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Realistic or Modern True Crime: Streets Of Detroit

A little time passed; Carlos drinking his usual Vodka and Redbull mix drink on his couch. He was awaiting the call that was sure to come to him to re-group at his new station to be initiated. He hated this process, since it required him to talk to the head guy at the office. Almost on point; Carlos' cellphone rang with new text message telling him to go to his new station and meet the chief. He sighed and made his way outside; taking a short walk toward his new station.

@Shimakage Thunder
"Hm." Mendoza said, tired of the subject. He put the pedal to the floor and they began to cruise, not much going on, until on the radio, it said "Officer Mendoza and Officer Bellard, please report to the Chief's Office". "Uh-oh" Mendoza said, pulling a U-Turn and heading back toward the precinct. (@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki)
'Corporal, meet me in my Office ASAP. We have some...Business to discuss.' After sending that text message to the new Officer in their Precinct. He then awaited the arrival of the others that he has contacted. Including former FBI Investigator William Davis, Vice Investigator Charles Bellard. Vice Sergeant Nicholas Mendoza, Corporal Tavien Shemlock and, even though he hasn't told the Lieutenant, he also contacted her older Sister, Officer Asami, who works in the Forensics Division.

Speak of the devil, the Lieutenant herself would be the first to show, as one of her teammates offered to do the Report in her Steed since she was going to be leaving S.W.A.T. She looked pretty annoyed. The Chief didn't blame her though, being in S.W.A.T, especially the team leader, was a tough position.

@Kai Ghoul @Bills352 @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Octavius
Carlos reluctantly walked in, smirking at the Lt as he noticed her. He really didn't give a shit about the episode earlier, and he was happy and content with his alcohol.

" Well, look who it is... Good ol Lt shoot em up! "

Carlos chuckled a little, crossing his arms and awaiting whatever was to come next. It slightly occurred to him that she could be potentially be his superior; but he didn't really give a shit about that either. As long as she could shoot straight, and not get him killed making a dumb ass decision.
"What did you do to piss off the Chief, Nic." He said more jokingly then accusingly wanting to defuse the awkwardness between them due to the topic of discussion. "I kid, probably a citation for the murder bust."He added as they drove back to the station and then walked towards the chefs office.

Asami was working in her lab examining a pair of female underware of a recent murder victim. The case was horrid girl was said to be raped beaten through a pulp and thrown in a ditch, according to the M.E's report not necessarily in that order. This was not even the worse case in her back log of evidence she had to work on and more coming in with the hour. Worse still the the lab was understaffed. "We're have you two been?! You know what I don't care get lab coat and GET TO WORK!" She yelled at a couple of latecomers, another problem with the lab and one one she had little patience with. She shook her head as went back to work, finding stain in the lower part of underwear, she became a little excited about a possible discovery. Though no sooner had she took out a swap that she got a call from the precinct calling her in. She groaned, not what she needed right now, she yelled at one of the colleagues who still wasnot working to take over and left for the station. Arriving soon after.
The drive to the police station was quiet after that. When they got there, Mendoza parked the car in front of the station and took the keys out of the ignition, yawning, and he got out, walking into the station, Charles behind him. Mendoza walked into the Chief's office and smiled, nodding, and offering his hand to the male officer, the one closest to him. "Officer Mendoza, Vice, Sergeant" Mendoza greeted the other two officers, which were strangers at the moment.
Carlos sarcastically shook Mendoza's hand.

" Cpl Kane, just a wandering officer. "

He didn't even feel like a police officer since he signed on; only wearing the uniform a couple times for ceremonial purposes. And that pleased him greatly; wearing a uniform around places like this made your job incredibly way too difficult.
"Hm. Peculiar. I like it" Mendoza said, squeezing Kane's hand friendly-like, after ending the short hand shake Mendoza offered his hand to the woman, and repeated his greeting. "Officer Mendoza, Vice, Sergeant". He noticed how pretty she was immediately, but he soon pushed out the thought. He had just broken up with a girl last night. Three day rule.
Because of his attitude, Amaterasu already hated him. "If you push it, I'll put a bullet in your head and I can assure that I don't miss." she growled. "Calm down LT, I have enough to worry about without everyone being at each other's throats." The Chief ordered. "And you." He glared at Carlos. "Work on that attitude." He said in a very cold voice. Meanwhile, he sent a text to the Officers picking the Ex-Investigator. "Just two more and we'll begin the Debrief." The Chief said. Amaterasu just crossed her legs and folded her arms. Sad part was, the Chief was putting her on a team with people she doesn't get along with, so she'd have to find a way to work things out.
What kind of favoritism shit-show was this? She obviously had a stick up her ass to threaten his life almost immediately; but whatever. Carlos wasn't going to argue with an obviously ate up Lt and a ignorant Chief. He crossed his arms and kept his mouth shut.
Will sighed as he felt his phone buzz, it was a text from the chief of police how he got Will's number he didn't know or more so didn't care what slightly annoyed him is the fact that even though Will had been waiting just outside his door but all well he is a busy man so it should have been expected. Opening the door to the Chiefs office Will walked in, he didn't expect the room to be filled with other officers since well Will still had no idea why he was called. Will simply stood at the back of the room silently he didn't feel the need to introduce himself after all he doubted he would even stay for long.
(So your character is shaking with Mendoza but hating on Carlos, right?)

Mendoza finished the shake with the female officer as the other officer came in. Mendoza didn't feel like doing another meet and greet, so he just nodded and said "Hello". He then took a lean against the right wall, facing the chief, waiting. (Should we wait for @Octavius and @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki?)
"Bonjour Investigator Bellard, vice." Charles said as he entered the office slightly worried about what was this all about as he stood in attention. He looked at those who were in the room from different areas, he failed to see how they were connected.

