
( Kiro and Maia should talk. Right now, I'm imagining frozen Kiro in the room. )

Maia looked over her shoulder. That guy! She cocked her head. " hello. Which one are you? " she asked, recalling that there were two of them
(Lol, I literally just had him sit next to her. ^^ )

"Kiro. I'm the 2nd half; The creepo one that doesn't cry likethe original." Kiro said, giving himself a name that was pretty similar to Riko's.
nichole got out and dried off putting on her change of clothes. she walked out and said"yea...thanks riko..." her skin was red from the scalding water.
Brady rolled over with his head placed in her lap and his face was nuzzled close to her stomach. He involuntarily wrapped his arms around her waist still asleep.
Maia laughed, " I'm Maia, pleased to meet you... Kiro. " she said lightly nodding in greeting. She pointed into the distance on the horizon, her black hair rippling before the bangs caught caught into knots. Blech, shed pull them out later. " if you look hard enough, you can just see below the water." She said thoughtfully placing one arm and the other arms elbow on the rail. Her right hand supported her head as she squinted into the distance.

Without taking her eyes off of the horizon line, she said to Kiro, " who was that girl that you and...your other half were talking about in the infirmary? It seems as if you guys both like her. I sighted you guys in the hall at one point and another time in the infirmary, all three of you. " she turned and waited patiently for his reply, leaning on the rail
Riko frowned at the sight of her skin. "Are you alright...would you like a hug?" He asked and held his arms out to Nichole.

"Oh, you mean Nicole. That's my- ...well Riko AND my girlfriend. Since we split into two, she's supposed to choose between us soon. She still seems to be interested in the other more." Kiro replied, then yawned as if he didn't really care. He infact was very jealous.

"B-Brady?! W-What are you doing?!" Meiko blushed brightly when he suddenly turned and hugged her.
Maia rolled her eyes, " you don't fool me mister, you're jealous! " she said teasingly. " what if she chooses Riko? " Maia said thoughtfully. Kiro angry, she'd seen it before. Nicole angry. Oh yes. She'd seen that before too. Yikes. " what would you do? " she asked. Her eyes flicked to his
He muttered in a slurred voice "Oh you know...just getting comfortable...because your so warm...and I think I love you..." He said but it couldn't be sure if he was serious or not because he was so out of it.
'How'd she know?' Kiro thought but didn't say anything about it. "Well if she choose him I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Whoever she doesn't choose will just disappear...and become the other's shadow. Can't do much as a shadow." He told her.

Riko sighed and put his arms down. He knew she felt absolutely terrible and was going through a really hard time but he still felt a bit angry for some reason. Or maybe he was just sad...somehow upset in a ways.

Meiko covered up her cheeks as they brightened in color. "L-Love?!" She obviously hadn't noticed that he was only partially awake. She started pushing his head away. ", you're just saying that."
When she pushed him away he fell to the floor jumping up almost immediately "I'm up!" He rubbed his head "oh geez what happened?"
Maia looked slightly curious. " well duh, you can't do anything as a shadow! " She said. "If you and Riko are the same person, why do you have different personalities? " she wondered out loud.
He looked up at her face as he knelt right infront of her "Are you feeling okay you look kinda hot? I can get you some ice water ,whatever you want I can do it for you." He cocked his head.
"Because when we spilt, we sorta 'split' our personalities too." Kiro replied.

Riko stared down at Nichole, not saying a word.

Meiko leaned back when Brady leaned towards her. "N-No, I'm good." She stuttered.
Aiden accepted the kiss and let the emotions wash away, he said one last sentence, "Just let it be, it's better this way," and he had a conscience, no more. Aiden looked at Harumi again with his eyes of puppeteering, he itched a little and found some note in his pocket, he read it out loud to Harumi.

"If you are reading or hearing this it means that the toxin has ended and I have lost my conscience permentently, the drug has worn off. Even if I have a conscience no more, you can still love me, you know," this last part Aiden said not from the note, but from his own mind.

"I won't push it away, ignorance is bliss, love," his message was quite clear, 'You can love me and I'll let you feel like I actually love you, just so you feel better'
Nichole sighed and said" im ok allona..." allona said"dont lie to me!" she held Nicky her demon doll close. Nicky said"stop being an idiot Nichole!"
Nichole looked down. "idk what to do! im getting married, my boyfriend/fiancee split into two personalities, dad's dead,you guys could die, i have to chose one riko and no matter which i chose one fades away!ITS TOO MUCH!"sobbing. it was too much for the teen.

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