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Futuristic Transsolar

After the first return, we will obtain the following upgrade:

  • Hoverboard (fast horizontal travel; no height)

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  • Jetpack (able to scale high ledges; no flight)

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Computer, generate instruction post #013

This message was auto-generated on 3482/04/12, 5 years, 7 months and 16 days ago in Standard Solar Time

Current date: 3487/11/28

- Upload complete -

Crew of the SSE Lullaby, your journey is about to start, a voyage into the deep, dark ends of space. Few have gone there before you, and even fewer have returned, but may many follow you. To make their homes, to look up to their friends of new races and each and every day think of those pioneers who found them their whole lives. Whenever the journey seems hard and tedious, it will be the truth, but in history it is only hardship that has bettered us, made us strong, intelligent and curious. Know that your actions will have changed the reality of many, and with that knowledge in mind,

We eagerly await your return

- End of message -
3487/11/29 08:00:00

Saami stood on the bridge of the ship, which as of now was standing upright into the launch bay. The reason he wasn't falling over was because the gravity inside of the ship had already been altered. It did make for quite an odd experience as getting into the ship and then suddenly having one leg being pulled in a 90 degree angle while the other was still on the ground. Not many people were on board though, the navigation department classically were the first as they had to program the orbits and warp devices. They were fine men and women, but they seemed to be ever so slightly bummed that their head pilot was an INANES. Until he had started giving orders on what to program into what system in a precise and orderly manner, and his robotic accuracy appeared to be a bit more appreciated. He himself also send data to the systems, programming them alongside his crew, and watching the data they typed as a means of control.

There was not a single mistake allowed past him, his first long distance warp had to go correct and precise. He would not risk losing face in front of the captain and the whole crew, not to speak of losing one or more crewmembers. It would be hard to screw this one up too much though, as there wasn't much in the vicinity that could hurt them. Most of it was empty space, aside from a few mapped rogue dead stars, there honestly wasn't much to bump into. Yet if he made mistakes on the very first instance, he would set the wrong example to the navigation deck, losing their (already doubtful) trust completely from the get go.

Eventually, after trite, tedious hours of programming everything seemed to be in order. He dismissed his department, sending them to the stasis pods. As soon as a department had finished all preparations, which at this points where more like finishing details than real necessary work, they would get send into the stasis pods. The commanders would go last, and he, as head pilot, would never go into stasis to start with as he had to monitor the warp. But for that he would be in the control room, which was more like a claustrophobic's nightmare. Strapped into a seat, a panel full of switches and glowing buttons only about a feet away from your face, not to begin about the wonderful sensation of being warped. The forces were literally breathtaking, so whilst strapped in, controlling a spaceship and having the lives of the whole crew at his fingertips, he'd also do it with an oxygen mask keeping his internal organs functioning. No miracle most head pilots were the first ones to go mad, so perhaps it wasn't such a strange idea to put a robot in that role, at least they couldn't go insane. He was definitely looking forward to it.
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Adira walked over to Saami, since she had some time before she had to go into stasis, and said, "Everything seems in order. Just letting you know, I'm going to be headed over to oversee the stasis pods, then get in myself. We don't have very long left. Please... remember our agreement." She added the last part after a bit of hesitance. She didn't want to be stuck in a stasis pod for a week. Once it was safe, she wanted to be out of there. Overseeing the departments as they settled into stasis was easy enough. She was going over her tablet as she did so, checking all system functions, and everything checked out. Just a few more minutes and they'd be ready for warp.
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Vince had patrolled the entire ship and had been making his way back towards the bridge when he almost ran into Adira. "My apologies Sir. I had just finished my sweep. Everything has checked out, so I was on my way to the bridge to find you actually." Vince felt kind of awkward. Ever since the other night when he had had the flashback he felt just a little odd around Adira. She knew something rather personal to him, but it didn't seem like knowing about it bothered her. "I uh...I was curious, I mean." Idiot. "Is there anything else that needs to be taken care of before I head into stasis?" To a degree he hoped that she had something else. He hated the idea of going into stasis. Just knowing that he'd be awake the whole time bothered him.
Lydia dragged herself (and her small hoard of clipboards clutched to her chest) through a rather busy facility. She was sure she had entered through some door she was not supposed to, or mistaken some hallway for another, but she tried to avert the blame to her lack of time to prepare. Tripping on the heel of her own shoe, she had to bite back a swear that would have been rather loud. She was all askew, all flustered! The day before had not been particularly enjoyable after having been interrupted from her work of arranging for more samples of this, securing the shipping date for that specimen, ensuring that the model of this would be compatible with the model of that....