"OK, what is this all about?"Asami said indignitly as she entered the office."I have a work to do which you people demanded yesterday... "She paused when she saw Amaterasu there and went quite.
Mendoza looked at the woman in a white lab coat narrowly, not appreciating how she barged in and started bitching the Chief, but he let it go. When he noticed that she looked at Amaterasu's and shut up he noticed their similarities. Sisters? He then saw Amaterasu's nametag, and noticed who it was. He gasped a little too loudly, causing Amaterasu to look at him. "You were that Lieutenant at the Robbery. The one where a hostage died" Mendoza said coldly. He would have berated her, but they were in the presence of the Chief, so he bit his tounge.
KurtH6355 said:
(So your character is shaking with Mendoza but hating on Carlos, right?)
Mendoza finished the shake with the female officer as the other officer came in. Mendoza didn't feel like doing another meet and greet, so he just nodded and said "Hello". He then took a lean against the right wall, facing the chief, waiting. (Should we wait for @Octavius and @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki?)
(No she's just sitting there, but while they're shaking hands, she responds to his snarky comment. And yes, we should wait for @Octavius )

When her sister came in, the Lieutenant was a little surprised. But she didn't say anything about it. When Mendoza decided to poke a button, Amaterasu just snapped. "I know I made a bad judgment call, you don't have to remind me, Sergeant..." She growled. Although she usually plays nice, her day wasn't exactly good. Yes, it wasn't cool to take it out on co-workers, but to her, they were really just asking it. The Chief sighed. "You guys finished?" He asked. Seeing the Asami greeted him, he was a little irritated, but can understand her frustration.
"Yeah, sorry Chief" Mendoza said. He stayed for a little after that, presumably waiting for other officers. "What's this about, Sir?" Mendoza asked, intrigued. Why was a S.W.A.T Officer, Two Vice Officers, and a Cpl. all in here? What's the relation?
(Screw it, he can catch up, I don't wanna keep you guys waiting)

"I guess I'll give our final guest a Debrief whenever he decides to show up." The Chief said as he sat down in his Office Chair. "Now I called all of you here because I am forming a new division. One that has special jurisdiction over the city. And all of you are the best of the best from your respective division. Now Corporal Kane just transferred in from Oakland, and he will join the rest of you in the new division." He then looked Carlos in the eye. "And if he has a problem with that, he can always go back to Oakland." He then turned to the Lieutenant. "Now Lieutenant, I want you to lead this new Division."

Amaterasu raised her hand, to signify that she had a question. "With all due respect, Chief, what's the name of this new Division?" she asked.

"S.T.A.R. Stands for Special Tactics and Response." The Chief continued. "Now unlike the rest of the Department, you guys will have special jurisdiction over the entire city, kinda like the LAPD's EOD, but with more...Field Agents, I guess you can say. Oh and you guys can kiss your costumes goodbye, gonna be plainclothes duty from now on." He laughed a bit. "Oh and I got Evidence Disposal to hand over some of the Drug Money that was confiscated by Narcotics. Aside from that, you guys are kinda on your own when it comes to weapons and ammunition. However, I will do my best to provide you guys with a Headquarters and all the other necessary equipment you need. With that aside, any questions?"
"What kind of transportation will we have? Will we be getting it from the Police or do we use our own personal vehicles? And are we all rolling seperately or together as one unit?" Mendoza asked the Chief. "Also, being the highest ranking Officer below Lieutenant Kawashima, I am second-in-command and would take over leadership of the Special Tactics and Response it Lieutenant Kawashima were to be killed or otherwise incapacitated, correct?" Mendoza asked the Chief.
"Well, Sergeant, I have a good answer to your first question. For transportation, you will be using neither vehicles provided by the department itself or your personal vehicles. I have spoken to the FBI Director and he has agreed to let you guys take vehicles of your choice from their Impound Lot. I will provide you with the necessary equipment that you guys would normally use in our cruisers. Oh and your vehicles will be unmarked." When the Chief said that, Amaterasu smirked, being knowledgeable in cars.

What got her recommendation for SWAT was a Sting Operation that led to the bust of a Street Racing ring. "For your second question, you will be rolling separately, but I will expect you to be coordinating as a Team. If you wanna ride shotgun with one another, that's fine too. Now for your last question Sergeant, yes, you are the second-in-command, but I will expect you to follow orders from the Lieutenant. But if she is somehow removed from duty, you will be appointed leader, but just know that she will have her place back when she recovers. However, and this goes for all of you, if any of you guys are written up." He looked at Amaterasu first, then everyone else one by one. "The first time, two weeks suspension. Second time, six months suspension. Third time...Indefinite Suspension until I figure out what the fuck to do with you."
" Gucci... "

Carlos said, a big smile crossing his face. He absolutely had no problems running around Detroit with almost no restrictions and unmarked cars. This was sort of like his gig in Oakland after all. Carlos didn't give a flying shit about who was 'in charge' of him, seeing as he would most definitely ride solo.
"I see. Thank you Chief" Mendoza replied politely. He looked to Charles, they would most likely stick together in this new Division. "I appreciate this Oppurtunity, I'm sure I nor any of us will disappoint you" he said once again, politely. He as a very smooth and polite speaker when he needed to be, but he was usually casual about how he spoke.
Will scratched his head personally he didn't seem to fit in with the rest, so why was he chosen sure he could profile any murders but other than that nothing heck he could give them a hell of a lesson on physiological aspects on a murder. "So if I may ask, why am I here?" Will asked his first word he had said since he entered the room. "I mean heck I quit the FBI over a week ago but even when I was in the FBI I was only a teacher." Will said he was slightly lying after all he did help profile serial killers for nearly a year but still his main job was a teacher.

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