• This section is for roleplays only.
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Work has been crazy for me, I'm in the mental health field. Thank you for the reminder on this! Between wortk and personal life i lost track of everything

No worries. You're doing important work and it's vital to take care of yourself too. This should always be fun and a way to get out of situation for a while, not an obligation.
I am always here. Watching. Waiting. Commiserating.

[Blink 182 breaks into my house and beats me with skateboards]
Things are wild all over. No rush or stress on anyone.
And if anyone needs to dip for a couple of weeks just let us know.
Sorry for the delay! A combination of me never learning from swallowed notifications and work caused this to completely slip my mind. Just posted myself, and hope everyone's doing well also!
I think Meti should report on the crime scene next, then Pearl about the ghost, Anahita about the medical examination, and finally someone wake Ceda from her nap to report on her questioning of witnesses.
I hear you. I miss the sun and our house has smelled like an ashtray for 4 days. At least no evacs over here.
Oof, glad to hear you're otherwise okay but health and safety first. I've been worried about Oregonian friends enough since the protests started and the fires are the shit icing on a urinal cake of a year.
Oof, glad to hear you're otherwise okay but health and safety first. I've been worried about Oregonian friends enough since the protests started and the fires are the shit icing on a urinal cake of a year.
That's putting it mildly lol

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