She would be the first to admit that she was scurrying about only because she knew that small favors and helpful deeds were the secret silver lining to any résumé. Rather suddenly, though, she had been given what was, in all technicality, a promotion. It was better than being the little delivery mouse, but it brought her progress towards the summit of a position more involved in studies to a violent, screeching halt. Not only that, but at the very moment she had been informed of her repurposing, she had been locked in an elaborate battle, if you will, to confirm the shipping of supplies necessary for the advancement of some experimental technologies. Several weeks of arrangements, of maneuvering around miscommunications, of writing, rewriting, and writing again things to finally prove the authority with which she was working, that she wasn't just some random child trying to smuggle some dangerous materials.

Weeks of work, squished. Like a bug beneath a thick-soled shoe.

Like her toes beneath the foot of the person who rushed past her.

Biting her tongue to keep from yelling out, Lydia set about collecting the clipboards that had fallen from her grasp in the moment. Now, where was it that the crew of this ship were to meet? The girl's thoughts were bitter, as was her aggravated expression, as she glanced about herself. Quickly by clumsily, she replaced her papers with a tablet, scrolling swiftly through a swath of messages. Had her employer mentioned any message or meeting place when he had told her of her new assignment? Perhaps she had been accidentally exempt from something. It was said that she had been almost a last-minute selection for such a trip, therefore warranting such a sudden and unanticipated upheaval. That did nothing to change the fact that she was a tad bit lost, though that small issue finally was solved with her approaching an elegant and rather intimidating ship. This must be the Lullaby. Her sour mood was almost drowned out by the magnificence of the ship, though they resurfaced quickly.

Now where was she supposed to go to board it..?
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Adira seemed just the slightest bit amused by Woods' lack of eloquence in asking his question. Not like she was laughing at him, more of laughing with him - not that she was even really laughed. "Don't apologize for an accident. Well, you could just wait with me 'til everyone is in stasis. Honestly, I'm a tad worried that Marshall might try something, or Rea will get spooked. All departments are going well, so, it won't be long until we're all clear." Something seemed to have been bugging him, but she couldn't quite place her finger on it. She figured it had something to do with the nightmare he'd had while she was there, since that was when it had started. Whatever it was, he'd get over it eventually.
Saami hadn't forgotten the agreement he had with the captain. Honestly what was there he could forget? He still recalled what he ate for breakfast on the seventh of june. Enhanced memories had their perks, but he doubted he'd forgotten her request even if he hadn't had a literal photographic memory. He just kinda had been looking forward to having a few days to himself.

It would be a peculiar thing, launching the ship while he was still in his sixth year of operation, and being in his seventh after the warp. Though he didn't really have a birthday... maybe a depodding day? He didn't like thinking about it as a birthday, because none really celebrated it, and inevitably he was confronted with the fact that he was a merely a weapon, or a scientific product. There hadn't been any parents happy to see him, there were no parents to begin with, nothing to love him or make him out of love. It was all artificial and cold... and no matter how hard he tried to ignore it, it always made him a bit sad.
Eventually the time came and Marshall said goodbye to his quaint little hole in the wall for the last time. Armored in a 10ft tall suit of mechanized steel, the Mercenary returned to base and settled his armor into the cargo hold of the ship. Despite its size, it was rather easily to tuck into the corner and power down, the legs and waist would lock in place and the armor would be standing in the cargo like an eerie mannequin, a reverent that would watch over the supplies with silent conviction.

Marshall himself actually went WITH Woods, running security analysis and checking for violations for the last time until take off. He took it relatively seriously, actually checking and following the instructions and the list he'd been given in order to properly cover his areas. When he was finished, he reported back to Woods and handed his the report, all conditions normal. With his job done for the time being, Marshall stood 'guard' outside the ships gangway and took his last few swigs of a disgusting Arid Harbor moonshine cleverly disguised as flask obviously meant to hold alcohol. In his other hand, he fiddled with his cigar box, flipping the lid open and closing it after, glancing at that last Genuine Earth Cigar for the few seconds between the flips of the worn wooden case.


Anu was whole different story, his lessons with Rea had taught him enough about customs and courtesies that when he finally met Woods and Marshal, they didn't get the full alien analysis that rest of the crew seemed to be so lucky to receive. Anu actually seemed fearful of the two security officers, in his own words; "Those two are dangerous. They're troubled by their past deeds, I do not like them." However, this did not merit any sort of negative treatment from the alien. He still happily spoke to them and called Woods out on his cybernetic arm within minutes of their meeting. Calling it; "remarkable if but a bit primitive", stating that cellular regeneration to regrow a lost arm is preferable to replacing it as far as the N'thagn were concerned.

