To Save a Kingdom [REMAKE]

AshenLily said:
I don't think Rozemarijin is the friendliest character I've ever met... :P
@Darth Pai
Haha! Thank you. c: That means I'm portraying her properly. I've always wanted to play a truly rude character and I'm finally able to. I must say that it is difficult but it holds a sort of challenging feeling to it. >u< If that makes any sense...

[QUOTE="Prizzy Kriyze]Nor does she possess the easiest to write name. I will now try to write it without looking at it. Rozemarijin. Did I do it?

Really? I thought it was rather easy but maybe it's because I made her. Roze-mari-jin. And yes, you did do it. xD
Guys. I'm so freaking confused right now. =_= I imagined it at the gates were only around the castle and Rozemarijin had already ran far enough that she exited the city but okay. c: Just go with whatever.
Well it's the capital so my character was heading towards the gates that led into the city from the outside ((Basically the front entrance/Exit)) so I would imagine two sets of gates for entering and leaving the castle and entering and leaving the city. I hope that makes sense Pai. Sorry if my post confused you. @Darth Pai
Should I wait for the others or post? Cause I wanted to wait for them to catch up in the Rp but I'm not sure if you want me to reply right away @Darth Pai
Sorry for my absence everyone, this is the only reason why I HATE the holidays. Very, very busy =_=

But, I'm back for real this time around. Thank you Pai, for covering the role play for me, I seriously appreciate it! :3

Now, I'm gonna go ahead and catch up if you don't mind...
Thank you, Ashen! :D

And that's fine Pai-chan, your best is appreciated. <3

I'm gonna plop open my laptop real quick and read up on your posts, then we will see what happens there! :3

Very good intros by the way, Ashen and Prizzy! :DD

Also, just to be clear @Darth Pai , we're on our way to catch up with Roze?
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Thank ya. ^_^

And, yes. That does seem to be the case. Someone's a little impatient. Not going to mention any names, though... *Cough* Rozemarijin *Cough*
Lol, that's fine.

Sadly, I see that Aki had to leave, so did Sabrina. Which I understand, because real life can be awfully cruel...

But, Delta should be able to post soon if things all go well, and I am assuming that Kojote will post soon as well. My post may/may not come up tonight. If not, tomorrow for sure.

Since our recent departures, the posting order is of course over with. Just don't go crazy, and try to give everyone a breather, eh? xD
Hey! Why am I being looked upon as the villain? QAQ I just have an extremely bitchy character. As for the posting order, I was told that it was just for the first cycle. ^^"
Paaaaaaaaaaaaai. I didn't mean to throw you under some metaphorical bus.

I just meant to use your name, so that if anyone got in trouble, it was you and not me. :3
I feel like everyone's calling me out. xD Also I'll be gone for a good part tomorrow but will be back later in the evening. c:

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