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Dice Trial By Fire - OOC

I can have you roll, but with your posts being as excellent as they are, along with the minor tie you instilled in her before, you have Mahina feeling very positive towards you right now.
I can have you roll, but with your posts being as excellent as they are, along with the minor tie you instilled in her before, you have Mahina feeling very positive towards you right now.
Question! Are there ways of finding out what intimacies one has? Like rolls to make it easier to discover.
I'm not sure. There may be Charms that can do that, but off of the top of my head, I don't know.
You're looking for the Read Intentions or Profile actions for Socialize or Investigation, respectively. You ask a broad question ("How does Mahina feel about me?" or guess an Intimacy, "I think Mahina has a Tie of Loyalty to House V'Neef"), then you roll Socialize + Perception or Investigation + Perception vs her Guile.

If you succeed, the storyteller reveals to you a relevant intimacy and its intensity.
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You're looking for the Read Intentions or Profile actions for Socialize or Investigation, respectively. You ask a broad question ("How does Mahina feel about me?" or guess an Intimacy, "I think Mahina has an Tie of Loyalty to House V'Neef"), then you roll Socialize + Perception or Investigation + Perception vs her Guile.

Guile! Thats what i was thinking of.. Cool beans. So then.

Sherwood Sherwood
Follow Randoms wisdom, i would like to try the above.

"How does Mahina feel about bard?"

Perception 2, social 5. With 3 motes of excellent to make it an even number.

Sux: 6
Don't forget you can stunt your Read Intentions just like anything else, usually by describing how you get her to reveal her feelings, or how you go about deducing her beliefs.
Don't forget you can stunt your Read Intentions just like anything else, usually by describing how you get her to reveal her feelings, or how you go about deducing her beliefs.
I thought about that. But given i already posted, I figure this would be easier. Given im relatively new to social stuff in general. Once I get a better feel for it I'll be able to more confidently stunt things like that.
Guile! Thats what i was thinking of.. Cool beans. So then.

Sherwood Sherwood
Follow Randoms wisdom, i would like to try the above.

"How does Mahina feel about bard?"

Perception 2, social 5. With 3 motes of excellent to make it an even number.

Sux: 6
Mahina now has a Major tie of affection for Bard.
There is a total of eight soldiers, two servants, and Mahina and Milo.

And at this pace you may be able to make it to the fortress in a day and a half of hard travel.
Bard: "Hey Milo, Spider has awakened essence."

Milo: doesn't believe Bard, thinks to himself *i bet Spider has awakened essence*
All the frustration, fear, and feelings of helplessness threaten to awaken that thing inside her she's been so carefully ignoring and sublimate into rage at the slightest provocation - and in that moment the sickening realization dawns on her that the Moon doesn't need her. Kuaidao doesn't need her. They need this thing in her soul. It won't hesitate to kill - in fact, as she reaches out for it she's shocked to find it seething with murderous rage. It wants to hunt these southern foreigners with an intensity that frightens and nearly overwhelms her. It howls for revenge and bays for blood.

Heya. Was just curious; did I give off the impression that Kuaidao only values Maja for her Exaltation, or are you deliberately writing Maja as mistakenly assuming that about him? I won't be bothered either way.
Sorry! No, you didn't imply anything like that. Maja is mistaken, but she's actually not thinking Kuaidao only wants her for her Exaltation. She's more thinking: "Everyone's big on this war thing - even the spirits. I've been chosen to participate, but fighting a war is the last thing I want to be doing. Worse, I don't think I can. This rage filled piece of my soul that really wants revenge on the Realm, though, this thing I'm terrified of is what everyone needs right now." Except she doesn't know how long 'right now' is - it could be for the rest of her life if she's feeling fatalistic.

She's got really high willpower, so I was imagining she was unusually good at keeping the rage that naturally comes from every Lunar exaltation stuffed down in a little box with her lingering First Age memories (Actually that raises a point I hadn't considered - her Exaltation may well have been making the rounds since then, and I haven't thought about what her past incarnations have been up to since the Usurpation), and she's really afraid of what's in the box. She has a very unhealthy relationship with her exaltation at the moment. Rivers was helping her with that, but with her gone Maja is probably going to have to go find a temple to some aspect of Luna or a Shahan-Ya if she wants to get somewhere healthy emotionally and philosophically any time soon.
"Sorry mate. The wife's a bit mental. Millenias old rage fuelled divinely empowered war machine lodged in her noggin. You know how it is."

Rhabwar nods sagely.
6 sux for the awareness roll! Hopefully gives me the chance to get a heads up on the circles plans.

If they are planning an attack, then Bard is going to need to put his plan into motion immediately. With the camp set up, its the excuse he needs to siddle into Mahina's sheets.
I'm just trying to keep Milo from getting too suspicious of the two of us, mostly by keeping to the role of swordsman/bodyguard for Bard.
I'm just trying to keep Milo from getting too suspicious of the two of us, mostly by keeping to the role of swordsman/bodyguard for Bard.
Alrighty. Want me to try and push him in your direction? I feel kinda bad that Spider doesn't have much to do.
Perhaps I can try with him what you are trying to do with Mahina. lol
That... might not actually be a bad idea. Given that it could mean a chance to get both dynasts on our side. Even if you can get at least a minor intimacy seeded, that might really help in turning him once we turn his sister. Jnless you were meaning she try herself on Mahina too.

Another option, is the movement in the woods. Bard was just going to proclaim he needed to take a whiz and go check it out.

However, Bard could point out to Spider that he saw a FOX (which may or may not actually be Maja), and since Bard is going to assume the movement is likely something on the exalts side, that Spider could go catch it for supper or gather firewood. Essentially deliver a report and message that Bard needs a little time. Or if its the Imps, send them away for now.
No, I will leave Mahina to you. I may go to work on Milo depending on what Sherwood has planned in the woods.

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