
Brandy was still dead asleep in her lap at this point and only his breathing could be felt coming out of his mouth or by the motion of his chest. Whenever he breathed it released a smell like lavender and camomile combined perfectly into one and it mixed with the air on the stuffy plane.
Meiko sniffed the air, then blinked when she realized it was Brady. "He smells really sweet..." she muttered quietly to herself and smiled. """
Aiden saw through the monitors he had won as soon as they stopped trusting him, all the pieces were set, they were in Mexico, the normal had happened, inspections, one night of getting drunk, recon, etc. But now is where he knew the Foreign Minster was going to try to kill him, as he went to the main room with everyone in two shots could be heard from the outside, making a small dent in the wall. One even passed through Harumi's room. All had been in place, suddenly an assorted batch of mercenaries who also had superpowers jacked the docked heli, running straight for Harumi, the man probably thought he would surrender peacefully if Harumi was captured Aiden knocked through the door, shoving Connor away to get in the door, as he entered three bullets landed on his chest and he raised his leg, kicking off the small group, two of them actually did by hitting the ground so hard. Aiden grabbed the remaining one and held him up, he turned to Harumi very slowly, his eyes solemn, and gleaming disappointment.

"You didn't believe me, I wouldn't lie to you love," he said quietly snapping the last one's through, no blood came out of him as he slowly threw him off the plane, Aiden had used his adrenaline to keep him steady, but now he fell straight to the ground, in front of Harumi, with three bullet holes. But his mind still worked, and so he cloaked his last thought, 'I have won...'
Nichole winced getting up. her mom said"rest sweetie..." "im fine!" Nichole stumbled but stomped out the infirmary.(NO AIDEN IS TOO EPIC TO DIE!!! D, :)
((Just read all the posts. Just wanted to say...

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South DakotaTennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming. In ABC order, served... :D I would do the capitals but it would take too long. ))

Lol, there's your answer Aiden ;)
(I meant countries.... also Aiden won't die, he orchestrated everything, he knew Harumi would think he didn't love her and that you guys would think it wasn't real, this was 1000% the original plan, no changes to modify, absolutely none)
Maia snapped her head up at the sounds of a whipping, but arrived too late, the sounds had long disappeared, and screams long faded. The infirmary ( Lol, watch Mine Craft, Tale of Kingdoms paulsoarsjr and you'll get the joke. ) was already crowded with people, well, what she called a crowd. There was a girl on the cot and two guys, the ones she saw in the hall standing beside her.

Maia lifted her eyebrows, not uttering her word. Obviously, she ment, what the h*ll just happened?
(Toxic is here with me and he wants to know if Aiden does or doesn't love Harumi)

"Aiden!" She screamed, "I wish you wouldn't hide your thoughts." She murmured stepping over him and walking out of her room. "I won't help you, why should I if all you would do is use everyone to your advantage?! I love you but I hate you at the same time!" She began to cry.
The handle of her knife jutted out slightly and Maia raised a hand quickly and quietly to push it down again. The handle felt comfortable and she nudged it back into its place. The young shapeshifter studied the scene, the girl was the one being whipped, probably, the guys...either twins, duplication, or split personalities. The family was either the two guys' families or the girl's but there was no father...perhaps he was the one whipping, the girl had mentioned something about killing someone.
Nichole ran into her father. she looked up at him in anger.BANG BANG!! he gripped his abdomen and she smirked. "never mess with me have no idea who you're dealing with.."
(No he doesn't, not at all, he doesn't have a conscience)

Suddenly his thoughts poured out, filtered, but yes a lot of them did came out, his thoughts were... odd, it seemed like he was truly torturing himself on one.

'Is this a curse? No, it's not, it's a gift, but it's taken so much from me, but it's given me power, at the sake of my mind, but I've gained power in my mind, I've lost it, I've gotten it, I've lost it,' the cycle kept repeating, Aiden's thought voice was not controlled or centered, it was mad, high pitched, cracking everywhere, laughs in between, small sobs here and there, it was like a nightmare to behold.

