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Fantasy Travelers of Eucla

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Throne Trinity

The Color Fiend

Welcome to Travelers of Eucla!


Eucla is a whimsical and mysterious world in which you will be taking on the role of an adventurer. The lands you can explore are large and vast, full of monsters to slay and people to save. There will be trials and tests of your might and will-power, tales of love a deceit, and memories to last a life time.

In this RP you will be taking the role of an adventurer hired (or forced) into a holy contract for the light goddess Amalthia. Whether your an adventurer looking to become a hero or a criminal forced into "redemption" is entirely up to you (those are just examples), but no matter who or what you are, you have signed this contract. Because of this you will be traveling around the known world of Eucla (and maybe a little bit of the unknown) and fight monsters, demons, abominations, bandits and anything else that "threatens" the peace. Although this RP is heavily combat based a big part of this is character to character interaction. You're going to be surviving the wilderness together and battling god like monsters so get to know each other god damn it!

So with that, go forth! Set foot into the world of Eucla and create your legends!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Map.png.0a99ccd8cf7861ba0a06d62f93f46db1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130856" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Map.png.0a99ccd8cf7861ba0a06d62f93f46db1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Chapter One: Beginning a Journey
Inside the Church of the Higher Light stand the Travelers. A ragtag group of ragged ragamuffins, a motley crew if there ever was one. Together they stand, some are proud and excited to be here, others would rather be anywhere but here. All of these Travelers come from a different background but all of them are here now, standing in the center of the grand cathedral. All around them are religious figures from many faith groups, and before them now is the Lady Amalthia herself. She sits upon a throne, her body radiating light like a blazing fire. The crystal chandeliers above catch this light, reflecting it's beams all around the pristine white marble.

"Council members rise!" The Goddess before you all, speaks with a booming voice that is also somehow relaxing. An odd mixture of cacophony and calmness. All around the Travelers, representatives rise to their feet and one by one they state their names. Once the last person says their name their is a burst of light before you all. A shimmering contract hangs in the air, particles of light crackle off of the paper. "Please step forward and state your name and title!"

A man in thick blue ornate armor runs forward. On his back is a large Glaive that is equally ornate. The man, or what seems to be a man as it's rather hard to tell because of the armor, puts his hands on his hips and pushes out his chest proudly. He says in a booming voice. "Gregor Hartway, Paladin of Zynjala, Bringer of Justice and Thunder!" As Gregor speaks, his name magically appears on the contract. The Paladin gives a hardy laugh. "AHAHA! I didn't even read the contract! Clever!" He steps back in line with the rest of the Travelers.

@The Wizard of Odd @Ensig @Kenji Jensai @TheFlyingWriter

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Stepping forward with the sound of metal, the ground vibrates ever so slightly as a large man -- or more accurately a large suit of armor -- steps forward, looking down at the contract for only a moment before kneeling to the Goddess before him and releasing an almost metallic voice, which carries itself through the room. "Eldrich Morrow, Ex-Templar of your Holiness' Temple of Higher Light, now a Wanderer with the form of Living Armor."

Looking up to the contract and confirming that his name has been successfully registered, Elrich steps back in line after giving a sigh of relief. As he does so, a comparatively smaller woman strides forward with her hands in her pockets. She stares at the Goddess before her for a moment, upsetting some of the council members as they raise voices of possible "disrespect" and "wasting time" before she turns her cold eyes to the contract before her.

She reads it over in silence for a couple of moments before giving a near-silent
"Tch." and looking back at the Goddess. "Mira Fanghearth. Thief." With just those words, Mira turns on one of her heels and walks back to the group. Once she arrives she silently closes her eyes, seemingly uninterested with this whole ordeal.



Looking toward the large throne which seated Lady Amalthia herself sat upon, Gil watches as the Paladin gives his introduction and agrees to the contract. His head lulled for a moment as he stood. Eyes closed, basking just briefly upon the woman's divine beauty. Gil kneels before the supreme deity.He says in a calm voice,"My name is Alcide ErmeneGildo De Gasper and I am the Arch Priest". His voice echoed faintly As soon as it happened and his name was on the contract he left and it was over.

The cathedral was small enough that the exit wasn't hard to find, especially with the stipulation of it being next to some statue. The depiction of the Goddess was carved of a smooth white stone, holding it's hands out in front of it as if it were accepting all who gazed upon it into its embrace. His eyes trailed along its curves as he passed by, noting the intricacies of the design and the high level of craftsmanship it would have taken to create such a thing. But, his attention was taken away from the statue as the door to the cathedral came into view .

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By far the smallest of the crowd, Edwin slipped through the towering warriors to the front. He certainly didn't want to sign this thing; he'd much rather be out feeding, but like it or not, he knew he would eventually have to sign this thing. Sure, he'd thought to escape. In fact, the first thing he did upon entering was look for a way out.

He could have stole away while everyone was focused on this contract, but with all these... other people around (including this apparent deity) observing, it may as well have been a failed mission from the start. Besides, he wasn't exactly on the Lady's good side, being a bloodsucking assassin and all, so he decided pushing his luck was a bad idea.

With this mindset, the small form skipped up to the contract and skimmed over it. He would have read it, but all in all it wouldn't matter if he declined. Trying to look in awe, he took a small step back.

"Um, I'm Edwin Maxius," he said, fiddling with his jacket like a nervous child. "And... I don't really have a title..." He wasn't being entirely untruthful there, either. While his 'innocent child' facade was certainly a ploy, he honestly didn't really have a title. He was just Edwin Maxius.

What would his title be? He pondered the question as he scurried back into the crowd. He was a vampire, sure, but that was just so... boring. If he was going to have a title (which he'd never once bothered to think of before), he wanted something... soul-wrenching, but still with enough elegance to differentiate himself from some common moronic troll.

Feevi Hadish stood tall, her smokey blue eyes darted about taking in every last detail about her new partners. She had been dreading this day and it was finally here. Being indebted to Lady Amalthia was bad enough but now she had to work with a bunch of morons to. But who knows, maybe she'd be pleasantly surprised. Being lost in thought like this, Feevi didn't realize it was her turn to sign the contract. She walked forward briskly, he misty hair trailing behind and she began to read the parliament. And then after that she read it again. She wanted to have every bit of the contract memorized so she could use it against them in the future. How she would do that was unclear but it couldn't hurt.

