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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul Rp!

Kykker dropped his katana, and pulled out his radio from his belt. He pressed the communications button, "Th-This is unit-154, Kykker, reporting Eyeless in the alley between-" He was cut off by a coughing fit. Blood spurted out of his mouth heavily, and he fell over. The radio was buzzing with frightened, and eccentric voices.
Boe said:
Kykker dropped his katana, and pulled out his radio from his belt. He pressed the communications button, "Th-This is unit-154, Kykker, reporting Eyeless in the alley between-" He was cut off by a coughing fit. Blood spurted out of his mouth heavily, and he fell over. The radio was buzzing with frightened, and eccentric voices.
he smiles thinking that he would come back and kill him if he was still there
Well thats a hopeful statement. If I wasnt he'd be screwed and I probably would be to. But I do have some skill in medical areas. Yumiko thought and wondered where this guy could be going.

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Libra259 said:
Well thats a hopeful statement. If I wasnt he'd be screwed and I probably would be to. But I do have some skill in medical areas. Yumiko thought and wondered where this guy could be going.
"Can we go to your house?"
Within the hour, Kykker's adopted father, whom was only a few years older than him, had found him, unconscious in the middle of the alley. "Kykker?!" The man yelled. He ran over to him, and slid to his side. He noticed it was only a head wound, and decided to just take him home. He could heal awful fast for a human, so it was no big deal. This wasn't the only time something like this happened, so his adopted father knew what to do.

Kykker awoke a hour later, laying in his bed with a bandaged head. He radioed into CCG HQ, and told them the story. He was to make a direct call to his supervisor, Special Agent Kruser. (I'll make a OC for Kruser, and Kykker's father soon.) Kykker did as he was told, and called Kruser. After a while of explanation, Kruser planned a mission change for the two. They would begin investigating Eyeless Jack upon Kykker's return to the field.
JPTheWarrior said:
"Can we go to your house?"
"No, I dont trust you. You lied to my face a minute ago and I donr know if you will again." Yumiko says bluntly. She wasnt trusting and she had just met the guy and he did lie to her. So that shout red flag! Not a good idea!

Libra259 said:
"No, I dont trust you. You lied to my face a minute ago and I donr know if you will again." Yumiko says bluntly. She wasnt trusting and she had just met the guy and he did lie to her. So that shout red flag! Not a good idea!
"Eh? What I did was wrong? Ghouls are supposed to hid from humans, so my lie is completly natural"
"Its natural, is your excuse? Your suppose to hide from humans yes but anyone would of known you were a ghoul and if I feared ghouls and wanted to kill them then they wouldnt of continued to talk to you. They would of probably attacked or ran. Both of which I didnt do. Though I honestly dont know if your observant enough to actually put the pieces together and figure that out in that short time we talked." Yumiko replies still as blunt and nonchalant as always.

Libra259 said:
"Its natural, is your excuse? Your suppose to hide from humans yes but anyone would of known you were a ghoul and if I feared ghouls and wanted to kill them then they wouldnt of continued to talk to you. They would of probably attacked or ran. Both of which I didnt do. Though I honestly dont know if your observant enough to actually put the pieces together and figure that out in that short time we talked." Yumiko replies still as blunt and nonchalant as always.
"Tch I am not the smartest one, but that doesnt matter!" they are now under a bridge. He sits on the ground "Now I dont know how but can you take care of my wounds?"
"Well your a ghoul so your wounds do heal overtime but seeing as they havent healed much at all you'll probably bleed out by then and die. So I assume what injured you was another Kagune or a weapon made with something like that? Since they do cause more damage and takes longer to heal. This will be difficult since you have physical holes in your body.." She replies while thinking for a bit.

Libra259 said:
"Well your a ghoul so your wounds do heal overtime but seeing as they havent healed much at all you'll probably bleed out by then and die. So I assume what injured you was another Kagune or a weapon made with something like that? Since they do cause more damage and takes longer to heal. This will be difficult since you have physical holes in your body.." She replies while thinking for a bit.
he splits some blood "Yes it was. Messed with a S class ghoul. Not a good idea"
She chuckles, "I applaud you on your courage, though that could just be stupidity.. Though to be honest there is very very very thin line that separates them. And we all are pretty stupid no matter what species." She says, "now I cant stitch them together since they are holes... I really done know, you should be empty of blood! At least human circulatory systems, or where your blood runs through your veins, are a closed system which means no blood leaves! And since you have holes in you the blood is pouring out.." She taps her chin for a second then takes her bag off and pulls out a first aid kit. Why she had one at hand, is because she gets into frequent fights and such. "I at least block the hols up so no more blood can come out. It may cloat over but that maybe not happen since its larger wounds.." Yumiko was really just talking to herself and opens the kit and begins to take somethings out.


Libra259 said:
She chuckles, "I applaud you on your courage, though that could just be stupidity.. Though to be honest there is very very very thin line that separates them. And we all are pretty stupid no matter what species." She says, "now I cant stitch them together since they are holes... I really done know, you should be empty of blood! At least human circulatory systems, or where your blood runs through your veins, are a closed system which means no blood leaves! And since you have holes in you the blood is pouring out.." She taps her chin for a second then takes her bag off and pulls out a first aid kit. Why she had one at hand, is because she gets into frequent fights and such. "I at least block the hols up so no more blood can come out. It may cloat over but that maybe not happen since its larger wounds.." Yumiko was really just talking to herself and opens the kit and begins to take somethings out.
"tch.. Just do something. I dont care how just do it quick"
Kruser, upon getting the call from Kykker, had gone out into the alley to investigate. He saw the clear markings, and immediately took out his quinque. He followed the alley, before reaching a bridge, where he found Eyeless and the girl talking. He retracted his quinque, and began recording their conversation.
Yumiko sensed a presence and sighed. "This is crap! See now I am involved! And whoever is there I know your there! No use In hiding I can sense your presence!" She called out in the same nonchalant way but with a bit of annoyance lacing her tone.

@Boe @JPTheWarrior
Kruser walked out in his white trench coat, with his steel briefcase. He turned the recorder off, and waved with his open hand. "Hello, Jack!" He said, referring to Eyeless.
Yumiko facepalmed, how she hated Tokyo and people! And being ignored! Oh the joy of life!.... She sighs, Well sorry Jack seems like there will be another fight! How amazing! So if your probably going to die. She thought and stands up.

"Girl, Ghouls are murderers, so I'd advise you step away from It before it kills you too." He said, as his briefcase turned to it's weapon version, with a wicked smile.
"And you shouldnt tell lies." Yumiko replies still nonchalantly. "Not all ghouls are murderers and I prefer to not be underestimated. If he wanted to kill me he would of already and anyway, Im perfectly aware who this is, after seeing a kagune like that. I advise you to back the hell off." She replies as her tone got serious towards the end of what she was saying. Yumiko didnt want anymore fighting at the moment and absolutely hates when her thought process was interrupted.

@Boe @JPTheWarrior
"Sorry lady, I don't want to kill you, but I will injure you if it means getting you out of the way." Kruser said, as he readied himself
"Can it and come at me already. The guys already injured, do you have no honour?" She asks grabbing her boe staff from her sleeve and expanding it.


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