Marshall commented on having seen an N'thagn before while working with an 'independent trader who was transporting workers'. When Marshall claimed the N'thagn was violent and aggressive, Anu happily explained it was likely one of the Synthetic N'thagn that still dotted the galaxy today. A point that only reaffirmed Marshal's disdain for Saami despite Anu's warnings.

When the time came, Anu insisted the he didn't need stasis but would remain in the medical bay of the Lullaby until the others were awoken, taking the chance to study over everyone's medical records and examine the ship's capabilities as far his job was concerned
(There we go... That's what I wanted to put. Darn phone... Posting before I'm finished... Hmph.)

After a small bit of wandering and examination, Lydia was finally able to find where it was that she was to enter the ship from. Before she did, though, she took a moment to pull herself together. Today and the day before, she had been all out of order, disorganized, and what she considered a complete cluttered mess. Standing now with elegant posture that brought her to the peak of her rather short height and disguising her quite irritating day behind an small smile of simple and unassuming politeness, she strode up to open entrance to the ship. She still took from it a vibe of superiority, as if her being relocated to a mission such as this was little more that a complete and utter mistake. That feeling was stirred further by the glimpse of some huge exo-suit that seemed to be standing like some silent sentinel without the ship. She was reminded by it about her own exploratory suit, which was stowed neatly away in the white case, the size of a thick briefcase though hanging from the handle vertically, that she held at her side. She was also reminded of the simple jacked she had worn that day, and the shirt that it hid. The shirt that presented a sarcastic science-related pun across the front.

for the first one, she realized she... Might not agree with the rest of the crew.

Upon approaching the grand thing, she noted a rather... Unseemly man who seemed to be standing guard, in a way, before the open bay. Mentally flinching a small bit and giving a half-moment of hesitation, Lydia greeted him little more than a nod before continuing on her way. She was hoping against hope that such an unstable-looking man was not actually a member of the crew with which she was supposed to work, and her unnerved feeling of reluctance was multiplied.
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3487/11/29 14:00:00

There were about six hours left before the launch would happen, most of the crews had been counted and put into stasis pods already, their work finished. Some were still awake though, and Saami was making his rounds accounting for who wasn't in the pods yet. It was crucial everyone was locked in place once the warp happened, otherwise they'd be slung through the ship in a not very pleasant matter. It would be regrettable to get out of stasis only to find the battered, bloody body of a colleague. So far he had seen Marshall, Woods and Captain Adira awake, which was understandable as they would probably not go into stasis until the very last moment. Though once he saw Marshall, he also saw a girl with him that didn't seemed particularly nervous, and he identified her as Lydia Camden, of the medical department.

He figured it wouldn't be exactly wise to have Marshall be the first person she talked to, for obvious reasons. So he decided to intervene, for better or for worse.

"Miss Camden, I suggest you report to medical bay. If you so desire I can escort you." It was very likely it wouldn't make Marshall think higher of him for doing so, but then again he probably couldn't think lower of him than he already did either. Besides, he didn't quite care if the man would like him, as he seemed to have made up his mind on that already, and it appeared that it would be impossible for him to break that idea. In any case he'd be going to the medical bay anyway, checking to see which of the doctors and scientists were still awake. The doctors somehow always were the types who preferred to stay awake for a long time.
When a figure appeared in the cargo bay, Marshall flipped the cigar case shut and lazily stowed it in his pocket. He eye balled Lydia as she approached and when she nodded to him and tried to storm past, he promptly stepped in front of her to block her way. He screwed the cap back onto the flask and crossed his arms as he glared down at the woman.

"Can I help you?" is all he said, his voice dry and carrying with it that peculiar scent of Arid Harbor moonshine -like nail polish and cheap beer. Dressed exactly as you'd think an alcoholic Mercenary would be dressed; rough unshaven face, ragged oil stained shirt that likely was white at one point, sleeves rolled up of course and a pair of baggy olive drab cargo pants. It wasn't a second later that Saami came up from behind and intervened. He rolled his eyes at Saami and turned back to Lydia.