"Feevi Hadish, Sylph Rogue."
And with that Feevi watches as her name is magically signed on the paper before stepping back in line. Behind the contract her holiness the Lady Amalthia stands, her smile incredibly bright. "Travelers, welcome. You have been brave enough to sign your lives away for the good of Eucla and for that I bow to you." Amalthia bows deeply causing the Council to murmur amongst themselves. Gregor noticeably stands taller and Feevi scoffs quietly. "Your job will be to travel this mysterious world, fighting the evils that lurk in the shadows as you go. You must be brave, you must be strong but most of all you must work together." As she says this the glowing contract floating in the air splits in two. Both disappear in a burst of light. "Paladin of Zyngala, I am tasking you with carrying this contract. Should you come across more people who wish to join the Travelers of Eucla, have them speak their name into the contract as you have done today. My copy of the contract is linked with yours." The goddess closes her eyes for a moment and sighs pleasantly. "Before I send you all off the fight the darkness I have a... test for you all. Farther to the east is the Cave of Light. I had sent priests, mages, scientists, alchemists and other disciples of study to this place years ago. Since then it has become something of a laboratory since the creatures who live there are rather passive. About a month ago we lost contract with those who work there. I've already sent several parties to try an ascertain the situation. Only one person survived. She lived long enough to tell us that the glass golems that were stationed as guards have found a new leader. I want you travelers to find out what evil is brewing in these depths and destroy it. I apologize for not having more information. To make up for this I do have a gift to give you all." Amalthia extends a hand and in a burst of holy light leather coin pouches appears before each person. Feevi snatches at hers quickly and begins to count the coin. Gregor bows to the Lady Amalthia before taking his and pocketing it. "You will find 2,000 GP in each of those, take your money to the market to buy supplies for your journey. Once you've finished, there will be a carriage waiting for you outside of the city boundaries. That carriage will take you to Ras Dothore. This will serve as a half way point before you must travel on your own to the Cave of Light. I wish you luck brave travelers. Now go forth and slay the shadows in the name of the light!" The Lady Amalthia slams her giant staff on the ground and the grand doors behind the group open. All of the council members stand and bow for the group.

After the grand ceremony had finished, Feevi dashed out the door, excited to spend some coin. Meanwhile Gregor walks out of the doors proudly. He was excited to start his adventure and maybe make some new friends while Feevi was just excited to no longer be in the same building as Amalthia. As the Sylph makes it out side she stares out across the city landscape. The sun was just beginning to rise and the brilliant red that filled the sky was reflecting of the roofs of the city buildings. Letting out a sigh Feevi began to reflect on what had brought her to this point. All of her life choices had brought her here. All of her mistakes and all of her successes had brought her to this point. She continued down this meditation for a few moments before the clank of armor interrupted her. She turned around to see the paladin. Gregor was it? She watches as he approaches her and then extends a hand. "Gregor Hartway. It will be a pleasure working with you." Feevi smirks and shakes his hand. "Feevi Hadish. I hope that is the case." Gregor lets out a booming laugh at this. "Yes, I guess we really don't know yet." The Paladin looks out across the city and puts a foot on a bench, the sunight reflects off of his armor as he takes his dramatic pose. "Sometimes the only thing we can be sure of is the rise and fall of the sun. But even then the color of the sky changes unpredictably." Feevi stares at him for a moment, a bit confused by what he meant by that before shaking of the thought. "Shall we be off to the market Paladin?" Gregor nods and gives her hardy pat on the back before the two head off to the market to purchase supplies.

@The Wizard of Odd @Ensig @Kenji Jensai @TheFlyingWriter

OOC Note
I'll be making a couple of changes to both of my Character Apps -- just things regarding Combat Styles, mainly. The tl;dr version will be that Eldrich acts as a living fortress: fending off attacks until his opponent is fatigued, while Mira only enters combat if it's absolutely necessary, and prefers simply escaping if she can.

I'll also be changing Mira's job from "Rogue" to "Thief". They're technically the same thing, but I feel that "Thief" actually describes what she does better (less fighting, more stealthing/stealing).


Mira looked off to the side as the Child and Sylph "signed" the contract. She wasn't particularly interested in what any of these "travelers" declared themselves as, but how they would contribute to the group was important, so she was paying proper attention even if she didn't appear to be. In her eyes the Paladin and Living Armor seemed simple enough to understand judging by their equipment; they would be the Vanguards. The Sylph seemed to carry herself in a similar way to herself, albeit with slight differences. She was likely more of a combatant than Mira was, so she would probably be a rearguard or scout of sorts. For the Child... Well, Mira wasn't sure, but surely Lady Amalthia wouldn't send a child out to fight if they didn't bring anything to the table, right? Maybe he was a Mage?

Thinking so, Mira grasped the 2,000 GP that floated in front of her, and walked out of the church's doors. Rather than heading after the Paladin and the Sylph, however, her destination was the slums.

Mira had been imprisoned until about a week prior to being brought here (although she was under watch), so she had familiarized herself with the area enough to glide through the alleyways with relative ease. As for why she was moving there instead of the marketplace: she had planted stashes of items and money in almost every city on the continent, as to make skipping towns easy when she was living a life in the shadows. They had been there for quite some time, but she wasn't concerned about them being stolen. She had placed traps all around a dummy treasure-chest, so even if someone was skilled enough to reach the treasure, they wouldn't have taken what she really needed.

That being the case, her supplies were already prepared (minus food and such), but the 2,000 GP would still be put to use.

She had a second reason for going to the slums: information, and that's where most of the GP would vanish. Information Brokers wouldn't sell their info cheap no matter the city. Given the time constraints, she didn't expect much... But the information the Goddess had given the group left much to be desired, so even small bits of information (like a floormap, for example) would be an improvement. She would have liked a couple more days, or even hours for preparation but given the fact that the group probably wouldn't be waiting a couple of days for proper intel, it couldn't be helped.

Sighing to herself, Mira kept her money in her hands and her hands in her pockets as she navigated through the alleys towards the Slums.


As the members of the group started dispersing for their preparations, Eldrich's shifted his sight back to the Goddess sitting before them. While he was aware that preparations needed to be made (despite not needing any food or water for himself, as his body would never tire), he still wished to speak to the Goddess about something before he left, so he remained standing after gratefully accepting the 2,000 GP floating in front of him.

After doing so, his armor clinked gently as he lowered himself to one knee and bowed his head towards the Goddess; such an action was a means of expressing one's gratitude, but it was also a proper means of waiting one's turn to speak, so he simply waited in silence for her to call upon him.

@Throne Trinity
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Ensig said:
OOC Note
I'll be making a couple of changes to both of my Character Apps -- just things regarding Combat Styles, mainly. The tl;dr version will be that Eldrich acts as a living fortress: fending off attacks until his opponent is fatigued, while Mira only enters combat if it's absolutely necessary, and prefers simply escaping if she can.

I'll also be changing Mira's job from "Rogue" to "Thief". They're technically the same thing, but I feel that "Thief" actually describes what she does better (less fighting, more stealthing/stealing).


Mira looked off to the side as the Child and Sylph "signed" the contract. She wasn't particularly interested in what any of these "travelers" declared themselves as, but how they would contribute to the group was important, so she was paying proper attention even if she didn't appear to be. In her eyes the Paladin and Living Armor seemed simple enough to understand judging by their equipment; they would be the Vanguards. The Sylph seemed to carry herself in a similar way to herself, albeit with slight differences. She was likely more of a combatant than Mira was, so she would probably be a rearguard or scout of sorts. For the Child... Well, Mira wasn't sure, but surely Lady Amalthia wouldn't send a child out to fight if they didn't bring anything to the table, right? Maybe he was a Mage?

