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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul Rp!

"Girl, you are really starting to piss me off!" Kruser exclaimed, as he ran towards her. A few feet in front of her, he suddenly lunged, doubling his speed. He swung downward, shattering her Boe, and launching himself over her.
(Ok thats powergaming. You cannot make something that belongs to something else break. And you have to give them time to answer to block, dodge, or get hit by that attack) @Boe
Hinata watches Jack from close enough to hear but he's out of sight. he's been following Eyeless for awhile now trying to find the right moment to interrogate him. from what he's gathered Eyeless needs to be killed. but he would never kill based on a CCG report, its too biased, for all he knows Eyeless could be innocent, so Hinata was going to interrogate him. that changed when he lost sight of him for a bit, when he found him again he was injured and running away from a CCG member with a girl with him.

Things are now even more complicated as another CCG member just sheathed his quinque and is approaching. if a fight breaks out he doesn't know who he'll be backing up.
Yumiko twists her body while moving back dodging the blow only by centimeters. She always started out not trying when someone seemed to underestimate her. It normally came as shock once they saw her skill. She then sidesteps to left and attempts to hit his left knee woth her boe staff.

CCG attacking a human? well this made things simple. Hinata took out his Quinque and ran to go back up the girl. She seems like she could hold her own but he cant just stand by and watch this happen.
Hinata leaped into the air and swung his sword at the mans quinque in an attempt to redirect it from hitting the girl
Yumiko rolls her eyes. Why does everyone interfere in my fights?! I may be 4'11 and a girl but im plently capable of kicking your ass! She thought annoyedly.
Kruser's quinque retracted, at the sight of another well known ghoul. He pounced away, and got in a defensive position. "Heh, I'm outnumbered..." He said, sheepishly scratching his head
Yumiko just sighs. Well now this got interestingly boring of if that is even possible... She though and looked from one male to the other.

@Boe @Shnuydude
Hinata glares at the man, his red and black eyes peering though his devil mask "So the CCG has started assaulting humans now? good to know...."
Yumiko places one side of her boe staff on the ground and leans on it balancing her weight so she could lean on it without falling over. Ok.. Have seen four guys in one night.. I think.. I don't remember not do I care. Tonight is very active and many are out in this area of Tokyo tonight. She thought and just continued to look at the two guys not really sure how this will go down.


"No. I don't represent the CCG. I represent the young man who was injured here earlier." He said, annoyed that he was outnumbered.
he slightly lowers his sword "actually thats what i might be here to do" He glances over at Eyeless "i was actually on my way to interrogate him to see if he does need to die"
"We are seeing if we should kill him! No one's saying we are!" He said, faking seriousness. He leaned to the other ghoul, "We're gonna hurt him if we have to." He whispered.
Hinata ignores the man and faces the girl "The CCG report says that he targets young women such as yourself. you may have been his next meal choice" he then walks up to Eyeless "so is that true? do you eat innocent girls?"

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