"Oh. You're part of the crew. You got an ID? I'm not just here for my looks." He said flashing a hollow smile at her as he held out his hand to take her identification.
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The girl paused as the gross man stepped into her path, and she brought a hand to her mouth to try and disguise her gagging at the sudden nasal assault. She squeezed her eyes shut tight and held her breath to combat the disgusting scent and took a step back. As soon as she heard the voice of a different person, though, Lydia looked again to see who had spoken. Letting the air from her lungs out in a sigh that would let one thing that she had just been rescued from certain doom of some sort relating to pools of boiling lava at the bottom of a sudden sinkhole. Her gaze flicked back and forth between the two, an appreciative look to the INANES, and a rather repulsed one toward the other who appeared as if he was the embodiment of the now nonexistent thing of poverty.

The man spoke again, giving her a smile that ensured her uncertainty about having to stand the same people for weeks, months, or even years on end. On the tablet still clutched in her hand, she gave a few swipes and taps to present her identification -- and association with the Space Division and The Outliners -- but simply lifted the tablet up before his face. She was much shorter than him, only adding to the feeling that he'd do something rather despicable, but she'd rather not have to spend hours cleaning smudges of grease and alcohol from her tablet before being sent into stasis.
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Saami stood and waited for her and Marshall to finish their conversation, at least until she would give him an answer. As he wasn't addressed he wasn't reacting, even if he knew that his own identifications rarely if ever were wrong. It wouldn't be wise to go against Marshall any more anyway, he'd let him have his confirmation. It wasn't like Miss Camden was trying to hide her discomfort either, the disgusted glare in her eyes befitting of seeing something like a rotting cadaver. Honestly he wasn't quite sure if Marshall wasn't about to start rotting if it came to it, the only thing preventing it the massive amount of alcohol in his system preserving him. At this point he was pretty confident that if the man ever went missing he could track him just by smell alone, but despite that, right now he showed no sign of being disgusted at all.
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Vince's whole body relaxed some. "Very well." As he joined the Captain he finished checking over his tablet. He had been looking through the various security cameras spread out through the whole ship. He quickly noted the happenings down in the cargo bay, though he had to zoom in on Lydia's face to finally get a good look at her. He made a mental note on her face. Something about her struck him as familiar. Turning back to the Captain he thought of a question that he been bugging him. "What did you mean by saying you sent my medical record to the doc? Was it the complete file, enhancements and everything, or just medical records?"
Adira looked at him for a moment, a bit puzzled, then replied, "Your complete medical file. It didn't have your qualifications and history and all of that, but it should have had your enhancements in there - that's kind of necessary for her to know. Why, is something wrong?" He ought to understand the importance of the doctor knowing those things, especially about his arm and enhanced bone structure. Had she done something wrong, though?
Giving her a blank look, he wasn't blind to her disgust and she certainly wasn't hiding it but Marshal wouldn't give her am inch. His tired, bloodshot eyes glanced at the tablet before he snatched it from her hands and held it a more comfortable distance from his face. A lazy look darting between her and the tablet.

Eventually he scoffed, having enough of her undue attitude. He turned the tablet around and let it slide from his hands, if she wasn't quick enough it'd smash against the ground.

"You always this charming and polite?" He said dryly as the tablet slide from his fingers. Marshall shook his head at her and called out behind him at Saami, keeping his eyes locked on Lydia. "Hey vending machine, why don't you take her to the Captain and Woods." He paused, awarded Saami a suspicious glance before he stepped out of Lydia's way. "Woods will check you for contraband. Try not to be a bitch your whole time here." With that, he returned to his spot, leaning against the wall and continuing to flip his cigar case open and closed again, turning his gaze towards the open cargo hold.
"It's nothing. I understand the importance of having that information, I'm just not used to the idea of having a human doctor. Sure we had fire responders and medics in the teams, but our doctors were androids. Command favored the precise nature of androids over the possible mishaps humans tend to have on occasion." The thought of the brief examination from Anu earlier had felt rather invasive. "I'd rather not have to have someone prodding about me like Anu wanted to do earlier."
Saami switched his gaze to Marshall, then to Miss Camden again. Honestly the comparison to a vending machine was quite dull, he'd expected better. Toaster he could at least understand somewhat, but a vending machine sold things, and he didn't exactly look like a salesman.

"Understood, I will bring Miss Camden to the Captain." Plan of going to the medical bay foiled, but he'd just get on it once he had escorted her to the captain. It probably wouldn't take too long. "Follow me miss." He said, turning around and heading off without waiting for her to reply.
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Lydia's jaw clenched for a moment at her tablet being wrenched from her hands.


