To Save a Kingdom [REMAKE]

You can go ahead and post xD

To better word what I said, try not to advance the group, since my post will be exactly that owo
Fire is a good start. Or some lightning magic.

You could also go for something like... say, an armor coating ability, where your skin hardens and becomes scaly, like that of a dragon, and will defend you from any melee attack ONCE per battle? To counter this of course, this ability will not work against offensive magic abilities/magic coated weapons.

Something like that is good, so long as it ain't OP or anything like that.
Might go for some Fire magic because Archdemon is a volcanic dragon and I'm assuming that if you have magic that is like that of your dragons type it's more powerful. That's more of an assumption than anything else but if that's not the case then I'll go with fire. Just a question can he use two magics or just one? If two is okay then I'll also have ice. If not then that's fine. @Darksoul90
Yes, essentially that's how things are.

Dragon Riders will typically have a very strong resonance with their companion much like a Demon Render and their demon.

And, as far as the Dragon Rider class goes, depending on what "type" of dragon the rider has, if you have a magic ailment that is similar to what the dragon is capable of spitting out (fire breath, ice breath, etc...), it will be an automatic buff. The buff however, only works on the RIDER, rather than the dragon itself.

And considering the class and what Dragon Riders are capable of, he can only use one specific type of magic, be it an offensive or defensive type of magic.
Keep in mind that the rider himself is not really THAT strong, no matter how much they trained on a specific weapon before becoming a Dragon Rider. Sure, they can hold their own, but do not expect for him to single handily kill off a group of ten bandits by himself. Their defenses will be high though, which explains their rather tanky nature, and the exact opposite can be found on the dragon, which explains why they are pretty weak defense wise. Their strength however, outshines the rider's defensive capabilities.

But I'm glad I could be of assistance :)
I know that

Also before I forget I'm going to have Archdemon wear some Dragon armor. Is it okay if Ren has it in a large bag on the Dragon?
Very busy, but it was good :) Yours?

I also posted on the Updates Tab, I will HOPEFULLY post on the actual IC tab later on tonight, assuming I don't knock out.
For the assault on Worgar who do you guys think should fight the two magical generator guards? And who'll fight the general?
Hmm, that's a good question.

Our party will have to separate into three groups: One group defending the main human force, and the other two groups will have to take on the generator guards. The General can come last.
Haha! I thought we were going to wing the fuck out of it but we can plot out a brief starting plan. Or a full battle plan. Whatever you guys want.

Since Rozemarijin's class is defense based and her current fighting style is aggressive, she'll start by charging into the battle against the Class F demons and fall back once in awhile to cast support spells.

However, depending on the roles of the other characters-- YES I DO KRIYZE.

Oh, well, if we're taking on a generator guard, Rozemarijin and I would like to request for an additional offensive character. If it's possible, of course. c: If not, then that's fine.
... I mean, the best defense is a good offense... Though, that is debatable for a paladin...


(And you can't believe how close I was to accidentally writing opai. It wouldn't have been spelled correctly, but that's still kinda awkward.)

What, is Vex not good enough for you ;-; </3
I guess I'll have Ren and Arch defend the soldiers. We'll need a signal for when both teams kill their guard.
If you're going to spell pai wrong, spell senpai. (-3-)

Of course, he is! I take back my request. We can tots handle a demon. =u=

Would "NOW!!" work? :3 huehuehue

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