Thinking so, Mira grasped the 2,000 GP that floated in front of her, and walked out of the church's doors. Rather than heading after the Paladin and the Sylph, however, her destination was the slums.

Mira had been imprisoned until about a week prior to being brought here (although she was under watch), so she had familiarized herself with the area enough to glide through the alleyways with relative ease. As for why she was moving there instead of the marketplace: she had planted stashes of items and money in almost every city on the continent, as to make skipping towns easy when she was living a life in the shadows. They had been there for quite some time, but she wasn't concerned about them being stolen. She had placed traps all around a dummy treasure-chest, so even if someone was skilled enough to reach the treasure, they wouldn't have taken what she really needed.

That being the case, her supplies were already prepared (minus food and such), but the 2,000 GP would still be put to use.

She had a second reason for going to the slums: information, and that's where most of the GP would vanish. Information Brokers wouldn't sell their info cheap no matter the city. Given the time constraints, she didn't expect much... But the information the Goddess had given the group left much to be desired, so even small bits of information (like a floormap, for example) would be an improvement. She would have liked a couple more days, or even hours for preparation but given the fact that the group probably wouldn't be waiting a couple of days for proper intel, it couldn't be helped.

Sighing to herself, Mira kept her money in her hands and her hands in her pockets as she navigated through the alleys towards the Slums.


As the members of the group started dispersing for their preparations, Eldrich's shifted his sight back to the Goddess sitting before them. While he was aware that preparations needed to be made (despite not needing any food or water for himself, as his body would never tire), he still wished to speak to the Goddess about something before he left, so he remained standing after gratefully accepting the 2,000 GP floating in front of him.

After doing so, his armor clinked gently as he lowered himself to one knee and bowed his head towards the Goddess; such an action was a means of expressing one's gratitude, but it was also a proper means of waiting one's turn to speak, so he simply waited in silence for her to call upon him.

@The Wizard of Odd @Ensig @Kenji Jensai @TheFlyingWriter

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- Brown Bandanna of the Master Thief

- Tattered Thieves Coat

- Crescent Moon Necklace

- Leather Wrappings

- Tattered Leather Shorts

- Arcane Chains of Binding (x5)

- Bladed Piercing Knuckles (x2)

- Throwing Knives (x10)

- Smoke Bombs (x3)

- Flash Bombs (x2)

Bag of Holding:

- Smoke Bombs (x5)

- Flash Bombs (x5)

- Paralysis Poison Med. (x5)

- Sleep Poison Med. (x5)

- Lock Picking Tools (Various types and amounts)

- Throwing Knives (x50)

GP: 2,311

"Kehehehe! Plesha doin' business with ya!"

Waving her hand lightly to the elderly information broker who muttered something about a "big catch" behind her, Mira silently walked down another alley while folding up a sheet of paper and placing it into her Bag of Holding. Throughout her time in the slums thus far, she had heard several rumors regarding the Cave of Light, most of which were useless, but had just now succeeded in getting a Map of the Cave of Light -- it didn't mark down trap locations or anything, but that was never expected in the first place.

The cost of rumors was free, considering the fact that that's all they were. Rumors. Taverns in the slums were more dangerous than legitimate establishments, but the people there weren't very tight-lipped. Mira never lowered herself to making use of her gender, as that would bring about more trouble than it's worth, but even so... Drunkards were aplenty, even this early in the morning. Normally, she would have pulled some strings to get better info, but... There was no time to do so. "You get what you pay for" would be a fitting line.

As for the cost of maps... Usually, it would be ~200 GP for a well-made one. In this case, however, it was 0 GP. How? She traded for it. What did she trade, you ask? Why, the map leading to her stash, of course.

~10 minutes prior

Arriving in front of an abandoned mansion with broken windows, ivy overgrown, and overall structural damage, Mira took a moment to relish the nostalgia before heading inside. Once she did, she immediately headed to a hallway on the left side. After about 10 seconds of walking, she arrived at a dead end. But, of course, it wasn't just a dead end. Turning to the right and giving a light push, the hidden door leading to a slightly wide, and absurdly long hallway opened up. At the end of the hallway, one could see a golden chest, still reflecting a yellow glow to its surroundings. That was, of course, the dummy stash. The gold and jewels, along with jewelry were real, but that made little difference. The only thing slightly surprising was that no one had managed to get past the traps after all this time; the glow of the chest assured her of that. But... There were definitely attempts.

Breathing out a slight sigh at the corpses littered along the hallways leading to the stash, Mari offered a silent prayer to send their spirits off, and then looked to the traps littering the room. If each of the traps were to be marked with bright red, then this hall would be painted crimson. The traps reset themselves after ~10 minutes passed, so even after a thief failed it would be reset. All of them looked to be in working condition, too.

Not that it mattered to the person who put them there in the first place.

As if it were as natural as breathing, Mira jumped, rolled, ran on the walls, flipped, doubled back, and sometimes simply walked among the hallway littered with traps. She would occasionally stop to loot the corpses littered along the walls or floors for any GP and useful items, but other than that, she was unimpeded all the way to the chest at the end of the hall. As she suspected, no one had reached the fake stash, but she left the contents as-is. Why would she need things like golden rings, diamond necklaces, and black pearl earrings when they would attract more thieves?

She simply took the belongings she had come for and left with a map she had pre-prepared of the room... One with a couple of the traps marked down, but definitely not all of them.

Current Time

After their exploration, she'd need to go back to her stash and loot the new corpses. It might sound cruel, but dead Thieves were a good source of income. She had gathered 311 GP off of the ones within the hallway alone, after all. As for if she felt any guilt for leading more to the deathtrap that was apparently given the name "Treasure of the Thief King": she didn't. Thieves were criminals to begin with, and it was common knowledge not to trust maps for well-known treasure rooms. If such convenient maps existed, the treasures would have been long gone, after all.

Looking up at the sky, Mira decided that the information she gathered was adequate and moved towards the markets to procure some rations.



- None

Bag of Holding (Large):

- Tower Shield of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Lance of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Portable Armor Repair Kit (x10)

- Portable Weapon Repair Kit (x10)

- Whetstones (x15)

GP: 2,000

"Speak your mind Eldrich Morrow."

Lifting his head to her words, Eldrich remains in his kneeling posture, but speaks with his regular echoing, deep voice.

"My lady. You are aware of my plight." Taking off his helmet and revealing the dark smoke beyond it, Eldrich continues without minding the slight commotion of the surrounding council members. "While I do not question your judgement, the Glass Golems made to protect the Cave of Light being controlled is... Unsettling." Returning his helmet to its original position with a *tic*, Eldrich lowers his sight to the ground before himself, as if mulling over how to best express his worries.

