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Dice Trial By Fire - OOC

Since we no longer have a sorcerer in the party, that makes some of the things I planned a bit difficult. Such as redoing the contract with the demons.

To that end, I was thinking. Would it be worthwhile for me to invest in learning sorcery?

I would need at least 2 more dots in occult to access Terrestrial Circle Sorcery. That's not too bad. However Bards intelligence is at only 2, which wouldn't leave his rolls as very potent unless I spent considerable xp to raise it up.

Do you all have any thoughts?

One thought I had, Sherwood Sherwood . Since Silver Voiced Nightingale style already is a little bit mystic in nature, would there be some way for the "Sorcerous Martial Arts" initiation to blend sorcery and martial arts in a way that would ease the pain of a major XP investment that changes a direction of a build?

For example I'd take this shaping ritual
Eight Trigram Strike: The sorcerer’s attacks both empower herself and bring defeat to those who oppose her. Once per scene, she may choose to forfeit the excess successes on a martial arts attack, gaining one sorceress mote per success forfeited. She must declare that she is doing so prior to making her attack. She gains nothing if she misses.

Would help dumb Bard gather some motes.

And these Merits
Martial Sorcery (Merit ••): The sorcerer may spend sorcerous motes on the Martial Arts charm for a specific style. This merit may be purchased multiple times, adding an additional Style with each purchase as the sorcerer unlocks deeper unity between them.

Sorcerous motes spent on these Charms can be consumed from those already gathered as part of a previous shape sorcery action; if this reduces the gathered motes to zero, then the spell is lost as normal. Sorcerers may also use shape sorcery actions to gather motes specifically for martial arts charms; motes gathered in this fashion fade at a rate of three sorcerous motes per turn spent without shaping sorcery or making martial arts actions, and may only be spent to pay for Martial Arts charms of styles purchased with this merit.
All Things Presently (Merit ••••): Masters of mystic martial arts know the body and mind are one, and that the Dance of Twelve Trigrams, the Eight Secret Breaths, and the One-Hundred-Twenty-Eight Gestures are fundamentally the same as the katas and movements that underlay combat. Sorcerers with this Merit may spend one Willpower to flurry shape sorcery actions with withering Martial Arts attacks, regaining the spent willpower if the attack is successful.

These also help dumb Bard get motes, and let's me incorporate some of the sorcery to aid in saving me essence on MA charms. Making it so that I take advantage of the XP investment into sorcery rather than it wasting in a corner. And when combined with Burning Radiance (another SMA merit), it adds a good Defense to me as well when shaping.

However. One of the biggest issues is the spells themselves, as they would not be very potent. Would there be a way to reason that certain spells can be stunted into rolling with more favorable abilities? Namely ones can be reasonably argued into such a feat. For example, Thunder Wolf Howl is in its nature is very harmonious with Silver Voiced Nightgale style.

But these are just thoughts, I don't need sorcery that much to go through too much trouble. Just enough that I can help our circle with certain obstacles we come across.

For building Bard, I'd much rather invest in Presence, Performance, and Socialize stuffs.

As well as MA charms.

Speaking of! Another question Sherwood Sherwood Would I need to make a 4dot purchase of the MA Merit and purchase MA ability dots again if I wanted to learn other styles of martial arts?
Since we no longer have a sorcerer in the party

Maja will probably eventually buy her Intelligence up to 5 and buy Sorcery, but it's way down on my list of things to buy. Have to get to Appearance 12 first so I can relive 2e Pretty Kitty and pointlessly throw 30 dice on Instills.
Maja will probably eventually buy her Intelligence up to 5 and buy Sorcery, but it's way down on my list of things to buy. Have to get to Appearance 12 first so I can relive 2e Pretty Kitty and pointlessly throw 30 dice on Instills.
I need to get Bards up high too. Less for 2e, stuff. But more because Bard can't be a bard if he can't effectively seduce an Abyssal.
There are plenty of points to be earned to get your stats and Charms/Sorcery stuff coming up.
There are plenty of points to be earned to get your stats and Charms/Sorcery stuff coming up.
Sounds like you are planning something evil against us.

