles nodded and waited for Mendoza to draw money, leaning on the wall next to the atm. When the man came, he tapped Mendoza on the shoulder and made him aware. As his parter showed his badge, Charles showed his gun holster"Yeah, let's make our car less of a death trap, at least for us."
"You plan on making it one for someone else? Spiked wheels, 50 Cal. in the windshield...completely inconspicuous, right?" Mendoza smiled, walking out of the bank and to the Dodge Hellcat. He got in, turned the key In the ignition, and pulled away toward the Randall Car Shop.
Carlos clapped his hands together once he entered the impound, it was obvious what he was going to grab: The H3 Hummer. The bulletproofing was a huge plus as well, since he was definitely expecting to get into some shit.

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He turned towards the Lt and crossed his arms, a small grin crossing his face. He wasn't really paying attention to the brief, so he figured he would ask his new leadership some key details.

" So... When are we getting our weapons? I have my personal rifle at the house, but I'd rather have my Raging Bull sidearm that was taken from me in Oakland for leaving the station. "



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KurtH6355 said:
"You plan on making it one for someone else? Spiked wheels, 50 Cal. in the windshield...completely inconspicuous, right?" Mendoza smiled, walking out of the bank and to the Dodge Hellcat. He got in, turned the key In the ignition, and pulled away toward the Randall Car Shop.
"The windshield? Are you nuts? Have them rise up from the side of the bonet when we need them. Have you ever watched a Bond film? Besides your driving does most of the work for us." He said jokingly as they drove before looking around at the street and sighed. "You think we are going to make a dent with this new group?"
"I think that we will, Charlie. The new group is supposedly the best of the best, the elites, so we should be called into some dangerous shit. Like, maybe not a bank robbery, but like...drug rings and shit, taking out entire gangs of families. We attack the criminals, in this little group, the criminals don't attack us. The rest of the DPD is the Defense, and we're the Offense. At least, in my philosophy. So yeah, I think we'll make a dent in this new group. Maybe we can rid Detroit of crime all together one day." He said to Charles, and they both bursted out laughing after a few seconds at his last sentence. "Okay, maybe not. But the rest of my little speech, yeah, I mean it"
"Yeah, a small group would do what what an entire divisions couldnt." Charles said wanting to believe Mendoza's encouragement but still had its doubt." Past five years i helped take down gangs, drugs rings and one mafia group but it always seems for ever one of them there is two take their place. Its disheartening some times you know?"
"Yeah, man, for sure, but think about how bad it is now, and then think about how bad it would be if we weren't even trying." Mendoza said, still heading towards the Car Shop in Randall. He pulled out a cigarette, rolled down a window, and began to smoke. It wasn't nicotine, it was weed.
Ryan stood in the compound, thinking over his new position as apart of S.T.A.R. A last minute addition... Thanks to father-dearest once more, damn. The others would be pissed, a young son of CIA's leader being granted the current highest ranking position over a newly formed elite sort of unit. Just thinking about it gave him chills, they were going to hate him. Still, he wasn't going to be pushed around by any one of them, he had as much experience in the field - potentially more - than each person there.

But right now, he was in an FBI compound, here to choose a car. Obviously he had already chosen...


The grand Lamborghini Aventador! A fancy car for a fancy man. Sure, it wasn't the most practical car in the world, it had no armor... No bulletproof glass, isn't the most powerful for chases, only had two seats, so was awful for arrests. However, it looked smart, luxurious and impressive! It was also mightily fast and would have little trouble keeping up in a car chase. Not to mention Ryan's identity to the public wasn't known, so should the need arise, he'd be a perfect undercover agent for infiltrating some large politician party.

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