After only a moment, he faces the Goddess once again and speaks. "Is there not the possibility that I will be controlled as well?"

@Throne Trinity
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<div style="text-align:center;">


<br /><br />

The Lady Amalthia<br /><br />

There is a slight waver in Amalthia's smile as Eldrich brings up a very reasonable concern. If she were to be perfectly honest with herself she had not thought of that possibility but was glad someone did. Amalthia responds with a large, kind smile. She begins to walk down the steps of her throne and approaches Eldrich, leaving behind a trail of golden particles. There is a gasp from the council members and several begin to yell. "M'lady! What are you doing! You shaint approach such an unpure being, it may taint your holiness!" <br /><br />

Amalthia with out even a glance to the council members holds out her palms to each side of her, casting silence on the crowd. Now several council members seem to be shouting in silence to themselves, almost comically so. As Amalthia closes the distance between herself and Eldrich she stands for a moment. Even when the living armor , Amalthia towered over him by at least eight feet. Now that he was kneeling Amalthia loomed over him like a colossus, and yet she cast no shadow. Instead she radiated a calming golden light over him. <span style="color:#ffff00;">"Eldrich Morrow, my brave Templar. I give you but one more gift." </span><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">With her warm smile still </span><span style="color:#000000;">pleasantly</span><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);"> showing, the goddess kneels in front of Eldrich and takes his heard or... helmet, in her hands and kisses his forehead gently. Golden runes flash across the living armor's </span><span style="color:#000000;">metallic</span><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);"> flesh before </span><span style="color:#000000;">disappearing. </span><span style="color:#ffff00;">"There. Now you will be safe from any evil invasions that threaten the integrity of your mind." </span><span style="color:#000000;"> Amalthia stands once more and walks to her throne, allowing the council members to make sound once again. </span><br /><br /><span style="color:rgb(255,255,0);">'Now go Eldrich Morrow. Protect the light as you have always sought to do."</span><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);"> Amalthia gestures to the door, a look of pride on her face.</span><br /><br /><a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35876-ensig/" data-mentionid="35876">@Ensig</a><br /><br />



OOC Note
Now, to wait for @The Wizard of Odd



- None

Bag of Holding (Large):

- Tower Shield of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Lance of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Portable Armor Repair Kit (x10)

- Portable Weapon Repair Kit (x10)

- Whetstones (x15)

GP: 2,000

As the council members stirred up a fuss about the Goddess approaching him, Eldrich couldn't help but overhear what they were saying. How they glared at him as if he was a picture of in itself, and felt not restraint in declaring their thoughts outright. He was used to it... But his fist still tightened with a slight metallic *chhhk* as he endured their words, lowering his head to the ground in front of him.

His sight would be raised only a moment later, however, as Lady Amalthia, a Goddess whose size befits her heavenly stature, kneels before him and takes his helmet within her hand. Her hand was warm. It was a warmth he hadn't felt in years, decades even. Embracing that warmth, Eldrich feels as Lady Amalthia grants him protection... Albeit through a method he hadn't experienced before.

As light surrounds his body and runes disappear into his "flesh", Eldrich looks up at the Goddess in silence as she returns his Helmet to its rightful place. She was beautiful beyond comparison, and shone brighter than the stars themselves. The Goddess of Light moved back to her seat as Eldrich brought a hand to his chest, and declared with a voice just as sturdy as his body.

"Yes, my lady!"

With that, Eldrich stood tall, and walked out of the church towards the markets. He would need to prepare things like extra rations, wood for campfires, bandages, and other such things to properly support his new teammates.

@Throne Trinity
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Weathered Knapsack

-Blood Filled Vial (x2)

-Empty Vial (x1)

-Bound Journal (x1)

-Dagger (x2)

GP: 2,000

Edwin took the money slowly, then hung it on his belt. He followed the rest of the group out of the place, and watched as they all went their separate ways to gather supplies. The vampire watched for a few seconds, and raised an eyebrow as they all dispersed without a word of where they planned to meet once they were prepared. Back here, he supposed, hopping down the steps.

He assessed each person as they headed off, trying to pick the one that looked the most gullible, and would buy into his innocent kid act for now. He was so indulged in his thoughts that he jumped when the... whatever it was passed him. He had seen it before, in the large room. It looked like a huge set armor. 'Ex-Templar... Wanderer... Living Armor...' he recalled, and glanced up at the metal man, squinting.

"Excuse me?" the apparent boy asked, making his voice squeak slightly. He stepped back, out of the glare of the armor and resisting a recoil from the burning sun. It wasn't absolutely face-melting for him to be in the sunlight, but it certainly wasn't something he'd do of his own accord. "Um, can I... can I stay with you, Mister-- er, Sir?" He made himself shift his weight and fiddle with his coat again, peering up at the looming golem with his famed innocent puppy dog eyes.

"I just..." He stared down at the floor, and rubbed at his arms. "I don't really know where to go to buy things, and... I don't even really know what to buy...!" His eyes moved back to the helmet. "Oh, and... I-I'm Edwin, by the way." He offered a small, shy smile, and slouched a little, feigning nervousness.


"Who goes to a market without any money? Tch!" A leathery merchant squinted at Lan disapprovingly while puffing a pipe through his puckered lips.

"I'm very sorry sir! Please, is there really anything I can't trade for the skins?" Lan frantically rummaged through her pockets brows furrowed. "Here, this is really good mountain ore, you won't get it anywhere else!"

"I don't want your weird rocks, give me something I can use. Aren't you a blacksmith? Got any weapons on ya?"

Lan gave an apologetic smile "Sorry, they're not for sale...plus I've been travelling light so I don't have much.

"A blacksmith without weapons? ...and I thought I saw everything in these parts--Welcome! We've got all kinds of leather here..." The merchant diverted his attention from the sweating customer.

"I'm really sorry to be bothering you about this, your leather is really top notch!"

"Get money or get lost" The windbag puffed without looking at her.

"Sir! ...Look," she rummaged again through her bag. "I really didn't want to part with this but.." She presented a package wrapped in dried leaves. "This is specially smoked venison using pine, it's got a really unique flavor?" The merchant glanced up, looking at the package icredulously.

"...Sir?" Lan flashed another hopeful smile

He grabbed the package, undid the contents and rifled through it briefly. He then motioned towards the skins with his chin before tossing the package behind him.

"Oh! Thank you so much sir! Really, I wouldn't have gone anywhere else for this!" Lan quickly grabbed the pile of leather and tucked it in her pouch. She sighed as she continued to peruse the market square. "Man, that was difficult, and for only medium grade leather...I just wish this wasn't the only skin shop in the whole area." Looking at the now emptied contents of her bag, she scrunched up her face "Better find something to eat soon..." Closing her bag, she looked around. Perhaps she could find a part time job for the time being? If only she had more money on her...money was so difficult! She had very little experience handling it and she felt that metal belonged in better shapes than dull beat up disks.