When the tool was sent toward the ground, she scrambled forward to catch it, only just barely suceeding to keep it from shattering. At his comment about her demeanor, she opened her mouth to mention that she had had a less than adequate few days, but she was interrupted again by the man calling after the INANES. She was beginning to dislike this guy... Vulgar and annoying. She gladly took the opportunity to follow the blue-eyed cyborg past the man. As she walked, she examined her tablet, trying to scout out each one to know where and where to not hold it.
"Oh, I see. Well, Chrice Jones is one of the best doctors in the Science Division. And like most of us on this ship, she seems to have gotten booted for doing something "wrong," quite an interesting file, hers, I don't know if you read it. Nearly court-martialed. Still a damn good doctor. And not too curious, either, so you don't have to worry about prodding. You're lucky, though, at least Anu didn't go calling you a number and play with your hair." She was still slightly miffed about the number thing. She checked her tablet, then said, "Are you kidding me? ANu seems to think he doesn't have to go into stasis. I'll have Jones deal with that." The lady had certainly seemed like she could deal with any problems. Adira sent her a message: "Tell Anu that Captain Rik wants him in a stasis pod in five minutes or less."

He would very much have liked to be able to apologise for Marshall's behaviour. He hadn't seen her before, and he figured from her demeanour that she probably had just arrived. Just her luck to meet Marshall first, at least he had been near to get her out of that.

"I suggest you avoid Mr. Marshall, as to make sure your interpersonal situation will not get out of hand." In other words to prevent fights happening between the two, and he was sure it was easy to avoid him, even if she couldn't smell or listen for him like he could. He had a very distinct presence that could be noted from far far away... something to do with animals fleeing and dark stormy clouds forming.


She opened the door to Anu's workspace, seeing the alien busy with whatever project he had taken upon him now. Honestly she couldn't really get a height of him, he seemed nice enough, but his insatiable, incurable curiosity sometimes got to the point of being freakish.

"Hey, Captain Rik wants your ass into a stasis pod in five minutes. Her words, not mine." Better to just be direct, the alien took everything so literal any fancy wording was lost on him. She wouldn't be too surprised if she found him with only his behind in a stasis pod and nothing else, but then she'd just gently coerce him into the right position. According to her own definition of gentle and coercion, which about equalled forcefully stuffing him in.
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At hearing more words, Lydia's glance came up from inspecting her tablet very suddenly, her head jerking to face the person guiding her to whomever held the title of captain.

'Yeah...' She muttered in response to his words. 'While I myself might not be in the best of moods, I'm not sure he's the most social person either. Hopefully by tomorrow, or the next time I wake up,' She added, remembering that at some point, she was to go into stasis. Not something she had done before, not something she was too eager to do, 'I might be able to act a little less blunt.' She enunciated each word in the final phrase with a sharp accent on every consonant.
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Rea walked beside Anu all the way to the ship, agreeing with his comments about Woods and Marshall. Anu mentioned a synthetic arm on Woods, and Rea was shocked. She wouldn't have been able to tell that it wasn't real.

On the ship, she greeted the Captain and Woods, before heading to the Culture bay. She said goodbye to Anu like they had practiced, and they went their separate ways. She trusted him not to make a ruckus. However, there still was one. He didn't want to be put down for Stasis. To be honest, she didn't want to either, but it was better than death.

The Culture bay was the furthest of all the other fields, as it was an uncommon field and the bay was rarely used. It was a long walk to get there. Once she was there, she found her stasis pod and got inside. She didn't want to deal with all this nonsense before they had even taken off.
Saami smiled, she seemed like a nice girl, though he wasn't quite sure if that was because she didn't exactly know what an INANES was, like Rea, or because she was genuinely nice to INANES.

"As you are part of this ship's crew, I am required to tell you that I am Saami, an INANES and the Head Pilot. I request your demands be clear and without hidden intentions as to prevent misinterpretations." That was about everything else he got to say, as at the end of the sentence they had reached Woods and the Captain.

"Saami reporting. Mr. Marshall ordered me to bring Miss Lydia Camden to you and Mr. Woods Ma'am." He said while saluting her, then saluting Woods, but not quite acknowledging him beyond that as his first order of business was with the captain.
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An INANES. Well, that confirmed that. Suddenly, she was a bit compelled to study him, at least record some of his behavior. She had always had an incredible curiosity toward the INANES, seeing as every time she had ever tried to find some kind of information of their creation, she was barred from it.

Not concerning that, at least she had a name to put to the face.

She noticed Saami give the captain a salute. Oh, would they be using formal greetings and such..? Lydia was wary over those kinds of things, she was more than sure that she would do something incorrectly. She had so little background with formal things, her missions with The Outliners were more often than not volunteer trips.

So she simply gave the captain a bow of her head, something she was very positive would be difficult to misinterpret.

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