To Save a Kingdom [REMAKE]

It's alright Archy :P You did a little punctuation and spelling error here and there, but it's definitely better than the average RPer I've come across.
I'm going to drop this roleplay due to me already been AFK for a decent time and since I'm not sure I can invest enough time for this sort of roleplay. :(

I'm sorry, perhaps another time! Just bad luck I joined when I had to leave for Georgia.
Akihito said:
I'm going to drop this roleplay due to me already been AFK for a decent time and since I'm not sure I can invest enough time for this sort of roleplay. :(
I'm sorry, perhaps another time! Just bad luck I joined when I had to leave for Georgia.
Aw! :c Sorry to see you go, Aki. I hope we can get into another roleplay together.
Well, would you guys like me to make a quick post about heading off on the epic journey? :D Everyone's posted their introductions right?
I feel like it'd be a little weird to just ignore the response from the king and so, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Do as you wish.
True. Perhaps @Darksoul90 would allow me to bunny the lord and send the group on their way? As a co-mod, it is in my best interest to keep this roleplay going so... I'll get started on a post. c:

If it displeases the Grand King, then I'll take down the post/have everyone completely ignore it.
I think Rozemarijin might just actually be perfect for this position. She wants to get this mission done quickly and efficiently after all.

Initiating "Let's go!" post in T minus 25 minutes.

So yeah. Post's up! cx It should push people to go forward. Don't be afraid to take initiative, guys. Everything is cool when you're part of a team~!

As for the direction we're heading, check out the maps in the Setting/Locations tab. Feel free to piss Rozemarijin off by detouring to a different city though. c:

My plan for Etai is that, since it's in Bojara Estate, it'll be a good place to train with monsters and take on miniature quests. Side quests and such.

At the same time, since we're heading up north towards Godbane, there could be clues! But that's just an idea I quickly whipped up while typing up the "Let's go!" post.
@Darth Pai You didn't have to get out of there that fast xP

But I actually have a question. Was she getting out of there full-speed, or is the horse just kind of trotting out?
What the hell Pai :c How are we supposed to catch up or know where we're going? I mean, everyone but Archdemon won't even know which way you're going, seeing as they're still in the throne room.
Huehue! The beginning of the post. The lord practically casts the characters out of the throne room (there probably wasn't much left to do there as a group anyway) so you guys should be outside of the throne room. That's where Rozemarijin decides to be a demanding bitch and make the decision to head off immediately. cx

HAHAHA! Smooth, Vex. xD

Welp, my whole post to dragging the group along was defeated. QAQ Lovely post though.
Haha! I'm joking. xD It's totally fine. I just wanted to push the group forward so if I don't reply for awhile, it's because Rozemarijin is still riding off into the sunset. I'll probably make a post about her returning back to the group, pissed af. (-u-)=b
I did something even better! I've made sure that she was stopped and that if you guys could catch up if she decides at the gates to gallop towards the city we're heading towards.
"Fuck teamwork." Rozemarijin hissed as she impatiently waited for the rest of the group. This was no time for dilly dallying! "There may not be an I in team but there sure as hell is an I in completion." The paladin huffed, not wanting to work with her group.

^^^ This character. She will be a pain to work with. >_> Dangflabbit. I should have made her at least a little friendly.
[QUOTE="Prizzy Kriyze]Oh, will she at least listen to a little old-fashioned pragmatism?

Yes but in a very stubborn way. Don't focus on her too early in the roleplay, she's a bitch.

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