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Dice Trial By Fire - OOC

In 2e, a God Blooded is a descendant of a human/spirit tryst. I am hoping that this is still a thing in 3e.
Even if God Blooded have been removed/replaced in 3e, we will keep them around for this game. It will undoubtedly be years before anything on them comes out.
I am still quite interested in that new kind of Exalt, the Extigents? I don't remember the exact name, but it's something like that.
Me, too. I'm just chomping at the bit to get my hard copy of the Lunars book. Its one thing to have the pdf, its quite another to experience the joy of feeling the paper in my hands.
I must admit, it is a real thrill to see my name in the back of the pdf as a backer.
I was too poor to get the shiny gold core book when it was in KS, but I do have the shiny DB and (eventually) shiny Lunars books, and I like DBs and Lunars more than Solars anyway.
Out of all the different kinds of Exalts, I am the most interested in the Lunars, but I do want to see the changes that will be coming for the other types. Maybe they will even have a system for the Fae that won't make my head hurt.
I thought playing as a lunar was pretty awesome. I hope to get the chance to do so again cat mage.

The extigents do look pretty promising too! It's like an open door to make an exalt of anything. Could make for some good fun.

I'm actually looking forward to 3e Abyssals and Infernals. I think they could make for an interesting campaign.
Definitely looking forward to Abyssals as well, if only so that I can run a Chronicle focused on utterly destroying Creation.
From what I've seen posted in other games, Syvvaris Syvvaris has a lot of Real Life stuff going on right now, so if we don't hear from him, I'll have him temporarily NPC and go find any books or records that might exist in the city. I don't want to cut him out of the game, but I don't want to leave everyone hanging as we wait for his response.
So work is a week on / week off kinda thing and how the week is split it's pretty much 3 days of 12 hours and 4 days of 10 hours. So during those days I'm waking early and struggling to stay awake till late enough to sleep.

Also, what do you want me to roll for finding shops and bartering and such.
Ouch. That is pretty harsh. At the moment, I just need to know where you are planning on doing your shopping.
The various other men and women in the room continue to ogle Maja, with a few people looking at Kuaidao with curiosity. One of the ladies drinking in the common room stands up and slides her way over to stand in front of Kuaidao, doing her best to ignore Maja. With an appraising eye, she looks you over before saying, "So, some fresh faces, and not the usual uncultured swine that have been flooding the area. Here to make your mark and strike it rich? Or is there another reason that brings you to this armpit of a town?"

What language is the woman speaking to Kuaidao in? High Realm, or Skytongue?
Can we overhear the conversation between Lahor and Minerva? I presume Maja can't just walk up and join their private conversation (It sounds like Minerva just ignored Maja and kept walking, which is a strong social signal to everyone watching that Minerva (as opposed to Melinda) is upset with Maja and Maja is not welcome in this conversation, unless I misunderstood), but I can probably hear it. Since I'm outside the conversation the most useful thing I can probably do is some Read Intentions checks.
If you want to try and overhear the conversation, go ahead and give me a Perception + Awareness roll. It is a fairly low difficulty, but you can still roll badly.
Yes. He doesn't want to share the money or glory of killing the monster.
The woman talking to Kuaidao shifts her stance a bit, looking you over, then says in Skytongue, "From the look of you, I would have to say that you are a swordsman; you carry yourself like you know how to use that blade on your side." She then glances down at her own sword on her hip and purrs out, "I wonder if you are as good as you think you are." Her eyes return to yours with a dangerous gleam, as if she is quite willing to draw her steel and test you right there and now.

Is this woman one of the Essence users mentioned in post #516? And would Kuaidao be able to recognize her as a Dynast?
She is not wearing any items forged of the Magical Materials, and you do not know her. It is most likely that she is mortal.

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