Speaking of metal, suddenly, a familiar glint shone in the corner of her eye. She turned to see a truly impressive set of armor clanking above the bustling crowd. Her eyes immediately lit up


Even covered with this many people, It's presence was overwhelming, seemingly towering over her. It seemed ancient, yet beautifully crafted. She couldn't make out the details from this distance. Her hunger completely forgotten she drew closer, entranced. "I've got to get a better look...."


- Brown Bandanna of the Master Thief

- Tattered Thieves Coat

- Crescent Moon Necklace

- Ring of Bargaining

- Leather Wrappings

- Tattered Leather Shorts

- Arcane Chains of Binding (x5)

- Bladed Piercing Knuckles (x2)

- Throwing Knives (x10)

- Smoke Bombs (x3)

- Flash Bombs (x2)

Bag of Holding:

- Smoke Bombs (x5)

- Flash Bombs (x5)

- Paralysis Poison Med. (x5)

- Sleep Poison Med. (x5)

- Lock Picking Tools (Various types and amounts)

- Throwing Knives (x50)

- Bandage Strips (x10)

- Rations (x5)

- Water Skin (Filled) (x2)

GP: 2,134

Dexterously slipping through the crowd, Mira weaved her way around the Bazaar. Watching over peddlers, merchants, alchemists, blacksmiths, hunters, and anything else one could think of muddled together in one place. It was complete chaos. But she was used to it.

Areas like these were commonly used to train young thieves. 'Retrieve x item from Thief y, who is hiding in the crowd' -- Mira had gone through such lessons many times. Waving off her nostalgia, Mira had already purchased Rations, Bandages, and Water Skins, so she was simply browsing now.

"Oi, this thing don't even work!"

Looking over to the side, Mira noticed a largely-built man holding up what appeared to be a silver ring of sorts. In front of him was a slightly panicking Halfling, who seemed to be the owner of the item judging by the myriad of accessories littered around her stall.

"I-I can assure you, sir! T-This item is the genuine article! It's most definitely an enchanted ring!" Matching the man's volume (whether to prove herself, or to be audible due to the surrounding crowd), the woman raised herself to her feet and shouted back at the man.

"Ah?! Then what does it do, huh?!" Stomping forward and making a couple of necklaces fall off their hangers in her stall, the woman lets out a weak "W-Well, that is..." before Mira swipes the ring from the man's hand and examines it. It was a silver ring as expected, lacking any detailed designs... Except a small coin-like indent on the inside of the ring.

"How much for this?" Mira motioned to the ring immediately after seeing the indent, paying no attention to the man looked up at his hand -- now empty -- in disbelief. He would have cut her off there, but Mira's passing glance seemed to make him change his mind, so Mira negotiated with the woman without issue. In the end, the ring was sold for 60GP.

Once she was finished, Mira walked off towards an area that seemed to have more Alchemists than other areas of the bazaar, putting her new ring on in the process. It was a common item for Thieves and Merchants alike, which made negotiations regarding GP far easier... So long as the other party didn't have one as well: A Ring of Bargaining.



- None

Bag of Holding (Large):

- Tower Shield of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Lance of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Portable Armor Repair Kit (x10)

- Portable Weapon Repair Kit (x10)

- Whetstones (x15)

GP: 2,000

"Excuse me?"

Stopping to look down for the source of the voice on his way to the Bazaar, Eldrich found a young child fidgeting below. He simply tilted his head for the child to continue.

"Um, can I... can I stay with you, Mister-- er, Sir?"

Slightly shocked at his words, Eldrich knelt down to make his height not so intimidating as the child peered upwards, only to look back down at the ground. Children were often bashful around him, given his appearance... But usually, they'd be a bit more cheerful. The innocence of children made them pay no heed to his curse, so there were times he was used as a living playground. The child knew he was a Golem, but perhaps his young mind didn't change from the others?

"I just... I don't really know where to go to buy things, and... I don't even really know what to buy...! Oh, and... I-I'm Edwin, by the way."

Finishing his speech, the child -- Edwin -- looked back up at Eldrich's helmet. If Living Armor could smile, surely Eldrich would be giving a kind grin as a loud "Mhh!" echoed throughout the surrounding area as the old knight placed his hand softly on top of the child's head, ruffling his hair softly. "Of course! Come, come. We'll be traveling together, so don't be so reserved!"

Giving his friendly reply, Eldrich proceeded to lift up the child with ease and place him behind his helmet -- a makeshift shoulder ride, of sorts -- with a "Up we go...". If Edwin was on his shoulders, then Eldrich could move at his pace without worrying about the child falling behind, and the worry of Edwin being lost in the crowds would also disappear.

After explaining so, Eldrich continued towards the Bazaar.

A couple of minutes later, the two arrived at a site filled with people... With Eldrich in the thick of them. Usually, people would grant Eldrich some moving room, but it seemed that the business of the Bazaar masked the civilians' usual surprise of an 8' tall suit of armor, so the eyes being attracted to him were minimal. Or... Less than usual, at least. None of the shoppers avoided him, either, and instead continued moving along Eldrich like a river flowing past a boulder.

Making use of his height, Eldrich scanned the surroundings for any stalls with Lumber, Bandages, Rations, or other such things as he slowly moved among the masses. As he did so, he turned his head to the child riding upon him -- almost hidden behind his helmet. "The gift given by Lady Amalthia was quite generous, so feel free to look around and spend as you'd like. Just tell me when you find something you desire, and I'll navigate through the crowds, child."

After saying so, Eldrich made his way over to what appeared to be a carpenter's stall, hoping to find any excess wood to use for campfires.

@TheFlyingWriter @Tunioga @Anaxileah
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Erin felt anxious around so many interesting, and intimidating individuals, especially a deity, he'd never some so close before. He was also very excited, this would be his first time on a real quest.. ((unlike that lame quest where he had to scoop...ANYWAYS!)) Erin looked around to the faces of those who would become his new traveling buddies on the road ahead. There were a few that caught his eye immediately, however, one being a large armored man, a friendly looking paladin, and a.. is that a child? Erin finally came back into the real world as it was his turn to step up.

Erin walked up and cleared his throat. "Um, my name is E- *RIN*" (his voice cracks a little) He looks at the deity embarrassed, then tries again. "My name is Erin, Erin the sorcerer... your.. holiness?" Erin nervously rubs his neck, not knowing how to properly address a woman of her stature. Stern looks from the council tell him that his time is up, so he steps back into the crowd of his peers. Still a bit red around the ears, but excited to begin his journey.

After everyone was handed their supply funds Erin headed out towards the market to pick up a few things he had forgotten to bring with him (or rather was too broke to buy earlier).




