To Save a Kingdom [REMAKE]

No worries. ^_^

Not the best post in the world, considering how long it took me to write it. Haha. Sorry. I've been getting distracted by a million different things I've had the desire to do today. Haha.
I live in America as well, just realized that it wasn't really morning on my end...

That's what you get for sleeping at three in the morning!
No! This----> "Hey Jiro I'll go get the others so keep an eye on Little Miss impatient over there."
LOL, @Prizzy Kriyze, "If I'll ever slow the group down I'll perform ritual suicide."

Well done XDD

I'll wait for the others to post, then I'll go ahead and do so, while responding to Ren, @Archdemon :)

I also want to give @Delta some time to post, he had an accident a while ago, so it'd be nice if we could hold on a moment for him to catch up.
Good afternoon, everyone. c: To answer your question, Arch, I'm settled in the land of snow, maple syrup, and hockey. Also known as Canada. c:

I can wait for Delta. Whatever happened, I hope everything is well. I'll get started on reading all of the posts soon. I come back to a bunch of alerts and my laptop is lagging. >_>
[QUOTE="Darth Pai]It was a harmful request

Wth Pai. He's only asking you not to call him Vexillarius. Can't possibly be that harmful :P
[QUOTE="Prizzy Kriyze]Wth Pai. He's only asking you not to call him Vexillarius. Can't possibly be that harmful :P

Oops. Typo. *wasn't xD
Do you guys know what I hate the most? I absolutely hate Fucking auto-correct! Whenever I type the correct spelling of a word like Guys for example it'll say "Fuck that use Guts!" And I'll be like "What the absolute Fuck!" When I just looked at my post I saw that a word I spelled which was Upon was changed to apron. Fucking Auto-Correct!

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