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Dice Trial By Fire - OOC

HumanPlus HumanPlus Please make sure to mark on your character sheet the Guild Marker. It can come in quite handy in the future if you play your cards right.
All of you that are keeping your eyes and ears open can roll three times. Sorry if I was not clear in my phrasing.
I'll give it to you for all three if you make it a good one.
I'll let you make a total of three rolls, be them Per + Awareness or Cha + Socialize, or any mix of the two. Just specify what you are rolling and if you are using any Charms to boost your rolls.
IC post will be coming either later tonight or tomorrow.
At this point, everyone is at full Willpower and Essence, unless you've just spent some on Charms in this current scene.
Hmm. Thinking of trying to do an Introduce Fact with regards to either Lahor or Mahina.
So I've been thinking. I still want to have Kuaidao go after Lahor. But I was also wondering if I could or should use an Introduce Fact to have there be a Dynast whom Kuaidao could impersonate easily. Preferably one who has some history with Lahor that might make him more forthcoming. Besides perhaps making it easier to get information out of Lahor, I feel that it would explain things like Kuaidao's ethnicity and accent, given that he's from the Blessed Isle. Not to mention the fact that he carries a Daiklave around.

If this isn't an option, Sherwood Sherwood , I'll understand. I'm still not quite sure about it myself.
So I've been thinking. I still want to have Kuaidao go after Lahor. But I was also wondering if I could or should use an Introduce Fact to have there be a Dynast whom Kuaidao could impersonate easily. Preferably one who has some history with Lahor that might make him more forthcoming. Besides perhaps making it easier to get information out of Lahor, I feel that it would explain things like Kuaidao's ethnicity and accent, given that he's from the Blessed Isle. Not to mention the fact that he carries a Daiklave around.

If this isn't an option, Sherwood Sherwood , I'll understand. I'm still not quite sure about it myself.
Let me toss out a few things for you to consider and see how you wish to proceed.

Any effort to impersonate someone will be a Int + Larceny roll. If you are successful with your Introduce Fact, I'll award you with bonus successes (not just dice) to the roll. With your background being from the Isle, that also gives you a lower level of difficulty to beat. The big issue that might come up is this: Depending on how close of a relationship that Lahor has with the Dynast you are attempting to impersonate, he may be able to tell that you are not his buddy.

Also, something to keep in mind, you have a Sidereal with you that you personally witnessed changing her appearance drastically. She may be able to either help you disguise yourself, or she may be able to impersonate another Dynast and aid you in your play pass yourself off as a Dragon Blooded.
With my Larceny at zero, I'm not inclined to take any chances. I'll drop this idea.
Maja also now has a non-zero Larceny, can disguise herself with Appearance + Larceny, and can create arbitrary shapes and outfits. She can't impersonate a specific Dynast (unless she eats their heart), but she can impersonate a general description. Alternatively, the man's a womanizer and presumably looking for a scavenger lord. Maja could have him wrapped around her finger if she set her mind to it. He may be more interested in a mortal than a Dynast, as Dynasts are considerably more threatening and much more difficult for Lahor to control and have his way with.
It was Kuaidao's idea to punch Lahor until he said something useful, so Maja will follow his lead on this one. If any of her abilities can be of use, she's happy to help. Melinda's Resplendent Destiny will definitely be a more convincing DB than Maja until Maja buys a few more Charms (Or kills and eats a Dynast). I need about three more Charms to be a really convincing DB. Four if I want to fool a Sidereal.

Appearing before him as very competent mortals (Maybe try to establish a reputation somehow, and see if we can get him to summon us?), assuming we can get an audience, makes us both expendable and non-threatening as competition. He may well be reticent to discuss what he wants done with a Dynast who could steal his thunder, and he certainly won't send a Dynast to do a risky task on his behalf. On the other hand, as you mentioned, there will be plenty of things he would discuss with a Dynast he won't deign to with mortals.
Well, you guys could pass off as a couple of mortal guard/servants to Melinda playing the role of a Dragon Blooded, getting you close to Lahor and giving you a chance to talk to the other soldiers there. Sometimes the servants know more than the master does, and they wouldn't share their info with anyone else - except another servant.

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