To Save a Kingdom [REMAKE]

Well on a mission-oriented plot, wouldn't that kind of go against Orwald's "This mission takes top priority"?
He did say that we can take as long as we want plus this will help strengthen the character in some way. There might also be extra goodies too.
There are skirmishes going on throughout the continent, that changes daily. Helping out would in turn help us acquire better gear. The same goes for any quests that pop up throughout the continent, like murder investigations, bandit raids, etc.

I actually have to put up a thinggy on the update tab about that.

I'll type that up after this last posting cycle.
Darksoul90 said:
There are skirmishes going on throughout the continent, that changes daily. Helping out would in turn help us acquire better gear. The same goes for any quests that pop up throughout the continent, like murder investigations, bandit raids, etc.
I actually have to put up a thinggy on the update tab about that.

I'll type that up after this last posting cycle.
Hey Dark can I edit Ren's bio please? I need to go add something to it.

Personal vendettas should be taken alone though, since others won't really gain much from such a task. And it would slow down the main group from reaching the main goal. Just keep that in mind.

If completed in time though, the person that separated from the main group can meet back with them.
I know where Ren's personal mission is going to be placed in. If you'd care to take a look at Ren's CS please. I'm going to have his brother in a demon POW camp on the way towards the demon lands if that's okay with you Mr.Dark
Wow. I really made a character that will hate everyone, didn't I? Well, I'll type up a quick post responding to the king's speech, interacting with the group, and heading out of the castle for Rozemarijin. Is that alright with everyone?
[QUOTE="Darth Pai]Wow. I really made a character that will hate everyone, didn't I? Well, I'll type up a quick post responding to the king's speech, interacting with the group, and heading out of the castle for Rozemarijin. Is that alright with everyone?

I think her commentary is hilarious, admittedly. Not everyone can be happy-go-lucky, can they? Ya did good, love. :3
*swoons* Deltoids called me love!

Just realized I forgot to copy a chunk at the end of the post out from word but whatever. It was just a bunch of insulting thoughts.
Hey all, I'll try to get a post in today but since it is Christmas, that's easier said than done. If I don't have a post by midday tomorrow, SKIP ME!

Because I'll be traveling to visit my grandparents and I won't access internet till Sunday.

@Darth Pai
Darksoul90 said:
And @Kharmin , for the moment, yes I am :)
Been tied down with holidays and in-law visitations and have fallen behind. Not sure I'll recover anytime soon, so I'm going to just bow out now before I get started and leave things hanging. Thanks, anyway. Maybe next RP. ;)
Kharmin said:
Been tied down with holidays and in-law visitations and have fallen behind. Not sure I'll recover anytime soon, so I'm going to just bow out now before I get started and leave things hanging. Thanks, anyway. Maybe next RP. ;)
Aw. :c Hope to be in a roleplay with you in the future!
Thanks for the sentiment @Darth Pai I just didn't want to join here and do dis-service to everyone else because I wouldn't be able to keep up with things. Hopefully, some other time. ;)

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