Ayola let out an irritated sigh as she rose from her bed, her bright red-orange hair a tangled mess atop her pale head. She wrinkled her nose at the smell coming from downstairs, which she identified as a new concoction her mother was whipping up that the old priestess referred to as 'breakfast.' With a groan, Ayola put on a simple outfit with light leather armor, and then covered all of that with a cloak or two to protect her skin and identity from the sun and strangers. Once she was finished getting dressed, she ran a hand through her hair, smoothing it down, before pulling up the good of the cloak to cover her hair, but not her face since she still has to interact with her parents. Once ready, Ayola grabbed her satchel and walked briskly out of her small room.



"Ayola, come have some breakfast!" Her mother called for her with a wrinkled smile, offering a gross heap of...Ayola couldn't even imagine what it was. "No thank you, mother, I'm not hungry today. I'll grab an apple and day my blessing when I eat it." Ayola rushed to grab the apple and her weapons from their dedicated weapon stand hanging on the wall. Since her father was a soldier, their family was doing well, but remained within the middle class. Their home was a small one story building, set up behind the different booths in the Great Bazaar. The bustling noise of people outside made Ayola eager to go fiddle with her herbs and potions, but her father stood in front of the door before she could depart. He had a conflicted expression upon his face, which caused Ayola to halt and look up at him curiously. "Ayola...we love you. You know that. And even though you've taken after your mother..." He leaned down to whisper in her ear, which was difficult for the 6'6" man, and murmured, "But I want you to get out there, do something courageous or notable. Make me proud." He beamed, unaware of the pressure he was putting on her.

"Yes, father." Ayola responded with a blank expression on her face and pulled her cloak's hood further down on her head, obscuring her face from view. She moved past her father and out the front door, bottling up her feelings for later, since she had work to do. Their little ship was just in front of their home, and had several plants and vials already set up, since her parents had been up before her. With a quick intake of breath, Ayola entered the booth, resting her hands on the wooden counter. She pulled out vials that were in crates beside her, as well as different plants of exotic shapes, sizes, and colors. She opened the vials and pulled out her small blade, cutting snippets off of a large, light green plant resembling a nightlock plant, with dark berries on it as well. Rather than being called nightlock, the plant was called mortilus emiat, or better known as the Blood Berry plant. Eating the berries would cause one's blood to overheat and speed up the heart rate, pushing it to the point where the heart couldn't work anymore.

Ayola fiddled with the plant, not stupid enough to eat one of the berries, and began cutting off a few leaves, murmuring small 'thank you's to the Goddess of Light for letting her take the life of the plant.
"Now...Since the berries themselves make a good poison, would the leaves themselves be able to provide me with an antitoxin? The berries must go through a crushing process to release the poison within them, so if I use a mortar and pestle on the leaves, perhaps I can find a way to fight the poison..." Ayola began muttering to herself as she worked, taking out the mortar and pestle from under the counter and beginning to grind the leaves. "But...I'd need Moonlace to liquefy the leaves into a healing mixture... And no one has any of that here..." Ayola let out a frustrated, feminine, yell and smacked the counter with her small fist, irritated with her inability to make anything worthy of healing some of the more dangerous poisons. With a sigh she glanced around the Alchemist side of the Bazaar, noticing another female in the area.

"Are you looking to buy something? Sorry if my outburst startled you." Ayola looked at the female apologetically, but then remembered that her face wasn't visible through all her red hair and the cloak. She shrugged, then continued to regard the female suspiciously.

Tag: @Ensig @Anyoneelse c: Character's Mood: Irritated/Upset User's Mood: Boredddd and Irritated Location: Her Room -> Main Home -> Bazaar Ship Inventory: Satchel, Bow and Dagger, Vials and Plant Cuttings

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Moving calmly through the crowded Bazaar, Gil maneuvered his way around the various tents and stands. the amount of people from peddlers, merchants etc together in one place. The entire place was a mixture of both discord and harmony.

Dismissing his philosophical thoughts, Gil wanted to simply continue browsing.

Um, can I... can I stay with you, Mister-- er, Sir?"Looking over to the side, Gil noticed the tall walking suit of armor who was going to be one of his comrades conversing with a small child. In front of him was an extremely funny sight a panicking Halfling, who seemed to be older than he looked judging by the aura of darkness that seemed to seep from his very being.

I just... I don't really know where to go to buy things, and... I don't even really know what to buy...! Oh, and... I-I'm Edwin, by the way." the Halflings voice annoyed him greatly and Gil decided it was time for a little mischief of his own.

Following close behind the towering golem quickly moving forward but not rushing and even so he began receiving a couple of odd looks from others, he arrived at the carpenter's stand beside them.
"Well, isn't it a bit to be carrying someone that old on your shoulder?"


- None

Bag of Holding (Large):

- Katana

- Wakizashi

GP: 2,000
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OOC Note
I'll wait for @TheFlyingWriter to respond to #14 before Eldrich responds to #17.



- Brown Bandanna of the Master Thief

- Tattered Thieves Coat

- Crescent Moon Necklace

- Ring of Bargaining

- Leather Wrappings

- Tattered Leather Shorts

- Arcane Chains of Binding (x5)

- Bladed Piercing Knuckles (x2)

- Throwing Knives (x10)

- Smoke Bombs (x3)

- Flash Bombs (x2)

Bag of Holding:

- Smoke Bombs (x5)

- Flash Bombs (x5)

- Paralysis Poison Med. (x5)

- Sleep Poison Med. (x5)

- Lock Picking Tools (Various types and amounts)

- Throwing Knives (x50)

- Bandage Strips (x10)

- Rations (x5)

- Water Skin (Filled) (x2)

GP: 2,134

Wandering about, Mira's eyes moved slowly as she inspected the wares of one Alchemist after another. Usually, she would have bought her Healing Potions through a connection of some sort, but regretfully, any acquaintances she had in this area were nowhere to be found, and she didn't have the time to look for them. Because of that, she searched for any bargains on Healing Potions alone.

When she reached her third cycle through the Alchemist's corner (as to get a proper grasp on the prices of things), she noticed as a certain Alchemist that hadn't been there in the past two cycles released a small yell as she pounded the counter of her shop. As she looked towards the Alchemist, the woman(?) looked back, apologizing for her outburst.

Walking towards her stall with her hands in her pockets, Mira gave a short "Don't mind it." before proceeding to look over her wares. Like all the other Alchemists, there were potions, cures, tonics, and really any other sort of curatives available. Unlike other Alchemists, however, the herbs and plants used to make said curatives were also on display, making the stand seem like a half-flower shop, half-alchemy shop. Curious.

After half a minute of silently looking around and ignoring the inquisitive stare of the Alchemist in front of her, Mira reached towards a couple of Healing Potions -- Lesser and Medium strength ones -- and brought them to eye level, letting the sun seep through the liquids to examine their purity.

"You had mentioned Moonlace earlier." Mira continued to look at the potions as she made minor conversation.

