To Save a Kingdom [REMAKE]

Rozemarijin? A leader? No, she's a dictator queen. >:c Rozemarijin= meanie bo beanie. If she were to change, she'd be a supporter. c:

Anyways, I'm back! Rather tired from today's activities but I'll get started on a quick post in 10 minutes or so.
I've been thinking about possible love choices for Ren though I have no idea who would be prefect....
True, true. I shipped Kinnell and Carrick so hard until Aki dropped. They were Karrick or Carnell. ;_; But I still have Carrick x Daichi.

If you haven't noticed, I ship Carrick with a lot of people because I adore him.

Then there's the one pairing that I secretly approve of... Rozemarijin x Catalista. In my mind, they're the Masami of LoK.

Of course, I also approve of Alhana and Daichi. They'd be adorable and my heart would be ripped out from the moe. Don't question my pairings. They're beautiful and if you think about it, would work in some alternate universe or if the players wish to carry it out.
Gawd, Ren's potential to be shipped is over 9000.

The following pairings are fictional and are not weird at all. >:c

Ren x Alhana

She's sweet, quirky girl. He's an asshole looking for love. Do the math. They would cute. Alhana being the one who embarrasses Ren with all these things that he reads in his romance novels but never thought they happen in real life. You get the point here. cx

Ren x Rozemarijin

This one's... Imagine tsundere x tsundere but more fucked up. She hates him and he hates her but for different reasons. Love is passionate but anger and hate is too. Verbal and physical beatings followed up by apologies, tears, and forgiving kisses. The cycle repeats. Emotional turmoil all day er'day.

The following pairings are male x male.

Ren x Daichi

I picture Daichi as a very dominant person. Ren gets swept off his feet by a demonic prince. Just saying, Ren's the uke and Daichi's the seme. Daichi showers Ren with love and Ren is embarrassed but falls in love with the demon prince as well.

Ren x Carrick

Because Carrick is love. Carrick is life. This would be a very calm and understanding relationship in which Ren's insecurities grow because of how calm Carrick is. He doubts that Carrick truly loves him even if the other man does say it. Carrick hides his insecurities from Ren, wanting to appear strong so that Ren can rely on him. Instead, this pushes Ren away because he has his own insecurities about not being good enough for Carrick or how Carrick doesn't love him. Long story short, this is one of the few stories in which Carrick is submissive.

Notice how (insert name here) x Carrick is longer than the others because Carrick is amazing.

Ren x Alkarev

As a hardworking business man, Alkarev can't always be with his lover. Even from the start of their relationship, it appeared as if Alkarev was more obsessed over money than love. In which Ren feels lonely and ignored but Alkarev continually tries to make it up to his lover. However, he struggles to find how.

Ren x Vex

This one's more of a Ginny x Harry. In a relationship, Ren looks up to Vex since he's so friendly, amazing, etc. and asks himself, "How did I land myself such a magnificent guy?" But Ren knows that Vex hasn't completely opened up to him and doubts begin to grow within him. Can he get Vex to completely open up to him and rely on him?
OH MY GOD That's fucking hilarious! xD wow you came up with stories but you know what I'll role with it even though I kinda wanted a more factual thing than a story.
HOLY FUCK. Don't joke about that. My heart is exploding with Jiro x Daichi. They were my original TSaK OTP. XC
I'm kinda surprised there wasn't a Jiro option for Ren since he basically has Daichi living inside him. I'm also surprised that nobody has even commented on Ren's two different colored eyes and his scar.
Also Ren isn't the type of person who would physically abuse someone even if he really hates them and he's not a total Dick xD . Besides that once you get to know him he's a softy.
I'm also surprised no one insulted Jiro yet for having a demon living within him. I'll probably have Rozemarijin criticize him one day. Rozemarijin isn't one to comment on strange appearances (unless certain circumstances occur) so I can't have her going OOC. cx

@Darksoul90 Don't laugh at my feelings. QAQ Just kidding. I guess it is kinda funny...

Archdemon said:
Also Ren isn't the type of person who would physically abuse someone even if he really hates them and he's not a total Dick xD . Besides that once you get to know him he's a softy.
Oh, that was Rozemarijin's part. c: Yes, he's a softy, which is why there's the recovering part of the cycle. But if there was a romance (despite it being fucked up) between Rozemarijin and Ren (Renmarijin?), it would be a very intense one seeing as how they don't seem to get along right now. I'm basing it off Rozemarijin and Ren's current character.
Okay then well here's a tip if you guys want to get on better terms with Ren.... Just talk to him when you have the time and also don't say anything rude to him cause he'll be rude back. Ren= Lovable Asshole
Rozemarijin, do you want to get on better terms with Ren?

"My priority is my mission." Rozemarijin had a sour look on her face as she scowled and looked away.

Wow. So salty.

Rozemarijin= hateful bitch. Hate her, despise her, make her feel horrible. It'll be lovely to write how she falls from her high horse.

"You're disgusting." The paladin spat at the ground, glaring at the skies with anger that disguised fear.
Just saying, I am not a sadist to my characters. >_> Please don't think of me as such as person.

So, how's everyone doing today? c:

"My day is Fucking horrible since I'm traveling with an impatient, uneducated, little miss bossy..."

Me: "......."

Jk I'm doing good!
Rozemarijin shot Ren an angered look, about to snap at him. "Look here you--" She quickly caught herself at the last moment. "You're simply slow and I am indeed educated." She was a former princess after all and just because her parents sold her to the Inquisition doesn't mean that they slacked on her schooling. Sure, she didn't have private tutors like she used to but she was not uneducated. "I am not uneducated. You think I don't understand you but I am not uneducated." Pursing her lips, Rozemarijin turned her gaze back to the road. "Use the proper term next time."

The paladin paused for a moment and turned to look at the ground, refusing to stare at the sky. "I'm fine. Stop asking such preposterous questions." Rozemarijin huffed and continued to ride down the road on her horse. Her facial features hardened as she tried to ignore the faint nagging at the back of her head. "We're wasting time and that is a time wasting question." Rozemarijin almost let herself hesitate. "Let's go." She clicked the heels of her boots on the horse's side, making it let out a soft neigh and trot faster.

That's good! I guess we're waiting for @Darksoul90 to reply and I'll whip up a quick post after that? We're also waiting for the others to catch up. Unless they shoot us in the face by making something happen in the city. For example, a scout is discovered and so on. We could use that scout to get information, farther coaxing the group to move forward. cx
I will in a moment Arch, after I finish posting owo

Daichi seems to be in a lot of those ships you mentioned so far, Pai X3

By the way, before I post I wanted to give Ashen a chance to do so, though. Unless she says otherwise.

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