Another question! How would I go about getting a couple of imps and forming a band for Bard?
I'm always planning evil vs my players; I'm a Storyteller.

As for the imps, you'll have to talk to them some more about that.
Psychie Psychie

Also going to need to have a heart to heart with Spider at some point too! Where Bard can break down her stoic walls to get to the bottom of whatever it is their bond means.
BTW, speaking of Evil. Is anyone here familiar enough with the World of Darkness games to offer some advice or wisdom?
I'm familiar with them, but not an expert. I haven't played any of the Chronicles of Darkness or whatever the new revamp of everything is called.
I'm familiar with them, but not an expert. I haven't played any of the Chronicles of Darkness or whatever the new revamp of everything is called.
Is it out already?

I'm mostly just looking for some advice on were to start. Of which I was thinking of doing something in making a small Werewolves game. Still trying to cut my teeth on being a gm. But there's werewolves apocalypse, werewolves forsaken, 2e, w20. Not sure where to start.
Ah, yes, the Chronicles of Darkness revamp (formerly called New World of Darkness, I believe, as opposed to Old World of Darkness, which I'm more familiar with) came out many years ago. It uses a core rulebook on which all the other CoD game lines are based.

Wereworlf: The Apocalypse is the Old World of Darkness Werewolf line. As with all Old World of Darkness stuff it's old old. Early 90s old. Werewolf: The Forsaken is the Chronicles of Darkness (New World of Darkness) line. It will have more modern rules and sensibilities. W20 is a 20th anniversary revamp of Werewolf: The Apocalypse. I've heard generally good things about the 20th anniversary revamps, and I think if you want to play Old World of Darkness they're your best bet. Old World of Darkness and Chronicles of Darkness have very different mechanics, but also radically different fluff. My knowledge of the setting in CoD is limited, but from my understanding the mechanics are much better and the fluff is different but at least as good.

Mage is my personal favourite <Thing> of Darkness line, and some day if you're feeling ambitious the excellent Exalted vs The World of Darkness game created by an ex-3e developer is probably the hardest tabletop RPG I've ever seen to run, simply because of the absurd amount of fluff knowledge that would be required to deal with Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, Mummies, and all the Exalted in the same modern world setting.
Ah, yes, the Chronicles of Darkness revamp (formerly called New World of Darkness, I believe, as opposed to Old World of Darkness, which I'm more familiar with) came out many years ago. It uses a core rulebook on which all the other CoD game lines are based.

Wereworlf: The Apocalypse is the Old World of Darkness Werewolf line. As with all Old World of Darkness stuff it's old old. Early 90s old. Werewolf: The Forsaken is the Chronicles of Darkness (New World of Darkness) line. It will have more modern rules and sensibilities. W20 is a 20th anniversary revamp of Werewolf: The Apocalypse. I've heard generally good things about the 20th anniversary revamps, and I think if you want to play Old World of Darkness they're your best bet. Old World of Darkness and Chronicles of Darkness have very different mechanics, but also radically different fluff. My knowledge of the setting in CoD is limited, but from my understanding the mechanics are much better and the fluff is different but at least as good.

Mage is my personal favourite <Thing> of Darkness line, and some day if you're feeling ambitious the excellent Exalted vs The World of Darkness game created by an ex-3e developer is probably the hardest tabletop RPG I've ever seen to run, simply because of the absurd amount of fluff knowledge that would be required to deal with Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, Mummies, and all the Exalted in the same modern world setting.
I think I'd start with CoD. Seeimg as there seem to be less books at the moment. Gives me a chance to wrap my head around the core without being confused by extra materials.

I'm way too ambitious for my own good. And exalted vs WoD sounds absolutely epic in every way. I'd be down in a heartbeat. It sounds completely mad and like all out war.

Then again, isn't Scion kind of like exalted in WoD?
Scion does have some parallels with Exalted, but they're also very different. Exalted is very Xianxia/Wuxia, whereas Scion has a much more classical European flavour.
There are certainly some Solar Charms that let you deflect or even invert the social influence of others. The second picture is what you'd get if you used one of those, I think. What's the opposite of a Tie of Fear? A Tie of 'Awwww, So Adorable!'?

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