"Ras Dothore." Mira turned from the potions and looked back at the Alchemist with a piercing look -- even if she didn't mean to. "The lizards there should have some."

Of course, Mira wasn't referring to actual lizards, but rather the Dragonborn people who resided there. Even if Mira wasn't an Alchemist herself, she knew that in that city of scholars Alchemical ingredients would be far easier to find than here.

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no slide


|Bag of Holding|

-Water skin

- Lute

- Climbing Kit

- Dugeoneer pack

- Bed Roll

- Blade repair kit

- 5x rations

- 2X Jyn Kebab

- Dragon's Ginger

-Greater healing potion

- Potion of swiftness

- Zyngala Paladin armor EQ

- Zyngala's Glaive EQ

GP: 982


|Medium Messenger Bag|

- x5 Thieves Kit

- Water Skin

- Potion of acid resistance - Potion of Invisibility

- Elemental Bestiary

- Bed Roll

- 3X 6'x6' of fine silks and cloth

- Basic Leather armor EQ

- Coat of Adaptation EQ

- x25 Sleep arrows EQ

- Bowblade EQ

- Her fathers wedding ring EQ

GP: 878

After wandering for some time Gregor and Feevi went their separate ways. Each of them continued to look for any members of their party as well as any adventuring items that caught their eyes.

Gregor Hartway
Gregor managed to get a hold of a quality sleeping pack as well as a dungeoneer's pack. After a couple more minutes of searching for supplies he found himself at a stall that sold exotic cooking spices, one item in particular catching his attention. There was a bundle of Dragon's Ginger, which had been popularized in Jyncala but could only be grown in the tropical groves of Crowsmere. Looking through his coin pouch Gregor saw he still had a fair bit of coin but was contemplating saving it. But that ginger was calling his name! It sat there silently taunting him with the promise of pork loin glazed in ginger sauce. Or maybe roasted pigeon with shredded ginger topping the delicate roasted birds soft fleshy body. Meanwhile the shop keep eyed him warily as this large armored figure stared intently at the bundle of goods. The shop keep was about to say something when Gregor slammed his hand onto the counter. "I'll take the whole bundle!" The shop keep looked from Gregor to the Ginger before nervously speaking up. "Of the ginger?"

"Of course the Ginger my good sir! I'll take all of it!" The armored man slammed a handful of coins onto the counter which the shop keep quickly grabbed for.

After a quick exchange with the clerk Gregor turned to go look for a few more items when he saw a couple of his new comrades in the distance. Wondering what they were up to he quickly jogged over to the group. As he did so he managed to over hear the priest saying that the boy may be to heavy for the colossus figure. Gregor let out a hardy laugh.
"Nonsense! This fellow is as strong as they come!" The Paldin slaps the living armor, his own armored hand ringing out as it slams into the Templar. "Tell me good sir! How did you com across such fantastic armor? Impressive craftsmanship if I do say so myself. In fact I'd even say that it's quality matches my own." Gregor slams his chest plate with his hand letting the clang ring out.

@Ensig @Kenji Jensai @TheFlyingWriter

Feevi Hadish
Feevi wandered through the endless sea of tents, stalls and store fronts trying to find a bed roll and anything else that would be of use. After wandering around for a while she came across a shop that sold fine silks and was able to pry the location of a bedding shop out of the merchant by purchasing some fancy cloths and silks. After grabbing a bed roll Feevi couldn't think of anything else she had need of and contemplated heading to the carriage that was waiting for them. Sure she could go look for the others in her team, that Paladin was a bit obnoxious but a good guy none the less. Although she wanted to get a better read on some of the other Travelers. Like that kid, what was up with him? He obviously couldn't just be a kid or else the church wouldn't let him come on such a dangerous journey...

Feevi was deep in thought, mulling over each and every Traveler's possible strengths and weaknesses, when she caught sight of Mira by an alchemists shop. Both girls, the alchemist and Mira, seemed to be conversing over the wares displayed. Wanting to take a look herself and maybe introduce herself to the rogue Mira began to approach. But instead of entering herself into the conversation right away, decided to observe a little, maybe try and understand Mira's personality a little better. Dissipating into a cloud of mist, Feevi began to observe in her barely visible fog like form.

@Ensig @Anaxileah

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OOC Note
Agh sorry it forgot to post last night =P

The living armor, Eldrich, placed a hand on Edwin's head and ruffled his hair softly, much to the latter's annoyance. But, seeing as he couldn't just drop the charade now, he grinned, and even giggled slightly. "Make sure not to wander off," the golem warned, and Edwin mentally rolled his eyes.

"O-okay," he said instead, as Eldrich hoisted him onto his shoulders like a child. "Thanks a lot, mister... sir," he beamed, making sure not to show his teeth. Sure, Eldrich was facing away, but some stragglers could be near. He feigned amazement as they passed through the Bazaar, and tapped lightly on the back of Eldrich's helmet. "This is really cool," he said. "I've never been this tall before." Technically that was another truth, seeing as he'd obviously never gotten the chance to get any taller.

Truth be told, it was a nice change being able to survey things from high up like this, even though slipping through from below, unnoticed was much easier and less of a hassle. It was also nice that he didn't have to worry about figuring things out, at least for now. Hopefully Eldrich was too busy treating him like a kid and 'showing him the ropes' to notice that he was not and needed nothing of the sort.

But with Eldrich occupied it would be much easier to read him.

Speaking of Eldrich, the vampire was snapped back from his thoughts as the golem told him he could buy anything he wanted. "Oh yeah," he gasped, looking around and pretending to browse. "O-okay!"

Eldrich moved to a carpenter's stall, and Edwin peered around, searching for a glimpse of one of the other people he'd seen earlier. As was obvious, he kept his ear open to Eldrich's conversation, trying to pick up on certain phrases or habits or mannerisms.

The life of an assassin was a restless one, whether you were a vampire child or not, and that was a fact.

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OOC Note
*Format changing intensifies*

Eldrich Morrow

- None

Bag of Holding (Large)
- Tower Shield of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Portable Weapon Repair Kit (x10)

- Whetstones (x15)

- Lance of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Portable Armor Repair Kit (x10)

"Well, isn't it a bit to be carrying someone that old on your shoulder?"

After hearing a voice resound beside him just as he was about to speak up to the Carpenter, Eldrich turned to face the source. There, he found one of his Traveling companions.

"Father Gasperi, what do you mean by --"

"Nonsense! This fellow is as strong as they come!" said another voice, this time from slightly behind on his other side. Shortly after, a short *clang* occurred, which Eldrich thought to be a collision of sorts against his armor. Turning his head to his opposite side, Eldrich found it to be another of his Traveling companions; this time, the Paladin. Perhaps they saw him and decided to use him as a beacon?

Entertaining the thought half-seriously, Eldrich brought himself to a focused state, as to not let the Paladin's words become drowned out by the surrounding crowd.