'Can I make it go away, yes, no, I can end it, but I'll lose too much, but I can do it, but I won't, yes I will, no I won't...' the thoughts stopped for a while, until a small whimpered voice spoke again, 'I want to show others this art, this wonder, they all deserve it, I can't just be tortured, make them pay! They shunned me! I'll shun them! Let them starve! Let them rot! Let them... Let them... Let them feel it, alone, sad, lonely, nobody is like me, nobody at all, I'm special, I truly am, I am a messiah, I am a god, I am God, I am almighty, I am perfect, I deserve all, but I get none? I can't get peace, I can't get freedom, I get asylum, why? Why would they give God an asylum, I am perfect...' his thoughts were simply, horrifying to be honest.

(Have I scarred you all for life yet?)
( Aiden reminds me of Light Yagami. He has a reallly bad god complex)

Harumi covered her ears. The thoughts she longed to read, they weren't what she had expected. Everyone's thoughts were mixed in with Aiden's. The volume was unbearable to Harumi. She fell to her knees but she continued fighting the mental torture. She reached out for her gun and shot her own head. Her body fell to the ground, lifeless.

(No she is not dead)
Aiden had been left alone from the masses, after a long enough time he slowly woke up, grabbing his insanely awesome medicine healed most of the wound, and he worked on Harumi's he now knew what to do, while the damage was gone, the wound was not, slowly he limped out the heli and into his reserve jet, leaving behind all the medical supplies she would need and a note.

'I'm sorry, I'll make it better, just wait,' the note said as Aiden grabbed his other air veichle, much much faster, and flew off to Korea, he had gotten there in one hour and walked up to the capital building, sentencing the Foreign Minister to death, as he did so his vote was accepted and his head rolled on the floor. Aiden had finally cornered the dictator, and finished his coup, taking over the throne through large assassinations. On every TV screen it showed Aiden's dictatorship ceremony. He was on top of a balcony above the masses. He slowly started speaking, his voice now powerful and resonent.

"All men ... are NOT created equal! Some are born swifter afoot, some with greater beauty, some are born into poverty and others born sick and feeble. Both in birth and upbringing, in sheer scope of ability every human is inherently different; Yes that is why people discriminate against one another, which is why there is struggle, competition and the unfaltering march of progress. Inequality is not wrong, equality is. What of the British which made equality a right? Rabble politics by a popularity contest. The Saudi Arabians with its monarchy? A nation of lazy dullards. But not our beloved Korea, we fight, we compete, evolution is continuous. Korea alone moves forward, advancing steadily into the future. Even the death of my Great Leader, Kim Jong Un demonstrates Korea's unswerving commitment to progress. We will fight on, we shall struggle, compete, plunder and dominate, and in the end, the future shall be ours. ALL HAIL KOREA!!!!!" And so the first verse ended and he waited for the applause, slowly he raised his arm and moved it sideways as the masses cheered. And so he started the second verse:

"The world lies! Thou shalt not commit murder, thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not cheat, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife. All of these are lies! Mere illusions and nothing more! They don't want to be killed, they don't want to be robbed, using the twin lies of justice and morality, the weak are endeavouring to protect themselves. But the first truth is that the strong devour the weak, so let us feed upon people, upon wealth, upon riches and power! We at Korea shall feast upon the raw flesh of the world itself! We will crush this deception and bring forth the truth! All Hail Korea!" Harumi could remember that as more applause happened, and so his speech ended and he returned back for Harumi.
Harumi could no longer hear the thoughts of others, "what happened?" She looked around at the notes on the floor, she was happy she couldn't hear anything. She saw Aiden out of the corner of her eye. "Aiden!" She ran up to him, "I can't hear thoughts anymore!"
Harumi ran straight past him and to Aiden. He wished she could still read minds so she could just find out that he liked her. "I don't stand a chance againt Aiden!" He thought.

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