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Dice Trial By Fire - OOC

The two in the boat has probably felt their ship wobble and heard the crowd on the docks react to Rivers' attack on the warship in some way in case they wanna act on it somehow.

Anyhow, I'm gonna go to work now. Will write again later in the day (central EU timezone here)
Outstanding work getting away from the Dynasts. Time for some xp! I'll add this to the running totals at the top of the Character thread.

5xp and 3 Solar/Lunar xp
Isn't Spider's anima still glowing? Perhaps the guards made the sensible choice to just not see that. Glowing people are above their pay grade.
Sherwood Sherwood Would Bard have a rough idea of the land and rivers layout? At least to the degree he would know the rough shape and direction of the river?
Based on time aboard the river ship, and remembering the branching paths north and the one they took east to Sijan.
Isn't Spider's anima still glowing? Perhaps the guards made the sensible choice to just not see that. Glowing people are above their pay grade.
That would be wise.

Could also coincide with Bards slight stoking of rebellion at the dynasts assholery.
If Maja has learned anything from the last few days, it's that she needs to learn how to be sneakier. I'm going to spend the 5 Lunar XP on two dots of Larceny and the 8 XP on Night Stalker Approach. That's a second Dex Charm so I get the Dex Excellency. With my 2 Dex I'm going to need a lot of full excellencies to cheat at cards/sneak/pick locks/make disguises, so they'd best be Mute. I have a whopping 4 dice pool for Larceny and 2 for Stealth, but I can add 7 more with the excellency.

She'll practice cheating at games of chance on the ship and being stealthy at night as an owl. If the boat trip is long enough, she'll pick up some new forms while she's at it.

D. Rex D. Rex is Bard practicing Larceny for learning Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise? If so, we can start a running game where we try to pickpocket each other, or a running game of cards/dice. Amusingly Spider is better at all of that than either of us, and she isn't even trying.
If Maja has learned anything from the last few days, it's that she needs to learn how to be sneakier. I'm going to spend the 5 Lunar XP on two dots of Larceny and the 8 XP on Night Stalker Approach. That's a second Dex Charm so I get the Dex Excellency. With my 2 Dex I'm going to need a lot of full excellencies to cheat at cards/sneak/pick locks/make disguises, so they'd best be Mute. I have a whopping 4 dice pool for Larceny and 2 for Stealth, but I can add 7 more with the excellency.

She'll practice cheating at games of chance on the ship and being stealthy at night as an owl. If the boat trip is long enough, she'll pick up some new forms while she's at it.

D. Rex D. Rex is Bard practicing Larceny for learning Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise? If so, we can start a running game where we try to pickpocket each other, or a running game of cards/dice. Amusingly Spider is better at all of that than either of us, and she isn't even trying.
Was going to get it as a Performance charm. But be it larceny or performance, it would do the same. Taking acting to a level where I infiltrate pretending to be some high ranked guy and Count Olaf the crap out of some dynasts.

Which would be fun with a disguised larcen in tow, one to draw attention the other to do the finger work. Maja especially given her penchant for changing forms.

Was going to forgo stealth in favor of the more creative risks of fooling folk.

That said! Some bits of larcen could go along way. And those do sound like some fun ideas. Never often get a good excuse to roll against players. I'd be willing to drop some xp for that.
Oh! If you have a special way to buy it as a Performance Charm (Totemic Solar Charms!) then that's fine. I assumed you were going to have to learn some Larceny anyway, but Performance makes sense.
Sherwood Sherwood Would Bard have a rough idea of the land and rivers layout? At least to the degree he would know the rough shape and direction of the river?
Based on time aboard the river ship, and remembering the branching paths north and the one they took east to Sijan.

These right here Sherwood Sherwood basically asking if I'd have some basic knowledge of the river map in that I'd have an idea cutting across the land like so


The yellow line being the safe idea. The red being close to city.
Ah. My bad.

You know that the ship was sailing down the river that is below Sijan, not the one to the left on the map. Cutting down to the east may get you ahead of the Seagull.

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