"Tell me good sir! How did you com across such fantastic armor? Impressive craftsmanship if I do say so myself. In fact I'd even say that it's quality matches my own."

With a wry smile -- or at least giving the thought of one -- Eldrich replied after giving a slight nod to the Paladin. "Surely you jest, Sir Hartway. This suit of armor might be strong, but yours undoubtedly has the blessing of a God carried within it -- and a strong one, at that. Armors such as yours can't be compared to ones like mine. Even someone without any training in the Church would know that." Giving a hearty laugh, Eldrich continues. "And as for the craftsman of this Armor... If they were a part of the group who bound me to this form, then I'd regret to inform you that they're no longer of this world."

Giving a slight shrug towards his own answer, Eldrich looked between the Priest and the Paladin shortly before speaking up once more. "But on to more serious matters. Have you two finished your preparations? I, myself, was delayed in reaching the Bazaar as I had to speak with Lady Amalthia prior to leaving. And as for this one..." shifting his arm and pointing behind his helmet, Eldrich indicated the child riding on his shoulders "He hasn't bought anything either."

@TheFlyingWriter @Throne Trinity @Kenji Jensai @Tunioga
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As Lan edged closer through the bustling crowd (it proved surprisingly difficult to maneuver through this many people, as eager as she was), she noticed that quite a group has amassed before the metal giant. A small boy rode on his shoulders, an image that greatly amused her. As the clanking and shifting of the metal became clearer to her ears, she noticed something was very off. It sounded far too hollow for someone to be wearing it. "Perhaps the person underneath is very small?" she wondered. Suddenly, she heard a loud "CLANG" emitting from the armor. No, there was no way anyone was inside, and yet the armor moved and talked like a person. This discovery only made her even more curious.

Finally managing to get within an appropriate distance, she noticed another, smaller, yet just as beautiful set of vivid turquoise armor, and an intensely powerful energy being emitted from it. It's presence was overwhelming. She could almost feel a shock coursing through her, discharging through her fingertips. She was sure there was a person inside this time, as she caught glimpse of his friendly face and easy smile as he conversed with the armor.

The booming voice of the iron giant caught her attention.

"Have you two finished your preparations? I, myself, was delayed in reaching the Bazaar as I had to speak with Lady Amalthia prior to leaving..."

Lady Amalthia....he didn't mean...

"Excuse me! E-excuse me sir!" She broke out of the throng and approached the metal man, "I couldn't help but catch that last bit. I'm actually looking for a diety called called Amalthia...would you happen to know anything about that?"

While within this proximity, she also took the chance to get a proper look at the piece of work before her eyes, drinking in every detail.

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Eldrich Morrow

- None

Bag of Holding (Large)
- Tower Shield of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Portable Weapon Repair Kit (x10)

- Whetstones (x15)

- Lance of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Portable Armor Repair Kit (x10)

Eldrich lowered his arm after pointing to the child on his shoulders, and awaited for the others to reply... Only for a new voice to join the mix. "Excuse me! E-excuse me sir!" Eldrich turned around once more -- hoping that the Carpenter behind him wouldn't mind the pseudo-gathering he was causing -- and found a stocky young woman standing only a short distance away, looking up at him.

"I couldn't help but catch that last bit. I'm actually looking for a deity called called Amalthia...would you happen to know anything about that?"

"Hmm..?" Letting out a low hum at the woman's words, Eldrich brought a hand to the bottom of his helmet -- a habit he had picked up when he was still a human, and simply never let go. The reason for his confusion would be obvious to most of the inhabitants of Invarion, as Lady Amalthia played an active part in the city's Politics. 'An outsider perhaps..?'

Lowering his hand back to his side with the sound of metal plates sliding gently across one another as he did so, Eldrich nods. "Yes, I would indeed. Lady Amalthia resides in the Church of Higher Light in this very town." Lifting his arm once again, Eldrich pointed in the direction of the large cathedral a short distance away from the Bazaar. "Although, the procedure to see her Holiness is quite tedious... It would be especially so today, as she dispatched Travelers to uphold peace in the surrounding lands only a short time ago."

Nodding as if confirming his own suspicions, Eldrich lowered his arm and proceeded to stay silent for a moment before tilting his head at the woman. "If I may, would you mind telling me why it is you're looking for her Holiness?"

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Ayola nodded tersely when the mysterious woman responded in a curt manner, but kept her gaze on the woman as she looked through what the alchemist had to offer. She had long, white, hair, and a curvy figure, with definite muscle. Ayola felt slightly jealous toward the female who was able to show her skin and figure so visibly, while Ayola had to conceal everything that represented her. The older female was so lost in thought that she almost missed the younger female's offer at conversation. "You had mentioned Moonlace earlier." The other woman had started, startling Ayola and causing her to turn her head slightly in curiosity.

"Y-yes, what of it? Ayola asked, her furrowed eyebrows concealed by the dark cloak she wore. Her red hair was pulled back beneath the cloak, but some of it was visible as Ayola neared the edge of the counter, peering at the other woman. She pulled back her hood slightly, since she was in the shade, and looked at the other female with bright eyes as she spoke. "Ras Dothore. The lizards there should have some." Ayola's eyes widened in surprise at this female's words, then glanced away from the other female's gaze, her thoughts working out loud again.

"I assume you mean the Dragonborn...That would be useful...But how would I get there? I have no means, nor the money...If I were to go, I'd be able to obtain other plants that are uncommon here as well, but as I said before, how would I get there...?" Ayola began rambling to herself, pacing within the small outdoor shop. After a moment, she realized what she was doing in front of a possibly paying customer and halted in an almost comedic manner, then turned to face the female with an embarrassed look upon her pale face. "Haha...Sorry about that...I ramble sometimes. Usually when I'm alone or in deep thought...Thank you for this information. Do you know of any ways in which I could go to Ras Dothore? Also, were you looking to buy anything?" Ayola tried being as polite as she could, looking apologetic for her earlier babbling.


@Ensig Character's Mood: Curious/Embarrassed User's Mood: In Pain Dx Location: Shop o-o Thing Inventory: Satchel, Bow and Dagger, Vials and Plant Cuttings


"Whaat? She's already doing that? And I thought I had some time..." Lan had sorely misjudged the traveling time it would take to get to the town, barely making it on the day of the ceremony. Guess you can't trust an outdated map. At least the guides back home weren't wrong about the final destination...

"Eheh, I guess the city gets really confusing for country bumpkin like me" She flashed an embarrassed grin.


Suddenly, remembering his question, she straightened "Oh! As for your my reason, well, I guess I'm looking for a better way to practice my craft, plus..." she lowered her voice and leaned in "I've heard she's got some armor enhancing expertise up her sleeve...Which! Reminds me, you have certainly got an incredible set right here sir. It's quite magnificent even from far away. Mind if I take a closer peek at it?"


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